華美環(huán)境保護(hù)協(xié)會(www.**pa.us.com)于1988 年8 月成立于美國加州奧克蘭市,現(xiàn)有會員超過250 位。現(xiàn)任會長
CAEPA 成立宗旨如下:
The Chinese American Environmental Professionals Association (CAEPA)
(www.caepa.us.com), was founded in August
membership of more than 250. The President is Jim Leu, Ph.D., P.E. from 2012 to2014.
CAEPA’s goals are to:
• Promote fellowship and professional interaction among members
• Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge on environmental
management and pollution-control issues
• Provide technical and scientific support to environmental efforts in Pacific
Rim countries
• Engage in other activities, such as promoting and providing environmental
education, to the Chinese American community