Project Name: Grape culture techniques
Introduction: The technique has been used in the research on selection and planting of fresh and vintage-used grape which adapts to the hot and humid weather of the southern
Project Name: Dry seaseon farming cultivated technology
Introduction: This research institute continuously working on rice resource, seed selection, planting, etc. It’s one of the institutes who brought out hybrid-rice “three-line” method. The institute equipped with different analysis and research office. In the fields of hybird-rice, the institute has worked out the famous “GUI
Project Name: Hybird-rice type 136 promotion in
Introduction: This institute work on the planting industry basic research and application technology. They mainly focus on the seed selection and planting for the crop, sugar, fruit, vegetable, oil and edible mushrooms as well as the farm products processing, nutrition study etc. There are around 20 different professional research ofice in this institute which covering sugar can, maize, vegetable etc.
項目簡介:該研究所是從事熱帶亞 熱帶作物研究及應用推廣為主的農業科研機構。現主要從事以茶葉、苦丁茶、中藥材、水果、甘蔗、木薯、園林花卉等熱帶、亞 熱帶經濟作物的“引種試種、良種選育、豐產栽培、加工利用、示范推廣”等綜合性科技研究開發與推廣工作為主。建立有:廣西優稀茶樹種質資源圃;龍眼種質資源圃;苦丁茶高產栽培示范及良種繁育基地;中藥材種植示范基地;烏龍茶引種栽培示范基地;龍眼、荔枝、澳洲堅果、山黃皮、蜜柚等熱帶亞 熱帶水果種植示范基地;甘蔗良種繁育基地等。
Project Name: Fine tea planting and processing technology promotion
Introduction: This institute works on the tropical and subtropical plants application and introduction. Now, mainly working on the tea, holly leaf tea, Chinese medicine, fruits, sugar can and cassava etc. The institute has equipped with excellent planting nursery garden for different plants.
55、項目名稱:熱帶亞 熱帶蔬菜優質高產高效標準化生產技術
Project Name: Tropical and subtropical vegetables planting and production technology
Introduction: This institute work on the vegetables industry basic research and application technology. They mainly focus on the seed selection, pest control as well as the preservation technology. There are 58 types of vegetable seeds were recognized as new good type.
項目簡介:該農業科學院主要承擔著農業應用基礎研究、高新技術應用及開發研究和科技興農服務,研究領域涵蓋了除水產、茶葉外大農業各個領域。設有畜牧獸醫、作物與核技術利用、植物保護與微生物、農村發展、蔬菜、蠶桑、農產品質量標準、環境資源與土壤肥料、園藝、病毒學與生物技術、食品科學、數字農業、棉麻、玉米、柑桔、亞 熱帶作物等16個專業研究所。
Project Name: Barely mild mosaic virus discovered into the disintegration of grass valley much slime mold
Introduction: This institute work on the planting industry basic research and application technology. The research fields covering most of the farm industry except for fisher and tea. There are about 16 professional research office which includes animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, vegetable, gardening, silkworm breeding and muibery growing, cotton, maize etc.
Project Name: Planting technology demonstration of
Introduction: This project has been implemented in ASEAN countries.
Project Name: Multi-way die forging technology
Introduction: In order to meet the demands of industries on nuclear power, thermal power, petroleum and petrochemical,
Project Name: Extension technology for electrical dust collector of power supply apparatuses
Introduction:The development for electrical dust collector high-pressure power supply apparatuses high power resonance circuits and the development for the digitization of controlling circuits and the refining manufacture of high-frequency transformers. The projects is mainly related to the higher -power design of high-frequency switching power supply for electronics and electric power speciality and the the development for the digitization of controlling circuits and the refining manufacture of high-power and high-frequency transformers.
1.減水率(水泥摻量0.25%) ≥25%
2.塌落度損失(30min) ≤
3.抗壓強度比 3d ≥180%
7d ≥150%
28d ≥140%
Project Name: Polycarboxylate high-efficiency water reducing agent
Introduction: This technology is used to fabricate polycarboxylate high-efficiency water reducing agent under temperate conditions(normal pressure, the reaction temperature is under
1)water reducing rate(cement content is 0.25%) ≥25%
2)slump loss(30min) ≤
3)compression strength ratio 3d ≥180%
7d ≥150%
28d ≥140%
Project Name: New biomedical technology
Introduction: Our company is specialized in producing pesticides, phearmaceutical intermediates and other chemical products. Existing products: ammonia sulphates, guanidine nitrates, nitroguanidines, imidazolidine, N-methyl-nitro guanidines, dicloxacillin chlorides,cloxacillin chloride, flucloxacillin chlorides, oxacillin chlorides, cloxacillin sodiums, dicloxacillin sodiums, flucloxacillin sodiums and oxacillin sodiums. We will continuously improve the level of production technology and develop new varieties to adapt the market demands.