国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

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招商引資內容及投資項目規模:規劃占地1000畝,主要建設文化特色小鎮、文旅體驗中心等。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:本項目投資總額21325萬美元,項目資金由本項目單位和其他企業共同解決。投資項目市場分析:文化創意產業被認為是21世紀全球最有前途的產業之一,有著巨大經濟效益和社會效益。在積極的產業政策推動下,創意產業園區也將迎來美好的發展前景。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,預計年收入為190261萬美元。上繳稅金60249萬美元,年利潤142696萬美元,直吸納就業人員10000多人。招商引資建設條件:河北香河環保園區屬于京津冀一小時經濟圈的黃金節點。目前園區已實現九通一平,基礎設施建設完備。項目招商機構:河北香河新環保園區為河北省唯一一家政府批準的離北京最近定的省級環保園區,堅持“政府推動、企業運營、市場運作”的發展模式,由國興環球土地整理開發有限公司負責園區的整體開發、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作。招商引資合作方式:獨資、合作投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:榮蓉 編:06***招商引資電話:1381193*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-767*** 招商引資地址:河北香河環保園區產業服務中心 招商引資郵箱:80625488**[ta]**com


Small town project with cultural characteristics

Project content and scalethe plan covers an area of1000 mu, mainly building small towns with cultural characteristics, cultural experience center and so on .Investment estimate and source of fundsthe total investment of the project is US $21325 million, and the project funds are solved jointly by the project unit and other enterprises .Market Analysiscultural and creative industries are regarded as one of the most promising industries in the world in the 21st century, with great economic and social benefits.Under the positive industrial policy impetus, the creative industry park also will welcome the beautiful development prospect .Economic benefit analysisafter the completion of the project, the estimated annual income is $190261 million.Tax payment of $60249 million, annual profit of $142696 million, direct employment of more than10000 people.5) Construction conditionsHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Park belongs to the golden node of one hour economic circle of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.At present, the park has achieved nine links and one level, infrastructure construction is complete .Overview of the Chinese contractorsHebei Xianghe New Environmental Protection Park is the only provincial environmental protection park approved by the government of Hebei Province, which is the closest to Beijing. It adheres to the development model of "government promotion, enterprise operation and market operation".Guoxing Global Land consolidation and Development Co., Ltd. is responsible for the overall development of the park, infrastructure construction, investment .the mode of cooperationsole proprietorship, cooperation contact information Associate memberRong Rong post editor06*** Contact1381193*** Tax0086-316-767*** AddressHebei Xianghe environmental protection park industry service center E-mail80625488**[ta]**com



招商引資內容及投資項目規模:項目占地50畝,建立動漫產品的開發、生產、出版、播出、演出和銷售,以及動漫服裝、玩具、電子游戲等衍生產品的生產和經營。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:預計投資項目總額:5億元投資項目市場分析:該基地可引進包括動漫圖書、報刊、電影、電視、音像制品、舞臺劇和基于現代信息傳播技術手段的動漫新品種企業入駐,促使上下游企業在基地無縫對接,達到規模化、集約化以至壟斷化的特點,提升競爭力。投資項目效益分析:項目成型后預銷售收入可達2億元以上。招商引資建設條件:項目選址霸州市,地處京、津、雄核心區,區位優越,交通便利,地理位置得天獨厚,基礎配套設施齊全,具備承接高科技、外向型的大、中型企業的需求。項目招商機構:霸州市招商服務中心,是全市負責重大項目招商引資及項目服務工作的窗口。主要職責是負責招引項目前期的考察、洽談,并提供相關政策咨詢;為投資企業提供項目立項、環評、報批可研和合同章程,申領企業批準證書和工商營業執照、銀行開戶、財稅登記、用地和基建申辦等各種投資審批手續的全程服務,實行一個窗口對外,努力構建一套專業化、個性化、親情化的服務體系。招商引資合作方式:合資合作投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:樊國棟 招商引資電話:0086-316-786***


Animation industry base project

Project content and scaleThe project covers an area of 50 mu, and establishes the development, production, publishing, broadcasting, performance and sales of anime and animation products, as well as the production and management of animation clothing, toys, electronic games and other derivatives .Investment estimates and sources of fundsThe total investment is expected to be 500 million yuan

