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會長       何如意    301-768-***   ruyihe2012**[ta]**il.com


副會長    吳惠秋    410-402-***(O)     hhqwu**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    沈月亮    301-792-***   connieshenus**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    馮寧平    301-661-***   fengnp**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    黃雷       240-205-***   huang_lei95**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    許綱       202-384-***   Markxu2000**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    于建國    240-498-***   James99yu**[ta]**oo.com


副會長/秘書長      孫杰       301-728-***(H)     Jjay_sunda**[ta]**mail.com


副會長    柏羽       301-880-***   Amber.bai**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    王龍來    202-449-***(H)     wanglonglai**[ta]**mail.com


副會長    高揚       240-271-***   gaoyang6699**[ta]**il.com





名譽會長       何曉慧    301-512-***   cccaa2008**[ta]**il.com


名譽會長       劉平中    443-794-***   hp_lau**[ta]**oo.com


名譽會長       龔錦       240-631-***(H)     jgong0201**[ta]**oo.com


會長       何如意    301-768-***   ruyihe2012**[ta]**il.com


副會長    吳惠秋    410-402-***(O)     hhqwu**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    沈月亮    301-792-***   connieshenus**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    馮寧平    301-661-***   fengnp**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    黃雷       240-205-***   huang_lei95**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    許綱       202-384-***   Markxu2000**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    于建國    240-498-***   James99yu**[ta]**oo.com


