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來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Pomaranski, John J.

I served in Viet Nam from Feb 68 thru March 69. I was a machine gunner with weapons platoon.

13484 Keystone Road

Dale City, VA 2***




Poole, Carnell

family member of fox company 196***

6760 Glen Albin Road

LaPlata, Md. 2***




Porter, Jason199***

7475 State Road

Coopersville, MI 4***




Price, Ken (Tex)

I was with Fox 2/5 from Aug 69 to Feb 70 moved to H&S 2/5 S-2 Scouts in Feb 70 then to S-2 5th Mar in Jun or July 70 left RVN in Sept. 70. I would like to hear from any of the great Marines I was lucky enough to have served with. We can talk about the good and the bad time. I left the Corp in 1975 and joined the Army and retired i***

4832 NW Willams

Lawton, OK. 7***

(580) 357-***



Raymond, John E. (son of John J. Raymond "Doc")

Son of John J. (Doc) Raymond. Does anyone remember my Dad? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

3655 Huyton Ct.

Charlotte, NC 2***



Raymond, Peter

Just found this site and checking it out. I was with F2/5 from Mar 81 to Apr***



Reed, Bob

1404 Center St.

Moundsville, WV 2***




Served in 'Nam 1967-68. An Hoa Foxtrot Co. 3rd platoon. A few survivors of Union 2. Wondering if any others out there. Have had a lot of trouble dealing with this issue for these past 35 years. Anyone know exactly if we were in the agent orange spray areas? Have had trouble for years with lungs. Glad to have found this web site.

Reed, Jeff

83 Eastgate Drive

Thomasville, GA 3***




Served in weapon platoon March 83 to Februar***

Rhodes, Dave

With Fox 2/5 from Oct 65 to Fe***

P. O. Box 8

Crescent, OR 9***


Richardson, Red (Rich)

comments: I joined Fox Company sometime in March of 70, coming down from A Co., 1/26 and stayed with them until rotating home in Oct. 70 from LZ Baldy. I stayed in the Corps until June 78, operating as an assistant editor and feature writer for both the Hawaii Marine and Camp Lejeune Globe newspapers. I presently make my home in Van Nuys, CA. I am a published author and editor of an international newsletter called Distant Echoes. My first book, Through Smoked Glass was published, Aug. 2002. I would love to hear from anyone who served with Fox during my time there.

Red or Rich Richardson

17216 Saticoy Street, #234, Van Nuys CA 9***

Rios, Edwin


Update 16Mar03: Got to an-hoa march, 1968 put in golf co 2/5 with 60mm.when tricky dick sent john butler, clinton moss day, a few others home Got malaria, put in hotel co for a few months. Got caught in a skivy house put back in the bush with fox 2/5. I had 52 and a wake up went on a patrol, we got hit 3or4 went down, we set up a perimiter saw 3 vc in an open field we opened them up, on the way back to the peri I believe an 18/19 yr old marine pfc/l/cpl wilson stepped on a mine. It sent 7 of us flying I spent over 2/3 months in va hosp. Does anyone remember? Its hurtin a long time. Peace/up saddams ass. Than***

492 Heberton Ave

SI NY 1***

(718) 447-***



Roberts, Dave

1st Plt., 1966, wounded at Con Thien

I had decided that the time I spent in Nam, was just my imagination and the experiences just nightmares, because I never met any of the men I served with since I left. None of the Viet Nam history books mentions us, the only published pictures of our unit is taken during Prairie 1 and the credits are mistakenly labeled as 3/4.marines. Now that I have found your site, I feel like the character in "1984" who stumbled on to the proof that the government has wiped out select pieces of history so they can arrange it to fit their purposes. I have 30% service connected disability, I got my purple heart medal two days ago and now a website about my unit in Viet Nam. If I can find a cold beer my life will be complete! When they medivaced me, my platoon had taken 70% casualties, but what was left of them was assaulting through the smoke and winning! Semper Fi!

Added 8Oct02 It is nice to make connection with the living past. I was on my way to Viet Nam as an 0311 replacement and when we touched down in Okinawa to refuel, word came that a grunt outfit called 2/5 requested 45 men and I got picked as one of the ones to go. That was Feb of 1966. We trained until early April, then loaded up on the good ship "George Clymer" and landed in Viet Nam, April 13, 1966 at Chu Lia and settled on Hill 69 just off Higway 1. We practiced war with the VC until September 1966. On September 24 we mounted out for the big show in Quang Tri Province, on Operation Prairie. I think we got to shoot at something just about every day and on October 13, 1966, I was hit in the ass by a grenade, after we had spent a fun day raising hell in the village of Contien. I was medivaced to the USS repose and after a trip to Subic Bay, where I met Maria or was it Juanita. I returned in time to meet the battalion at An Hoa, South West of Da Nang. Just after Christmas I got transferred to an MP outfit in Da Nang and so ended the most unforgettable year of my life. 2/5 FCO 2nd Plt Feb'66 to Jan'67. Semper Fi Mac!

