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電子商務信息處理平臺項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:為區內物聯網、物流配送、互聯網金融、大數據、互聯網文化創意、互聯網教育等提供高規格的信息處理技術,滿足國內外各類IT企業需求,為這些行業提供優質的信息處理服務。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:802億美元 項目投資市場分析:國內各重點行業的業務處理日益依賴于電子商務信息技術,且通過電子商務信息系統資源的高度共享和更為專業化的服務,能夠在最大限度上降低社會總投入。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,正常年可實現平均營業收入16億美元,平均凈利潤032億美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬建區域基礎設施完善,土地平整,交通便利。項目招商機構:三河新興產業園區位處北京東腹地區域,東接三河市區,西鄰燕郊國家高新技術產業開發區,南連大廠回族自治縣,北依北京平谷經濟開發區,區內有京秦、京平兩條高速,102國道、蔣譚線東西并行貫穿,南北路北接平谷南通廊坊;京秦鐵路支線三平線以及正在規劃的S3線軌道交通環繞園區;區內目前還正在規劃建設國內首個通航機場項目。招商引資合作方式:合資或合作 招商引資聯系人:史占峰 招商引資電話:0086-010-5264*** 招商引資傳真:0086-010-5264*** 招商引資地址:河北省三河市新興產業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:shxinxingchanye**[ta]**com


Electronic Commerce Information Processing Platform

Project ContentsTo build up an e-commerce platform, providing quality information processing services such as the Internet of things, logistics, finance, Internet data, Internet culture, internet education, to meet the needs of all kinds of domestic and foreign IT companies .To build a Bonded Free Trade Zone, where the offshore financial policy practice, funds are free to come and go, there are bonded warehouse to provide warehousing, processing, distribution and other services for the park .Investment Estimate and SourcesThe total investment amounts to US 802 million .Market AnalysisDue to resources sharing, high standard professional service and efficient input, information technology and electronic commerce have an increasingly important role in many key sectors. Its robust industry with great prospects and potential .Economic ReturnsWhen putting into operation, the annual sales revenue is estimated to reach up to1 billion RMB, net profit 200 million RMB .Construction ConditionsSanhe New Industrial Park is located in Beijing east the hinterland, east of Sanhe City, west of Yanjiao national hi tech Industrial Development Zone, south of Dachang Hui Autonomous County, north of Pinggu Economic Development Zone in Beijing. There are Jinqin, Jingping two high-speed roads,102 National Road and Jiangtan road running from east to west, Jingpin railway branch line, Sanping road and S3 railroad surronding the park. There is one airport under planning .Chinese PartnerSanhe New Industrial Park has a planning area of 4867 square kilometers with the starting area covering an area of 961 square kilometers. It aims to be high-end service oriented, composite industrial base; combine R&D and business activities, intelligent park innovation development; blue and green ecological green vall*** Cooperation ModeCooperation and Co-fund ContactsSHI Zhanfeng Tel0086-10-5264*** Fax0086-10-5264*** E-mailshxinxingchanye**[ta]**com


電腦產業集群項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目規劃占地面積2公頃,建筑面積約7萬平方米,項目主要生產關鍵電子零部件、電腦連接器、鍵盤等電腦周邊產品、系統軟件及數字等內容。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:預計總投資5000萬美元。市場及投資項目效益分析:目前,電子信息制造業保持了遠快于GDP的增長速度,體現了中國制造業在信息時代的崛起。隨著互聯網集成及3G移動業務的快速發展,電子產品還將爆發式增長,消費電子關鍵零部件、電腦周邊及相關系統軟件、數字內容生產商提供更大的機遇。投資項目條件:目前大廠工業區已經規劃了500畝的土地,做到了“七通一平”,建有800平米至5000平米不等的標準廠房數百套。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣隸屬河北省廊坊市,是全國距首都北京最近的少數民族自治縣,西與北京通州一河之隔(潮白河)、一橋相連,距天安門行車距離42公里。大廠工業園20063月經河北省人民政府批準,升級為省級開發區。在"大北京新規劃藍圖"中,大廠工業園區位于京東發展軸與東部發展帶的交匯處,是規劃中的現代制造業和高新技術產業基地。優越的地理位置、優惠的投資成本使大廠成為了京東最富發展潛力的成本洼地,和最具投資價值的現代化產業園區。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:許士言招商引資電話:1509760*** 招商引資電話:0086-10-8084*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-886*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市大廠回族自治縣大廠工業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵箱:6411838**[ta]**com


