国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

2GoTrade Limited

電話:+852 2232***

傳真:+852 2232***




3 N Half Limited

電話:+852 9736***




3DP Technology Limited


852 - 8193***

E-mail info**[ta]**techgroup.com


3E Semiconductor Company Limited

電話:+852 2751***




5mina Limited




9D Technologies Company Limited

電話:+852 2815 ***

傳真:+852 3568 ***



地址:Unit 708, 7/F, Bio-Informatics Centre, 2 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong


產品:全產業鏈服務包括:- 視訊雲 - 品牌戰略 - 活動統籌 - 社交媒體 - 市場營銷 - 科技服務 - 創意策略 - 廣告業務 - 手機程式



A Big Company Limited

電話:+852 2688***

傳真:+852 2688***



地址:香港九龍塘達之路72 創新中心5520A

聯系人:Mandy Chow


A Big Company Limited

電話:+852 2688***

傳真:+852 2688***



地址:香港九龍塘達之路72 創新中心5520A

聯系人:Mandy Chow


A S Watson Group (HK) Limited


地址:5/F, 6 Dai Li Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong Hong Kong

簡介:5/F, 6 Dai Li Street Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong Hong Kong

產品:To manufacture P.E.T. bottles for beverages and carboys for distilled water, to distill water and fill it into bottles and carboys, to bottle and can soft drinks


Abbott Informatics Asia Pacific Limited

電話:+852 2793***

傳真:+852 2793 ***



地址:Units 701-3, 7/F., Bio-Informatics Ctr, No. 2 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

簡介:Units 701-3, 7/F., Bio-Informatics Ctr, No. 2 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong



Abcam (Hong Kong) Limited

電話:+852 2603 ***



地址:Unit 712, 7/F, Lakeside 1 No. 8 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK HK

簡介:Unit 712, 7/F, Lakeside 1 No. 8 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK HK

產品:Abcam develop pioneering research tools such as our proprietary rabbit monoclonal antibody technology, RabMAb®. RabMAb® provide the combined benefits of superior antigen recognition of the rabbit immune system with the specificity and consistency of a monoclonal antibody. With Abcam (Hong Kong) Ltd, we enhance the service and support for Hong Kong and Asia Pacific customers, including custom antibody development services, in vitro diagnostic antibodies. Another Abcam Key technology is the development of SimpleStep™ ELISA kits. The new kits have a greatly simplified protocol when compared to standard multi step ELISAs, providing significant time savings and ease of use. Additionally, a more efficient in-solution binding process provides superior sensitivity and specificity. SimpleStep™ kits are ideal for studying intra and extra cellular signaling pathways or for cancer biomarker research.

聯系人:Peter Lee


Able Trend Technology Limited

電話:+852 2605***


地址:Unit 217, Building 12W, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong

簡介:Unit 217, Building 12W, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong

聯系人:Elisa Liu


Accosys Limited

電話:+852 6235 ***



地址:Unit 110B, 1/F, IC Development Centre No. 6 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T.

簡介:Unit 110B, 1/F, IC Development Centre No. 6 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T.

產品:Accosys致力於研發企業級​​人工智能解決方案,從而降低企業運營成本,提升工作效率和客戶滿意度。 Accosys目前為企業提供的人工智能禮賓服務員,可以隨時隨地回答關於企業或產品的問題。它無需用戶下載App,可以直接在微信、Facebook等流行社交媒體上使用。此外,Accosys還為企業提供大數據分析服務,讓企業更加清晰的了解客戶需求進而做到高效精準營銷。

聯系人:Miles Wen


Accue Co. , Limited

電話:+852 2763 ***



地址:Unit 207, 2/F, IC Development Centre No. 6 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T.

簡介:Unit 207, 2/F, IC Development Centre No. 6 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T.

產品:ACCUE RDS電波鐘是香港註冊專利的設計技術,篩選並鎖定發射準確時間訊號的電臺,為本地提供一秒不差的計時器。只要在能夠接收到FM頻道的位置,ACCUE RDS電波鐘便能接收到RDS電臺的時間信息,從而為用戶顯示準確時間。與接收日本或中國微弱RCC訊號的RCC電波鐘相比,方便得多。

聯系人:Kenny Yip


Accuver Apac Limited

電話:+852 2210***



地址:Unit 206, 2/F, Lakeside 1, No. 8 science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

簡介:Unit 206, 2/F, Lakeside 1, No. 8 science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

