国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

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關于卡特彼勒 - 卡特彼勒是物流,自動化,金融服務,發電機等眾多行業的推動力,我們甚至將品牌優勢轉化為國際鞋業巨頭。無論我們做什么,我們在業務的每一個方面對卓越的承諾都使得卡特彼勒成為全球力量,尊重和誠信的象征。卡特彼勒是一家全球性公司,有機會在美國和全球各地旅行和工作。我們在21個國家擁有制造工廠,11個國家的營銷總部和19個分銷中心。 了解更多


Caterpillar is a driving force in logistics, automation, financial services, power generators and many other industries - we've even leveraged the strength of our brand into an international footwear powerhouse. No matter what we do, our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our business has made the name Caterpillar a symbol of strength, respect and integrity all over the world. Caterpillar is a global company with opportunities to travel and work at locations across the US and abroad. We have manufacturing facilities in 21 countries, marketing headquarters in 11 countries and distribution centers in***



About CGB Enterprises - CGB Enterprises has been an innovative and progressive leader in the grain and transportation industries since 1970. The company provides an array of services for grain farmers, from financing and risk management to buying, storing, selling and shipping of the crop. The company's entrepreneurial philosophy and culture is evident throughout its operations and separates us from our competition. Employees are encouraged to follow flexible career paths that fit their individual desires. We have opportunities for career growth and development available in grain merchandising, operations management, accounting management, marine fleeting and terminal services, freight and logistics, soybean processing, diversified services, and agri-financial services. Read More

CGB Enterprises1970年以來一直是糧食和交通行業的創新和進步的領導者。該公司為糧食農民提供一系列服務,從融資和風險管理到作物的購買,儲存,銷售和運輸。公司企業哲學和文化在整個運營過程中顯而易見,并將我們與競爭對手分開。鼓勵員工遵循符合個人愿望的靈活職業道路。我們在糧食銷售,運營管理,會計管理,船舶流通和碼頭服務,貨運和物流,大豆加工,多元化服務和農業金融服務方面有職業發展和發展的機會。



關于雪佛龍 - 雪佛龍是世界上最大的綜合能源公司之一。公司總部位于加利福尼亞州圣拉蒙,在約180個國家開展業務,從事石油和天然氣行業的各個方面,包括勘探和生產; 煉油,銷售和運輸; 化學品制造和銷售; 地熱和發電。雪佛龍讓畢業生有機會把他們的教育轉化為有意義的工作。畢業生被邀請成為我們全球使命的一部分,為世界各地的人們提供所需的能源,使他們能夠順利地生活和工作。

Chevron is one of the largest integrated energy companies in the world. Headquartered in San Ramon, California, and conducting business in approximately 180 countries, the company is engaged in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry, including exploration and production; refining, marketing and transportation; chemicals manufacturing and sales; geothermal and power generation. Chevron gives graduates the chance to translate their education into meaningful work. Graduates are invited to become part of our global mission to provide people around the world with the energy they need to live well and work successful***



About ConAgra Brands - ConAgra Brands believes in the power of great foods. Our Consumer Foods segment manufactures and markets leading branded products, found in 97 percent of American homes, to retail and foodservice customers. Our Commercial Foods segment manufactures and sells specialty products to foodservice and commercial customers worldwide. We provide extraordinary job opportunities for growth with competitive salaries and benefits in an exciting, fast-paced workplace. Having built a strong business case for diversity and inclusion, ConAgra Brands' Employee Resource Networks provide organizational and business insights to deliver leadership development experiences, to create an environment for exploring our uniqueness and to provide community support through volunteer opportunities in the community.



