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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Useful Contacts for Making Enquiries Concerning the

Supporting Documents Required in Applying for a HKSS Certificate

I. Concerning the general supporting documents for application of HKSS Certificate

Agency/Organisation Relevant Services Provided Contact Details

Association of


Attesting Officers Ltd

Maintain a list of

China-Appointed Attesting

Officers for reference by the


Room 2603, Bank of America Tower

12 Harcourt Road

Central, Hong Kong

Tel2877 8229 (24-hour hotline)


Companies Registry Issue certified copies of

Certificate of Incorporation

and Certificate of Change of


Cyber Search Centre


Public Search Centre

13/F, Queensway Government Offices

66 Queensway, Hong Kong

24-hour Help Desk Support Service Team

Tel8201 ***

Fax8300 ***

Hong Kong Institute of

Certified Public


Maintain a register of certified

public accountants for reference

by the public

Membership Counter

27/F, Wu Chung House,

213, Queen’s Road East,

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel2287 ***


Inland Revenue


Issue certified true copies of

Business Registration

Certificate and certified extract

of information on the Business


Business Registration Office

4/F, Revenue Tower

5 Gloucester Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel187 ***


Land Registry Issue certified true copies of

printouts from the

computerized Land Register

Main Office

19/F, Queensways Government Offices

66 Queensway, Hong Kong

Tel2867 2871 / 3105 ***


The Law Society of

Hong Kong

Maintain a list of practising

lawyers in Hong Kong, who are

also China-Appointed Attesting

Officers, for reference by the


3/F, Wing On House

71 Des Voeux Road Central

Hong Kong

Tel2846 ***


Appendix 9

- 2 -

 II. Concerning the sector-specific documents for application of HKSS Certificate


[Service Sector Code]

Relevant Services Provided Contact Details

Airport Authority


Issue a confirmation letter or

certified true copies thereof on

request, certifying that the HKSS

Certificate applicant has engaged in

the provision of specific types of air

transport ground services at the Hong

Kong International Airport for the

past five consecutive years or more

immediately prior to the submiss***

of the application

Legal Department

HKIA Tower,

1 Sky Plaza Road,

Hong Kong International Airport

Lantau, Hong Kong

Tel2188 ***

Fax2182 ***

Civil Aviation



Issue certified true copies of the

Aerodrome Licence to the licencee

Civil Aviation Department Headquarters

1 Tung Fai Road, Hong Kong International

Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

Tel2910 ***

Fax2795 ***


Companies Registry


Process applications for money

lenders licences, renewal of licences

and endorsement on licences

Companies Registry (Money Lenders Unit)

13/F Queensway Government Offices

66 Queensway

Hong Kong

Tel2867 ***

Fax2530 ***

Department of Health



Issue upon request a letter certifying

that the applicant has been operating a

hospital or nursing home registered

with the Department of Health under

the Hospitals, Nursing Homes and

Maternity Homes Registration

Ordinance (Cap 165) of the HKSAR

for three consecutive years or more

immediately prior to the date***

lodgement of the application for the

HKSS Certificate

Office for Registration of Healthcare


Rm 3101, Hopewell Centre,

183 Queen's Road East,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel3107 ***

Fax2126 ***


Education Bureau

Curriculum and

Quality Assurance





School Registration &

Compliance Section


Enquiries related to record on school

registration in accordance with t h e

Education Ordinance (Cap. 279)

14/F, Wu Chung House

213 Queen's Road East

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel 2892 ***

Fax 2573 ***

- 3 -


[Service Sector Code]

Relevant Services Provided Contact Details

Electrical &

Mechanical Services



Issue upon request a letter certifying

that the applicant has been holding a

Certificate of Registration of Gas

Supply Company issued by the Gas

Authority under the Gas Safety

(Registration of Gas Supply

Company) Regulations (Cap.51 sub.

Leg. E)

Gas Standards Office

7/F, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon

Hong Kong

Tel2808 ***



Protection Department


Issue certified true copies of licence

or certificate, to prove that the

applicant has been holding the

following valid licences or certificates

under the relevant ordinances of the

HKSAR for three consecutive years

or more immediately prior to the d***

of lodgement of the application for

HKSS certificate:

(a) Waste Collection Licence issued

under the Waste Disposal

Ordinance (Cap 354)

(applicable to provision of

services for the collection or

removal of chemical waste or

clinical waste under the solid

waste disposal service);

(b) Waste Disposal Licence issued

under the Waste Disposal

Ordinance (Cap.354) (applicable

to provision of services for the

disposal of chemical waste or

clinical waste under the solid

waste disposal service);

(c) Certificate of Registration issued

under the Air Pollution Control

Ordinance (Cap.311) (applicable

to registered asbestos consultants,

registered asbestos contractors,

registered asbestos supervisors

and registered asbestos


Revenue Tower Office

33/F., Revenue Tower,

5 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Tel2824 ***

Fax:2838 ***

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