225 Elm St. #2

Nacogdoches, Texas 7***



Roberts, Steven

PO Bo***

Exeter, Maine 0***




Robertson, John W. II

Arrived in Vietnam July 1968. 0311 for Fox 2-5.Spent 13 months in bush, extended for tour at 1st med. batt. I am currently retired from L.A.P.D. after 30 years. Returning to Vietnam 05-10-05 for 2 weeks with Marine Corps. buddies, looking forward to trip.

5005 Via Alvarado

Yorba Linda, CA 9***

714 970***



Roman, Antonio (Tony)

Fox 2 bravo-Capt. Furr, SSGT. Black, Williams, Kozy, Uncle, Doik, Font, Maistes and many others that served together. Humped the Arizona, Charlie Ridge and Liberty Bridge. Operation Durham Peak

sit-rep, anyone out there?..... 1969-***



Rouzan, Donald G.

April '67 to April '68, 1st platoon, 3rd squad

7259 N. Odell Ave

Chicago, IL 6***




Saveri, Joe

I am trying to find the name of a marine killed in Viet Nam. I was in 3rd squad, 1st platoon on a day patrol in late July or early August 1967. We took a break. As we did, this young black sergeant sat down under a tree to get some shade. As he did, a booby trap went off and blew him in half. Some one told me that his name may be Dudley Jordan. Was anyone there who remembers this? Thanks and Semper Fi!

3189 Quail Drive

Coopersburg, PA 1***




Schauer, Eugene (Murphy)

1st platoon, February 4 to 26, 1968, Hue City

2258 Farnworth St.

Camarillo, CA 9***




Schlader, Charles

Left with the original group from Margarita, Camp Pendleton, CA. I was platoon leader 1st Plt. wounded on October 13, 1966. Retired 1st Sgt. 1***

27433 Family Circle

Sun City, CA




Schlichting, Robert

W9166 290th Avenue

Hager City, WI 5***




May 1970 to April 1971. An Hoa, LZ Baldy, Que Son Mountains

Schmitt, Richard

Hello, Marine Brothers. I was in Fox Company weapons platoon. My M.O.S.0331 from Aug 1978 to May 1***



Sckittone, Anthony

Welcome home to all my Brothers.... I served with F 2/5 until I was wounded 5Sep69. Was then sent to H&S company. Would like to hear from all or anyone who served with the 5th Marines.. SEMPER FI.. POW/MIA's... WE CAN NEVER FORGET..

Hillsboro, TX 7***



Scott, Gary

Corpsman with Fox 2/5 during Tet '68



Scusselle, Michael

I served in H&S Company for a while as casualty reporter in S-4 I think it was. Went in the field to each company to collect the casualty reports or got them on the Radio. I was wounded in action in the field when I was acting casualty reporter for the Battalion. Served as Battalion Casualty reporter for about 6 plus months then transferred to FOX company. I don't remember which date I transfered to Fox company, I don't remember too much after that nor do I remember any names, to long ago ..... After transfering to FOX Company I was wounded again then stayed in the rear at company headquarters as mail man, I think that was in Phu Bi. Then was medivaced to the naval hospital in Japan. I was then transferred to the Philadelphia naval hospital from Japan. Was discharged in August of 1969 while at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital with a medical discharge under honorable conditions. After discharge I took it easy for a while then became an insurance saleman for about 2 years then broke into the Trucking industry. Worked for Consolidated Freightways, Davidson Transport and Pilot Freight carriers, all when out of business or was laid off. After Pilot Freight Carriers went out of business I bought my own trucks and trailers and started my own Trucking company, MGS Transport, After several years I renamed it Thurder Road Express. When diesel Fuel went sky high and revenue dropped off I lost my equipment and went to work for another trucking company, worked there for about a year then was injured on the job while unloading freight at a customers facilities. That disabled me and now I am on the disability list collecting a disability check each month because I can't work now... sucks big time. Got married after training and now have 4 kids and 10 Grand kids, own a home in York, Pa.... well that is it in a nut shell, lots happened in between but that is another story, LOL I was listed on the list of FOX Company members but do not see my name listed anymore, what happen? Anyway this is an update. I purchased a black Hat from your PX and would like to purchase another black hat with the fox company emblem on it. I have worn it out and need a new one. Will you except paypal???? 1966-***

