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Grover, Robert E.

I was in Fox Co. Nov.67 to Feb***

I was hospitalized in Dec 67 went back to Fox 2/5 Fe***

I was wounded Feb 14,68 in HUE. After that I went back to the states. I have a little girl Samantha she is 8 years old.

160 South Elm St.apt2

Bradford,Ma 0***

(978) 372-***

ICQ# 774***





Guiles, Michael

I have been with the 5th Marines for 14 years and have had the privilege of serving in all 5 Battalions. I like your site keep up the good work. ---Semper Fi--

609A Torrey Lane, CA 9***



Guillory, Jay

Served with Fox 2/5 3rd platoon from 08/69 to 08/70. Would like to hear from other members . Also would like to locate Dan Kelley and Richard Donohue.

Squad leader of Bravo squad 3rd platoon. updated 03Jan04

2408 S. Voss, Ste. ***

Houston, TX 7***




updated 03Jan04

Gurganious, Rod

Served with fox company summer and fall of 68.Wounded and shipped home October 6th 68 . Spent time at Philly naval hospital before being discharged Feb.69. Double leg amputee. I have really enjoyed the reunions and IM looking forward to San Diego..hope to see yall there..bring your clubs.

30 Sep***

Reunion in San Diego in July was great. I really enjoyed Playing Golf with Colonel Dave Brown and his daughter Tiffany. General downs beat me by a stroke and complained about his bad back or knees or some such excuse. I had 4 balls out of bounds. That was my excuse. So now we are even. I beat the general by two in Wisconsin . The best time was the chance to play with my Ol buddy Sergeant Major Eddie Van Valkenberg..a true gentleman...Another highlight of the trip was the banquet and a chance to meet General O.K. Steel. We also had the pleasure of entertaining the current commander of fox company . I could go on and on. It was such a good time. Hope to see you all in San Antonio for the next reunion.


Welcome home brothers. I have been to most of the reunions and loved it all. However, there was One exception. In I believe 89 or 90 I went to the reunion but did not tell anyone. I just sort of hung around for the christening of the Hue City, got drunk and drove home to Houston. I was scared at first but now I look forward to the time when I can sit down and talk with guys from 35 years ago that I did not even know make it back alive. In our brief time here on this world, we as members of fox company are blessed with the opportunity to find our true humanity through our friendships and fellowship with the finest group of men I have ever known. Keep the Faith, Rod Gurganious L/CPL Retir***

14815 Deer Trail (updated 12/12/99)

Needville, TX




or rod**[ta]**ganious.com


Haehnel, Robert

I was with F 2/5 when the unit left Camp Pendleton in January 1966. After training in Okinawa, we arrived in Chu Lai, Vietnam around March. We settled in on Hill 69 until the unit was moved to the DMZ in August for Operation Prairie. After the campaign ended we moved to Dong Ha at which time the remaining 7 to 10 of us original grunts were transferred to a unit I can't even recall to spend our last 30 days with this group headed back to Okinawa. We never made it as we "didn't fit" and had too much fight left in us and were subsequently reassigned to another unit back in the bush for our remaining time. We did survive that last month holding a bridge and supply route to 2/5 in An Hoa. I remain best friends with Frank R. Castro, also from the original unit, who is now living in Las Vegas.

After a couple of somewhat shakey first years back, my life has been wonderful. I am only now starting to turn my mind to the Vietnam experience and have found that only scattered recollections remain. If you are from my unit, I would be glad to hear from you. Best of luck to us all



Updated 02Aug03

Haley, Pat"Water Bu"


21 Mt. Teton Place

Clayton, CA 9***




Hall, Steve

Looking for any Grunts from 1st Platoon, 76-77. What happened to you guys? Contact me and let's shoot the breeze.....

Also any guys from boot camp, Platoon 2025 MCRD San Diego that remember Sgt. Carrion,Staff Mallory and Gunny Lara...

916 W. Augusta #1

Spokane, WA 9***




Interests: Internet, Games, Music

Hallock, Jim




2494 Courts Drive

Marietta, GA 3***




Harbison, Gerald

556 Hooker Road

Tryon, NC



I was with Fox 2/5 Dec 1969 until April 1970. I was Chief Clerk of the company office until the last couple of weeks when I went with the Company into Arizona Territory. Left after R&R at China Beach and before night march from the bridge on Hwy 1. Have forgotten much about that time and would like to share what memories I do have. Look for buddy Jim Feyk.

