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Eric Seymour is the Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator of the Esperanza Center,

Catholic Charities of Baltimore. The Esperanza Center offers comprehensive resources

to immigrant families including ESL classes, Health Services, Immigration Legal

Services, and community services for housing, employment, public benefits, and family reunification. Eric joined the

Esperanza Center in 2013 as a Project SERVE/Americorps member. He has held his current title since July of 2014. In this

role, Eric is responsible for all volunteer recruitment and orientation, service learning programs, and coordination of the

Center’s outreach efforts.

Before coming to the Esperanza Center, Eric had taught Spanish in Pittsburgh, and served as the Assistant Project

Manager/Volunteer Coordinator of La Hesperia Natural Reserve in Ecuador. Eric holds a BA in Spanish and Latin

American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies from Dickinson College.

G. Wesley Stewart

Senior Director of Technical Assistance and Legal Services,

Green & Healthy Homes Initiative



Wes Stewart is the Director of National Technical Assistance Services for the Green &

Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI). In his role, he provides national technical assistance on

program design, management, and implementation to 17 GHHI sites, prospective GHHI

sites and HUD Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control Programs including: the cities of

Atlanta, Lewiston, Newark, Providence, Waukesha and Wilmington, the counties of Baltimore and Salt Lake and the

states of Delaware and Rhode Island. He provides trainings extensively to owners, tenants, realtors, insurers, attorneys

and government agencies throughout Maryland and the United States on the Maryland Reduction of Lead Risk in

Housing Law, federal Title X, Lead Safe Housing Rule, EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule, lead poisoning

prevention initiatives and other Healthy Homes program designs. He has also provided technical assistance to other lead

hazard reduction, Healthy Homes and weatherization/energy efficiency programs in Arizona, Florida, Maryland,

Missouri, Nebraska, Texas, Wisconsin and Washington, DC. Previously Mr. Stewart served as Program Manager for

GHHI’s HUD funded Lead Elimination Action Program (LEAP) and Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant Programs, its

weatherization and energy efficiency programs and its housing, family advocacy and legal services programs in

Maryland. He provides consultation on the implementation of direct service programs and federal grants and also serves

as the regulatory affairs expert and chief training provider for GHHI. Prior to joining GHHI in 1996, Mr. Stewart was an

attorney in private practice in Baltimore. He is a member of the Maryland Bar State Bar Association, Maryland Rental

Housing Coalition (2007-present), Maryland Lead Poisoning Prevention Commission Lead Task Force (2009-2010),

District of Columbia Lead Elimination Task Force (2007-2008), Board Secretary of Lafayette Square Community Center

(1998-2000), Steering Committee of Public Justice Center (1999-2001) and the Baltimore City Lead Enforcement Task

Force (1998). Mr. Stewart holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science from Villanova University and AJuris Doctorate from the University of Baltimore School of Law.

Casey Thomas

Baltimore Director

Soccer Without Borders



Casey was named the Baltimore Program Director in October of 2014, but began

volunteering with Soccer Without Borders in 2012 while working for Baltimore City

Public Schools as a program coordinator for out-of-school programs. She earned a Master’s degree in Sustainable

International Development, with concentrations in Youth Development and Coexistence and Conflict Management, from

the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. Casey completed her practicum experience

working with a sport for development program in Colombia, using soccer as a tool for life-skills development within the

context of a youth employability program, and is also fluent in Spanish. Casey serves on the Brandeis University Alumni

Association board and is on the Mayor’s Steering Committee of Immigrant and Multicultural Affairs. She is active in the

community, as she helped lead the Baltimore Welcomes event, plays in the local rec soccer league, and is the coach of

SWB Baltimore’s new High School girls team.






SOURCE Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program

Seminar Facilitators, Senior Fellows,

2013-2014 Faculty and Community Fellows

Seminar Facilitators

Elizabeth Doerr, MAAssociate Director, SOURCE


Elizabeth is the Associate Director of SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center), the

community service and service-learning center serving the Johns Hopkins University’s

Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health. Previously, she was the Coordinator for

Leadership & Community Service-Learning, Immersion Experiences at the University of

Maryland, College Park. Elizabeth has lived, worked and traveled extensively in Latin

America and Africa. Elizabeth served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi, Southeastern

Africa where her primary focus was HIV/AIDS education. Later, she returned to the US to work as a Peace Corps

Recruiter in the Washington, DC recruitment office. Elizabeth has actively participated in advancing the field of servicelearning

by working to engage and develop best practices for responsible service in higher education. She has done this

by studying and publishing about service-learning and service for social change while also training university faculty,

staff and students on integrating service-learning theory with practice into their work. While at the University of

Maryland, Elizabeth became a founding member of the Haiti Compact: Higher Ed with Haiti, a unique collaboration

between five universities and the national alternative breaks organization, Break Away to provide long-term and

effective assistance in rebuilding and empowerment through Alternative Break trips. The founding members, together,

created tools in order to engage in responsible service in post-disaster situations, which is also transferable to other

overseas and domestic locations.

