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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Grün Sonja DE Research Center Juelich Juelkich Germany Biology (theoretical,mathematical,thermal,cryobiology,biological rhythm),Evolutionary biology

Grupen Roderic US University of Massachusetts Amherst United States

Gryszkiewicz Lidia*aleksandra PL Public Research Centre Henri Tudor Luxembourg Luxembourg

Grzebyk Slawomir PL Nordea IT Poland (Sector:IT)

Gdynia Poland

Guadagni Gianluca IT University of Virginia Charlottesville United States

Guarneri Maria Renata IT Fondazione Politecnico Milano (FPM)

Milano Italy

Gudmundsson Snorri IS GC Venture Consulting Valletta Malta

Guédon Jean-Claude FR Université de Montréal Montreal,Quebec Canada

Guenther Elke DE NMI TT GmbH Reutlingen Germany

Guenther Matthias DE Fraunhofer Bremen Germany

Guergova-Kuras Mariana FR Ariana Pharma Paris France

Guerra Jose Manuel ES Laser Quanta Madrid Spain Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)


Lasers and laser optics

Guerreiro Carlos PT Codento Helsinki Finland

Guerrero Carmen ES University Carlos III Madrid Leganes Spain

Guhl Tim DE KUKA Laboratories GmbH Augsburg Germany

Guhl Stefan DE TU Bergakademie Freiberg Freiberg Germany Production technology,process engineering

Clean Coal

Chemical engineering,technical chemistry

Guidotti Guido IT Harvard University Cambridge MA United States Physical chemistry of biological systems


Biochemistry and molecular biology

Guilherme Oliveira Da Silva Vanneschi Sara PT Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon Lisbon Portugal

Guillemot Christine FR INRIA RENNES France Signal processing

Networked audiovisual systems

Multimedia techniques

Multimedia content

Information technology

Image processing

Future technology

Guneriussen Tore NO University of Tromso TROMSO Norway Space System Software

Software development

Remote Sensing Instruments /Sensors

Remote sensing

Radiation physics

Experimental physics

Günes Mesut DE University of Muenster Münster Germany

Güneş Gürbüz TR TUBITAK GEBZE Turkey

Gunnarsen Lars DK Aalborg University Copenhagen Denmark

Günter Peter CH ETH Zürich Zürich Switzerland

Gurciullo Stefano IT University College London London United Kingdom

Gustafsson Niklas SE ANNOVA Scandinavia AB UMEA Sweden

Gutiérrez-Lanza Sara ES GMV Sistemas S.A.U.Tres Cantos Spain

Haakana Arto FI Green Net Finland Vantaa Finland

Haas Gunther DE MICROOLED Grenoble France Technological sciences

Research to business

Related to SME and start-up support

Physical sciences

Haav Hele-Mai EE Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Technical University Tallinn Estonia

Haber Guerra Rodolfo* ES Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)

Madrid Spain

Hacihabiboglu Huseyin TR Middle East Technical University Ankara Turkey

Hacker Viktor AT Graz University of Technology Graz Austria Hydrogen energy systems

Fuel cell technology

Energy,fuels and petroleum engineering

Chemical engineering (plants,products)

Hadchouel Michelle FR inserm Paris France Research integrity and research misconduct

Haelterman Harald BE Ghent University Ghent Belgium Social sciences


Haffner Patrick US AT&T Middletown United States

Haider Hilde DE University of Cologne Cologne Germany Psychology (including human - machine relations)


Experimental psychology

Cognition (e.g.learning,memory,emotions,speech)

Haider Markus AT TU Wien Vienna Austria Thermodynamics

Technology development

Other engineering and technologies

Mechanical engineering

Chemical engineering,technical chemistry

Haines Michael UK Cofree Technology Ltd Pershore United Kingdom Industrial clusters

Hydrogen energy systems

Chemical process engineering

Carbon capture and sequestration

Haji Abbassi Puja DE Giant Swarm Cologne Germany

Hakala Hannu FI Technology Centre Hermia TAMPERE Finland

Häkkinen Leila FI The Academy of Finland Helsinki Finland Social sciences,interdisciplinary

Other biological topics

Natural sciences

Hakonen Pertti FI Aalto University Espoo Finland Solid state physics

Quantum technology



Molecular electronics

Experimental physics

Electronic,magnetic and superconductive properties

Electron-based nano-devices

Halbert Catherine IE Customised Food Industry Training Ltd T/A Halbert Research Cork Ireland

