智能裝備制造設備生產研發基地項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目位于河北廊坊廣陽經濟開發區內,占地550畝,總建筑面積450000平方米,建設生產車間,廠房,產品研發中心,辦公樓,宿舍及附屬配套設施。投資估算與資金來源:本項目投資總額估算為29億美元,其中建設資金22億美元,流動資金07億美元。項目投資市場分析:智能制造裝備是《國務院關于加快培育和發展戰略性新興產業的決定》及《“十二五”國家戰略性新興產業發展規劃》中明確的高端裝備制造業領域中的重點發展方向之一。作為高端裝備制造業的重點發展方向和信息化與工業化深度融合的重要體現,大力培育和發展智能制造裝備產業對于加快制造業轉型升級,提升生產效率、技術水平和產品質量,降低能源資源消耗,實現制造過程的智能化和綠色化發展具有重要意義。招商引資建設條件:河北廊坊廣陽經濟開發區位于素有“京津明珠”之稱的廊坊市區東南隅,北接廊坊開發區,南至富士康工業園,西起廊坊市區,東臨天津界,京滬高鐵廊坊貨運場、京津塘高速廊坊出口近在咫尺。廣陽經濟開發區距北京40公里,距天津60公里,距首都機場和天津機場各70公里,距天津港100公里,形成了依托中心城市和空港、海港發展經濟的獨特區位優勢。首都國際機場、天津國際機場和天津新港都在1個小時的車程內,能夠充分實現公路、鐵路、陸海和空運的多式聯運的要求,廣陽經濟開發區附近有200多所高等院校和1000多家科研機構,為項目建設提供了豐富的人才和技術資源。投資項目效益分析:該項目建成后年可實現銷售收入20億元,可實現銷售利潤45億元,投資利潤率225%,投資回收期444年。項目招商機構:廊坊市榮華建設投資開發有限公司 招商機構簡介:公司成立于2008年1月7日,注冊資本:1億元。根據國家經濟發展戰略、產業政策和區域規劃的要求,主要針對工業園區基礎設施建設、房地產開發、旅游業、商業、餐飲業、城市基礎設施建設、木材加工業、運輸業、倉儲業的投資;工業廠房及綜合管網的銷售、租賃;土地整理。榮華投資逐步將成為廊坊市最具有發展潛力、勢頭強勁、多業并舉的建設投資開發公司。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作、獨資 招商引資聯系人:王偉,龐振宇 招商引資地址:廊坊廣陽經濟開發區宏業路66號 招商引資電話:0086-316-283*** 招商引資電話:0086-316-283*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-2833*** E-mail:lfgica**[ta]**com招商機構網址:www.lfgica.cn
Intelligent equipment manufacturing equipment production research ***
development base project
Project content:The project is located in Hebei Langfang Economic Development Zone guangyang, covers an area of 550 acres, a total construction area of 450000 square meters, construction workshop, workshop, office building, R & D center, dormitory and ancillary facilities .Investment estimation and fund sources:The total investment of the project is estimated at USD 290 million, of which the construction fund is USD 220 million, and the working capital is USD 70 million .Market analysis:Intelligent manufacturing equipment is the "State Council on accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries" decision "and"12th Five-Year "national strategic emerging industry development plan" clearly in the high-end equipment manufacturing industry in the field of one of the key development direction. As an important embodiment of the high-end equipment manufacturing industry development direction and focus of the fusion of informatization and industrialization depth, to cultivate and develop the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, improve production efficiency, technical level and product quality, reduce the consumption of energy resources, plays an important role in intelligent and green development of the manufacturing proce***
Construction conditions:Hebei Langfang economic development zone Guangyang is located is known as "Beijing pearl" of the Langfang urban areas in the southeast corner, north of Langfang Development Zone, South Foxconn Industrial Park, west of Langfang City, east of Tianjin, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway Langfang freight yard, Beijing high-speed Langfang export close at hand. Guangyang Economic Development Zone,
Contacts:Wangwei ,Pangzhenyu Contact Address:Hongye Road NO.66, Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfnag Tel:0086-316-283*** Tel:0086-316-283*** Fax:0086-316-283*** E-mail:lfgica**[ta]**com Website:www.**gica.cn
機器人項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:該項目占地90畝,總建筑面積60500平方米,主要建設弧焊機器人、點焊機器人、噴涂機器人生產線及產品研發中心、展覽中心。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:總投資3300萬美元;企業自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:我國《高端裝備制造業“十二五”發展規劃》及《智能制造裝備“十二五”發展規劃》中明確提出工業機器人是智能制造裝備發展的重要內容,并將其列為我國裝備制造業向高端方向發展的必需核心裝備。因此工業機器人必將在我國制造業實現產業升級和生產模式轉變方面發揮重大作用。預計未來幾年我國工業機器人年均市場規模將在50~80億元以上,此項目將有廣大發展空間。投資項目效益分析:該項目投資總額3300萬美元,年銷售預計可達2760萬美元,利潤885萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬選址于龍河高新技術產業區,該區位于廊坊市南城區,總規劃面積375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分別為40公里和60公里,區位優勢突出,園區基礎設施完善,能夠滿足本項目各方面的建設需要。項目招商機構:龍河高新技術產業區先后被評為“國家火炬計劃廊坊信息產業基地”、“省級高新技術產業示范區”及首批“省級產業聚集區”。高新區位于北京和天津兩大直轄市的黃金分割點,享有環渤海、環京津、環首都的“三環”優勢,周邊產業資源高度密集,市場容量巨大,高速鐵路、高速公路、鐵路貨運、機場港口構成的立體化交通網絡發達,物流通暢。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:孫文昕 招商引資電話:0086-316-267*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-267*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市安次區南龍道39號創業大廈 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com
