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高速電動汽車產業園項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:擬建在河北香河環保產業園區。項目規劃用地總面積為520,其中廠房占地400畝,辦公樓占地100畝。投資估算與資金來源:總投資2億美元,資金來源為企業自籌 項目投資市場分析:中國把新能源汽車列為戰略性新興產業之一,提出重點插電式混合動力汽車、純電動汽車和燃料電池汽車技術,開展插電式混合動力汽車、純電動汽車研發及大規模商業化示范工程,推進產業化應用。未來我國電動汽車將迎來新一輪的發展。投資項目經濟效益:提高企業的經濟效益,更可以創造可觀的社會效益,增加就業崗位,緩解就業壓力。招商引資建設條件:項目建設地點位于香河環保產業園內,香河環保產業園已實現九通一平,基礎設施完備、交通便利。項目招商機構:河北香河環保產業園為河北省政府批準的省級園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由國興投資股份有限公司負責園區的整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作,目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完備。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:劉彬 胡序光 招商引資電話:0086-316-826*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-826*** 招商引資地址:河北香河環保產業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:xhjjgyy**[ta]**a.com


High-speed electric vehicle industrial park project

Project content and scaleproposed in Hebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park. Project planning land area of 520 acres, of which plant covers an area of 400 acres, the office covers an area of100 acres .Investment estimates and sources of fundsa total investment of 200 million US dollars, the source of funds for the enterprise self

Market AnalysisChina put new energy vehicles as one of the strategic emerging industries, put forward key plug-in hybrid vehicles, pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicle technology, to carry out plug-in hybrid vehicles, pure electric vehicle research and development and Large-scale commercial demonstration projects to promote industrial applications. The future of China's electric car will usher in a new round of development .Economic benefitsto improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can create considerable social benefits, increase jobs, ease employment pressure .Construction conditionsThe project construction site is located in Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park, Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park has achieved nine straight, complete infrastructure, convenient transportation .Chinese contractors OverviewHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park for the provincial government approved the provincial park, adhere to the "government to promote, business operations, market operation," the development model, by the State Investment Co., Ltd. is responsible for the overall development of the park, Infrastructure construction, investment work, the park has achieved nine straight, the infrastructure is complete .Mode of CooperationSole proprietorship

ContactContactLiu Bin Hu Xuguang Tel0086-316-826*** Fax0086-316-826*** AddressHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park Management Committee Post Code06*** E-mailxhjjgyy**[ta]**a.com


恒生科技園電子信息產業孵化器項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:占地面積200畝,設內容包括項目計劃總投資10,主要業態包括眾創空間、創業苗圃、孵化器、總部基地、現代化廠房、公共服務中心、成果展示中心、創業咖啡吧、健身休閑區、會議中心 。項目內容:主要建設花園式獨棟辦公樓、標準寫字樓、科技研發樓、企業定制或標準廠房及配套實施為一體的國際化科技綜合體。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額145億美元,企業自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:近年來,伴隨經濟發展及產業結構調整,創新型企業對于孵化器專業化服務的訴求越來越強烈,孵化器也開始向專業化方向不斷邁進。恒生科技園很早就有意識地引導建設專業孵化器,以發現、遴選和培育具有前瞻性、成長性、帶動性的“源頭”企業,服務于戰略性新興產業的生成與發展。投資項目效益分析:1投資項目總概算,本項目預計投入10億元打造行業標桿。2、解決就業人口,提供崗位8000-10000 3、上繳利稅,6000/ 招商引資建設條件:安次經濟開發區的區位優勢得天獨厚。距離北京40公里、距離天津60公里、距離首都第二國際機場(二機場現已動工,2018年底開通)僅僅15公里、距離首都機場60公里、距天津國際機場70公里、距天津新港80公里,完全達到“一小時最優工業區”的國際標準。項目招商機構:恒生電子股份有限公司,20001213日成立,經營范圍包括一般經營項目:計算機軟件的技術開發、咨詢、服務、成果轉讓等。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:孫水斌招商引資電話:1853366*** 招商引資郵箱:18037016**[ta]**com


Electronic Information Industry Incubator Projectof Hundsun Science & Technology Park