Harper, James Paul

I served as a grunt fireteam & squad leader from May to Oct, 1970. WIA Oct 27, 1970 in the Que Son Mountains.

P. O. Box ***

Ann Arbor, MI 48106-***




Hart, Alan

5360 Chocolate Drive

Sun Valley, NV 8***




Was at An Hoa 1969-1970 with Tony Gonzalez, George Garcia. Arizona Territory. Operation Taylor Common. GoNoi Island.

Updated 23Dec06I was with 2d platoon as radio operator until May 12, 1969 when I was wounded and medivac'd.

Hartranft, Jay

Hey to all my Marine buds from Foc Company, 1969-70 An Hoa, Vietnam.

CMR 427 Box ***

APO AE 0***

0039 335 132 ***



Harvey, Brian

318 Ash Street

Beaufort, SC 2***



From January 1999 to February 2002. Two deployments to Okinawa, Japan with 31st MEU. Okinawa, Thailand (Cobra Gold 2000) Australia, Phillipines, Palau Islands, East Timor. Oh Rah you war hounds from Fox Co., 3rd Plt. 2/5 Launch the Zodes!

Heck, Donald F, Jr.

I was in first plt. in 68&69 was wounded on oct 9 68 just outside Phu Loc 6. I am married and have three children.

23 Pace Rd.

Eldon, MO 6***




Heilman, Phil

An Hoa

Wounded 4 July 1967 at the coal mine, evacuated out the following day (Updated 20Dec07)

New York



Henderson, William B (1st Sgt, Retired) (Sam)

I was in Fox 2/5 Sept66 was transferred to Okinawa in May 67. Retired from the Marines in '76 and now retired from the State of Nevada Correction Center. Donna has retired from Harrah's. We moved to Nevada in 79, I worked in Saudi Arabia for 6 years. We have 2 sons,1 daughter and 2 grandsons, 3 granddaughters and 1 dog and 1 cat. We are traveling all over the "Great and Wondeful Good Old USA in our 5th wheel. If you see us go by, give a yell. We have been to all the F 2/5 reunions since 1989. I really enjoy seeing all our Fox 2/5 Family. Looking forward to the next Reunion in July. I am Secty- Treasurer for Fox 2/5

Donna & I have now retired, have moved to Montgomery, AL. We are living in a 2005 Mobile Suite RV 5th Wheeler. Having a wonderful retirement.

4312 Wetumpka Hwy

Montgomery, AL 36110-2720 Updated 02Jan08




Hernandez, Mike

I served with the 2nd Plt, Fox, 2/5 from 3/67 to 10/67. I was wounded by a land mine in 10/67 and was medivac out. I lost my right eye and rec'd muliple shrapnel wounds. I have worked with the TX Workforce Commission for the past 20 years as a Veteran Employment Rep.

Since I last reported I have retired from the Texas Workforce Commission and am now working for the West Central Texas Council of Government, doing the same thing except with a different clientel. I attended the Fox 2/5 Reunion in San Antionio and reunited with Marines that I served with in the 2nd Platoon, the Company COs and sargents....ame away with great self satisfaction that after all these years, the stories that I recalled actually took place. There were many Marines present at the reunion that helped me reinforce those stories.The "gyrines" helped to filled in alot of the memory blanks that I had from Vietnam. Still alive and doing we***

I have dedicated a web page to the Marines that made the ultimate sacrifice. Check out www.**spanicabilene.com/FoxMarines.htm

1717 Swenson St.

Abilene, TX 7***

(915) 676-***



Hernandez, Robert

I was a member of Fox 2/5 from the day we landed in Vietnam on 4/13/1966 until either March or May of 1968. I was in weapons platoon and I believe I was assigned to 1st platoon. I don't remember much about my years in Vietnam, but I recognize some names. Pat Matis and Joe Rysauy were also in my gun team until shortly after Union II. I'm about to retire from federal service and just enjoy my first granddaughter. 04-30-1965 thru 09/24/1975 Updated 28Jan06

6539 Cobblecreek Circle

Anchorage, Alaska 9***




Updated 10Dec05

Hester, James R.