Haller Michael IT University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Hagenberg Austria Wearable technologies

Users and interactive retrieval

Smart objects and interaction design

Human computer interaction

Collaborative and social computing

Haller Brian UK Alstom Power Rugby United Kingdom Technological sciences

Physical sciences

Natural sciences

Mechanical engineering

Hallsteinsen Svein NO SINTEF Trondheim Norway Software technology

Internet technology

Halsnæs Kirsten DK The Technical University of Denmark,DTU Lyngby Denmark Policy making and economics

Hämäläinen Jorma FI TeliaSonera Helsinki Finland Telecommunications engineering

Technological sciences

Satellite technol***

Hämäläinen Esa FI Uponor Oyj Tampere Finland

Hamari Pirjo*maarit FI National Board of Antiquities Helsinki Finland

Hamrin Martin SE Sirius International Stockholm Sweden

Handschuh Siegfried DE University of Passau Passau Germany

Hankey Judith UK Fibercore Ltd Southampton United Kingdom

Hansen Annika Sonne DK SemInte Horsholm Denmark

Haro Rodríguez José Pablo ES Isdefe Madrid Spain Global Satellite Navigation System (GN***

/Services & Applications

Air Traffic Management ATM

Aircraft Avionics,Systems & Equipment ****S

Harris Kenneth UK uNI London United Kingdom

Harrison Richard UK Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Stanford in the Vale Oxfordshire United Kingdom Space weather

Solar physics

Interplanetary space


Astronomy (including astrophysics,space science)

Hart David UK E4tech Lausanne Switzerland

Hartigan Patrick IE EIT Digital Eindhoven Netherlands

Hartwig Katrin DE Audi AG Ingolstadt Germany

Hassas Salima FR Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Polytech Lyon)

Lyon France

Hastie Helen UK Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh United Kingdom


Hatton Jason UK European Space Agency Noordwijk Netherlands Plant sciences,botany

Other biological topics

Developmental biology

Cell biology,Microbiology

Biochemistry and molecular biology

Hatzitaki Vassilia EL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece

Häuser Christoph DE Museum fuer Naturkunde - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science Berlin Germany

Havlik Stefan SK EPFL -Swiss Federal Inst.of Technology Lausanne Switzerland

Hayes Ben UK Trilateral Research London United Kingdom

Hayet Marie FR Self-employed Wirral United Kingdom

Haynes Cole US Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York United States 0

Hedden Peter UK Rothamsted Research Harpenden United Kingdom Natural sciences

Hedelind Mikael SE ABB Corporate Research Västerås Sweden Robotics

Industrial robot

Human robot collaboration

Heeren Ronald NL Maastricht University Maastricht Netherlands

Heikkurinen Matti FI Emergence Tech Ltd Kent United Kingdom Technology transfer

Research to business

Informatics and information systems

High performance computing


Heinen Jörg DE RWE Deutschland AG essen Germany Generation of heat

Fuels technology

Energy storage

Energy,fuels and petroleum engineering

BTT3 Alternative fuels

Alternative fuels and (transport)


Heino Perttu FI Tampere University of Applied Sciences Tampere Finland

Heinrich Wolfgang DE Ferdinand-Braun-Institut fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik Berlin Germany Radio engineering

Electronic engineering

Heinzel Carsten DE University of Bremen Bremen Germany Production technology

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping,mounting,joining,separation)


Materials engineering

Held Barbara DE Federal Agency for Public Safety Digital Radio (BDBOS)

Berlin Germany Technology evaluation

Secure Societies

Policy and Support

Information science (social aspects)

Heldal Ilona SE University of Skövde Skövde Sweden Technology

Technological sciences

Knowledge engineering

Computer engineering

Communication sciences

Communication engineering

Hellio Claire FR University of Brest Brest France

Helten Frank DE MT HELTEN BERLIN Germany

Hemkemeier Boris DE Commerzbank AG Frankfurt Germany

Hempel Thomas DE Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH Erlangen Germany