聯系人:Mary Chow


Ackuis Technology Limited

電話:+852 2890 ***

傳真:+852 8148 ***



地址:Unit 716B, 7/F., Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park HK

簡介:準誠科技有限公司專注於提升工業自動化設備, 並竭力協助生產商改進各項生產流程。準誠來自“準確及誠信”, 我們秉持著準確與誠信的理念,提供客戶完整及可靠的解決方案。 我們是以強化品質為導向,以提供客戶具成本效益及信賴性的產品。我們以自動化方面的專業,協助客戶提高品質、降低成本、改善效率並加速產品能力。

產品:產品控制管理系統(PCMS)是一個功能強大的自動化產品檢測, 驗證, 測量和數據收集的機器視像系統。 PCMS確保生產線的產品質量符合客戶的標準要求才運送到客戶手中。通過PCMS的用戶界面,用戶只需輸入產品的標準要求,系統會自動通過一個算法邏輯去檢查產品質量,並在必要時進行拒絕任務。

聯系人:Samuel Ng


ACME Magnetic Tapes Limited


地址:84 Fuk Hi Street, Y.L.I.E., New Territories. HK

簡介:84 Fuk Hi Street, Y.L.I.E., New Territories. HK



Acoustic Arc International Limited

電話:+852 2607***

傳真:+852 2607***



地址:Units 110-112 Philips Electronics Building Hong Kong Science Park Hong Kong

簡介:Units 110-112 Philips Electronics Building Hong Kong Science Park Hong Kong

產品:AAi focuses on wireless technology and transform it to products for mass public, such as wireless audio technology, including - 2.4GHz wireless headphone and wireless earbuds - Bluetooth wireless headphone, wireless speaker and wireless earbuds - Conference call speaker and radar Receiver At the same time, we are helping customer to build and manage the technology in non-disclosed manner as an OEM manufacturer.



Acoustic Metamaterials Company Limited

電話:+852 9647 ***



地址:Unit 709B, 7/F, Bio Informatics Centre, No. 2 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK

簡介:Unit 709B, 7/F, Bio Informatics Centre, No. 2 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK

產品:利用特別設計的結構性薄膜材料所產生的低頻共振,薄膜型聲學超材料可實現對特定頻段噪音(尤其適用於低頻噪音)的強效吸收,並可在保持通風的情況下實現降噪。 首次實現!極輕、極薄,完美吸收低頻噪音的聲學超材料吸音板產品        性能與效率兼具的低頻噪音解決方案     適用於各種複雜環境        材料級深度定制 可廣泛應用於:1)高效室內隔音 2)建筑施工現場和生產車間噪音處理 3)音樂廳、錄音室隔音及回聲控制 4)實現通風,特種工業噪音治理

聯系人:Shuyu Chen


Acoustics Innovation Limited

電話:+852 2702***



地址:Unit 517, 5/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Sicence Park, Pak Shek Kok,HK

簡介:Unit 517, 5/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Sicence Park, Pak Shek Kok,HK

產品:我們的旗艦產品”SilentUP”可裝卸噪音屏障是一種能有效控制建築噪音,高度能達8米的輕便噪音屏障,其裝卸過程不需藉助機械僅靠人力進行,甚至可以在夜間安靜地進行。藉助這種屏障,承建商可以更容易取得建築噪音許可證,夜間繼續進行建築工程。 另外,我們亦提供定製服務的輕便隔音罩,及其他切合特定地盤特點的隔音裝置。

聯系人:Yasir Ahmed Naveed


Active-Semi Hong Kong Limited

電話:+852 2607***

傳真:+852 2607***



地址:Unit 802B, 8/F, IC Development Centre No. 6 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK Hong Kong

簡介:Unit 802B, 8/F, IC Development Centre No. 6 Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, HK Hong Kong

產品:1) Power Application Controllers (PAC) Active-Semi offers single-IC solutions for various Power Applications through the flagship Power Application Controller (PAC) product family. These products integrate all essential analog & power management peripherals along with a 32-bit ARM® microcontroller core. 2) Power Managment Units (ActivePMU™) ActivePMU™ family of power management units (PMUs) and Power Management ICs (PMICs) combine best-in-class power conversion with intelligent system management. Some applications powered by ActivePMU Family ICs include application processors, memory, and peripherals in advanced portable devices. 3) DC/DC Converters Active-Semi's rich portfolio of DC/DC converters are applied to a wide range of equipment, including Power Bank ICs to extend battery life of Smartphones and Tablets •Car Chargers for Smartphones, iPad® / iPhone® / iPod®, PND, and Tablet PCs •LCD-TV, Set-Top Box, ADSL, Monitors, Data Storage •Digital Video Recording, Security Camera, Home/Commercial Alarm Systems •General LED Lighting 4)AC/DC Converters Active-Semi delivers industry leading price to performance on primary-side regulator (PSR) and secondary-side regulator (SSR) AC/DC power converters through our ActivePSR™ and ActiveQR™ technologi***