Elizabeth is originally from Washington State and earned her MA in International Education Policy from the University of

Maryland and her BA in Rhetoric/Media Studies and Spanish at Willamette University in Salem, OR. Coming from the

Northwest where the trees and mountains are plenty, Elizabeth is an avid outdoorsperson. She spends much of her free

time running, biking, hiking, cooking, and eating. She recently took up gardening again (her past attempt when she was

in Peace Corps failed several times, fingers crossed it will work this time) and has spent much of her time as of late

getting to know her new home of Baltimore.

Mindi Levin, MS, CHES

Founder and Director, SOURCE


Mindi is the Founder and Director of SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center), the

community service and service-learning center, serving the Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health. In this capacity, she is responsible for creating

strategies to integrate public health practice and community outreach activities into students’

academic training in the health professions. These efforts are accomplished in partnership with

approximately 100 Baltimore-based community organizations, as well as students, and facul***

She provides programs and services that embrace the values of public service, social justice,

citizenship, ethical decision-making, activism, civic professionalism, human rights, diversity, and


Additionally, Ms. Levin holds faculty appointments in JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Department of Health

Policy and Management and JHU School of Nursing’s Department of Community Public Health. She teaches and supports

a variety of service-learning and experiential learning courses on campus. She developed and teaches the Baltimore

Community Practicum course (JHSPH) and Topics in Interdisciplinary Medicine: Health Care Disparities (SOM). She

created and serves as the faculty co-sponsor of the certificate program in Community-Based Public Health. Mindi also

co-coordinates the JHU School of Nursing’s Community Outreach Program. Mindi holds earned degrees in Community

Health Education (BS - Go Terps!) and Health Administration (MS - Fight on Towson Tigers!), and is a certified health

education specialist (CHES). Additionally, she is a certified Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) instructor. Locally, she has

served on various organizational and association boards and committees, including: Maryland DC Campus Compact,

Community-University Partnerships in Baltimore Consortium, Maryland Public Health Association, and the Maryland

College Personnel Association. At the national level, Ms. Levin has provided assistance to various associations and

journals whose work pertains to community-engaged scholarship, including ACPA College Student Educators

International, Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH), CES4Health, Association of Schools of Public Health

(ASPH) Student Practice Interest Group, Higher Education Network for Community Engagement (HENCE), International

Association for Research on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (IARSLCE) - attend the annual IARSLCE conference

this September here in Baltimore!, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, and Progress in Community

Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. A native of Baltimore, Mindi lives in Federal Hill with her husband

and two young and spirited sons, Max and Sam, just steps away from her beloved Baltimore Ravens.

SOURCE Fellows Program Staff Support

Dara Goldberg

SOURCE Faculty Fellows Program Assistant


Dara Goldberg is a Master’s of Public Policy student concentrating on education policy and

nonprofit management. She graduated from Drew University with a BA in Behavioral

Science in 2009, where she received the Senior Recognition award for outstanding service to

her University and the community. After graduating from Drew Dara worked for the Girl

Scouts of the Jersey Shore before completing two years of AmeriCorps here in Baltimore.

During her time in the AmeriCorps program Public Allies Maryland Dara worked as the

Assistant Director of Camp Fire USA Maryland and the Community Engagement Coordinator

at The SEED School of Maryland. Dara brings years of experience with out-of-school-time

program management, social media, and service-learning to her position at SOURCE. In her spare time Dara loves to

garden, go to concerts, and play rugby.

Senior Fellows

Carey Borkoski, PhD

Faculty-Assistant Lecturer, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of

Health, Policy and Management; Assistant Director of the Graduate Program in

Public Policy, Institute for Health and Social Policy Studies (IHSP)


Dr. Carey Borkoski is currently the Assistant Director of the Master’s in Public Policy

Program and a faculty member in the department of Health, Policy and Management in the School of Public Health. She

teaches an Applied Microeconomics courses as well as a Data Analysis course in the program. Carey came to JHU after

spending six years as an Associate Professor of Economics at Anne Arundel Community College. This is where she

developed her strong interest in how students learn and participated in various activities to improve her own teaching

and assist her colleagues with infusing new and different teaching strategies into their own classrooms. Carey is

currently a part of the inaugural class of the Master’s in Education for Health Professions where she continues to expand

and improve her understanding of how adults learn more specifically, how to better evaluate the effectiveness of

teaching strategies and techniques implemented. Carey participated in the first SOURCE Faculty Fellows Program and is

currently serving as a Senior Fellow for the SOURCE Faculty Fellows program. In this capacity, she hopes to expand her

understanding of the service-learning pedagogy and is working closely with the SOURCE staff as well as Vanya Jones,

another member of FFP, to establish a research agenda around some of the experiences in FFP as well as with servicelearning.


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