The project of Robot Project
Project Content:This project covers an area of 90 mu and has the gross building area reaches
Benefit Analysis:the project possesses a total investment of USD 330 million and it is estimated that its annual sales will top USD 276 million and profits will reach USD 885 million .Construction Conditions:This Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively.Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:It is successively appraised as“Langfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development”, “Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, two golden point, a "three-ring" advantage Bohai Sea, around Beijing and Tianjin, Our park have intensive industries and wide horizo of development in the market.The traffic network made up of High-speed railway,expressway,railway transport,airport and port is very convenient .Cooperative Form:solely-funded. ContactPerson:Sun Wenxin Tel:0086-316-267*** Fax:0086-316-267*** Address:Anci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code:06*** E-mail:wenxinsun**[ta]**com
節能環保設備項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目總占地150畝,建設生產車間、倉庫等公用輔助設施;形成年生產1000臺(套)節能環保設備的生產能力。項目主要產品有鍋爐消煙除塵、廢水循環利用、粉塵收集除塵、噪聲防治等污染治理設備制造。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額9300萬美元。項目投資市場分析:節能環保設備制造是國家鼓勵發展的朝陽產業。隨著國家大力推進節能減排,發展循環經濟,開發設計和制造廢水、廢氣、固廢、噪聲治理設備、設施,進行“三廢”治理和綜合利用具有廣闊的發展前景。投資項目效益分析:項目建成投產后,預計年可實現銷售收入9800萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬選址于龍河高新技術產業區,該區位于廊坊市南城區,總規劃面積375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分別為40公里和60公里,區位優勢突出,園區基礎設施完善,能夠滿足本項目各方面的建設需要。項目招商機構:龍河高新技術產業區先后被評為“國家火炬計劃廊坊信息產業基地”、“省級高新技術產業示范區”及首批“省級產業聚集區”。高新區位于北京和天津兩大直轄市的黃金分割點,享有環渤海、環京津、環首都的“三環”優勢,周邊產業資源高度密集,市場容量巨大,高速鐵路、高速公路、鐵路貨運、機場港口構成的立體化交通網絡發達,物流通暢。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:孫文昕 招商引資電話:0086-316-267*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-267*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市安次區南龍道39號創業大廈 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com
The project of Energy saving and environmental
protection equipment
Project Content:The total project covers an area of u, uilding production workshop, warehouse and otherpublic auxiliary facilities; an annual output of1000 Taiwan (sets) of energy saving and environmental protection equipment production capacity. The project mainly products are boilersmoke and dust, waste water recycling, dust collecting dust, noise prevention and control ofpollution control equipment manufacturing .Investment Estimation and Fund Source:Projects with a total investment of USD 93 million The self financing enterprises .Market Analysis:Manufacture of energy-saving environmental protection equipment is the State encourages the development of the sunrise industry. As the country to vigorously promote energy-saving emission reduction, development of circular economy, the development of the design and manufacture ofwastewater, waste gas, solid waste, noise control equipment, facilities, "and the comprehensive utilization of waste" governance has broad prospects for development .Benefit Analysis:After the completion of the project, the estimated annual sales income will be USD 98 million .Construction Conditions:This Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively.Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:It is successively appraised as“Langfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development”, “Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, two golden point, a "three-ring" advantage Bohai Sea, around Beijing and Tianjin, Our park have intensive industries and wide horizo of development in the market.The traffic network made up of High-speed railway,expressway,railway transport,airport and port is very convenient .Cooperative Form:joint venture or cooperation ContactWay ContactPerson:Sun Wenxin Tel:0086-316-267*** Fax:0086-316-267*** Address:Anci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code:06*** E-mail:wenxinsun**[ta]**com
