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Araque, Reyna Sosa Viso & Pittier

Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Ctro. Lido,

Torre C, P.8, Caracas.

Tel.: (58-212) 953-9244

Fax: (58-212) 953-7777/ 953-7666

Email: info[ta]araquereyna.ve

Website: www.araquereyna.ve

Languages: English and Spanish

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Oil and Gas, Mining, Antitrust, Tax & Labour Law and Intellectual Property.


Baker & Mckenzie

Avenida Principal Las Mercedes

Intercepción c/calle París Caracas.

Tel.: (58-212) 276-5111/5112

Fax: (58-212) 993-0818

Email: carlos.delgado[ta]bakermckenzie.ve

Website: www.bakermckenzie.ve

Languages: English and Spanish

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Oil and Gas, Mining, Antitrust, Tax & Labour Law


Bentata, Hoet & Asociados

Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Centro Lido

Torre A, Piso 6, of.61-B

Tel.: (58-212) 951-2067

Fax: (58-212) 951-3067

E-mail: lawyers[ta]bentata.ve

Website: www.bentata.ve

Laguages: English, French, Spanish and German.

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Oil and Gas, Mining, Antitrust, Tax & Labour Law


Clarke Modet

Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Provincial B

Piso 13. Chacao, Caracas 1060.

Tel.: (58-212) 266 8508 / 263 3592

Fax: (58-212) 265 3773 / 263 7355

Email: info[ta]clarkemodet.ve.com

Website: www.clarkemodet.ve.com

Languages: English and Spanish

Specialties: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Domain names, Plant varieties, Sanitary registrations.


Clyde & Company

3a Avevida, entre 6ta y 7ma transversal, Quinta RR

Los Palos Grandes, Caracas.

Tel.: (58-212) 285-7118 / 285-7982

Fax: (58-212) 285-5098

Email: clyde.co[ta]cantv.com

Website: www.clydeco.ve

Languages: English and Spanish

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Oil and Gas, Mining, Tax & Labour Law, Specializing in Maritime Law and Insurance.


D'Empaire, Reyna, Bermúdez

Plaza La Castellana, Edif. Bancaracas, PH, Caracas; or Torre Banco Venezolano de Crédito,

P.9,  Ofc. 9-H, Barcelona, Edo. Anzoategui, 6001.

Tel.: (58212)264-6244 / (58-281)286-6223

Fax:  (58212)264-7543/7743 /(58-281) 286-3771

Email: dra[ta]dra.ve.com

Website: www.dra.ve.com

Languages: English and Spanish

Specialties:  Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Oil and Gas, Mining Tax

and Labour Law.


Hoet, Pelaez, Castillo y Duque

Av. Blandin Ctro. San Ignacio Torre Kepler

piso 4, La Castellana, Caracas.

Tel.: (58-212) 263-6644/201-8611

Fax: (58-212) 263-7744

Email: fpelaez[ta][ta]hpcd.ve

Languages: English, Spanish French.

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Oil and Gas, Mining

Antitrust, Tax & Labour Law, intelectual property.


Hogan Lovells

Centro San Ignacio, Torre Copérnico, Ofi. TO-P3-02

Av. Blandín, La Castellana

1060 Caracas


Phone: (58-212) 266-9772

Fax: (58-212) 266-9732

E-mail: bciuffetelli[ta]hhlaw.ve

Website: www.hoganlovells.ve

Languages: English, French and Italian

Specialties: Antitrust competition and Consumer protection, Corporate and Security, International Trade, Arbitration, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, International Finance, Oil & Gas.


Norton Rose Group

Centro San Ignacio, Torre Copérnico, piso 8

Av. Blandín, La Castellana, Caracas.

Tel.: (58-212) 276-0000

Fax: (58-212) 276-0011

Email: carlos.fernandez[ta]macleoddixon.ve

Website: www.nortonrose.ve/ca

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Intellectual Property, Oil and Gas, Mining, Antitrust, Tax & Labour Law.


Palacios Ortega & Asociados

Calle Guaicaipuro, Torre Forum, P.6, Of. 6-A

Urbanización. El Rosal

Apartado 1423, Caracas 1010-A

Caracas, Venezuela

Tel.: (58-212) 951-3333

Fax: (58-212) 951-2851

Email: general[ta]palaciosortega.ve

Website: www.palaciosortega.ve

Languages: English and Spanish

Specialties: banking law, capital markets, general corporate law and corporate restructuring financing, taxation and tax planning, labour and employment law, IT, telecommunications, litigation and oil and gas.


Rodriguez & Mendoza

Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Edificio Parque Cristal, Torre Este, piso 11

Los Palos Grandes, Caracas

Tel.: (58-212) 285-4944

Fax: (58-212) 285-1379

Email: romen[ta]romen.ve

Website: www.romen.ve

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian

Specialties: This lawyer's firm was founded 100 years ago, maintaining to date a high reputation amongst their clients and with a staff of over 40 lawyers. Specialized in Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, with focus particularly in the Oil and Gas, Financing, Lending Transactions, Mining, Antitrust, Tax & Labour Law. Rodríguez & Mendoza were key in the structuring of the joint venture companies (empresas mixtas) between several foreign operators and the Venezuela state owned oil company PDVSA, as well as a service oil & gas joint venture with a Canadian company.


Sarmiento Nu?ez Consulting

Av. Francisco de Miranda, Edif. EASO, p.5, Ofc. 5-CD,

El Rosal, Caracas.

Tel.: (58-212) 951-0560/1359

Fax: (58-212) 951-7213

Email: info[ta]snconsult.ve

Website: www.snconsult.ve

Languages: English, Spanish, French and Italian.


Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart y Nu?ez

Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Torre Country Club, piso 2 y 3

Chacaito, Caracas

Tel.: (58-212) 3194400 / 953-9033

Fax: (58-212) 953-8365 / 953-7583

Email: ttpn[ta]ttpn.ve.com

Website: www.ttpn.ve.com

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese

Specialties: All


Torres Plaz y Araujo

Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, piso 2 & 6

Campo Alegre, Caracas

Tel.: (58-212) 905-0211

Fax: (58-212) 905-0200 / 0203

Email: comunicacionestpa[ta]tpa.ve.com

Website: www.tpa.ve.com

Languages: English, Spanish, and French

Specialties: Corporate & Commercial Law, Foreign Investments, Tax & Labour Law



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