項目簡介:高吸水樹脂是一類新型的功能高分子材料,其特點是可吸收自身重量幾百倍至上千倍的水,即使在加壓的情況下也不會釋放。因此,該類材料已廣泛應用于農業、林業、牧業、園藝、花卉、生理衛生用品、芳香劑緩釋材料、藥物崩解劑和重金屬離子吸附劑等領域。馬鈴薯淀粉及其衍生物合成的高吸水樹脂具有以下優點:具有自主知識產權;吸水量高,是目前市場銷售產品的2-3倍(例如:吸去離子水1000-3000g/g ,自來水300-500g/g,生理鹽水100-120g/g,人工尿140-160g/g);生產成本在1.5-1.8萬元/噸之間(市場同類產品售價為3.0-3.5萬/噸);品種全,并且個別產品還含有植物生長必需的氮、磷和鉀元素,因此具有明顯的市場競爭力。
Project Name:Series of super-absorbent resins synthesized
by potato starch and its derivatives
Introduction:Super-absorbent resin is a new type of functional polymer materials, which is able to absorb several hundreds or thousands times of water of its own weight. Even under pressure,the water will not be released. Thus, they have been widely used in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, horticulture, flowers, physiological hygiene products, aromatic slow-release material, drug disintegrating agents, heavy metal ion adsorbents and so on.
Our super-absorbent resins are synthesized by potato starch and its derivatives,which have the following advantages: independent intellectual property rights, with water absorption 2-3 times higher than others products (e.g. absorbing deionized water 1000
生產流程:原料青干處理→原料粉碎處理→儲存回性→輸送上料→除鐵→攪拌、混合、均質 →壓制成型→自然風干→計量包裝→檢驗入庫→成品。
Project Name:Biomass Briquetting Equipment
Introduction:Biomass Briquetting Equipment 9SYX—IV A/B Biomass Briquetting Equipment Set is a new dual-use (fuel & feed) equipment to fit for different raw materials. The product has passed the farm machinery appraisal of Hebei province in 2009 and been listed in 2009—2011 Catalogue of National Recommended Farm Machinery. It consists of loading system, even-preloading system, compression molding system and feeding system etc. It applies to process various materials such as different kinds of crop stalks, herbs, branches, leaves, roots, bamboos, sugarcane, cassava, beet, herbal residues, urban biomass garbage and animal feeding stuff.
Project Name:Research and Development on High Hydrostatic Pressure Fruit Juice
Introduction:The project was one of the key points of "Application and demonstration of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on fruit processing", approved by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission on June 2010. HPP can inactivate most vegetative cells of microorganisms and some enzymes near room temperature, resulting in the almost complete retention of nutritional and sensory characteristics of fresh food. The purpose of this project is to evaluate effects of HHP on microbiological safety and quality attributes of different fruit products, optimize the HHP processing parameters and develop HHP fruit juice including strawberry juice, mango juice, purple sweet potato juice, carrot juice and yellow peach juice. The research achievements will provide support for establishment of production line of HHP fruit products and application of HHP commercialization in fruit.
Project Name:The application of high-efficiency organic matter-decomposing inoculant on the main crops straw
Introduction:This projec had finished all of the work which include strains Filtration, optimizing the fermentation medium, conducting the experiment, building the model flat, demonstrating the effcts and how to use the organic matter-decomposing inoculant on wheat straw, corn stalk,rice straw. Our company has perfect process system, so the quality of our product is stable. Our company has the production capacity of 2000 ton per year. The product got good price, so we had collaborated with over 20 units. The product of this project can decompose wheat straw, corn stalk, rice straw quickly to produce organic fertilizer.
Project Name:Technology of Preparation and Application of a Compound Microbial Agent to regulate physiology and intestinal environment of animals
Introduction:This project aims at producing a compound microbial agent including four probiotics, e.g. Bacillus Licheniformis Capsules, Enterococcus Faecom, Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus casei. This project includes strains which have been selected originally, complement producing process and application strategies and the viable count in fermenting liquor is very high. Technology of preparation and application of compound microbial agent is an original creation based on deep understanding of the physiology and intestinal environment balance of animals and includes well-developed strains and complementing process.