聯系人:Sammi Wong


Advalue Asia Limited

電話:+852 3480 ***



地址:Unit 715A, 7/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong

簡介:Unit 715A, 7/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong

產品:EyeBall+AdValue一個自家研發產品,為廣告商或中小企而設的綜合網上廣告計劃管理平臺。平臺覆蓋的網上廣告渠道包括各大搜尋器、展示廣告及社交媒體。EyeBall+採用自家研發的技術(申請專利中)及最新的程序化媒體投放技術,為客戶提供跨廣告媒體的自動預算調節及優化方案。當中包括:1.自動化及實時廣告投放 2.跨渠道效果優化方案 3.目標人群分類及分析

聯系人:Ka Kit Cheng


Advance Equipment Services (HK) Ltd


地址:48 Wang Lee Street Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong Hong Kong

簡介:48 Wang Lee Street Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong Hong Kong


Advanced Photoelectronic Technology Limited

電話:+852 3521***



地址:Units 501-502, 5/F, IC Development Ctr, No. 6 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong

簡介:Units 501-502, 5/F, IC Development Ctr, No. 6 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong

聯系人:Alice Cheng


AdvanPro Limited

傳真:+852 2607***



地址:Unit 208, 2/F, Building 12W, No. 12 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong


產品:安潤普獨特的SOFTCEPTOR™傳感技術是一種基於柔性材料的創新技術,包含織物應變傳感器和柔性壓力傳感器兩種。這種傳感器具有測量範圍大(應變可達0- 60%壓力02000kPa,靈敏度高、彈性好、與皮膚相似的低模量、出色的穩定性與長期疲勞性能的特點,而且材料體系安全,我們為客戶提供:(1)大變形柔性織物傳感器、柔性壓力傳感器及測量系統;(2)可穿戴式電子產品應用解決方案。



Advwhere Limited

電話:+852 6336***



地址:Unit 107A, 1/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science ParkWest Avenue Hong Kong

簡介:Unit 107A, 1/F, Enterprise Place No. 5 Science ParkWest Avenue Hong Kong

產品:Advwhere 透過獨有的數據分析,為品牌搭配最合適的社交媒體達人。以獨有的社交媒體分析技術,為您設計個性化社交媒體推廣,由社交媒體達人創作內容,讓品牌更具感染力。

聯系人:Edwin Wong


AgaMatrix Hong Kong Limited

電話:+852 3468***

傳真:+852 3453***



地址:Unit 209, 2/F, Lakeside 1, No..8 Science Park West Avveune, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok Hong Kong

簡介:Unit 209, 2/F, Lakeside 1, No..8 Science Park West Avveune, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok Hong Kong

產品:The current primary focus of commercialization of AgaMatrix is in blood glucose monitoring. AgaMatrix does have its own brand (called WaveSense); however, the majority of products are sold via private-label partnerships. The Blood Glucose Monitoring system include a meter, a vial of single-use test strips and a lancing device and lancets (for extracting blood). In addition, AgaMatrix also makes desktop-PC based software for connecting to and downloading meter readings (called Zero-Click). AgaMatrix’s WaveSense-branded glucose meter products include meters called KeyNote, Presto and Jazz. The ‘pro’ series are meters that include a mechanical test strip ejection system (KeyNote Pro, Presto Pro). The most notable recent product innovation that AgaMatrix has developed is the world’s first iPhone-connected glucose meter, sold internationally by Sanofi-Aventis under the name iBGStar (www.**gstar.com). In addition, Sanofi-Aventis is also distributing another AgaMatrix glucose meter system called the ‘BGStar’. AgaMatrix was also the world’s first glucose meter company to develop an iPhone app for diabetics called the ‘WaveSense Diabetes Manager’. It was consistently been rated the best app of its kind in the iTunes store. Through its relationship with Perrigo, AgaMatrix is distributing its glucose meter system to major US retailers like Target and Krogers. Through its international partners, AgaMatrix glucose monitoring systems are also being sold in Europe by MedTrust (under the name ‘Wellion Linus’) and in China by Grace Medical (under the name ‘Grace Pro’).

聯系人:Wonnie Chan


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