Computer industry cluster project

Project contentthe project covers an area of 2 hectares, the construction area of about 70 thousand square meters, mainly the production of key electronic components, computer connectors, keyboard and other computer peripheral products, software and digital content etc. .Investment funds and sourcesthe total investment is estimated at $50 million. Self financing .Market and economic benefits analysisat present, the electronic information manufacturing industry has maintained much faster than the growth rate of GDP, reflecting the rise of China's manufacturing industry in the information age. With the rapid development of the Internet and the integration of 3G mobile services, electronic products will be explosive growth, providing greater opportunities for electronic key parts, computer peripherals and consumer related software, digital content producer .Construction conditionsat present, the large industrial zone has planned 500 acres of land, so that the "one way and one level", built with a range of 800 square meters to 5000 square meters of standard workshop hundreds of sets .Chinese sponsorDachang Hui Autonomous County under the Hebei city of Langfang Province, is the capital city of Beijing from the nearest Minority Autonomous County, West Beijing and Tongzhou across the river (the Chaobai River), a bridge connected to the running distance of 42 km from Tiananmen. Dachang Industrial Park in 2006 3 menstrual Hebei Provincial People's Government approved, upgraded to the provincial development zone. In the "big Beijing new planning blueprint", the Dachang Industrial Park is located at the intersection of the Jingdong development axis and the Eastern Development Zone, which is the modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in the planning. Superior geographical location, preferential investment costs so that the Jingdong has become the largest developer of the potential cost of depression, and the most investment value of modern industrial park .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship Tel1509760*** Tel0086-10-8084*** Fax0086-316-886*** AddressDachang Industrial Park Management Committee, Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Langfang, Hebei, China E-mail6411838**[ta]**com


手機零部件項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目擬占地03公頃,建筑面積4000平米,主要生產液晶顯示器件、閃存芯片等手機零部件。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:預計總投資700萬美元。自籌資金。項目市場及投資項目效益分析:項目全部投產后,每年可實現銷售收入1000萬美元、納稅100萬美元。投資項目條件:目前大廠工業區已經規劃了500畝的土地,做到了“七通一平”,建有800平米至5000平米不等的標準廠房數百套。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣隸屬河北省廊坊市,是全國距首都北京最近的少數民族自治縣,西與北京通州一河之隔(潮白河)、一橋相連,距天安門行車距離42公里。大廠工業園20063月經河北省人民政府批準,升級為省級開發區。在"大北京新規劃藍圖"中,大廠工業園區位于京東發展軸與東部發展帶的交匯處,是規劃中的現代制造業和高新技術產業基地。優越的地理位置、優惠的投資成本使大廠成為了京東最富發展潛力的成本洼地,和最具投資價值的現代化產業園區。招商引資合作方式:獨資 投資機構聯系方式:招商引資聯系人:許士言招商引資電話:1509760*** 招商引資電話:0086-10-8084*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-886*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市大廠回族自治縣大廠工業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵箱:6411838**[ta]**com