Project content and scaleit covers an area of approximate招商引資電話:133,300m2with a total planned investmentof onebillion Yuan; the main commercial forms include maker space, entrepreneurship nursery, incubator, headquartersbase, modern plant, public service center, achievement exhibition center, entrepreneurial coffee bar, fitness & leisure area, and conference center. Project contentit is mainly to construct an international integrated science and technology complex with garden-style independent office building, standard office building, science and technology R&D building, customized or standard plant, and supporting facilities .Investment estimation and capital sourcethe total investment of the project is145 million USD, which israisedby the enterpriseby itself .Market analysisin recent years, with the economic development and industrial restructuring, the requirements of innovative enterprises on specialized service of incubator have become increasingly stronger, and the incubator also began to develop into the direction of specialization. Hundsun Science & Technology Park has been consciously guiding the construction of specialized incubator early in order to discover, select, and cultivate leading enterprises with foresight, growth, and driving effect, thus serving the generation and development of strategic emerging industries .Economic benefit analysis1 Total investment estimatesit is expected to invest onebillion Yuan in this project to build industry benchmark;2 Employmentit is expected toprovidejobs for 8,000 to10,000 people;3 Payment of profits and taxes60 million Yuan per year .Construction conditionsAnci Economic Development Zone isendowed with advantageous location. It is 40 km from Beijing, 60 km from Tianjin,

m from Beijing Second International Airport (which is under construction and will be put into use bythe end of 2018), 60 km from Beijing Capital International Airport, 70 km from Tianjin Binhai International Airport, and 80 km from Tianjin New Port, which can fully meet the international standard of “Optimal Industrial Zone”-accessible with one-hour drive .Profileof Chinese organizerHundsun Electronics Co., Ltd. was established on December13, 2000 and its business scope includestechnicaldevelopment, consultation, services, and result transfer of computer software, etc .Cooperative wayJoint venture, Cooperation ContactPersonSun Shuibin Tel1853366*** E-mail18533661**[ta]**com



招商機構概況:廊坊益田投資開發有限公司位于永清工業區內,是以商業、制造業、旅游業、教育事業及新技術、新產品開發、投資為經營范圍的股份公司,注冊資本14000萬元,獨家承攬了永清工業區的開發、建設和管理。法定代表人:李玉田。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作。招商引資聯系人:李四新招商引資電話:1512768*** 招商引資電話:0086-316-669*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-669*** 招商引資地址:河北永清工業園區益田大廈 招商地址郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:yttzxmb**[ta]**com


Industrial Park City complex project

Project ContentMajor equipmentcentral air conditioning, management software, hot water circulating pump , air compressor , sewage pumps, etc. ; After the project is operational , the annual passenger can accommodate18 million passengers .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment USD 300 million , foreign investment USD 30 million .Market AnalysisDue to the current urban customer base mostly engaged in mental work, have a certain material basis , there is the ability to pursue high-end residential and strong will , and generally well-educated, with strong professional knowledge and professional competence and the corresponding household spending power, thus most of the pursuit of quality of life, longing for a high quality of life. The construction of the park complex is mainly Yongqing Industrial Park of central enterprises , journalism, publishing , digital printing and packaging industries of national service .Benefit AnalysisThe project is expected to total sales revenue of 64145 million yuan . Profits of 52098 million yuan , profit of 39073 million yuan .Construction ConditionsYongqing Industrial Area currently has invested 580 million yuan for infrastructure construction , has reached " a seven-level ", ie roads, water supply , drainage, electricity, gas , telecommunications, cable television networks unobstructed , land levelin***

General Description of Chinese SponsorMasuda Investment Development Co., Ltd. is located in Langfang Yongqing industrial area, is a commercial, manufacturing , tourism, education and new technology , new product development, the business scope of investment shares, the registered capital of140 million yuan , the exclusive contract Yongqing industrial zone development, construction and management. Legal representativeLi Yutian .Cooperative Formjoint venture, cooperation . ContactPersonSiXinLi Tel1512768*** 招商引資電話:0086-316-669*** Fax0086-316-669*** E-mailyttzxmb**[ta]**com AddressHebei Yongqing Industrial Park Nanshan Building


