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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

2014 - 2020主權財富基金各國專家名錄

Expert Family Name Expert First Name Expert 1st Nationality Code Most Recent Current Employer Name Employer City Employer Country Specialized Field


A.Vargas Patricia BR Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh United Kingdom

Aalto Seija FI ****ANS Breda Netherlands

Abbaci Azzedine DZ National Research Center of Welding and non destructive Testing Annaba Algeria

Abkarian Manouk FR CNRS Montpellier France Soft condensed matter


Aboltins Arturs LV Riga Technical University Riga Latvia

Aboudarham Jean FR Observatoire de Paris Meudon-Paris France Very large data bases:archiving,handling and analysis

SSA - Space Situatonal Awareness

Space weather

Modelling,Databases and Risk Analysis

Data mining and searching techniques

Data archiving

Data and image processing

Abraham Odile FR Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports,de l'aménagement et des réseaux Bouguenais cedex France Structural engineering

Mechanical engineering

Measurement technology

Concrete technology

Concrete engineering

Civil engineering

Absil Philippe BE imec Leuven Belgium Photonics

Photonic integration,photonic integrated circuits


Optical interconnects

Micro- and nanoelectronics,optoelectronics


Acarman Tankut TR Galatasaray University Istanbul Turkey

Achauer Ulrich DE Université de Strasbourg Strasbourg France

Ackermann Günter DE Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg Hamburg Germany Systems engineering

Simulation engineering

Maritime engineering

Electrical engineering

Electrical and electronic engineering

Control engineering

Automation and control systems

Acocella Valerio IT Dipartimento Scienze Geologiche Roma Tre Roma Italy Volcanology

Natural sciences



Geochemistry and geophysics

Environmental sciences

Adamatzky Andrew UK University of the West of England Bristol United Kingdom

Adamos Dimitrios EL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece



Adelh Didier FR MBA consulting SARL MEYLAN France

Adelmann Hanns Christoph DE Imec Leuven Belgium

Agathos Spyros EL Université Catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium

Agayn Venetka NL INNOSO bv Den Haag Netherlands

Aginako Arri Leire ES EUSKALTEL S.A.Bilbao Spain

Agostini Ivetta* IT CEFRIEL Milano Italy

Agren Hans SE Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden Physical sciences

Ahmetovic Elvis BA University of Tuzla,Faculty of Technology Tuzla Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aho Ilkka FI TeliaSonera Helsinki Finland

Aho Jaakko FI AC2SG Software Oy Tampere Finland

Ahrne Lilia*maria PT Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg Sweden

Ahson Kemal UK Lifeworld Ltd London United Kingdom

Aigner Manfred AT Yagoba GmbH Graz Austria

Ailamaki Anastasia EL EPFL Lausanne Switzerland Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Technological sciences

Computer architecture,pervasive computing,ubiquitous computing

Akan Aydin TR Istanbul University Hospitals Istanbul Turkey

Akerkar Rajendra IN Western Norway Research Institute Sogndal Norway

Akhgar Babak UK CENTRIC at Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield United Kingdom


Aksnes Astrid NO Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway Spectroscopy


Micro- and nanoelectronics,optoelectronics


Applied optics

Albano Gian Luigi IT National School of Administration Rome Italy Supply chain management

Regulatory framework for innovation

Innovative procurement

Innovation policy

Energy Efficiency

Alber Gernot AT Technische Universität Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany

Albístur Goñi Aránzazu ES Zabala Innovation Consulting Madrid Spain Reference Materials

Materials engineering (biomaterials,metals,ceramics,polymers,composites,etc.)


Materials Engineering

Albu Mihaela RO Politehnica University of Bucharest Bucharest Romania

Aleksieva Veneta BG Technical University of Varna Varna Bulgaria

Alexandre Paul BE SABCA (Société Anonyme Belge de Construction Aéronautique)

Brussels Belgium

Alexandrino Pereira Morgado Carla Sofia PT Faculty of Architecture,University of Lisbon Lisbon Portugal

Alexandru Monica Viorela RO Bauconzept Engineering Bucharest Romania


Alexopoulou Efthymia EL CRES PIKERMI ATTIKIS Greece

Ali Zulfiqur UK Teesside University Middlesbrough United Kingdom Types of innovation

Technologies involving the manipulation of cells,tissues,organs or the whole organism (assisted reproduction)


Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA,proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interv


Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale)


Micro- and nanoelectronics,optoelectronics

Medical laboratory technology (including laboratory samples analysis diagnostic technologies)


IT skills and competence

Industrial biotechnology

Higher Education

Forensic science

Conductting comparative analysis of education systems

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Chemical instrumentation

Bioproducts (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock)

biomaterials,bioplastics,biofuels,bioderived bulk and fine chemicals,bio-derived novel materials

Bioprocessing technologies (industrial processes relying on biological agents to drive the process)


Biomaterials (as related to medical implants,devices,sensors)


Applied and industrial chemistry

Analytical chemistry

Alitalo Kari FI University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland Natural sciences

Medical sciences

Alleau Thierry FR Association Francaise de l'Hydrogene et des Piles à Combustible PARIS France Low temperature fuel cells

Hydrogen storage

Hydrogen energy systems

Allotta Benedetto IT University of Florence Firenze Italy Vehicle engineering

Robotics and automatic control


Ocean engineering

Navigation,guidance,control and tracking

Maritime archaeology

Marine equipments subsystyems

Almansa-Martin Ana Rosa ES Institute of Science and Technology Austria Klosterneuburg Austria

