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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

Richmond, Larry School Teacher Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) lrichmond**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 727-***


Rife, Aubrey Residence Coordinator I Residence Life, Student Housing aubreyrife**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Riley, Cheryl Administrative Associate Marketing and Communications CRiley**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Riley, Francis Enrollment Services Officer II Enrollment Management friley**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Rizer, Carol Assistant Professor Nursing crizer**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Roberts, Tom Chair and Professor Computer Science tomroberts**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Roberts, Amy Professor Nursing ARoberts**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Roberts, Paul Associate Dean, CBT; Associate Professor of HRD and Technology HRD and Technology;College of Business & Technology PRoberts**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Roberts, Sarah Assistant Professor Music sroberts**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Robertson, Janet Executive Assistant President's Office jlrobertson**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Robinson, Melvin Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering mrobinson**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Rockwell, Howard Library Assistant II Library hrockwell**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rodriguez, Pamela Admissions Representative Admissions prodriguez**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Roebuck, Lucas Vice President for Marketing; Chief Communications Officer Marketing and Communications LRoebuck**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Roman, Jana Instructional Designer II Academic Transformation jroman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Romerill, David Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy DRomerill**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Romero, Jaime Administrative Assistant I Nursing JRomero**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rose, Cameron Associate Professor & Director of Choral Activities Music CRose**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rose, Charlotte Business Analyst Financial Services CharlotteRose**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Ross, Catherine Associate Professor of English Literature and Languages cross**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rossman, Susan Executive Director of Development - Corporate and Foundation Relations University Advancement SRossman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rothrock, Jack Network Analyst Information Technology jrothrock**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rountree, Betsy Faculty Associate Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) brountree**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 730-***


Royal, Patricia Director of Executive Health Care Administration Program Social Sciences PRoyal**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rudolph, Bethany Clinical Instructor Nursing BRudolph**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Rueter, Jessica Assistant Professor of Special Education School of Education jrueter**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Russo, Amy Academic Advisor III College of Business and Technology/Dean arusso**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Rutledge, Becky Instructional Leader Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) brutledge**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 727-***


Rutledge, Cindy Business Intelligence Specialist Institutional Analysis CRutledge**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sadler, Peggy Academic Advisor I Nursing/Longview Campus psadler**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 663-***


Salgado, Yvonne Budget & Reporting Analyst II Budget and Financial Reporting ysalgado**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Salinas, Kate Records Specialist Registrar's Office CSalinas**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Salter, George Maintenance Worker I Residence Life, Student Housing GSalter**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Samuel, Cheryl Administrative Services Officer College of Nursing & Health Sciences; Nursing csamuel**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


San, Casey Benefits Assistant Human Resources CSan**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sanders, Marlena Credit Card Coordinator Financial Services msanders**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sartain, J Ann Intervention Teacher Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) jsartain**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 727-***


Sass, Sarah Assoc Professor Psychology and Counseling ssass**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sathyamoorthy, Muthukrishnan Associate Dean of College of Engineering; Professor and Interim Chair of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering;Mechanical Engineering MSathyamoorthy**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Savage, Sandra Clinical Instructor Nursing ssavage**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sawyer, William Police Officer University Police wsawyer**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Saygili, Meryem Assistant Professor of Economics Social Sciences msaygili**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Saygili, Gokhan Assistant Professor Civil Engineering gsaygili**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Scheffrahn, Matt Senior Systems Analyst Information Technology mscheffrahn**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Scheinfeld, Emily Assistant Professor Communication EScheinfeld**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Schlemmer, Tanya Assistant Professor Nursing - School of Nursing tschlemmer**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Schulik, Rachel School Teacher Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) RSchulik**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 730-***