永清城市規劃展覽館項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:本項目總占地面積3628700平方米(5443),其中:建筑占地508200平方米;道路硬化1596446平方米;綠化占地1524054平方米。主要建設一棟3層展覽館,其中包括展陳區、會議區、辦公區、后勤區、設備區、走廊及其他。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:本項目投資總額43465萬美元,利用外資1500萬美元。項目投資市場分析:永清縣確立了“廊坊新市區、北京新空間”的發展定位。著眼由京津輻射形成的巨大文化消費市場,依托永清“宋遼戰爭歷史文化、永定河故道風情文化、現代農業休閑觀賞文化”三大文化底蘊,聘請知名文化創意設計機構,把傳統經典文化與現代科技、藝術手段高度融合,推出一批具有人文歷史特色、彰顯地域優勢、賦予現代內涵的高水平文化體驗產品,打造享譽京津的文化體驗和旅游休閑目的地。招商引資建設條件:項目所在地交通發達,信息流暢,環境優美,配套完善,地理位置優越,項目周邊無文物景觀及自然保護區,總體建設符合永清縣城市總體發展規劃要求。項目招商機構:永清鼎泰園區建設發展有限公司位于永清縣廊霸路東側、金雀大街南側。法人代表胡學文。注冊資本:貳億元。經營范圍:園區基礎設施建設與管理;土地整理。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:王鳳春招商引資電話:1561261***


Yongqing urban planning exhibition hall project

Project contentsThe project covers an area of 36287 square metres (5443 acres), includingbuilding covers an area of 5082 square meters; road hardening of 1596446 square meters; green covers an area of 1524054 square meters. The main construction of a 3 storey exhibition hall, including the exhibition area, conference area, office area, logistics area, plant areas, corridors and other .Investment estimation and fund sourcesThe project total investment is 43465 million dollars, utilization of foreign capital of $15 million

Market AnalysisEstablished the development orientation of Langfang new urban district, Beijing new space ". Focus on the great cultural consumption market is formed by the Beijing Tianjin radiation, relying on Yongqing "Song Liao war history and culture, Yongding river course style culture, modern agriculture and leisure tourism culture" of the three major cultural heritage, hired well-known cultural and creative design of mechanism, the traditional classical culture and modern science and technology, art means high integration, the introduction of a number of human history characteristics, highlight the geographical advantage, gives the modern connotation of the high level of cultural experience products, build reputation of Beijing's cultural experience and leisure tourism destination .Construction conditionsThe project location traffic developed, information flow, a beautiful environment, complete and perfect, the geographical position is superior, the project surrounding cultural landscape and natural protection zone, the overall construction meet the requirements of the overall planning of urban development in Yongqing county .General description of Chinese enterpriseYongqing Dingtai Park Construction Development Co. Ltd. is located in Yongqing County on the eastern side of the road, PA Lang broom street south. Hu Xuewen legal representative. The registered capital of 200 million yuan. ScopeConstruction and management of park infrastructure; land consolidation .Cooperationsole proprietorship

ContactWang Fengchun Tel1561261***


永清數字產業園項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目致力于打造中國首個超大型專業性數字產業園區,為新媒體企業提供大型計算和海量數據存儲服務,為國家智慧城市戰略提供基礎服務。包括網絡、IDC、云計算基礎服務。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目計劃投資15000萬美元,擬利用外資總額5000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:新媒體的發展與國家戰略迫切需要數字產業園,尤其在當今互聯網、物聯網高速發展,新媒體行業對計算資源、公共服務平臺需求正在急速擴大的大環境下,利用永清緊鄰北京的地理優勢,提前產業布局,搶占即將到來數字云產生發展的大先機。投資項目效益分析:預計年產值GDP 30-50/年,稅收11億。招商引資建設條件:永清縣豐富的天然氣、地熱資源,充足的能源供應以及良好的綠色生態環境為基地提供了得天獨厚的發展條件。永清縣處在京、津、滬三座超級都市交通地理核心,區位優勢異常突出,交通運輸便利,項目建設符合地區規劃要求。項目招商機構:北京良威利投資有限公司 招商引資合作方式:客商投資、與企業合資。招商引資聯系人:張昆 招商引資電話:0086-316-236*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-236*** 招商引資地址:河北廊坊市永清縣別古莊鎮政府(臺灣工業新城東區)

郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:18931689**[ta]**cn


The project of Yongqing digital industry park

Project ContentThe project is committed to build China's first super large professional digital industry park, provide large computing and mass data storage services for the new media enterprises, provides basic services for national wisdom city strategy. Including Network, IDC and computing infrastructure services

