1、 加拿大阿爾伯塔省航空工業協會
Description: Providing professional and proactive support to aerospace industries and researchers already operating in the province, or looking to establish in
Home Page: http://www.**rospace.ab.ca
Contact: Ken Beleshko, Executive Director
Telephone: (780) 413-***
Facsimile: (780) 413-***
E-mail: abaa**[ta]**et.com
Details: The directory of industry members may be obtained at no cost by contacting the office of the Association. The directory is updated every 18-24months.
Description: Food processing directory;Home Page: http://www.**ric.gov.ab.ca
Contact: Dr. Allan Pelletier;Agri-Food Development Processing Industry Division,
Telephone: (780) 427-***
Facsimile: (780) 422-***
E-mail: pelleti**[ta]**ic.gov.ab.ca
Details: The directory may be obtained by accessing the web site or by contacting the Agri-Food Development office. There is no charge for the directory.
Description: A self governing professional association charged with the responsibility of regulating the practice of architecture for the protection of the public and the advancement of the Profession. The Association has been active in
Telephone: (780) 432-***
Facsimile: (780) 439-***
E-mail: info**[ta]**.ab.ca
Details: The directory can be obtained by accessing the Association website or by contacting the office. The web site listing is available at no cost. There is a cost associated with the paper version. The paper version is updated annually, and the website list is updated monthly.
Description: Landscape architecture is the profession concerned with creative rational planning and design of open space. Members of the Association work collectively to advance the quality of professional practice within the province. Contact: Bonnie Holtby, Office Manager;#689920 - 63 Avenue
Telephone: (780) 435-***
Facsimile: (780) 922-***
E-mail: aala**[ta]**a.ab.ca
Details: Copies of the Association directory can be obtained at no cost by contacting the office directly. The directory is updated periodically.
Description: A construction association dedicated to serving its members by effectively communicating with government on industry issues, supporting the long-term promotion of the construction industry as a career, promoting the standards of professional business practices within the industry, and developing an annual economic forecast. Home Page: http://www.**const.org
Telephone: (780) 455-***
Facsimile: (780) 451-***
E-mail: aca-ab**[ta]**usplanet.net
Details: The directory of members is available to those in the construction industry. There is a cost associated with this directory. This publication is updated annually. Contact the Association office for a copy.
Description: An association of retailers, manufacturers, and distributors in the floor covering industry. The association's purpose is for the betterment of industry, and consumer assistance.
Contact: Office Administrator;60 Martindale Close, NE;
Telephone: (403) 280-***
Facsimile: (403) 280-***
The directory may be obtained at no cost by contacting the Association office. The directory is updated annually.
Description: The Alberta Forest Products Association represents 66companies producing lumber, pulp and paper, panel board and secondary manufactured products. The forest products industry is
Home Page: www.**bertaforestproducts.ca/about/welcome.htm;
Home Page: www.**forestprod.org/membership
Contact: Mr. Larry Skory, Director, Public Affairs;
Telephone: (780) 452-***
Facsimile: (780) 455-***
E-mail: lskory**[ta]**pusmart.ab.ca
Details: The directory may be obtained at no cost on-line or by contacting the association's office. The directory is updated every one to two years.
Alberta Home Builders' Association
Description: The Alberta Homebuilders' Association is the voice of the residential construction industry in
Home Page: http://www.**ba.ca/
Contact: Grant Ainsley, Executive Director; #205, 10544- 114Street,
Telephone: (780) 424-***
Facsimile: (780) 426-***
E-mail: ahba**[ta]**erta-homes.com
Details: The directory can be assessed through the Association website.
Description: A self-governing professional association legislated under the Land Surveyors' Act. The Association regulates the practice of land surveying for the protection of the public and administration of the profession.
Home Page: http://www.**sa.ab.cahttp://www.alsa.ab.ca/resource.htm
Contact: Brian Munday, Executive Director;2501 CN Tower, 10004- 104Avenue;
Telephone: (780) 429-***
Facsimile: (780) 429-***
E-mail: munday**[ta]**a.ab.ca
Details: Paper copies of the Association directory can be obtained by contacting the office directly or by viewing the website. The website list is updated monthly and the hard copy version of the list is updated yearly. There is no cost.
Description: The APVMA is a dynamic and growing organization of industry representatives committed to developing a nurturing environment for pressure vessel manufacturers throughout
Home Page: www.**vma.com;
Telephone: (780) 438-***
Facsimile: (780) 437-***
E-mail: apvma**[ta]**ma.com
Details: The directory is available on line, at no cost and is updated periodically.