關于康明斯 - 康明斯是全球領先的電力企業,是一個互補的業務部門,設計,制造,分銷和服務發動機及相關技術。康明斯總部位于哥倫布,為約190個國家的客戶提供服務。康明斯期望其員工成為領導者。如果你作為一名領導人來經營,并且與人民保持良好的關系,那么在康明斯和你自己的生活中將會取得成功。沒有僵化的職業生涯軌跡 - 所以你是否希望把你的技能專注于技術項目和人員的管理,或者如果你想致力于成為研究領域的專家,或者兩者兼而有之 - 你的任務和職業道路將符合你的才能和利益。

Cummins is a global power leader, a corporation of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute and service engines and related technologies. Headquartered in Columbus IN, Cummins serves customers in approximately 190 countries. Cummins expects its employees to become leaders. If you operate as a leader, and relate well with the people, success at Cummins and in your own life will come. There are no rigid career tracks - so whether you desire to focus your skills on the management of technical projects and people, or if you want to dedicate yourself to becoming a research area specialist, or both - your assignments and career path will match your talents and interes***



關于企業 - 企業是一個超過68,000的大家庭; 這家世界級的公司擁有本土的根源。作為Alamo Rent A CarEnterprise Rent-A-CarNational Car Rental的母公司,我們贏得了作為工作的好地方的聲譽。在我們的組織中,我們有機會尋找成長和成功的人。通過巨大的領導力和員工的創業精神,我們已經建立了北美最大的租車公司 - 客戶的顧客,汽車從零開始。但是我們的目標從來不是最大的; 我們只是努力成為最好的。

Enterprise is an extended family of more than 68,000; a world-class company with homegrown roots. As the parent company of Alamo Rent A Car, Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental, we have earned a reputation as a great place to work. Across our organization, we have opportunities for people looking to grow and succeed. Through tremendous leadership and the entrepreneurial spirit of our employees, we've built the largest rental car company in North America - customer by customer, car by car from the ground up. But our goal has never been to be the biggest; we simply work hard to be the best.



About Fiat Chrysler Automobiles - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is the 7th largest automaker in the world. With the resources, technology and worldwide distribution network required to compete on a global scale, the alliance builds on Chrysler Group’s culture of innovation, first established by Walter P. Chrysler in 1925, and Fiat’s complementary technology that dates back to its founding in 1899. Headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan, Chrysler Group’s product lineup features some of the world's most recognizable brands: Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, SRT and Mopar. The all-new FCA partnership adds recognizable Fiat brands: Fiat, Abarth, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Maserati and Ferrari, into one company: Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. We are a global organization not just in numbers, but also in the spirit, mentality and ambitions of our people.



關于福特 - 位于密歇根州迪爾伯恩的全球汽車行業領先企業福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Company)在六大洲制造或經銷汽車。在全球約有195,000名員工和66家工廠,公司汽車品牌包括福特和林肯。該公司通過福特汽車信貸公司提供金融服務。



關于Geico - 75多年來,GEICO從保險行業中脫穎而出!由于我們的低利率,優質的服務和巧妙的營銷,我們是全國規模最大,增長最快的汽車保險公司之一。我們是一個行業領導者,雇用了數千名敬業和勤奮的員工。作為伯克希爾哈撒韋公司全資子公司,我們在財務穩定和有益的工作場所為員工提供培訓和職業發展。


For more than 75 years, GEICO has stood out from the rest of the insurance industry! We are one of the nation's largest and fastest-growing auto insurers thanks to our low rates, outstanding service and clever marketing. We're an industry leader employing thousands of dedicated and hard-working associates. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, we offer associates training and career advancement in a financially stable and rewarding workplace.



關于通用電氣 - 通用電氣是一家面向全球最嚴峻挑戰的全球基礎設施。從日常燈泡到燃料電池技術,再到更清潔更高效的噴氣發動機,GE已經在130多年的時間里不斷塑造我們的世界,開創性的創新。




關于通用汽車 - 通用汽車是世界上最大的汽車制造商之一,在全球的每個主要地區雇傭了20.5萬人,在大約157個國家開展業務。通用汽車及其戰略合作伙伴在31個國家生產汽車和卡車,并通過別克,凱迪拉克,雪佛蘭,一汽,GMC,大宇,霍爾頓,解放,歐寶,沃克斯豪爾和五菱等品牌進行銷售和服務。你對通用汽車公司職業生涯是正確的。我們只是在重塑汽車和我們的公司。我們在包容,相互尊重,責任和理解的基礎上創造了一個文化和商業環境。所以把你的想法,并幫助我們制作最好的通用汽車呢。

General Motors one of the world's largest automakers, employs 205,000 people in every major region of the world and does business in some 157 countries. GM and its strategic partners produce cars and trucks in 31 countries, and sell and service these vehicles through the following brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, FAW, GMC, Daewoo, Holden, Jiefang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling. You're right to consider a career with General Motors. We're doing nothing less than reinventing the automobile and our company. We've created a culture and business environment based upon inclusion, mutual respect, responsibility, and understanding. So bring your ideas, and help us craft the best GM yet.