Investment Estimation and Fund SourceProject plans to invest $16129 million, plans to use $50 million more .Market AnalysisThe development of new media and national strategies in urgent need of digital industry park, especially the rapid development of network in the Internet and new media industries, for computing resources, public service platform is the rapid expansion of demand in the environment, the use of Yongqing adjacent to Beijing's geographical advantage, advance the industrial layout, to seize the up coming cloud produce of the development opportunities of digital .Benefit AnalysisThe estimated annual output of GDP 3-5 Billion RMB per year, tax110million RMB .Construction ConditionsYongqing county is rich in natural gas, geothermal resources, sufficient energy supply and good green ecological environment provides the development conditions be richly endowed by nature as a base. Yongqing County in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai three metropolis traffic geographical core, location advantages prominent, convenient transportation, the construction of the project meets the requirements of the planning area .General Description of Chinese SponsorBeijing Liang Wiley Investment Company Limited

Cooperative FormInvestment, and joint venture. ContactWay ContactPersonKun Zhang Tel0086-316-236*** Fax0086-316-236*** AddressYongqing County of Langfang province Hebei city Bie Guzhuang Zhen (the new East District of Taiwan industrial) Post Code06*** E-mail18931689**[ta]**cn


機電孵化園項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:河北鑄巢機電科技有限公司是一家以為機電產業提供綜合服務為主的科技企業孵化器公司。擬規劃建成各類標準廠房60000平米,寫字樓30000平米。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額2500萬美元,全部為自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:隨著孵化機電園的建設完成,機電產業集聚度越來越高,數量越來越多,對于機電企業的綜合服務也會越專業、深入。投資項目效益分析:機電孵化園預計產值約2億美元、銷售收入167億美元,利稅2500萬美元。招商引資建設條件:機電園擬規劃3年建成,包括基礎設施、廠房和辦公用房的建設。機電園的水、電、暖、路等基礎設施第一年全部完成; 項目招商機構:河北鑄巢機電科技有限公司是一家以為機電產業提供綜合服務為主的科技企業孵化器公司。公司注冊資金2000萬元,法定代表人夏潮,公司占地面積60畝,規劃建成各類標準廠房60000平米,寫字樓30000平米,為各類型加工企業提供生產經營用房和辦公用房。招商引資合作方式:獨資。公司運營后考慮股權轉讓。招商引資聯系人:孫曉東 招商引資電話:0086-010-6866*** 招商引資傳真:0086-010-6866*** 招商引資地址:北京市中關村石景山園古城中小科技企業基地D2 招商引資郵編:10*** 招商引資郵箱:jwtd_office**[ta]**com


The project of Incubated Electromechanical Park

Project ContentHebei Casting Nest Mechanical & Electrical Technologyco., LTD. Isa science and technologybusinessincubator,mainlyengaged in providing comprehensive services for mechanical and electronic industry .Investment Estimation and Fund Sourcethe total project investment is 25 million USD .Market AnalysisThe upstream and downstream industry will be driven by the developing of the large mechanical and electrical business .Our incubator will continually help the incubating

Benefit AnalysisThe output of our mechanical and electrical hatchery is expected to RMB12 billion( US$200 million),the sales will be RMB1 billion( US$167 million)

Construction ConditionsOur electromechanical park is planned to be finished within 3 years .the construction of infrastructure, workshops, and office buildings are all included. In the first year, the related infrastructures such as water, electricity, warm,

General Description of Chinese SponsorHebei Casting Nest Mechanical & Electrical Technology co., LTD. isa science and technologybusinessincubator, mainlyengaged in providing comprehensive services for mechanical and electronic industry .Cooperative FormSole proprietorship. We consider the implementation of share transfer once operated. ContactWay ContactPersonSun Xiaodong, Tel0086-10-6866*** Fax0086-10-6866*** AddressThe South flats D, 2nd layer ,No.19, Gu Cheng west street, Shijing shan District, Beijing City. Post Code10*** E-mailjwmd_sxd**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:現階段基地正在打造清潔動力樣車、新能源純電動樣車,今后公司將以清潔和新能源汽車作為未來產業發展的主攻方向。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:40000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:以霸州為中心,500公里的半徑范圍內,有100萬人口以上的城市11座,常住人口2億多,據不完全統計,京津冀公交車保有量近10萬輛,出租車保有量近20萬輛,重卡近6萬輛,發展LNG汽車產業市場潛力巨大。招商引資建設條件:該園區地處京、津、保三角中心,位于霸州市中部,廊滄高速在園區內設有出口,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,水、電、通訊等配套基礎設施完善。投資項目效益分析:依托LNG能源供應,大力發展LNG清潔能源汽車及相關產品配套產業,努力形成以整車配套需求帶動發動機研發、LNG儲運、核心零部件生產的完整產業鏈。項目招商機構:霸州市位于北京、天津、保定三個城市的金三角中心位置,距離北京70公里,距離天津70公里,距離保定65公里。幅員面積800平方公里,總人口60萬。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-786*** 招商引資地址:河北省霸州市行政中心1611 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:bzzsfwzx**[ta]**com