Mobile phone parts project

Project construction contentthe project covers an area of 03 hectares, with a construction area of 4000 square meters .Investment funds and sourcesthe total investment is estimated at $7 million. Self financing .Analysis of market and economic benefitsafter the project is put into production, the annual sales income will be10 million US dollars, and the tax will be US $1 million .Construction conditionsat present, the large industrial zone has planned 500 acres of land, so that the "one way and one level", built with a range of 800 square meters to 5000 square meters of standard workshop hundreds of sets .Chinese sponsorDachang Hui Autonomous County under the Hebei city of Langfang Province, is the capital city of Beijing from the nearest Minority Autonomous County, West Beijing and Tongzhou across the river (the Chaobai River), a bridge connected to the running distance of 42 km from Tiananmen. Dachang Industrial Park in 2006 3 menstrual Hebei Provincial People's Government approved, upgraded to the provincial development zone. In the "big Beijing new planning blueprint", the Dachang Industrial Park is located at the intersection of the Jingdong development axis and the Eastern Development Zone, which is the modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in the planning. Superior geographical location, preferential investment costs so that the Jingdong has become the largest developer of the potential cost of depression, and the most investment value of modern industrial park .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship

Contact010-8084***招商引資電話:1509760*** Tel1509760*** Tel0086-10-8084*** Fax0086-316-886*** AddressDachang Industrial Park Management Committee, Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Langfang, Hebei, China E-mail6411838**[ta]**com


新型電子元器件生產項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目擬占地05公頃。建筑面積13萬平米。項目以集成電路、半導體器件、PCB生產等為主。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:預計總投資1000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:信息產業的飛速發展為電子元器件行業帶來巨大發展契機。未來幾年正是世界和我國電子技術和電子產品更新換代的關鍵時期,國家提出支持新型元器件發展,以提高信息化裝備和系統集成能力,滿足市場要求。投資項目效益分析:項目全部投產后,每年可實現銷售收入1000萬美元、納稅60萬美元。投資項目條件:目前大廠工業區已經規劃了500畝的土地,做到了“七通一平”,建有800平米至5000平米不等的標準廠房數百套。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣隸屬河北省廊坊市,是全國距首都北京最近的少數民族自治縣,西與北京通州一河之隔(潮白河)、一橋相連,距天安門行車距離42公里。大廠工業園20063月經河北省人民政府批準,升級為省級開發區。在"大北京新規劃藍圖"中,大廠工業園區位于京東發展軸與東部發展帶的交匯處,是規劃中的現代制造業和高新技術產業基地。優越的地理位置、優惠的投資成本使大廠成為了京東最富發展潛力的成本洼地,和最具投資價值的現代化產業園區。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:許士言招商引資電話:1509760*** 招商引資電話:0086-10-8084*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-886*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市大廠回族自治縣大廠工業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵箱:6411838**[ta]**com


New Electronic Components Production Project

Project Content and ScaleThe project is planned to cover 05 hectares, with a floor area of 13,000 square meters. The project mainly focuses on integrated circuit, semiconductor device and PCB production etc .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment on this project is estimated to be10 million US dollars .Market AnalysisThe rapid development of information industry provides much opportunities for the development of electronic components industry. In the next few years, the upgrading of international and Chinese electronic technique and electronic industry will meet the critical period. The country supports the development of new electronic components, in order to improving the ability of information equipment and system integration to meet market demand .Economic Benefit AnalysisIt is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be10 million US dollars and 06 million US dollars will be paid for the tax .Construction ConditionsAt present, 500 mu of land has been planned for Dachang Industrial Park, which has reached Seven Connections and One Leveling (Electricity, Access, Water, Communications, Drainage, Heat, Gas, Land Leveling). Hundreds of sets of standard workshop ranging from 800 square meters to 5000 square meters have been built .Description of OrganizerHui Autonomous County of Dachang, under the jurisdiction of Langfang City, Hebei Province, is the Minority Autonomous County which is nearest from the Capital of China, Beijing City. In the west, the county and Beijing Tongzhou District is just separated by a river (the Chaobai River) and connected by a bridge. The county is 42 kilometers’ drive from Tian’anmen. In March 2016, Dachang Industrial Park was approved by Hebei Provincial People's Government and it has been upgraded to provincial level development zone. In the "Big Beijing New Planning Blueprint", Dachang Industrial Park is located at the intersection of Jingdong Development Axis and the Eastern Development Zone, and it is the modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in the planning. Superior geographical location and preferential investment has made Dachang the most promising low-cost area in Jingdong and the modern industrial park with the most investment value .Cooperation ModesSole Proprietorship ContactPersonXu Shiyan Tel1509760*** Tel0086-10-8084*** Fax0086-316-886*** AddressManagement Committee of Dachang Industrial Park, Hui Autonomous County of Dachang, Langfang City, Hebei Province E-mail6411838**[ta]**com