243 Harding Court

York, PA 1***




Searfoss, Thomas

I was with Fox Co from March 15th, 1967 to July 17th, 1967. 2nd Squad 2nd Platoon at the end. I started out in Mike Bird's squad before he was hit. Updated 2May04

March 67 to July 67 Union II, Nong Son, New Castle Updated 22Jan05

212 Sukoshi Dr.

Panama City, FL 3***

850-215-4282 or 850-814-***



Updated 2May04

Seat, Ben

204 Bridle Lane

Birmingham, AL 3***




Seeley, Tim "Doc"

Seerved with 1st Platoon, 6***

PO Box***

Bonners Ferry, ID 8***




Sellers, Bruce

Served with 2/5 from 9/68 - 10/69. First six months or so in the bush with Fox, 3rd Platoon and the balance with Battalion Headquarters as clerk/casualty reporter -- I could type. After being wounded once and being hospitalized with malaria twice, I thought being in the "rear" would be easy street. But, I was wrong. One of the first condolence letters I had to write to a family was for my friend and fire team partner, Renee "Chuck" Webster, who was killed only days after I left the bush. Several others WIA and KIA in the same action, but Chuck is the only one I can recall clearly. I've looked over the member roster but, sadly, don't see names that I recognize. I'd appreciate it if anyone can jog my memory. Semper Fi...

13255 Corte Lindo

Corral de Tierra, CA 9***




Selzer, Clay

I was with 2/5 as 0311 from feb66to jan67, then extended to go to cac unit at the base of hill 69. I have returned to vietnam several times in the last 8 years and have visited hill 69 on 2 occasions. many villagers from that area ask about so and so but of course there were a lot of us and I am unable to help them. for those of you who are living under the strain of having served there I suggest a visit, it helps! pvt clay selzer 2nd fireteam 2nd squad 2nd platoon 2/5.

P. O. Box ***

Chico, CA 9***




Shaw, Michael

Loved my time there. Was Doc of Weapons platoon from 97-99; miss all of the guys.



Shephard, Robert

Nov 68 to Feb 69 Wounded by land mine Feb 26 ***

1483 Town Hall Road

Beavercreek, OH 4***




Sherek, John

Was with Fox 2/5 from June 66 to June 67 in the 2nd platoon.


Lankin, ND 5***


ICQ#: 216***



Siebert, B.

Fox 1st Platoon Corpsman, 2001-***



Simmons, John (Doc)

Corpsman joined Fox Company December 1969 and to BAS in May 1970. Left Vietnam on October 1, 1970. Good friend was CPL Gene Dark of LA. Made contact with SGT Harry Albert through VVA. Retired on service connected total disability in 2000 after thirty years as a sales representative for a clothing manufacture. Volunteer Veterans Service Officer with the American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America. D**** Dept. of TN Legislative Director and serve on the board of directors of TN State Veterans' Nursing Homes. (recently opened third home) Married since 1977 to Sharon enjoy two step children and three step grand children. Have been able to attend reunions since 2***

185 Morgan Rd. NW

Charleston, TN 3***

(423) 336-***



Updated 03Dec06

Smith, Bobby

I got in country July 67 and was assigned to Fox Company. In Feb 1968 I received my 3rd purple heart in Hue and left country.

1505 Turkey Creek Dr

Livingston, TX 7***

936 327 ***



Smith, Jesse

278 Wilshire Ave B-1

Anaheim, CA 9***

(714) 635-***

Smith, Kenneth

816 Wynwood Dr.

Prattville, AL 3***




Sostand, Clyde (Sgt)

10445 Greens Crossing ***




Spencer, Larry

I was reassigned to Fox 2/5 from Echo 2/1 in January 1971 and left in March 1971. We operated out of LZ Baldy in the Que Sons. I met another Navajo Marine by the name of Tom Webster (deceased) and were together until I went back to the world or the REZ. I like to hear from friends who remember the two "wild indians" Chiefs who proudly serve with them. Semper Fi, Brothers.

P. O. Box ***

Window Rock, AZ 8***



Spinner, Douglas R.

Fox 1 plt. 2nd bat/5th Marines. June 1966 - July 1967. Was with Charles Schlader on Oct. 13th,1966 when he was wounded...it was a Friday 13th...have hated Friday 13th ever since. I was wounded also, with shrapnel. I remember a Woods from Detroit and a Spaulding from West Virginia. Had malaria and was sent to Quantico at the stables til I recovered. Went home to Northern New York State and bought my fathers dairy farm and ran that with my wife for 28 years. Sold out in 2003 and moved to Florida and am working in a grocery store in Daytona Beach area. Would love to hear from someone.

1190 Herbert Street

Port Orange, FL 3***




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