Almasque Ekaterina DE Novus Energy Partners London United Kingdom

Almeida Osborne*francisco Xavier Arthur UK Max Planck Society Munich Germany

Almeida Nuno PT Almeida Consulting Ltd Southampton United Kingdom

Almeida Mario De PT Primesys - Portugal Telecom Sao Paulo Brazil

Almirall Esteban ES ESADE Barcelona Spain

Almouzni Geneviève FR Institut Curie - CNRS Paris France Molecular biology

Epigenetics and gene regulation

Alonistioti Athanassia EL N.K.University of Athens Athens Greece

Altenhoener Reinhard DE Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin Germany

Althaus Marco DE Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau Wildau Germany

Altug Hatice TR Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Boston United States

Alvarez Federico ES IRT Munich Germany

Alvarez Ballesteros Marta ES Duke University Beaufort,North Carolina United States

Alves Helena PT University of Aveiro Aveiro Portugal

Amann Rudolf DE Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen Germany 0

Amayra Javier ES Hexascreen Culture Technologies S.L.Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona)


Amer-Yahia Sihem FR CNRS Grenoble France Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Informatics and information systems

Amir-Alikhani Hamid UK Panasonic Europe Lengen Germany

Anani Adi SE Umeå University Umeå Sweden

Anderl Reiner DE Technische Universität Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany Technological sciences

Systems analysis and models development

Production technology

Mechanical engineering


Computer graphics

Andersen Signe Bech DK Danish and Greenlandic Geological Survey Copenhagen Denmark

Andersen Peter DK Technical University of Denmark Roskilde Denmark Photonic components


Medical physics


Biomedical engineering

Applied optics

Andersen Kristinn IS University of Iceland Reykjavik Iceland

Andersen Kristina DK PatchingZone Rotterdam Netherlands

Andersson Claus Asbjørn DK Sunstone Capital - Life Science Ventures Copenhagen OE Denmark Venture capital

Technology development

Project financing

Health sciences

Health-related biotechnology

Due diligence

Company valuation


Andersson Roger SE Artic Steel Circle Luleå Sweden

Andersson Lars Jonas SE Teknopol AB LUND Sweden

Andersson Göran SE ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland Power transmission

Electricity grid control systems

Andlauer Steven FR TILIDIA Clapiers France

Andreou Andreas CY University of Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus

Andres Miguel Vicente ES Universidad de Valencia BURJASSOT Spain Wireless communications,communication,high frequency,mobile technology

Optics,non-linear optics and nano-optics

Optical engineering,photonics,lasers

Lasers,ultra-short lasers and laser physics


Andres Dochao ES La Palma del Condado Municipality La Palma del Condado Spain Traditions

The management and implementation of Humanitarian Aid Initiatives

IT skills and competence

Innovation strategies

Good governance in sport


Experience in the field < 4 years

Event moderation

Andres-Lacueva Cristina ES University of Barcelona Barcelona Spain

Andriessen Hieronymus NL TNO Eindhoven Netherlands Physical sciences


Organic chemistry

Andriolli Nicola IT Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy Telecommunications engineering

Photonic components


Network tecnology


Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Broadband technol***

Angelidis Pantelis EL VID****O Thessaloniki Greece Telecommunications technology

Standardisation of technologies

Medical technology

Biomedical engineer***

Anglade Amelie FR Amelie Anglade Freelance Data Science Consultant Berlin Germany Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)


ICT & art

Anguelovski Isabelle FR UAB Barcelona Spain Urban studies (Planning and development)


Social structure,inequalities,social mobility,interethnic relations

Social sciences,interdisciplinary

Environmental sciences (social aspects)

Anjou Jan SE Jan Anjou Business Advisor London United Kingdom

Anthony Richard UK Universtity of Greenwich Greenwich United Kingdom

Antonelli Gianluca IT Universita' di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale Cassino Italy

Antoni Laurent FR CEA Grenoble France Electrochemistry,batteries and fuel cells

Clean vehicles

Antoniades Andreas EL Panteion University Athens Greece

Apostol Anca Ramona RO Corvers Procurement Services B.V.de

n Bosch Netherlands Social sciences


Apostolatos Stavros EL INTERCHEM HELLAS S.A.HALKIDA Greece Technological sciences

Appelhagen Sabine DE FitForCamera Munich Germany Promotion and advertising

Marketing strategy

Brand positioning

Aracil Javier ES Universidad Autónoma de Madrid MADRID Spain FIRE,Future Internet Research and Experimentation

Electrical and electronic engineering

Computer hardware and architecture

Arak Robin UK Archway Engineering (UK)

Limited Elland United Kingdom

Araujo José FR French Network and Information Security Agency (ANSSI)

PARIS France

Araujo Renata BR Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO Rio de Janeiro Brazil Technology development

Social innovation

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)


On-line democracy

Experimentally-driven research and innovation


Business models

Business analysis

Aravanopoulos Filippos EL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece

Arbona Antonio ES University of the Balearic Islands Palma de Mallorca Spain Software development

Parallel computing

Medical physics

Distributed computing

Computational physics

Arden Wolfgang DE Semiconductor Technology Consultancy (private)

Muenchen Germany


Argyrakis Panagiotis EL University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece

Argyropoulos Savvas EL Informatics and Telematics Institute Volos Greece Technology evaluation

Technology commercialisation

Technology assessment



Innovation strategies

Electrical and electronic engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Arief Leonardus*budiman UK Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom (user-centric)

privacy preservation

Trustworthy ICT


Security systems


Open Source Software

IT Security


Computer science

Arioli Alessandro IT Agro Energy Experts Srl Bucharest Romania Food products

Energy technology

Energy policy

Energy management


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