Project Name:Disease and pest resistant rice varieties suitable to grow in SE-countries
Introduction:The research institute work on new varieties resistant to brown planthopper, bacterial leaf blight and blast. These varieties present environment adaptability, high yield, high quality and specially resistance to main rice diseases and pests, and therefore, are good promising to grow in the Southeast Countries where rice diseases and pests occur seriously. We wish to collaborate with organizations and enterprises in Southeast Countries to commercialize and popularize these rice varieties
Project Name:Herbicide with low toxicity and high activity, fungicide, biopesticide—blasticidin
Introduction:Our main products include Fungicide (Azoxystrobin, Climbazole, ZPT) and Herbicide (Propyzamide, Lenacil, Metribuzin). Biopesticide--blasticidin is jointly developed by our cooperation with Shanghai Pesticide Research Insititute and Shanghai South Pesticide Research Centre. It firstly applies the fermentation of gray streptococcus to extract biofungicide--SPRI-90827. It can be used to prevent several plant mycoses like rice blast, powdery mildew, gray mold. It’s particularly suitable for powdery mildew which is the high incidence of plant mycosis in vegetable greenhouse. Its advantages are safe, low toxicity, broad-spectrum control and high activity.
We're the national fixed-point pesticide production enterprise and national Hi-tech enterprise with provincial technical center authenticated by Jiangsu Provincial Government. Our company has passed British Moody certification for its quality management system on ISO9001:2000, environmental management system certification on ISO14001:2004 and occupation health & safety management system certification on OHSAS18001:2007. Furthermore, we obtain SHE System approval by several world-renowned enterprises like Dupont , Unilever.
Project Name:Biological treatment of solid organic waste and fertilizer utilization
Introduction:The intensity and concentrated activity of the livestock industry generate vast amounts of biodegradable wastes, which must be managed under appropriate disposal practices to avoid a negative impact on the environment (odour and gaseous emissions, soil and water pollution, etc). Composting cannot be considered a new technology, but amongst the waste management strategies it is gaining interest as a suitable option for manures with economic and environmental profits, since this process eliminates or reduces the risk of spreading of pathogens, parasites and weed seeds associated with direct land application of manure and leads to a final stabilized product which can be used to improve and maintain soil quality and fertility. However, there are outstanding issues existing in composting industry such as composting cycle is long, low level of harmlessness and so on. Through some efficient methods like microbial agents inoculation, formula compound optimization, controlling and regulating conditions for rapid composting process, we sill establish a system of agriculture solid wastes, improve technologies of rapid composting and ensure the compost products safe, efficient and no smell. on the basis of these technologies, we could produce bio-organic fertilizer more efficiently, develop application procedures and finally build up the industrialization of the production.
Project Name:Agricultural products for producing natural macromoleclar biological materials
Introduction:Our project introduced some new patented technologies which are about bio-extracting and bio-transformating of processing salvaged materials from agricultural products for producing natural macromoleclar biological materials.
1. We use a bio-extraction method which can extract chitin(one of the natural biomaterials)effectively from silkworm chrysalis, fly maggot, mushroom root stalk and make further processing to obtain chitosan and chito-oligosaccharide.
2. We use a bio-transformation method which can transform the waste residue of processing potaes starch (including those of sweetpotato, potato, cassava) by fermentation to produce bacterial cellulose(BC).
3. We use the combined technique of bio-extraction and bio-transformation for treating the offcut of burr-wool waste, hoof and hoen,die kaldaunen offcut and leather debris to produce ε-polylysine.
As we know, Chitin and its derivative products, chitosan and chito-oligosaccharide, have been achieved to mass production for a long time. They have been used in a great many domains, such as foodstuffs, feedstuffs, medicament, agriculture, rubine, pro-environment, scincekit and so on. BC is a new generation nanometer level natural biological material which has been partly achieved into industrialization. The products of BC have been used in paper making, varnish and dyestuff, pharmaceutic adjuvant, medical materials, tissue engineering, membrane technology and other domains. ε-Polylysine is not only a excellent tag:gpc high absorbency resin, but also a outstanding broad-spectrum biologic preservatives. As we mentioned above, our project reuse the processing wastes of the farm produce to develop a vary kind of environment friendly products, which can not only obviously raise the value of the products, but also carry out the greenmanufacturing. So our project is a good pattern of the circular economy.