Schumaker, Robert Associate Professor Computer Science rschumaker**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Scott, David Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Social Sciences dscott**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Scott, Jennifer Engineer Recruiter College of Engineering & Computer Science JScott**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Scurlock, Jessica Communications Manager University Police jscurlock**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Seal, Jon Assistant Professor Biology jseal**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Seale, Michael Lieutenant University Police MSeale**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sexton, Jared Administrative Assistant II College of Pharmacy JSexton**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sharman, Whitney Academic Advisor I College of Arts and Sciences WSharman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sharpton, Rachel Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy RSharpton**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sheets, Kimberly Data Analyst and Processing Coordinator Graduate Admissions KSheets**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Shelton, Michael School Aide Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) MShelton**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 730-***


Sherman, Cynthia Director of UTEACH, Senior Lecturer School of Education csherman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sherman, Ross Dean, College of Education and Psychology College of Education and Psychology rsherman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Shin, Hwan Associate Professor of Finance Accounting, Finance and Business Law HShin**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Shipman, Denver Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy DShipman**[ta]**yler.edu



Shirvaikar, Mukul Professor Electrical Engineering mshirvaikar**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Shoair, Osama Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy OShoair**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Shogry, Joy Administrative Assistant II Environmental Health and Safety JShogry**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Shorette, Kelley Enrollment Services Officer I Enrollment Management kconnor**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Showen, Tanya Marketing Coordinator and Client Manager Marketing and Communications tshowen**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Shrewsbury, Stephanie Payroll Manager Financial Services sshrewsbury**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Shtoyko, Tanya Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry TShtoyko**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sibbing, Jessica Admissions Representative Admissions jsibbing**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sidey, Mark Senior Lecturer in Technical & Scientific Writing Literature and Languages msidney**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sills, Elizabeth Visiting Assistant Professor Social Sciences esills**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Simmons, Caroline Administrative Assistant II Physical Plant CSimmons**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Simmons, Christy Administrative Assistant II Social Sciences christysimmons**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Simmons, Jo Director of Student Services Ingenuity Center (Innovation Academy) josimmons**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 617-***


Simmons, Dana Student Development Spec I Student Life dsimmons**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sims, Roger Academic Advisor II Business and Technology rsims**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Sisemore, Lori Administrative Associate College of Nursing & Health Sciences; Nursing lsisemore**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Skelton, Glenn Utilities Station Operator I Physical Plant GSkelton**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Slann, Martin Dean and Professor College of Arts & Sciences mslann**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sloan, John Clinical Associate Professor Health & Kinesiology jsloan**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Smee, Jason Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry JSmee**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Smiling, Sheree Student Financial Aid Officer Financial Aid ssmiling**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Smith, Jennifer Administrative Assistant II College of Pharmacy jsmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Smith, Christine Administrative Assistant II Houston Engineering Center ChristineSmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Smith, Joshua Guard University Police josmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Smith, Katrina Administrative Services Officer College of Engineering KatrinaSmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Smith, Nathan Associate Professor Mathematics nathansmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Smith, Joshua Maintenance Worker I Residence Life, Student Housing JSmith2**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Smith, Casey Hvac Technician Physical Plant, Building Maintenance caseysmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Smith, Darren Guard University Police DarrenSmith**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Snella, Kathleen Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Clinical Associate Professor College of Pharmacy ksnella**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Snider, Colin Assistant Professor History csnider**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Snook, Tanya Other Affiliated Affiliate Computer Science tparker**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 617-***


Snoubar, Sabah Admissions Data Specialist I Admissions ssnoubar**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Snowden, Kelley Research Associate Social Sciences ksnowden**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Sorensen, William Professor Health & Kinesiology WSorensen**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Souliman, Mena Assistant Professor Civil Engineering msouliman**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Southerland, Linda Clinical Instructor Nursing/Palestine Campus lsoutherland**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 727-***


Spanko, Jimmy Senior Maintenance Worker Physical Plant JSpanko**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 565-***


Speed, Linda Administrative Assistant II Psychology and Counseling lspeed**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


Speer, Zachary Communications Operator University Police ZSpeer**[ta]**yler.edu

(903) 566-***


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