Description: Provides training, promotional literature, for the ready mixed concrete industry.
Home Page: http://www.**mca.net/
Contact: Ed Kallis, Executive Administrator;201, 9333 - 45Avenue;
Telephone: (780) 436-***
Facsimile: (780) 436-***
E-mail: armca**[ta]**nect.ab.ca
Details: The directory is available to contractors at a small cost. A copy can be obtained by contacting the Association office. The directory is updated annually.
Description: The Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada is the leading advocate for manufacturers and exporters in
Contact: Vice President;
Telephone: (780) 426-***
Facsimile: (780) 426-***
E-mail: alberta**[ta]**-alliance.com
Details: The directory of members is available on-line at no cost and is updated periodically.
Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of
Description: AWMAC promotes the interests of persons, firms, and corporations engaged in the business of manufacturing, supplying and/or installing Architectural Woodwork.
HomePage: www.**mac.com;
Contact: Frank VanDonzel, Secretary/Manager;516- 4Street West;
Telephone: (403) 652-***
Facsimile: (403) 652-***
E-mail: vandonzj**[ta]**ac.com
Details: The directory is available at no cost through the Association website. The directory is updated periodically
Association of Sewn
Description: ASAP is a not-for-profit association for those industries in
Telephone: (403) 329-***
Facsimile: (403) 380-***
E-mail: elliot_b**[ta]**hbridgec.ab.ca
Details: The directory may be obtained at a cost by contacting the Association office. The Association website will be launched in December 1999 allowing on-line access to the directory at no cost.
Calgary General Contractors Association
Description: The members of the Calgary General Contractors Association carry out industrial, commercial and institutional construction in addition to building multi-unit residential complexes. The Association provides opportunities for the exchange of information for the members, and promotes harmonious working relationships for the benefit of the construction industry.
Telephone: (403) 291-***
Facsimile: (403) 250-***
Details: The directory includes members from all major centres in
Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
Description: A trade organization representing independent drilling and servicing contractors.
Home Page: http://www.**odc.ca
Contact: Tim Paul, Coordinator, Econ. Analysis;#800, 540 ? 5Avenue
Telephone: (403) 264-***
Facsimile: (403) 263-***
E-mail: info**[ta]**dc.ca
Details: Directory is available by accessing the website or by contacting the Association office. There is a fee for this directory. The directory is updated annually.
Canadian Gas Processors Suppliers Association (CGPSA)
Description: The CCPSA is a not-for-profit organization formed to promote interaction and the exchange of ideas and technology that will add value to those involved with or affected by the gas processing industry globally. Home Page: www.**psa.com;Address: www.northernstar.ab.ca
Contact: Scott Jeffrey, Publisher;Northern Star Communications Ltd.5th Floor, 900 - 6Avenue S.W.
Telephone: (403) 263-***
Facsimile: (403) 263-***
E-mail: nstar**[ta]**thernstar.ab.ca
Details: Directory is available by accessing the Northern Star Communications website. The directory is updated annually.
Canadian Masonry Research Institute
Description: The purpose of the institute is to identify all opportunities, which will enhance the continued and healthy growth of the masonry construction industry.
Home Page: http://www.**nmasonry.com
Directory Address: http://www.**nmasonry.com/Members.htm
Contact: Dr. Michael Hatzinikolas; #200, 10524?178 St;
Telephone: (780) 489-***
Facsimile: (780) 484-***
E-mail: cmri**[ta]**masonry.com
Details: The directory can be accessed through the website address provided. The directory is updated yearly.
Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA)
Description: An industry association committed to serving the plastics industry. The CPIA is proactive, with a regional emphasis, that puts it's services within close proximity of all CPIA members.
Home Page: www.**astics.ca;Contact: Executive Director ? West Canadian Plastics Industries Association;
Telephone: (780) 421-***
Facsimile: (780) 421-***
E-mail: west**[ta]**a.ca
Directory Contact: Karen Wolfe;CPIA National ;5925Airport Road, Suite ***
Telephone: (905) 678-***
Facsimile: (905) 678-***
Details: The Directory is available in paper format. The cost will vary. The content is updated yearly.
Canadian Portland Cement Association (CPCA)
Description: Headquartered in
Home Page: www.**ca.ca
Contact: Walter Dobslaw, M.Eng., P.Eng.;Managing Engineer ?
#206, 2723 - 37Avenue
Telephone: (403) 250-***
Facsimile: (403) 250-***
E-mail: wdobslaw**[ta]**a.ca
Details: The directory can be accessed through the website address provided. The directory is updated as required.