關于約翰迪爾 - 約翰迪爾正在利用最新的技術突破來生產出色的設備并提供一流的客戶服務。我們是世界領先的農林業先進產品和服務供應商,也是建筑,草坪和草坪護理,園林綠化和灌溉的先進產品和服務的主要提供商。約翰迪爾還在世界各地提供金融服務,制造和銷售用于重型設備的發動機。公司成立于1837年,在全球范圍內延續了誠信,品質,承諾和創新的傳統。我們尊重員工,提供有競爭力的薪酬和優厚的待遇。

John Deere is making use of the latest technological breakthroughs to produce exceptional equipment and provide first-class customer service. We're the world's leading provider of advanced products and services for agriculture and forestry and a major provider of advanced products and services for construction, lawn and turf care, landscaping and irrigation. John Deere also provides financial services worldwide and manufactures and markets engines used in heavy equipment. Founded in 1837, the company has extended its heritage of integrity, quality, commitment and innovation around the globe. We treat our people with respect and offer competitive compensation and outstanding benefits.



About Kimball International - Kimball International, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of design driven, technology savvy, high quality furnishings sold under the Company’s family of brands: National Office Furniture, Kimball Office and Kimball Hospitality. Our diverse portfolio provides solutions for the workplace, learning, healing and hospitality environments. Customers can access our products globally through a variety of distribution channels. Recognized with a reputation for excellence as a trustworthy company and recognized with the Great Place to Work® designation, Kimball International is committed to a high performance culture that is committed to sound ethics, continuous improvement and social responsibility. To learn more about Kimball International, Inc. (NASDAQ: KBAL) visit www.**mball.com. Kimball International is a $540 Million public-traded company headquartered in Jasper, Indiana, United States.



About Koch Industries - Koch companies have a presence in nearly 60 countries and employ about 60,000 people. They have invested about $45 billion in acquisitions and other capital expenditures since 2003 to make life better around the world by efficiently converting resources into products and services that people depend on every day. Koch companies are involved in refining, chemicals and biofuels; forest and consumer products; fertilizers; polymers and fibers; process and pollution control equipment and technologies; commodity trading and services; minerals; ranching; and investments. We have long been committed to creating real, sustainable value for all of society. Koch's diverse businesses share a Market-Based Management® philosophy that empowers each team member to share ideas, challenge the status quo and explore new opportunities for advancement.



關于林肯金融集團 - 林肯金融集團是一家領先的金融服務公司和財富500強公司。我們的四大核心業務領域是人壽保險,收入,退休計劃服務和團體福利,重點支持,維護和改善我們的客戶生活方式,目標是幫助他們實現更好的退休成果。通過9000多名專職人才的合作,林肯金融提供了多種金融工具和建議,幫助人們掌握未來。

Lincoln Financial Group is a leading financial services firm and Fortune 500 company. Our four core business areas life insurance, income, retirement plan services and group benefits are focused on supporting, preserving, and enhancing our clients lifestyles, with the goal of helping them to achieve better retirement outcomes. Through the collaboration of more than 9,000 dedicated and talented employees, Lincoln Financial provides a diverse range of financial tools and advice to help people take charge of their futures.