汽車電子項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目擬占地02公頃。建筑面積4000平米。項目重點發展動力控制系統、安全系統、車載電子等領域,包括EMSABSTPMS、車載GPS、安全氣囊、汽車儀表等產品。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:預計總投資500萬美元。自籌資金。項目投資市場分析:在中國汽車產業持續發展,汽車產量加速增長以及汽車產品持續升級的帶領下,中國汽車電子市場發展勢頭不減,市場滲透率不斷提高。九華示范區形成了汽車及零配件、電子信息產業集群,可帶動汽車電子生產企業的快速發展。投資項目效益分析:項目全部投產后,每年可實現銷售收入500萬美元、納稅30萬美元。投資項目條件:目前大廠工業區已經規劃了500畝的土地,做到了“七通一平”,建有800平米至5000平米不等的標準廠房數百套。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣隸屬河北省廊坊市,是全國距首都北京最近的少數民族自治縣,西與北京通州一河之隔(潮白河)、一橋相連,距天安門行車距離42公里。大廠工業園20063月經河北省人民政府批準,升級為省級開發區。在"大北京新規劃藍圖"中,大廠工業園區位于京東發展軸與東部發展帶的交匯處,是規劃中的現代制造業和高新技術產業基地。優越的地理位置、優惠的投資成本使大廠成為了京東最富發展潛力的成本洼地,和最具投資價值的現代化產業園區。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:許士言招商引資電話:1509760*** 招商引資電話:0086-10-8084*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-886*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市大廠回族自治縣大廠工業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵箱:6411838**[ta]**com


Automotive Electronics Project

Project Content and ScaleThe project is planned to cover 02 hectares, with a floor area of 4,000 square meters. The project prioritizes the fields of power control system, safety system, vehicle electronics etc. And the product includes EMS, ABS,TPMS, vehicular GPS, air bag, automotive instrumentation etc .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment on this project is estimated to be 5 million US dollars. All funds are raised by enterprises themselves .Market AnalysisThe sustainable development of automotive industry and the accelerating growth of automotive output and the continuous upgrading of automobile product, the market of Chinese automotive electronic still maintain its development momentum and the market penetration rate is improving continually. Industrial cluster of automobile and accessories and information industry has been formed in Jiu Hua Demonstration Plot, which drives the rapid development of automotive electronic production enterprises .Economic Benefit AnalysisIt is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 5 million US dollars and 03 million US dollars will be paid for the tax .Construction ConditionsAt present, 500 mu of land has been planned for Dachang Industrial Park, which has reached Seven Connections and One Leveling (Electricity, Access, Water, Communications, Drainage, Heat, Gas, Land Leveling). Hundreds of sets of standard workshop ranging from 800 square meters to 5000 square meters have been built .Description of OrganizerHui Autonomous County of Dachang, under the jurisdiction of Langfang City, Hebei Province, is the Minority Autonomous County which is nearest from the Capital of China, Beijing City. In the west, the county and Beijing Tongzhou District is just separated by a river (the Chaobai River) and connected by a bridge. The county is 42 kilometers’ drive from Tian’anmen. In March 2016, Dachang Industrial Park was approved by Hebei Provincial People's Government and it has been upgraded to provincial level development zone. In the "Big Beijing New Planning Blueprint", Dachang Industrial Park is located at the intersection of Jingdong Development Axis and the Eastern Development Zone, and it is the modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in the planning. Superior geographical location and preferential investment has made Dachang the most promising low-cost area in Jingdong and the modern industrial park with the most investment value .Cooperation ModesSole Proprietorship ContactPersonXu Shiyan Tel1509760*** Tel0086-10-8084*** Fax0086-316-886*** AddressManagement Committee of Dachang Industrial Park, Hui Autonomous County of Dachang, Langfang City, Hebei Province E-mail6411838**[ta]**com