Market analysisThe base can introduce comic and cartoon books, newspapers, films, TV, audio and video products, stage plays and modern information communication technology based on the new variety of animation enterprises, to facilitate the seamless docking of the upstream and downstream enterprises, to achieve the special point of scale, intensive and even monopoly, so as to improve the competitiveness .Economic benefit analysisAfter the project is formed, the revenue from pre sale can reach more than 200 million yuan .Construction conditionsThe site is located in Bazhou, which is located in the Beijing, Tianjin and male core areas. The location is superior, the traffic is convenient, the geographical position is unique, the basic supporting facilities are complete, and the demand for large and medium-sized enterprises to undertake high-tech and export-oriented enterprises is required .General situation of China's contractorsBazhou investment promotion service center is a window for attracting investment and project services in major projects. The main responsibility is to lead the project early inspection, negotiation, and provide relevant policy advice; provide investment enterprises with project establishment, environmental assessment, approval and contract articles of association, and claim enterprise approval certificate and business license, bank account opening, financial and tax registration, land use and basic construction application and other various investment examination and approval procedures .Mode of cooperationJoint venture cooperation

Contacts and ways of contactFan Guodong Tel:0086-316-786***



招商引資內容及投資項目規模:項目擬用建筑面積8000平米,引進數字游戲、互動娛樂、影視動漫、立體影像、數字學習、數字出版、數字典藏、數字表演、網絡服務、內容軟件類項目。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:預計投資項目總額:5500萬美元,資金自籌。投資項目市場分析:隨著“互聯網”興起,人們對數字產品認識、應用不斷增加數字內容產業未來市場將非常廣闊。投資項目效益分析:年產值約6000萬美元,年納稅約600萬美元。招商引資建設條件:大廠數字科技產業園一期規劃用地1300畝,起步區522畝。起步區315地塊,總建筑面積44萬平米,投資項目總額:25億元。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣建設投資開發有限公司 招商引資合作方式:獨資投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:許士巖招商引資電話:1509760***


Digital content industry Project

Project content and scalethe project is intended to use a building area of 8000 square meters, the introduction of digital games, interactive entertainment, film and television animation, three-dimensional image, digital learning, digital publishing, digital collection, digital performance, network services, content software projec***

Investment estimate and source of fundsthe total investment is estimated to be 55 million US dollars, and the funds will be raised by ourselves .Market analysiswith the rise of the Internet, people's understanding and application of digital products is increasing. The future market of digital content industry will be very broad .Economic benefit analysisthe annual output value is about 60 million dollars, and the annual tax is about 6 million dollars .Construction conditionsthe Dachang digital science and Technology Industrial Park has招商引資電話:1300 acres of land for the first phase, and 522 mu for the initial area. The starting area is 315 plots, with a total construction area of 440 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 2 billion 500 million yuan .A survey of Chinese contractorsDachang Hui Autonomous County construction investment and Development Co., Ltd .Model of cooperationsole proprietorship Contact and contactXu Shiyan Tel:1509760***



招商引資內容及投資項目規模:項目擬用建筑面積10000平米,引進動漫游戲類項目招商引資投資項目估算及投資資金來源:預計投資項目總額:6000萬美元,資金自籌。投資項目市場分析:中國動漫游戲行業整體保持穩健發展。其中移動游戲進入存量市場階段,對行業整體增長仍有較大帶動作用。社會對動漫游戲娛樂消費支出不斷增加,有效帶動了動漫游戲行業高速發展。投資項目效益分析:年產值約8000萬美元,年納稅約800萬美元。招商引資建設條件:大廠數字科技產業園一期規劃用地1300畝,起步區522畝。起步區315地塊,總建筑面積44萬平米,投資項目總額:25億元。項目招商機構:大廠回族自治縣建設投資開發有限公司 招商引資合作方式:獨資投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:許士巖招商引資電話:1509760***


