香港中華商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
Add: 香港中環干諾道中24-25號4字樓
4/F, 24-25 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.
Tel : 852- 2525 6385 Fax: 852- 2845 2610
新加坡中華總商會 Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Add : 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365.
Tel : (65) 6337 8381
Fax : (65) 6339 0605
韓國中華總商會 Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Add: 10 Floor, Seoyeong Building 57-9, Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Tel : 02-6001-8888
泰國中華總商會 Thai- Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Add: 889 Thai C.C.Tower, 9th Floor, Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, Thailand.
Tel : (662) 6758574-84
Fax : (662) 2123916
澳門中華總商會 Macau Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Add: 澳門新口岸上海175街號中華總商會大廈5樓 Rua de Xangai 175, Ed. ACM.5, Macau.
Tel : (853) 2857 6833 Fax: (853) 2859 4513
日本中華總商會 Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Add: 104-0061 東京都中央區銀座 8-2-12東京華僑會館3F
Tel : 03-3575-5050
Fax : 03-3575-1005
Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce889 Thai C C Tower, 9/Fl., Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, Thailand.
Tel : (662) 6758574-84
Fax : (662) 2123916
Singapore Chinese Chamber of
Commerce & Industry9/F., 47 Hill Street #09-00 Singapore 179365 Singapore
Tel : (65) 6-3378381
Fax : (65) 6-3390605
Federation Filipino-Chinese
Chambers of Comm & Ind Inc.6/Fl., Federation Center, Muelle De Binondo Street, Manila
Tel : (63) 2-2419201
Fax : (63) 2-2422361 / (63) 2-2422347
Chinese Chamber of Commerce,
Bandar Seri Begawan72 ,Jalan Roberts, P. O. Box 281, Bandar Seri Begawan BS 8670, Brunei Darussalam
Tel : (673)2-235494 / (673) 2-235495 / (673) 2-235496
Fax : 673)2-235492 / (673) 2-235493
柬埔寨 - Cambodia
Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce22, Kramuon Sar St. Psar Thmey ll, Daun Penh, Phnom penh, Cambodia.
Tel : 00855-23-21 2265
Fax : 00855-23-21 2270
寮國 - Laos
Laos National Chamber of
Commerce and IndustrySihom Road, P.O. Box 4596, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
Tel : 00856-21-9223/4
Fax : 00856-21-9223
緬甸 - Myanmar
The Union of Myanmar Federation
of Chambers of Commerce and Industry504/506 Merchant Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 0095-1-24 6495
Fax : 0095-1-24 8177
越南 - Vietnam
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (VCCI-HCM)171 Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Tel: (848) 932 6598 / 7301 / 6992
Fax: (848) 932 5472
Chinese Indonesia AssociationGedung Raharjo Lt. 7, Jl. Roa Malaka Utara, #5-6 Jakarta, 11230, Indonesia.
中華全國工商業聯合會 - 全國工商聯
All-China Federation of Industry &
Commerce ( All-China General
Chamber of Industry & Commerce )No. 93, Beiheyan Street, Beijing 100006, China.
Tel : 0086-10-6513 6677-2312
Fax : 0086-10-6513-1769
Korea Chinese Chamber of
Commerce & Industry (KCCCI) #1704 Trade tower 159-1, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-729, Korea
Tel : 82-2-3141-1998 , 82-2-6001-8888
Fax : 82-2-3142-1997 , 82-2-6001-8889
Chinese Chamber of Commerce in JapanRoom 403, 3-2-12 Lidabashi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 102-0072 Japan.
Tel : 0081-03-3221-9988
Fax : 0081-03-3221-9896
Macao Chamber of CommerceRua de Xangai 175, Ed. ACM. 5, Macau
Tel : (853) 576833 / (853) 799-0168
Fax : (853) 594513
The Chinese General Chamber
of Commerce, Hong Kong4/F, 24-25 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong.
Tel : 00852-2525 6385
Fax : 00852-2845 2610
The Western Australian Chinese
Chamber of Commerce and Industry1304 Hay Street, West Perth, Wa 6005 Australia
Tel : 00618-9481 8228
Fax : 00618-9481 8288
科威特 - Kuwait
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & IndustryP.O.Box 775 Safat (Code 13008), State of Kuwait
Tel : +965 80 55 80
Fax : +965 243 38 58
卡塔爾 - Qatar
Qatar Chamber of Commerce & IndustryP.O.Box 402, Doha - State of Qatar
Tel : + 974 466 1518 / 455 9111
Fax : + 974 466 1693
達曼 - Dammam
Dammam Chamber of Commerce & IndustryP.O.Box 719, Dammam 31421 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel : +9663 857 1111
Fax : +9663 857 0607
巴林 - Bahrain
Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & IndustryP.O.Box 248, Manama - Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel : +973 1757 6666
Fax : +973 1721 3970
杜拜 - Dubai
Dubai Chamber of Commerce
& IndustryP.O.Box 1457, Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Tel : +971 4 202 8534
Fax : +971 4 202 8553
Polish Chamber of CommerceTrebacka Str. 4
00-074 Warsaw
Tel : + 48 22 630 96 00
Fax : + 48 22 827 46 73
The Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of Romania2, Octavian Goga Blvd, Sector 3
Bucharest, zip 030982, Bucuresti Romania
Tel: +40 21 319 0088
Fax: +40 21 311 7512
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryH-1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos ter 6-8
Tel : +36 1 474 5144
Fax : +36 1 474 5149
Czech Chamber of CommerceFreyova 27, 190 00 praha 9 – Vysocany
Tel: +420 266 721 300
Fax: +420 266 721 690
地址: 香港中環干諾道中 24 – 25 號香港中華總商會大廈
電話:(852) 2525 6385
傳真:(852) 2845 2610
Macao Chamber of Commerce
Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Chinese Entrepreneurs Society of Canda