物聯網基地建設項目招商引資項目內容和規模:項目擬占地02公頃。建筑面積5000平米。項目重點突破新型傳感器及傳感節點技術、傳感節點組網與協同處理技術、物聯網軟件及系統集成技術、物聯網共性支撐技術等核心產品與技術、重點發展與物聯網產業鏈緊密相關的硬件、軟件、系統集成和運營與服務四大核心領域關鍵技術,形成物聯網核心產品及高端服務的產業集群。努力搭建物聯網平臺,面向物流、工業、農業、電力、交通、園區等領域,建設物聯網應用工程。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:預計總投資500萬美元。項目投資市場分析:為改變現有世界經濟格局創造了歷史性機遇。一些發達國家和地區紛紛把發展物聯網作為擺脫金融危機、實現經濟復蘇和占領全球競爭制高點的重要手段,加快了物聯網的研究和發展。目前,歐盟將物聯網上升至區域戰略高度,中國與德國、美國、英國等國家一起,成為國際標準制定的主導國之一。投資項目效益分析:項目全部投產后,每年可實現銷售收入500萬美元、納稅50萬美元。投資項目條件:目前大廠工業區已經規劃了500畝的土地,做到了“七通一平”,建有800平米至5000平米不等的標準廠房數百套。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣隸屬河北省廊坊市,是全國距首都北京最近的少數民族自治縣,西與北京通州一河之隔(潮白河)、一橋相連,距天安門行車距離42公里。大廠工業園20063月經河北省人民政府批準,升級為省級開發區。在"大北京新規劃藍圖"中,大廠工業園區位于京東發展軸與東部發展帶的交匯處,是規劃中的現代制造業和高新技術產業基地。優越的地理位置、優惠的投資成本使大廠成為了京東最富發展潛力的成本洼地,和最具投資價值的現代化產業園區。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:許士言招商引資電話:1509760*** 招商引資電話:0086-10-8084*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-886*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市大廠回族自治縣大廠工業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵箱:6411838**[ta]**com