Hendrickson Tamara L.US Wayne State University UNKNOWN Pitcairn 0

Hennekam Raoul NL University College London London United Kingdom Pediatrics

Human teratology

Clinical medicine

Chronic diseases

Brain research

Henriksen Torben K DK European Space Agency Noordwijk Netherlands

Herault Laurent FR CEA-TECH Grenoble France

Herbert Thorsten DE NOW Gmbh Berlin Germany Transport engineering

Technological sciences

Low emission technology in transport

Fuel cell technology


Alternative fuels

Hernandez-Leo Davinia ES The University of Sydney Sydney Australia

Herndl Thomas AT Infineon Technologies Austria AG Graz Austria

Herrera Ivonne NO Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway

Herrera Frederic IE Proton Labs Dublin Ireland School/universities directors

Radio and Cross-Media - Culture

Market development

IT skills and competence

Event moderation

Cultural heritage - Culture

Business models

Archives and Librairies - Culture

Herron-Marx Sandra UK The Open University (UK)

MIlton Keynes United Kingdom

Herzog Tamar ES Harvard University Cambridge United States Social sciences,interdisciplinary



Cultural and economic geography

Hesthaven Jan DK Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland Scientific computing and data processing

Numerical analysis

Mathematics for High-Performance Computing

Application of mathematics in sciences

Application of mathematics in industry and society

Heuschkel Marc DE Qwane Biosciences SA Lausanne Switzerland

Heymann Elisa ES University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison United States

Hickson Ian UK University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark Human genetics

Hildebrand Axel DE Daimler Protics GmbH Ulm Germany

Hildebrandt Mireille NL Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels Belgium

Hill Goff UK Europlan-UK London United Kingdom

Hilz Hauke DE University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven Bremerhaven Germany

Himanen Mervi FI Digital Living Finland Oy Helsinki Finland

Himmelstein Jesse FR CRI Paris France

Hinchey Michael IE Lero-the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre Limerick Ireland

Hirdes Rudolph NL ACH - Aviation Consultancy Holland Santpoort-Noord Netherlands

Hirsch Charles BE Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels Belgium

Hirsch François FR French National institute fo health and medical research (Inserm)

Paris France Technological sciences

Social sciences


Ethics in health sciences

Hirsch Ann US UCLA Los Angeles,CA United States Plant nutrition

Plant growth

Natural sciences

Hitchcock David UK Logical Events Limited London United Kingdom

Hjørnholm Morten DK Ministry of Justice Copenhagen Denmark Social structure,inequalities,social mobility,interethnic relations

Social policies,work and welfare

Hjorth Jens DK University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark Cosmology


Astronomy (including astrophysics,space science)

Hjuler Hans Aage DK Danish Power Systems Lyngby Denmark Technological sciences

Electrochemistry,batteries and fuel cells

Hladik Vit CZ Czech Geological Survey Praha Czech Republic

Hlavinek Petr CZ Brno University of Technology Brno Czech Republic Technological sciences

Hoeborn Gabriele DE University of Wuppertal Wuppertal Germany Gender in natural sciences

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Agriculture related to crop production,soil biology and cultivation,applied plant biol***

Hoenders Cor NL Hoenders Papendrecht Netherlands Transport Railway

Sustainable transport


Höfer Stefan AT Medical Universtity Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

Hoffmann Friederike DE University of Bergen Bergen Norway

Hoffmann-Vogel Regina DE Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe Germany

Hofman Hans NL National Archives of the Netherlands The Hague Netherlands Information science (social aspects)


Cultural history,cultural memory

Hofmann Ulrich DE University of Freiburg Freiburg Germany

Hofmann Bjørn NO University of Oslo Oslo Norway

Hofmann-Wellenhof Bernhard AT Graz University of Technology GRAZ Austria Natural sciences

Global Satellite Navigation System (GN***

/Services & Applications

Hokkanen Heikki FI University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland

Holland Owen UK University of Sussex Brighton United Kingdom Robotic cognition

Intelligent robotics,cybernetics

Artificial intelligence,intelligent systems,multi agent syst***

Hollmén Jaakko FI Aalto University/Helsinki University of Technology Espoo Finland Numerical analysis,simulation,optimisation,modelling tools,data mining

Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)

Holm Anette SE City of Stockholm City of Stockholm Sweden Organisational management /development

Business governance

Holman Lindsay UK Televisua Limited Dunfermline United Kingdom

Holm-Larsen Helge DK BioGasol ApS Ballerup Denmark

Holt Erika FI VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Finland Nuclear engineering

Materials technology

Materials Engineering

Infrastructures engineering


Geological engineering

Construction technology

Concrete engineering

Holthofer Harry FI Dublin City University DUblin Ireland

Holtkamp Bernhard DE Fraunhofer Dortmund Germany System of systems

FIRE,Future Internet Research and Experimentation


Holz Thorsten DE Ruhr-University Bochum Bochum Germany Systems networks

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