Animation and game industry project

Content and scale of the projectthe project will be built in the area of10000 square meters, and the animation and game items will be introduced .Investment estimate and source of fundsthe total investment is estimated to be 60 million US dollars, and the funds will be raised by ourselves .Market analysisChina's animation and game industry has maintained steady development as a whole. Mobile games will enter the stock market stage, and it will still play a leading role in the overall growth of the industry. Society's increasing consumption of animation, games and entertainment has effectively promoted the rapid development of the animation and game industry .Economic benefit analysisthe annual output value is about 80 million dollars, and the annual tax is about 8 million dollars .Construction conditionsthe Dachang digital science and Technology Industrial Park has招商引資電話:1300 acres of land for the first phase, and 522 mu for the initial area. The starting area is 315 plots, with a total construction area of 440 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 2 billion 500 million yuan .A survey of Chinese contractorsDachang Hui Autonomous County construction investment and Development Co., Ltd .Model of cooperationsole proprietorship

Contact and contactXu Shiyan Tel:1509760***



招商引資內容及投資項目規模:騰訊向雙創社區廊坊全面導入線上線下資源,通過五大服務平臺,為初創企業提供創業輔導、資源對接等多元孵化和加速服務。總占地規模約300畝,一期規劃2萬平米,未來逐步建設1萬平米加速器、2萬平米自媒體大廈及產業和生活配套。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:前期投入資金15800萬美元,資金主要來源于雙創社區運營方及騰訊相關資源方和投資方。投資項目市場分析:項目主要孵化科技類(AI)、文創和社會型企業,均是目前國內外投資關注風口和國家重點扶持新型企業。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后3年內入駐率達90%,構建文創及AI產業集群,帶動廊坊科技轉型升級和生態建設。招商引資建設條件:現有可利用空間2萬平米,開發產業用地約300畝。項目招商機構:廊坊騰創企業管理咨詢服務有限公司,注冊資本1000萬元,注冊地為廊坊開發區。招商引資合作方式:廊坊開發區管委會、深圳騰訊計算機系統有限公司合作建設,委托廊坊騰創公司全面運營。投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:邊疆1331560***


Tencent Maker Space(Langfang)Double Creation Community

Content and Scale of ProjectTencent has comprehensively introduced online and offline resources to Double Creation Community (Langfang), providing entrepreneurship guidance,resource docking and other multiple incubation and acceleration services for Start-ups through five major service platforms. The project covers a total area of about 300 mu (approximately 200 thousand m2), with the first phase planning area of 20 thousand m2 And the10 thousand m2 of accelerator, 20 thousand m2 of We Media Mansion and supporting facilities for industries and life will be built in the futu***

Investment Estimation and Sources of FundsThe initial investment will be招商引資電話:158 million dollars, and the funds are mainly from operators of Double Creation Community, related parties of resources and investors of Tencent .Market AnalysisThe project mainly provides incubation for Scientific and Technological(AI-Artificial Intelligence), Cultural and Creative, as well as Social enterprises. All these enterprises are significant focuses for domestic and foreign investment, and they are also important new types of enterprises supported by Chi***

Economic Benefit AnalysisThe occupancy rate will reach 90% within 3 years after the establishment of project. The construction of cultural and creative and AI industrial clusters will promote the science and technology transformation and upgrading and the ecological construction of Langfang City .Conditions for ConstructionThe available space is 20 thousand m2 The industrial land development area is about 300 mu (approximately 200 thousand m***

About Chinese OrganizerThe Chinese organizer is Langfang Tengchuang Enterprise Management and Consulting Services Co., Ltd., a company registered in Langfang Development Zone, with a registered capital of10 million Yuan .Mode of CooperationThe community is constructed collaboratively by Administrative Committee of Langfang Development Zone and Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd., and it has been entrusted to Langfang Tengchuang Enterprise Management and Consulting Services Co., Ltd. for overall operation .ContactBian Jiang招商引資電話:1331560***