Well I work at the postoffice I am 54 and getting ready to turn 55 in 4 months I was in foxtrot from 10-66 till 6-67 and then when came back they put me in hotel co. and I had 33 days to go back to the united states and that was 10-67 or 11-67 I can't remember the exact time and I go by Russ***

24 Octobe***

I was on AOL and now I am on bellsouth.net


Please make the changes on the web site and I think you have done a great job on the web site Semper Fidelis From Russell

13 Apri***

Went to Vietnam In Oct.66 and was assigned to Fox co. 2/5 at the DMZ later when to what

was call the coal mines and then we when the air stripe and I don't remember the name well

on June 2,67 we went on a operation called Union 2 and that was the day I got shot in the

Left shoulder and was put on the USS.Hope and when to Japan then I can back with 33 days

left to go Home and they put me in Hotel ***

1309 Doris Drive

Fairdale Ky. 4***




Hickman, Ronald Keith "Pike"

I miss it every once in a while.If any marines find me in this web site, get ahold of me any time.

16001 Yankee Mine Rd.

Redding, CA 9***




Hillman, Terry

60 mm mortars July '68-August '69. After 25 years with the Post Office I am in the process of taking disability retirement. Would love to hear from anyone I served with.

PO Box 69***

Tulsa, OK 74169-***



Updated 01Feb04

Hoffman, Robert

I went to 5th Marines summer 69. Was w/ 3/5 when Delta sector got hit and Dan Bullock was killed.Just a few hundred meters away but the Bn XO wouldn't let me take Re-Action squad to lines because of "5 day Acclimatization/Orientation" regs,(my 5 days ended next morning!!!) So started my many "experiences" w/SOP's & Red-Tape. Spent summer all over TAOR with I 3/5, then to F 2/5 in fall as 2d Plt Commander till end of 69 when finished tour w/G-5 Div HQ. Been in contact/met Piscitelli, Kozi(Kosibucki),Uncle, Blatchko,& Peterson.Hang out w/Steve Piscitelli since Statue Dedication In DC. We're coming to Re-union in Charleston SC July 2002. Semper Fi ... 5th Marines: The Original Devil D***

PO Box 6***

St. Peterburg, FL 3***




Hollins, Phillip

12350 Del Amo Blvd ***

Lakewood, CA



August 18th 1966 through June 1967. WIA on Operation Union II. Looking for members who served with weapons Platoon 0331 with Sky, Barney and Ackley. Philly Dog

Holloway, John

0311 - Squad Bravo - 1st Platoon from Mar 70 until Sep 70. Today - Work as HVAC service technician, married since Aug 71, one daughter, one grandson.

7098 Markwood Road

Earlysville, VA 2***


Hopkinson, John

I am currently a member of the mighty fox company 2nd bn 5th marines. I am a rifleman in 2nd plt. Am scheduled to go on float in january to do some hard core training.

Fox 2/5 2nd platoon, San Mateo

Camp Pendleton, CA 9***

760-430-4500 ext 2***

Horan, Sam

I was in "guns" 0331 assigned to the 3rd platoon of Foxtrot Company. Service period in Vietnam was Dec. 66 thru June 3,67 (Union II) when I was shot and returned stateside. I'm married with three grown children and four grandchildren. I'm currently the police chief for the City of Benbrook, Texas.

300 Meadowhill Dr.

Benbrook, TX 7***




Horkley, Mike (Doc)

Looking for those that might remember me. I was in the 3rd platoon. I took the place of Medivac Mike. I remember 2 names Bill Dexter and a Jacobson. Other names are lost with just a few nicknames. I think there was a Doc George that went out with the same day. He went to the 2nd platoon.

11523 Joplin Rd

Boise, ID 8***




Horner, Richard

522 Misty View Way

Nipomo, CA 9***




Howard, Delmar

Served in Vietnam from December 1967 to April 1969. He does not remember the names of the men he served with. He does remember just about everything else, including some time he spent in a hospital after he and his buddy were injured while fighting. They weren't exactly well behaved. He took his buddy (who was in a wheelchair) outside, where he lost him on the ramp. I guess the nurses weren't too impressed, but it still puts a big smile on my father's face today. Delmar has been married for 26 years now, has 3 children, and resides in Phillips, Maine where he makes a living working as a woodsman.

(Posted by his son since his father doesn't use the Internet)

905 Smithfield Road

Belgrade, Maine


Huband, Charles

5069 Bennetts Pasture Road

Suffolk Va 2***



Hug, Roger

Foxtrot 2/5 Vietnam 1967-68. Want to say hello to all my 2/5 friends. Semper Fi.

2025 S. 82nd St

West Allis, WI 5***




Hughes, Dale

PO Box***

Lake Hill, NY 1***




Ireton Sr., Garry L.

Iwas with Fox Co. in January 70 to Sept 70 would like to here from any and all .

808 Gordon St.

Piqua (no state or zip)




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