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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Construction,Civil engineering,Infraestructures

Wang Jin UK Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool United Kingdom

Wang Lihui CA KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden Systems engineering

Monitoring and control systems

Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping,mounting,joining,separation)


Industrial robot

Automotive engineering


Warminski Jerzy PL Lublin University of Technology Lublin Poland

Wasson Barbara CA Uni Research AS Bergen Norway Technological sciences

Learning studies


Artificial intellige***

Wasylyk Bohdan UK CNRS ILLKIRCH France

Watine Virginie FR THALES AIR SYSTEMS RUNGIS France System of systems

Secure Societies

Embedded systems

Watson John IE Celmatic Consulting Newbury United Kingdom Way Andy UK Dublin City University Dublin Ireland LinguisticsWebb Philip UK Cranfield University Bedfordshire United Kingdom Robotics and automatic control

Other engineering and technologies

Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping,mounting,joining,separation)


Automation and control systems

Aerospace engineeringWebb Ruth UK Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 Lille France Humanities

Wegrzyn-Wolska Katarzyna PL Group Efrei (Higher Engineering Schools)

Villejuif France

Weilnboeck Harald DE Minor Projektkontor Berlin Germany

Weimer Jürgen DE e-drives Ammerbuch Germany

Weinbach Jerome FR National Institute for Health and Medical Research Inserm Paris France

Weisbuch Gerard FR CNRS paris France

Weiss Peter DE Weiss4 Dr.Peter Weiß Rottweil Germany

Weisshaupt Thomas DE Gemalto M2M GmbH Munich Germany

Weissmann Sigrid DE HegeSaat Gmbh & Co.KG Singen Germany

Wekerle Thomas AT Medical University of Vienna Vienna Austria Transplantation

Suppression immunotherapies


Wemhoener Nils DE Kuehne

+ Nagel Management AG Zurich Switzerland

Wen Jennifer UK University of Warwick Coventry United Kingdom Thermodynamics

Mechanical engineering

Fluid mechanics,hydraulic-,turbo-,and piston engines

Engineering and engineering trades

Energy systems (production,distribution,application)


Chemical process engineering

Wender Jan DE science

+ computing ag Tübingen Germany Scientific computing and data processing

Numerical analysis and scientific computing

High performance computing

Wenger John IE University College Cork Cork Ireland

Wennerberg Pinar DE Microsoft Munich Germany

Wertheimer Reiner DE BIT Technology Solutions GmbH Herrsching Germany

Wesner Stefan DE BelWue Stuttgart Germany

Westbroek Philippe BE Nanobranes bvba Gent Belgium

Westermann Dirk DE Ilmenau University of Technology Ilmenau Germany Power transmission

Power distribution

Hybrid energy systems

Electricity grid systems

Electricity grid control systems

Electrical engineering

Decentralised power generation

Westhoff Daniel DE 3D-Route-Scan GmbH Hamburg Germany

Wetterwald Michelle FR Consult Europe Sophia Antiplois France

Weyrich Michael DE University of Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany

Wheeler Stephen UK Plymouth University Plymouth United Kingdom

Whitaker Roger*marcus UK Cardiff University Cardiff United Kingdom

Whitehouse Michael UK RWE Generation UK PLC Swindon United Kingdom

Whitelaw Emma AU La Trobe University Melbourne Australia Medical sciences

Epigenetics and gene regulation

Biological scien***

Whiting Susan CA University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Canada Therapeutic nutrition

Nutrition related disorders


Whyles Gaynor UK JERA Consulting Dursley United Kingdom

Wichstrøm Lars NO NTNU Social Science Trondheim Norway

Wiecek Dariusz PL National Institute of Telecommunication Wroclaw Poland

Wieczorek Sebastian DE SAP SE Berlin Germany Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Real time data analytics

Internet Services & Applications

Internet of Things

Internet and semantic web,database systems and libraries

Cloud computing

Wiederhold Brenda US Catholic University Milan Italy

Wiesner Karoline DE Bristol University Bristol United Kingdom Statistical physics:phase transitions,noise and fluctuations,models of complex systems,etc.

Quantum optics and quantum information

Physical sciences

Applied mathematics

Application of mathematics in sciences

Wiggenhauser Herbert DE BAM Berlin Germany Integrated systems testing & evaluation

Condensed matter properties

Wijshoff Harry


Leiden Institute of Advenced Computer Science Leiden Netherlands

Wilkens Martin DE University of Potsdam Potsdam Germany

Willbold-Lohr Gabriele DE Fachhochschule Köln Koeln Germany

Williams Fiona IE Ericsson Herzogenrath Germany Technological sciences

Williams Geoff UK University of Durham Durham United Kingdom

Williams Mark UK Brunel University London London United Kingdom Knowledge transfer


Willies Jennifer UK Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh United Kingdom Project management and coordination

Innovation support services

Collective Awareness Platforms

Willmott Steven UK 3scale networks Barcelona Spain

Wilson Frank UK INTERACTION DESIGN LTD London United Kingdom

Wimmer Erich FR Materials Design,Inc.and S.A.R.L.Montrouge France

Winbladh Johan DK GroupM Copenhagen Denmark

Winder Elizabeth UK Winder Research and Training Oxford United Kingdom Psychiatric disorders (e.g.schizophrenia,autism,Tourette's syndrome,obsessive compulsive disorder,depression,bipolar disorder,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)


Mental health care

Human rights

Winklhofer-Roob Brigitte AT Karl Franzens University of Graz Graz Austria Natural sciences