軌道交通控制系統產業基地項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目總占地面積300畝,主要建設軌道交通控制系統智能制造平臺、軌道交通試驗線、標準化模擬車站、培訓維;亍項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目估算總投資217億美元。資金全部由企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:隨著國民經濟持續增長,居民收入不斷增加,三大國家戰略的提出和實施,鐵路運輸需求不斷增長,城鎮化建設的推進,這些都對軌道交通提供了巨大市場空間,預計未來軌道交通行業將繼續保持持續快速增長勢頭。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,預計正常年銷售收入16億美元,上繳稅收042億美元,帶動就業400人。招商引資建設條件:目前該區域路網、熱力站、給水廠、污水處理廠、雨污水泵站、變電站、燃氣、通訊、創業服務中心等配套設施工程已陸續建成投入使用,具備大型項目綜合吸附和承載能力。項目招商機構:河北廊坊新興產業示范區,2010年經省政府批準成立。2014年11月,示范區被省政府批準為廊坊高新技術產業開發區。園區總規劃面積73平方公里,示范區以新興產業聚集、高新技術產業孵化和低碳經濟引領為功能定位,以發展電子信息、新能源、新材料、高端裝備制造等新興產業為方向,承接京津高端產業轉移的首選區域。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:田 蕾 招商引資電話:0086-316-866*** 招商引資電話:0086-1860316*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-866*** 招商引資地址:河北廊坊新興產業示范區管委會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:lftianlei**[ta]**com
Industrial Base Project of Rail Transit Control System
Content and Size of Project Construction:The base covers an area of 300 mu (20 hectares) consisting of intelligent manufacturing platform for rail transit control system, rail transit testing line, standardized simulated station, base of training and maintenan***
Investment Estimation and Fund Resources:The total investment on this project is estimated to be 0217 billion US dollars. All funds are raised by enterprises themselves .Market Analysis:With the sustained growth of national economy and income level of people, the proposal and implementation of the Three Major National Strategies, increasing demand for railway transportation as well as the promotion of urbanization, all these have provided large markets for rail transit and it is predicted that the rail transit industry will continuously keep rapid growth .Economic Benefit Analysis:It is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 016 billion US dollars and 42 million US dollars will be paid for the tax. The project will provide 400 persons with job opportunities .Construction Conditions:Now, supporting facilities including road network, heating station, water supply plant, sewage disposal plant, sewage pumping station, electric substation, and service center for fuel gas, correspondence and business incubation have been build and put into use. The project is able to attract and support large scale projects .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Langfang Emerging Industry Demonstration Area of Hebei province is a provincial area approved by the provincial government in
數字多功能一體化辦公設備研生產項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目總占地面積300畝,該項目主要建設生產廠房、綜合樓、研發樓等建筑,主要從事數字多功能一體化辦公設備的研發制造。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目估算總投資16億美元。資金全部由企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:隨著人們生活和市場經濟發展水平的不斷提高,數字多功能一體化辦公設備不斷深入到人們的生活,并且在生活中改善人們的工作環境。目前,我國辦公設備電子產品在經濟發展過程中,也已達到增長階段,發展前景良好。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,預計正常年銷售收入18億美元,上繳稅收04億美元,帶動就業200人。招商引資建設條件:目前該區域路網、熱力站、給水廠、污水處理廠、雨污水泵站、變電站、燃氣、通訊、創業服務中心等配套設施工程已陸續建成投入使用,具備大型項目綜合吸附和承載能力。項目招商機構:河北廊坊新興產業示范區,2010年經省政府批準成立。2014年11月,示范區被省政府批準為廊坊高新技術產業開發區。園區總規劃面積73平方公里,示范區以新興產業聚集、高新技術產業孵化和低碳經濟引領為功能定位,以發展電子信息、新能源、新材料、高端裝備制造等新興產業為方向,承接京津高端產業轉移的首選區域。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:田 蕾 招商引資電話:0086-316-866*** 招商引資電話:0086-1860316*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-866*** 招商引資地址:河北廊坊新興產業示范區管委會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:lftianlei**[ta]**com
