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來源:胡俊生    瀏覽:

一、項目名稱 汽車輪胎生產基地項目
Car tire production base project
二、項目內容 承接產業轉移,打造汽車輪胎生產基地。
Industries to relocate, to build tire manufacturing base.
三、合作方式 獨資、合作
四、項目建設條件 中國市場對輪胎的需求量在不斷增長中,隨著中國汽車市場的井噴式發展,從2002年到2005年四年間,中國輪胎市場一直保持爆發式增長。據統計,2006年,我國輪胎產量達到1.9億條,同比增長11.4 %,發展速度居全球之冠。輪胎全行業銷售收入898.3億元,同比增長23.4%。2007全年我國輪胎行業仍將以15%的速度增長, 2011年我國輪胎總需求量約3.5億條。與此相對應的是,歐美輪胎市場徘徊不前甚至倒退,眾多輪胎制造企業紛紛削減產能,加大對中國地區的投入,整個國際輪胎產業呈現出十分明顯的產業轉移趨勢。另一方面,繁昌確實具備發展輪胎產業的條件,在化工產業、能源、物流、人才、汽車工業基礎方面,有著扎實的基礎,區位優勢明顯。
C    China’s market demand for tires is growing, with China’s auto market development spurt, from 2002 to 2005, four years, the Chinese tire market has remained explosive growth. According to statistics, in 2006, China’s tire production reached 190 million, an increase of 11.4% growth rate ranks highest in the world. Tire industry-wide sales 89.83 billion yuan, an increase of 23.4%. The year 2007 China’s tire industry will continue to grow at a rate of 15%, in 2011 China’s total demand of the tire about 350 million. This corresponds with European and American tire market stagnating or even reverse, many tire manufacturers have cut capacity, increase investment in China, the international tire industry has shown a very significant transfer of industry trends. On the other hand, the development of the tire industry Fanchang does have conditions in the chemical industry, energy, logistics, human resources, basic aspects of the automotive industry, has a solid foundation, the advantage is obvious.

五、投資情況 投資額15億元人民幣。
In    Investment of 1.5 billion yuan
六、效益分析 年產各類輪胎300萬條以上,實現產值20億元/年,現稅利3.5億元/年。
Annual output of more than 3 million tires realize output value of 20 billion / year, is profits and taxes 350 million yuan / year.

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