招商引資內容及投資項目規模:項目規劃總占地面積4745畝,以“影視”、“游樂”為主題和核心要素、注重游客的體驗和互動,以文化旅游為發展方向,著重打造“影視文化+旅游”的模式,形成影視游樂的產業集群,同時通過“創意業態設計+創意產品打造+創意氛圍營造+創意機制保障”,實現影視文化的創新性活化。同時通過構建共享的旅游圈、完善的服務圈、繁榮的商業圈和便捷的生活圈,實現“產、城、人、文”四位一體。投資估算及來源:項目計劃投資項目總額:25億美元,全部由銀泰集團自籌解決。投資項目市場分析:項目符合京津冀協同發展的國家戰略,符合《河北省旅游業“十三五”發展規劃》,京津周邊現有影視基地多數是以影視生產為核心,即便與旅游結合,也僅僅停留在觀光游覽層面上,缺少體驗性和娛樂性強的產品。本項目將以影視游樂為主題,注重游客的互動體驗,特色鮮明,和現有影視產業項目形成差異化的發展,具有良好的發展潛力。投資項目效益分析:本項目建成后,每年可吸引550萬游客參觀游覽;預計每年可實現政府利稅24億美元;創造36萬余個新增就業機會。招商引資建設條件:項目位于北京、天津兩大城市及雄安新區的中間位置,隨著北京第二機場的建設,京南中軸正在打造形成,永清形成了“經濟強縣、美麗永清”的城市定位。本項目緊鄰京臺高速永清出口,距離在建京九高鐵永清西站約10公里,距離首都新機場14公里,項目交通區位優勢明顯。本項目內擁有韓村林場等林地生態資源,可開展休閑活動;同時依托永清的溫泉資源,可打造特色的溫泉體驗產品,并且永清縣擁有獨特的宋遼戰爭文化歷史,為開展體驗項目提供了豐富的文化依托。項目招商機構:中國銀泰集團下屬銀泰(永清)新城投資有限公司。銀泰集團(全稱“中國銀泰投資有限公司”)由沈國軍先生于1997年在北京創立,是一家多元化產業投資集團,下轄銀泰商業集團、銀泰置地集團、銀泰資源集團、銀泰旅游集團、銀泰產城集團、銀泰投資集團,擁有多家境內外上市公司和100多家控股、參股公司。招商引資合作方式:共同出資、合作經營。投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:鄒相松項目招商引資1583268***


Yongqing county Yintai entertainment town .The content and size of the projectProject planning, the total area of 4745 mu, with "film" and "fun" as the theme and the core elements, pay attention to the experience and the interaction of tourists, for cultural tourism development direction, focus on building "film and TV culture and tourism" pattern, form of film and television amusement industry cluster, at the same time through the "creative forms + + creative product design to build + creative ambience creative mechanism guarantee", implement innovative activation of film and television culture. At the same time, through the construction of the Shared tourism circle, perfect service circle, prosperous business circle and convenient living circle, the "production, city, people and article" are realiz***

Investment estimation and sourceThe total investment of the project plan is $25 billion, which is completely self-funded by Yintai gro***

Analysis of marketingProject in the coordinated development of beijing-tianjin-hebei national strategy, in line with the "" much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" in hebei province tourism development planning ", the Beijing and tianjin surrounding most existing film and television base in film and television production as the core, even combined with tourism, also only stay in the sightseeing level, lack of experience and entertaining products. This project will focus on the entertainment of film and television, pay attention to the interactive experience of tourists, distinctive features, and develop differentiated development with existing film and television industry projects, with good development potenti***

Analysis of economic benefitsAfter the completion of this project, 55 million visitors can be visited each year. It is expected to achieve a tax revenue of $240 million per year; More than 36,000 new jobs were created

Construction conditionsProject is located in Beijing, tianjin two cities and the middle position of male AnXin area, with the construction of the second airport in Beijing, Beijing south axis is building form, YongQing formed a strong county "economy, beautiful YongQing" city location. This project is close to the beijing-taiwan expressway yongqing export, which is about10km from the construction of the beijing-kowloon high-speed railway yongqing west railway station. It is14km from the capital new airport, and the project traffic location has obvious advantages. In this project, there are woodland ecological resources such as han village forest farm, which can carry out leisure activities. At the same time relying on YongQing hot spring resources, can make the hot spring experience of characteristic products, and yongqing has unique song liao war culture history, to carry out experience project provides a rich culture .Overview of Chinese contractorsYintai (yongqing) new town investment co., LTD., China Yintai group .The intime group (full name "the intime China investment co., LTD.") by Mr Guo-jun shen founded in Beijing in1997, is a diversified industrial investment group, administer the intime commercial group, the intime real estate group, the intime resource group, the intime travel group, the intime city group, the intime investment group, with many other listed companies and over100 domestic and foreign holding company, joint-stock company .Mode of cooperationToint contribution and cooperative operation .Contact and contactXiangsongZou Tel:招商引資電話:1583268***