關于諾福克南部 - 諾福克南部是全國最重要的運輸公司之一,專門從事貨運鐵路運輸。我們在22個州和哥倫比亞特區經營約21,000個路線英里,為美國東部的每個主要集裝箱港口提供服務,并為其他鐵路運輸商提供高效的連接。諾福克南部在東方擁有最廣泛的多式聯運網絡,是煤炭和工業產品的主要轉運者。我們是一個由32,000多名員工組成的團隊,共同維護“純種運輸”的美譽。作為一個行業的領導者,諾福克南部提供有競爭力的薪水和優秀的福利方案。

Norfolk Southern is one of the nation's premier transportation companies specializing in freight railroading. We operate approximately 21,000 route miles in 22 states and the District of Columbia, serve every major container port in the eastern United States, and provide efficient connections to other rail carriers. Norfolk Southern has the most extensive intermodal network in the East and is a major transporter of coal and industrial products. We are a team of more than 32,000 employees working together to maintain our reputation as "The Thoroughbred of Transportation". As an industry leader, Norfolk Southern offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefits packa***



關于諾斯羅普·格魯曼公司 - 諾斯羅普·格魯曼公司是全球領先的安全公司,為全球政府和商業客戶提供無人系統,網絡,C4ISR以及物流和現代化創新系統,產品和解決方案。



關于軌道攻擊 - With annual revenues in of nearly $4.5 billion, over 12,000 employees, and operations in about 20 states, Orbital ATK is a company on the move. Our mission is to ensure that our customers accomplish their mission - whether its a technological breakthrough, a satellite launch, or protecting our nation. The company is the world’s leading supplier of solid rocket motors, a leading provider of launch vehicles, satellites and other space systems, and the nation’s largest manufacturer of ammunition. Orbital ATK Flight Systems Group provides products and services that span the launch, missile systems and aerospace markets. We are a premier producer of solid rocket propulsion systems and specialty energetic products; a leading provider of small and medium class space launch vehicles for Civil, DoD and Commercial missions; a major supplier of interceptor boosters and target vehicles for missile defense; and a world class manufacturer of composite primary and secondary structures for commercial and military aircraft and launch vehicl***



關于派克漢尼汾 - 派克漢尼汾是運動控制技術領域的全球領導者,為各種商業,工業和航空市場提供系統化的精密工程解決方案。派克致力于為員工提供一個有能力,注重結果和價值觀的工作環境,為學習和個人成長提供平等的機會。創新,創新和個人責任對于提高派克漢尼汾公司效率至關重要。給員工提供他們期望與每一個客戶帕克共享,內部和外部組織內的同樣的尊重 更多

Parker Hannifin is the world leader in motion and control technologies providing systematic, precision-engineered solutions for a variety of commercial, industrial, and aerospace markets. Parker is committed to providing its employees an empowered, results-oriented and values driven work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity, innovation and personal accountability are essential for improving the effectiveness of Parker Hannifin Corporation. Employees are provided the same respect within the organization that they are expected to share with every Parker customer, internally and externally



About PepsiCo - PepsiCo offers the world's largest portfolio of billion-dollar food and beverage brands, including 22 different product lines that generate more than $1 billion in annual retail sales each. With net revenues of approximately $65 billion, PepsiCo's people are united by our unique commitment to sustainable growth by investing in a healthier future for people and our planet, which we believe also, means a more successful future for PepsiCo. We call this commitment Performance with Purpose: PepsiCo's promise to provide a wide range of foods and beverages for local tastes; to find innovative ways to minimize our impact on the environment, including conserving energy and water usage, and reducing packaging volume; to provide a great workplace for our associates; and to respect, support and invest in the local communities where we opera***



About Schlumberger - Schlumberger is committed to delivering the best possible performance-anytime, anywhere. Each day, in 80 countries, we help our customers find and produce oil and gas with respect for the environment. We're looking for men and women to join our global family in this effort. You'll follow in the tradition of our founders, Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger, who transformed the energy industry with the revolutionary idea of using electrical measurements to map subsurface rock formations. Schlumberger engineers recorded the first electrical resistivity well log in Pechelbronn, France in September 1927. Their pioneering attitude has been the foundation of our success for almost 80 years, and why today Schlumberger is the world's leading oilfield services company.



關于SMC公司 - 自成立以來,SMC一直是氣動技術領域的領導者,以“促進工業自動化節省勞力”的指導原則為行業提供技術和產品支持自動化。SMC提供多年來積累的技術,使產品煥發新生力量的工程師,能夠在短時間內提供各種產品


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