Project of Internet of Things Base Construction

Project Content and ScaleThe project is planned to cover 02 hectares, with a floor area of 5,000 square meters. The projects major breakthroughs are the core products and technologies of new type sensor and sensing node, sensing node networking and co-processing, IOT software and system integration, Internet of Things universal support. And the project prioritize the key technology in the four core fields, including hardware, software, system integration and operation and service linking with IOT industrial chain, which has formed the industrial cluster of the core product of IOT and high-end service. Efforts have been made to establish IOT platform. And the IOT application project has been established for logistics, industry, agriculture, electricity, traffic and parks etc .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment on this project is estimated to be 5 million US dollars .Market AnalysisThe project has created a historic opportunity for transforming the world economic structure. Some developed countries and regions take IOT development as an important strategy for getting rid of the impact of financial crisis and realizing economic recovery and occupying the high ground of global competition, which has accelerated the research and development of IOT. At present, EU has upgraded the ITO to regional strategic perspective, and China, together with Germany, America, British, etc, has become one of the leading countries to make international standards .Economic Benefit AnalysisIt is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 6 million US dollars and 06 million US dollars will be paid for the tax .Construction ConditionsAt present, 500 mu of land has been planned for Dachang Industrial Park, which has reached Seven Connections and One Leveling (Electricity, Access, Water, Communications, Drainage, Heat, Gas, Land Leveling). Hundreds of sets of standard workshop ranging from 800 square meters to 5000 square meters have been built .Description of OrganizerHui Autonomous County of Dachang, under the jurisdiction of Langfang City, Hebei Province, is the Minority Autonomous County which is nearest from the Capital of China, Beijing City. In the west, the county and Beijing Tongzhou District is just separated by a river (the Chaobai River) and connected by a bridge. The county is 42 kilometers’ drive from Tian’anmen. In March 2016, Dachang Industrial Park was approved by Hebei Provincial People's Government and it has been upgraded to provincial level development zone. In the "Big Beijing New Planning Blueprint", Dachang Industrial Park is located at the intersection of Jingdong Development Axis and the Eastern Development Zone, and it is the modern manufacturing and high-tech industry base in the planning. Superior geographical location and preferential investment has made Dachang the most promising low-cost area in Jingdong and the modern industrial park with the most investment value .Cooperation ModesSole Proprietorship ContactPersonXu Shiyan Tel1509760*** Tel0086-10-8084*** Fax0086-316-886*** AddressManagement Committee of Dachang Industrial Park, Hui Autonomous County of Dachang, Langfang City, Hebei Province E-mail6411838**[ta]**com


互聯網大數據產業園投資項目招商引資項目建設內容和投資項目規模:擬建在河北香河環保產業園區。項目規劃用地總面積為300(210000平方米),其中廠房占地100000平方米,辦公樓占地10000平方米。投資估算與資金來源:總投資15億美元,資金來源為企業自籌 項目投資市場分析:伴隨著服務的信息化進程推進,將產生大量的數據。大數據的應用,為機構和政策制定者提供指標預警、趨勢預測,協同資源管理以及經濟決策的數據支持。項目為了滿足市場需求,增強企業市場競爭力建設此項目;不僅可以提高企業的經濟效益,更可以創造可觀的社會效益,增加就業崗位,緩解就業壓力。投資項目經濟效益:提高企業的經濟效益,更可以創造可觀的社會效益,增加就業崗位,緩解就業壓力。招商引資建設條件:項目建設地點位于香河環保產業園內,香河環保產業園已實現九通一平,基礎設施完備、交通便利。項目招商機構:河北香河環保產業園為河北省政府批準的省級園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由國興投資股份有限公司負責園區的整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作,目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完備。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯系人:劉彬 胡序光 招商引資電話:0086-316-826*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-826*** 招商引資地址:河北香河環保產業園區管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:xhjjgyy**[ta]**a.com


Internet big data industrial park investment projects

Project content and scaleproposed in Hebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park. Project planning land area of 300 acres (210,000 square meters), of which plant covers an area of100,000 square meters, the office covers an area of10,000 square meters .Investment estimates and sources of fundinga total investment of illion US dollars, the source of funds for the enterprise self

Market analysiswith the service of the information process to promote, will produce a lot of data. The use of large data provides institutional and policy makers with data support for forecasting, forecasting, synergistic resource management and economic decision making. Project in order to meet the market demand, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises to build this project; not only can improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can create considerable social benefits, increase jobs, ease employment pressure .Economic benefitsto improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can create considerable social benefits, increase jobs, ease employment pressure .Construction conditionsThe project construction site is located in Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park, Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park has achieved nine straight, complete infrastructure, convenient transportation .Chinese contractors OverviewHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park for the provincial government approved the provincial park, adhere to the "government to promote, business operations, market operation," the development model, by the State Investment Co., Ltd. is responsible for the overall development of the park, Infrastructure construction, investment work, the park has achieved nine straight, the infrastructure is complete .Mode of CooperationSole proprietorship

ContactContactLiu Bin Hu Xuguang Tel0086-316-826*** Fax0086-316-826*** AddressHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park Management Committee Post Code065*** E-mailxhjjgyy**[ta]**a.com


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