招商引資內容及投資項目規模:項目規劃總占地面積為300畝,主要建設包括高級人才研修班、青少年培訓基地、電影數據資料館、動漫教育基地等內容。教育基地緊緊依托于優質教育資源,為學員提供影視基礎、影視表演、動漫、影視導演、影視編劇、影視特效等方向的高端職業技能培訓。影視教育基地將成為向各大藝術團體影視公司、文化公司培養輸送專業文化藝術創作、藝術管理及理論研究人才的重要生源基地。投資估算及來源:項目計劃投資項目總額:158億美元,全部由銀泰集團自籌解決。投資項目市場分析:項目依托京津地區優質的影視教育、技術資源,吸引影視高端技術及人員入園,通過影視基礎、影視表演、動漫、影視導演、影視編劇、影視特效等方向的高端職業技能培訓,成為向各大藝術團體影視公司、文化公司培養輸送專業文化藝術創作、藝術管理及理論研究人才的重要生源基地。投資項目效益分析:預計每年可實現政府利稅475萬美元;創造2500余個新增就業機會。招商引資建設條件:項目區域內無基本農田,符合生態環保及主體功能區的要求,符合永清城市規劃要求。項目招商機構:中國銀泰集團下屬銀泰(永清)新城投資有限公司。銀泰集團(全稱“中國銀泰投資有限公司”)由沈國軍先生于1997年在北京創立,是一家多元化產業投資集團,下轄銀泰商業集團、銀泰置地集團、銀泰資源集團、銀泰旅游集團、銀泰產城集團、銀泰投資集團,擁有多家境內外上市公司和100多家控股、參股公司。招商引資合作方式:共同出資、合作經營。投資機構聯系方式 招商引資聯系人:鄒相松招商引資電話:1583268***


Yintai film and television training ba***

The content and size of the projectThe project plan covers an area of 300 mu, and the main construction includes senior personnel training class, youth training base, film data archive, cartoon education base and so on. Education base on high quality education resources, tightly for trainees with the film and television, film and television performances, animation, film and television director, film and TV writers, film and television special effects such as the direction of the high-end vocational skills training. Education will become an important source base for the production of professional cultural and artistic creation, art management and theoretical research talents for the major arts groups, film and television companies and cultural compan***

Investment estimation and sourceThe total investment of the project plan is us $158 million, all of which is self-funded by Yintai group

Market analysisProject based on the beijing-tianjin region high quality film and TV education, technical resources, attract high-end technology and personnel in film and television, through the film and television base, film and television shows, anime, film director, film and TV writers, film and television special effects such as the direction of the high-end professional skills training, become to the major arts groups, film and television company, culture, the company has cultivated professional culture and art creation, art management and important student base theory research talen***

Economic benefit analysisIt is estimated that $475 million will be realized annually. More than 2,500 new jobs were created .Construction conditionsThere is no basic farmland in the region, which conforms to the requirements of ecological environment protection and main functional area, and conforms to the requirements of the yongqing city planning .Overview of Chinese contractorsYintai (yongqing) new town investment co., LTD., China Yintai group .Yintai group (full name "Yintai China investment co., LTD.") by Mr Guo-jun shen founded in Beijing in1997, is a diversified industrial investment group, administer Yintai business group, Yintai real estate group, Yintai resources group, Yintai tourism group, Yintai city group, Yintai investment group, with many other listed companies and over100 domestic and foreign holding company, joint-stock company .Mode of cooperationjoint contribution and cooperative operation .Contact and contactXiangsongZou Tel:1583268***


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