副會長/秘書長      孫杰       301-728-***(H)     Jjay_sunda**[ta]**mail.com


副會長    柏羽       301-880-***   Amber.bai**[ta]**oo.com


副會長    王龍來    202-449-***(H)     wanglonglai**[ta]**mail.com


副會長    高揚       240-271-***   gaoyang6699**[ta]**il.com


財務總長       解維虹    301-916-***(H)     Xie99**[ta]**oo.com


財務總監       龔錦       240-631-***(H)     jgong0201**[ta]**oo.com


法律顧問       梁仲平    202-223-***(O)     ulawus**[ta]**.net





安徽同鄉會    余本智    240-720-***(H)     benzhiyu**[ta]**il.com


安徽之友聯誼會    石德秀    240-426-***   dexiu**[ta]**oo.com


北京同鄉會    黃雷       301-476-***(H)     huang_lei95**[ta]**oo.com


東北同鄉會    趙凈       240-205-***   ejzhao**[ta]**mail.com


東北同鄉會    孫立英    240-507-***   ls208502000**[ta]**oo.com


重慶同鄉會    朱曉波    301-461-***   Pzhu0221**[ta]**il.com


福建同鄉會    陳思和    301-318-***   Kuen2832**[ta]**.com


美國福建同鄉聯合會    鄭永健    703-848-***(O)     xinguansigns**[ta]**oo.com


廣東同鄉會    李伯建    240-210-***   kenpklee38**[ta]**oo.com


廣西同鄉會    王五一    301-638-***(H)     wwangtime**[ta]**mail.com


海南同鄉會    張英華    202-210-***   yinghuazhang1959**[ta]**oo.com


海南同鄉會    王龍來    301-332-***   wanglonglai**[ta]**mail.com


河北同鄉會    高揚       240-354-9*** fetlockyang1980**[ta]**oo.com


河北同鄉會    穆紅       240-888-***   Mhong2012**[ta]**mail.com


河南同鄉會    盧全生    202-449-***(H)     luquansheng**[ta]**mail.com


黑龍江同鄉會       柏羽       240-271-***   Amber.bai**[ta]**oo.com


福建猴嶼聯誼會    張子永    301-526-***   kennysubs**[ta]**il.com


福建猴嶼聯誼會    張文捷    301-526-9*** Kennyzhang168**[ta]**oo.com


湖北同鄉會    熊力君    301-880-***   xionglijun**[ta]**mail.com


湖北同鄉會    䢖霞    301-537-2*** wang.jianxia**[ta]**oo.com


湖南同鄉會    奉華林    240-475-***   wallyfeng**[ta]**il.com


江西同鄉會    劉成龍    301-424-***   LcLchn**[ta]**oo.com


江蘇暨南京同鄉會       王曉春    571-277-***   Wang_xc**[ta]**oo.com


美國湖北同鄉聯合會    宋志穎    703-679-***   dr.song**[ta]**il.com


寧夏同鄉會    傘泓       240-463-***   san_hong**[ta]**mail.com


山東同鄉會    劉風強    202-784-***(W)    Rf_qi**[ta]**oo.com


上海同鄉聯合會    王敏       202-306-***   min_wpwang27**[ta]**oo.com


山西同鄉會    解維虹    703-503-***(H)     Xie99**[ta]**oo.com


四川暨重慶同鄉會       劉杰       571-331-0312 tongyuanju**[ta]**oo.com


天津同鄉會    陳紅       240-632-***(H)     mailbox9855**[ta]**oo.com


無錫同鄉會    陶亮風    703-589-***   lftao**[ta]**oo.com


五邑同鄉會    周重顯    703-255-***(H)     Ether_usa**[ta]**mail.com


西北同鄉會    李暉       301-916-***(H)     huili_67**[ta]**oo.com


(聯合會理事會由各同鄉會會長或派出代表組成 )





安徽同鄉會 黑龍江同鄉會 天津同鄉會 安徽之友聯誼會 華盛頓福建猴嶼聯誼會 無錫同鄉會 北京同鄉會 湖北同鄉會 五邑同鄉會 東北同鄉會 湖南同鄉會 西北同鄉會 重慶同鄉會 江西同鄉會 新疆之友聯誼會 福建同鄉會 江蘇暨南京同鄉會 徐州同鄉會 美國福建同鄉聯合會 美國湖北同鄉聯合會 全美甘肅聯誼會 廣東同鄉會 寧夏同鄉會 印支華人互助中心 廣西同鄉會 山東同鄉會 云南同鄉會 海南同鄉會 上海同鄉聯合會 浙江同鄉會 河北同鄉會 山西同鄉會 河南同鄉會 四川暨重慶同鄉會


美國華人同鄉聯合會聯合會成立于二零零二年五月。聯合會由在美國華人同鄉會作為團體會員聯合組成。目前,美國華人同鄉聯合會有34個會員團 體,包括了絕大部份華盛頓地區的同鄉會。美國華人同鄉聯合會每年舉辦華盛頓地區大型春節晚會,中秋游船或慶祝活動、盛大國慶餐會。美國華人同鄉聯合會并協同其他華人社團共同 舉辦中國文化節,中美文化藝術交流等。美國華人同鄉聯合會在促進中美交流的同時還積極推動華人華僑融入主流社會。



Coordination Council of Chinese-American Associations

The Coordination Council of Chinese-American Associations (CCCAA) was stablished in May 2002 as a non-profit organization in Maryland. In 2003, it became a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Service Code 501? (3). The primary purpose of the CCCAA is to unite Chinese-Americans of all walks of life and to assist them to become more successful in the American society. As an "umbrella" organization, the CCCAA currently has twenty-nine member associations with a total of several thousand individual members. This makes the CCCAA one of the largest Chinese-American organizations in the greater Washington area. Generally, the individual members of each association within the CCCAA are bonded together by their common heritage -- they (or their ancestors) originally came from the same province or major city in China and speak the same dialect. While the CCCAA does not have any direct control over the internal affairs of the member associations, it functions as the focal point that promotes the unity of these associations to achieve our common goal. More importantly, the CCCAA serves as the primary voice for its member associations on a wide range of community issues.


The objectives of the CCCAA are to promote Chinese-American culture and heritage, to assist and advance the integration of Chinese-Americans into the American mainstream, to promote and advance the general well-being of Chinese-Americans, to provide cultural education and social assistance to the Chinese-American community, and to actively contribute to the American society. To achieve these objectives, the CCCAA organizes, sponsors, and coordinates a number of appropriate social, cultural and educational events. Examples of the events that are organized, sponsored, or coordinated by the CCCAA include, but are not limited to, the following: voter registration, leadership and communication skills training, language education, charity contribution campaigns, community service projects, Luan New Year Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, the annual Chinese Culture Festival, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month activities, and working with other Asian American communities on a number of important initiatives including the Lunar New Year Recognition Campaign and other public policy issues.


It is our hope that, through these activities, the CCCAA will be able to help bridge the cultural gap between East and West, to further promote understanding among people with different cultural background, to outreach to other communities, and to facilitate the integration of Chinese-American culture into the American cultural mainstream. We would be more than happy to work with you on a wide range of social, cultural, and community initiatives and projects that would bring people together and benefit the American society. We welcome your ideas and suggestions. Your inputs and support will help us improve and grow. Let's forward together!


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