The project ofBazhou LNG automobile industrial park

Project ContentThis stage is to create a clean power base like cars, new energy electric vehicles like the future, the company will to clean and new energy vehicles as the main direction of future industrial development .Investment Estimation and Fund Source$ 400 million .Market AnalysisIn Bazhou center, within a radius of 500 kilometers, has a population of over one million city11, the resident population of over 200 million, according to incomplete statistics, Beijing, Tianjin and buses ownership of nearly100,000, taxi ownership nearly 200,000, nearly 60,000 heavy trucks .Construction ConditionsThe park is located in Beijing, Tianjin, security triangle center, located in the middle of Bazhou, Gallery Cang inside the park exit speed, superior location and convenient transportation .Benefit AnalysisRelying on LNG energy supply LNG to develop clean energy vehicles and related products supporting industries, efforts to form a vehicle matching the demand-driven engine development, LNG storage and transportation, the production of the core components of a complete industrial chain .General Description of Chinese SponsorLocated in the Golden Triangle Bazhou central location in Beijing, Tianjin and Baoding three cities, 70 km from Beijing, 70 kilometers from Tianjin, 65 kilometers from Baoding .Cooperative FormJoint ventures, cooperation ContactPersonFan Guodong Tel0086-316-786*** Fax0086-316-786*** AddressBazhou administrative center Room1611 Post Code06*** E-mailbzzsfwzx**[ta]**com



招商引資內容:項目投資總額32000萬美元,占地面積1000畝,由福興彩印包裝有限公司聯合中國包裝協會及國內知名包裝、印刷企業,打造國內領先的包裝印刷產業集聚工業園,整合包裝材料的原材料引進、生產制造、印刷、物流等多領域優勢企業,形成完整的產業集群。產業基地開發框架有四個主體構成,分別是工業熟地、產業載體產品、配套設施和政策服務。項目投資市場分析:目前園內已有霸州市福興彩印包裝有限公司、霸州市勝威包裝制品有限公司入駐。我們將依托福興公司BOPP薄膜領先的生產能力,吸引包裝材料的原材料引進、生產制造、印刷、物流等產業上下游優勢企業,市場前景良好。投資環境:霸州津霸經濟開發區地處京、津、保三角中心,津保高速公路在園區內設有出口,驅車15分鐘、25分鐘、40分鐘可分別到達天津市、天津機場和天津港,50分鐘可到達北京市區,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,配套基礎設施完善 招商引資合作方式:合資、合作均可。招商引資聯系人:李 招商引資地址:霸州津霸經濟開發區管委會 招商引資電話:0086-316-755*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-755*** E-mailbzjgyq**[ta]**com


Packaging printing industry base project

Content of the projectthe project total investment 2100000000 yuan, the project covers an area of1000 acres, from Fuxing Color Printing Packing Co. Ltd., China Packaging Association and the domestic well-known printing and packaging enterprises, to create the domestic leading packaging printing industry agglomeration Industrial Park, multi field advantage enterprise raw material import, manufacturing, printing, logistics, integration of packaging materials the formation of industrial clusters, complete. A framework for the development of industrial base has four parts which respectively is industrial prepared rhizome of rehmannia, industrial carrier products, supporting facilities and service policy .Market analysisat present, the park has Bazhou Fuxing Color Printing Packing Co., Ltd., Bazhou Shengwei Packing Products Co. Ltd. in. We will rely on the Fuxing company BOPP film leading production capacity, raw material import, manufacturing, printing, logistics industry to attract packaging materials enterprises upstream and downstream advantage, good market prospects .Investment environmentthe Bazhou Tianjin the economic development zone is located in Beijing, Tianjin, triangle center, Tsubo highway exits in the park, drove15 minutes, 25 minutes, 40 minutes respectively to reach Tianjin, Tianjin airport and Tianjin port, 50 minutes to reach the urban area of Beijing, geographical advantages, convenienttransportation, geographical location, perfect supporting infrastructure .Development modejoint venture and cooperation. ContactPersonLi Yang Contact Addressindustry park of Bazhou Tel0086-316-755*** Fax0086-316-755*** E-mailbzjgyq**[ta]**com


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