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2015第三屆 中國成都國際海外置業及旅游地產展覽會
來源:重慶港華    瀏覽:

2015第三屆 中國成都國際海外置業及旅游地產展覽會  

2015   Chengdu   International Overseas Housing & Tourist Real Estate Exhibition  

BILS & LPS 2015 chengdu Overseas Property Investment Exhibition  



2015 Chengdu Overseas Study and Immigrant Education Exhibition held at the same time  



Sponsor:   Huaxi   City   Daily   



Organizer: Chongqing Tianlin Exhibition Co. Ltd   



Time and place: June 27-28, 2015  

四川全省轄7地區,3自治州、13地級市,18縣級市,150縣,8自治縣,面積近57萬平方公里,人口8724萬。四川是中國重要的工業基地之一成都電器、量具刃具、攀枝花鋼鐵、川中油氣田、自貢鹽化工、內江制糖、瀘州和宜賓等地的釀酒工業等馳名中外。攀枝花鋼鐵公司、成都飛機工業(集團)公司、長虹集團、希望集團、中國第二重型裝備廠、東方電氣集團等為代表的一大批國有企業和民營企業,聞名國內外。四川是一個綜合科技力量較強的省份科研機構、大專院校、中等?茖W校和技術學校、中等師范學校、職業高中、普通中小學等都發展到了一定的規模,排名西部第一。四川山川秀麗、旅游資源豐富。九寨溝、峨眉山等著名景區以其奪目的光彩受到海內外的廣泛關注。  四川是全國的農產品供應大省,是國家最大的糧、油、豬生產基地之一。經濟作物油菜籽、甘蔗、茶葉、柑桔、蠶絲產量居全國前列;中藥材馳名中外;銀耳、生漆、毛竹等產品享譽全國。  

Sichuan is a big province of agricultural products supply, one of the biggest production bases of grain, oil and swine with the forefront output of industrial crops, rapeseed, sugarcane, tea, oranges and silk; renowned traditional Chinese medicinal materials; and tremella, raw lacquer, moso bamboo and other products.   Sichuan   Province   has jurisdiction over 7 districts, 3 autonomous prefecture, 13 prefecture-level cities, 18 county-level cities, 150 counties, 8 autonomous counties, with an area of 570,000 square kilometers and a population of 87.24 million.  Sichuan  is one of the major industrial bases in   China  . Chengdu electrical equipment, measuring and cutting tools, Panzhihua steel, Chuanzhong oil and gas field, Zigong salt chemical engineering, Neijiang sugaring, wine industry in Luzhou and Yibin have won fame at home and abroad. A large number of state-owned and private enterprises, Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company, Chengdu Air Industry (Group) Company, Changhong Group, Xiwang Group, China Second Weight Equipment Plant, Dongfang Electric Group, etc are famous all over the world.   Sichuan   has stronger comprehensive scientific and technological power. The scientific research institutions, universities and colleges, secondary specialized schools and technical schools, secondary normal schools, vocational high schools, common elementary and middle schools, etc have had a definite development, ranking first among western provinces.   Sichuan   has beautiful mountains and rivers, rich tourism resources. The famous scenic spots, Jiuzaigou,   Mount   Emei  , etc have received wide attention at home and abroad for the eye-dazzling radiance. Sichuan is a big province of agricultural products supply, one of the biggest production bases of grain, oil and swine with the forefront output of industrial crops, rapeseed, sugarcane, tea, oranges and silk; renowned traditional Chinese medicinal materials and tremella, raw lacquer, moso bamboo and other products.  



As the  third  exhibition specific to the increasing tourist real estate and overseas investment and house purchasing and immigrant industry, the 2014 Chengdu International Overseas Housing & Tourist Real Estate Exhibition will welcome the enterprises related to tourist real estate, overseas house purchasing, immigrant, investment, overseas study, employment and other fields, which are from dozens of countries and regions of Mainland China, Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Africa, etc with the aim of exploring Chengdu market for the tourist real estate developers, real estate for the aged and school district real estate developers to provide a professional and rapid interactive platform for the face-to-face communication between developers and house purchasers.   



Exhibition scope:  



Exhibition zone for overseas real estate projects: high-end houses, top-end apartments, golf villas, luxury villas, villas facing water, mountain view villas, commercial real estate, special garden marketplace, industrial real estate, overseas real estate, educational real estate, overseas study and immigrant, governmental city image promotion and other real estate investment projects of the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Cyprus, etc.    



Exhibition zones for quality buildings of coastal cities: sea-view houses, mountain-view houses, water-view houses and quality buildings of Haikou, Sanya, Qionghai, Wenchang, Danzhou, Wanning of Hainan; Zhuhai, Shenzhen; Beihai; Weihai, Yantai and other coastal cities.   



Exhibition zone fro tourist city real estate projects: tourist real estate projects of Mount Emei, Mount Qingcheng, Chongqing Fairy Mountain, Simian Mountain, Yellow Water, Qijiang, Guilin, Mount Huang, Kunming, Lijiang, Xishuangbanna, Tengchong, Xishui, Zunyi, Guiyang, Lichuan and other tourist cities and tourism areas, including tourist attraction real estate, tourist commercial real estate, tourist vocation real estate, tourist hotels, real estates for the aged, holiday villages, property right hotels and time-right hotels for timesharing holidays, tourist housing real estate, etc.   



Scopes of audience:  


Rich and powerful people in rich list, celebrities, collectors and connoisseurs, fashion buyer and luxury professionals, VIP private gold clients of all banks and securities institutions, bank senior executives and senior management staff of five-star hotels  


Owners and prospect clients of top-end real estate and luxury villas, readers of high-end magazines, owners of luxury cars of Chengdu, Chongqing and neighboring areas, VIP members of all private clubs, golf clubs, members of chamber of commerce,   



Participation fee:  


1、            冠名:50萬元  (回報備索)  

1. Title sponsor: 500000 (rewards ready for claim)  


2、            華西都市報報紙廣告參展企業可享受優惠價 13/整版,依此類推。  

2. Participation enterprises of the newspaper advertisement of Huaxi City Daily can enjoy a preferential price of 130000 / full page, and so on.   


3、            標準展位(3*3米)國外4000美元/   國內25000/  依此類推。   

3. Standard exhibition booth (3*3 meter) $4000 / per booth abroad, domestically 25000 yuan / per booth, and so on.   



Media publicity   



⊙To cooperate with high-end financial and economic media and real estate media, to continuously popularize exhibition brands and activities by combining advertisements and special subjects to cover business people of financial, real estate and other industries.    



⊙To release exhibition information reports with hotspot columns of all large TV stations.   



⊙To launch exhibition special project publicity activities with local traffic radios and literature and art radios.  



⊙To release a large number of hard advertisements and soft texts in mainstream city media and professional media to cover effective audience comprehensively.   



⊙To cooperate with media to directly deliver exhibition introduction to financial institutions, five-star hotels, high-end office buildings, high-end clubs, bars, teahouses, gyms, themed restaurants and other network. 



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