Health sciences

Winter Eyal IL The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jersusalem Israel 0

Wintgens Thomas Josef DE University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Muttenz Switzerland

Wirix-Speetjens Roel BE Materialise N.V.Leuven Belgium

Wisniewski Rafal PL Aalborg University Aalborg Denmark ODE and dynamical systems

Control theory and optimization

Control engineering

Automation and control systems

Witkowska Emilia PL Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw Poland Ultra-cold atoms and molecules

Metrology and measurement

Wnuk Ryszard PL The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency Warsaw Poland Thermal engineering

Technological sciences

Systems engineering

Woelfel Roman DE Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology Munich Germany

Wojcicka-Migasiuk Dorota PL Lublin University of Technology Lublin Poland Technological sciences

Wolber Dirk DE German Police Bonn Germany

Wolff Thorsten DE Robert Koch-Institut Berlin Germany Viruses



Wolkerstorfer Johannes AT xFace Graz Austria

Wolter Katinka DE Freie Universität Berlin Berlin Germany

Wong Alan UK University of Southampton Southampton United Kingdom

Woodcock James UK University of York York United Kingdom Computer science

Woolfe Mark UK Food Standards Agency London United Kingdom Technological sciences

Food and beverages

Woolman Paul UK NHS Forth Valley Scotland Stirling United Kingdom

Worsa-Kozak Magdalena PL Stowarzyszenie Hydrogeologów Polskich (Polish Society of Hydrogeologists)

Sosnowiec Poland

Wright George UK BBC London United Kingdom

Wrobel Sophie CA iQser GmbH Walldorf Germany

Wuensche Hans Joachim DE University of the Bundeswehr Munich Munich Germany Sensing & Perception




Würtz Rolf P.de Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany Robotics

Robotic perception

Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)


Computer engineering

Biomedical engineering

Wyart Claire US ICM Paris France Zoology,Ornithology,Entomology,Behavioural sciences biology

Physiology (including cytology)


Neurosciences (including psychophysiology)


Developmental biology

Biophysics (e.g.transport mechanisms,bioenergetics,fluorescence)

Wymeersch Henk BE Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg Sweden Robotics and automatic control

Electrical and electronic engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Wynants Marleen BE Nux Publica Brussels Belgium Social sciences,interdisciplinary

Social sciences

Innovation support services

Innovation and diversity (e.g.gender)


Information science (social aspects)



Gender research


Xanthopoulou Galina EL National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos Athens Greece Technology


Environmental science

COM Combustion



Xavier Parreira Josiane BR Siemens AG Vienna Austria Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Internet and semantic web,database systems and libraries

Informatics and information systems

Xenakis Christos EL University of Piraeus Piraeus Greece

Xenidis Anthimos EL National Technical University of Athens Zografos Greece


Xirouchakis Paul EL EPFL Ecublens,Vaud Switzerland

Xu Hongqi SE Lund University Lund Sweden

Yahyapour Ramin DE GWDG - University Göttingen Göttingen Germany Standardisation of technologies

Service providers

Scientific computing and data processing

Parallel computing

Networks beyond 3G

Internet technology


Distributed computing

Yakusheva Tatiana BE Belgacom Brussels Belgium

Yalcintas Gulbas Sanem TR Hacettepe Technology Transfer Center Inc.Ankara Turkey

Yamanoglu Ridvan TR San Diego State Univesity San Diego United States

Yang Liu CN INVISTA Shanghai China (People's Republic of)

Yannakoulia Mary EL Harokopio University Athens Greece

Yanson Dan UK TheWhollySee Company Haifa Israel

Yasa Evren TR TUSAS ENGINE INDUSTRIES,INC.ESKISEHIR Turkey Non-destructive inspection and evaluation

MMP Metallic Materials & basic processes

Laser-based manufacturing and materials processing

Dimensional metrology

AMP Advanced Manufacturing Processes & Technologies

Yellup John UK JMY Associates Grantham United Kingdom

Yeo John UK Centre for Economic Policy Research London United Kingdom

Yesilada Yeliz CY Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus Guzelyurt Turkey Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Internet technology

Human computer interaction and interface,visualization and natural language processing

Computer technology

Computer engineering

Communication technology

Yesilata Bulent TR GAP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Center Sanliurfa Turkey

Young Brigitte US University of Muenster Muenster Germany Political sciences

Political economy


International economics

Financial science

Financial markets,asset prices,international finance



Economic policy

Young Trevor IE University of Limerick Limerick Ireland Manufacturing of aircrafts

Flight physics FLP

Aerostructures AST

Yun-Casalilla Bartolome ES Pablo de Olavide University,Seville Seville Spain Philosophy,History and philosophy of science and technology

History of economic thought and quantitative economic history


Historical demography

Economic history,development

Cultural history,cultural memory

Zabochnicka-Swiatek Magdalena PL Czestochowa University of Technology Czestochowa Poland

Zafalon Roberto IT STMicroelectronics srl Agrate Brianza (Milano)


Zagalo Nelson PT Universidade do Minho Braga Portugal

Zahariadis Theodore EL Technical Educational Institute Chalkida Greece

Zahid Mohsine DE ElringKlinger AG Dettingen an der Erms Germany

Zambrini Roberta IT CSIC,Spanish research council Palma de Mallorca Spain Thermodynamics

Quantum optics and quantum information

Optics,non-linear optics and nano-optics

Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)


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