Project of Digital Multifunctional Integrated Office Equipment R&D and Production
Content and Size of Project Construction:The base covers an area of 300 mu (20 hectares) consisting of production workshops, multi-use building and R&D building, etc. The project mainly focuses on the research and manufacture of digital multifunctional integrated office equipments .Investment Estimation and Fund Resources:The total investment on this project is estimated to be 016 billion US dollars. All funds are raised by enterprises themselves .Market Analysis:With the sustained growth of market economy and people’s living standard, the digital multifunctional integrated office equipment gradually becomes ubiquitous in people’s daily life and it also improves our working environment. Up to now, the electronic office equipment grows well in China during the process of economic development, which indicates a prosperous future of such industry .Economic Benefit Analysis:It is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 018 billion US dollars and 40 million US dollars will be paid for the tax. The project will provide 200 persons with job opportunities .Construction Conditions:Now, supporting facilities including road network, heating station, water supply plant, sewage disposal plant, sewage pumping station, electric substation, and service center for fuel gas, correspondence and business incubation have been build and put into use. The project is able to attract and support large scale projects .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Langfang Emerging Industry Demonstration Area of Hebei province is a provincial area approved by the provincial government in
自動化物流系統裝備研發制造項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:項目總占地面積250畝,該項目主要建設生產廠房、綜合樓、研發樓等建筑,主要從事自動化物流系統裝備的研發制造。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目估算總投資11億美元。資金全部由企業自籌。項目投資市場分析:目前,中國物流技術與裝備進入以更新換代為主體的循環增長階段,智能物流設備、高端物流產品、物流機器人系統、智能分揀系統、識別與感知系統等先進的物流技術與裝備將進入高速成長后期,成為中國物流技術與裝備企業的發展目標,物流裝備產業市場前景廣闊。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,預計正常年銷售收入12億美元,上繳稅收025億美元,帶動就業200人。招商引資建設條件:目前該區域路網、熱力站、給水廠、污水處理廠、雨污水泵站、變電站、燃氣、通訊、創業服務中心等配套設施工程已陸續建成投入使用,具備大型項目綜合吸附和承載能力。項目招商機構:河北廊坊新興產業示范區,2010年經省政府批準成立。2014年11月,示范區被省政府批準為廊坊高新技術產業開發區。園區總規劃面積73平方公里,示范區以新興產業聚集、高新技術產業孵化和低碳經濟引領為功能定位,以發展電子信息、新能源、新材料、高端裝備制造等新興產業為方向,承接京津高端產業轉移的首選區域。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯系人:田 蕾 招商引資電話:0086-316-866*** 招商引資電話:0086-1860316*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-866*** 招商引資地址:河北廊坊新興產業示范區管委會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:lftianlei**[ta]**com
Project of Automatic Logistics System Equipment R&D and Manufacture
Content and Size of Project Construction:The base covers an area of 250 mu (about167 hectares) consisting of production workshops, multi-use building and R&D building, etc. The project mainly focuses on the R&D and manufacture of automatic logistics system equipments .Investment Estimation and Fund Resources:The total investment on this project is estimated to be 011 billion US dollars. All funds are raised by enterprises themselves .Market Analysis:Up to now, the logistics technologies and equipment of
Economic Benefit Analysis:It is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 012 billion US dollars and 25 million US dollars will be paid for the tax. The project will provide 200 persons with job opportunities .Construction Conditions:Now, supporting facilities including road network, heating station, water supply plant, sewage disposal plant, sewage pumping station, electric substation, and service center for fuel gas, correspondence and business incubation have been build and put into use. The project is able to attract and support large scale projects .General Description of Chinese Sponsor:Langfang Emerging Industry Demonstration Area of Hebei province is a provincial area approved by the provincial government in