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Corey S. Cutler, MD, MPH, FRCPC

Title: Senior Physician

Academic Title: Associate Professor of Medicine,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-***

Fax: 617-632-***

Email: corey_cutler**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: McGill University Faculty of Medicine

Residency: Royal Victoria Hospital, Internal Medicine

Fellowship: Dana-Farber/Partners CancerCare,Medical Oncology

Board Certifications: Internal Medicine


Medical Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Stem cell/bone marrow transplant,Myelodysplasia, Multiple myeloma,Leukemia, Lymphoma

David C. Fisher, MD

Title: Institute Physician

Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard

Medical School

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-*** (Hematologic Oncology)

617-632-*** (Cutaneous)

Fax: 617-632-*** (Hematologic Oncology)

617-632-*** (Cutaneous)

Email: david_c_fisher**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: University of Massachusetts Medical

Residency: Duke University Medical Center,Internal Medicine

Fellowships: Duke University Medical Center, Bone

Marrow Transplant;

Duke University Medical Center,Hematology & Oncology;

Duke University Medical Center,Infectious Disease

Board Certifications: Medical Oncology


Areas of Expertise: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, NonHodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin disease,Autologous stem cell transplant,Cutaneous T- and B-cell lymphomas

Cutaneous Oncology - Pathology

Scott R. Granter, MD

Academic Title: Associate Professor of Pathology,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Pathology

Tel: 617-732-***

Email: sgranter**[ta]**ners.org

Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine

Residency: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Pathology

Fellowships: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Cytopathology;

Harvard Medical School,Dermatopathology

Board Certifications: Anatomic Pathology



Areas of Expertise: Dermatopathology, Melanoma,Immunohistochemistry, Anatomic

pathologyCutaneous Oncology - Pathology

To make an appointment,call (877) 332-***


Alvaro C. Laga Canales, MD, MMSC

Academic Title: Assistant Professor in Pathology,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Pathology

Tel: 617-732-***

Email: alaga**[ta]**ners.org

Medical School: Instituto Technologico y De Estudios


Residencies: Baylor College of Medicine, Pathology;

Rhode Island Hospital, Pathology

Fellowship: Harvard Combined Dermatopathology

Fellowship Program,Pathology/Dermatopathology

Board Certifications: Pathology


Christine G. Lian, MD

Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Pathology,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Pathology

Tel: 617-732-***

Medical School: Bethune University of Medical Sciences

Residency: UMass Memorial Medical Center,Pathology

Fellowships: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Dermatopathology;

Brigham and Women's Hospital,Pathology/Dermatopathology

Board Certifications: Anatomic and Clinical pathology


George F. Murphy, MD

Title: Chief, Dermatopathology, Brigham and

Women's Hospital

Academic Title: Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical

Discipline: Pathology

Tel: 617-525-***

Email: gmurphy**[ta]**.bwh.harvard.edu

Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine

Residency: Massachusetts General Hospital,Pathology

Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital,Dermatopathology

Board Certifications: Anatomic Pathology


Areas of Expertise: Malignant melanoma, Inflammatory

skin disease, Graft-versus-host diseaseCutaneous Oncology - Radiation Oncology

To make an appointment,call (877) 332-***


Phillip M. Devlin, MD, FACR

Title: Chief, Division of Brachytherapy;

Institute Physician

Academic Title: Associate Professor of Radiation

Oncology, Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Radiation Oncology

Tel: 617-732-***

Fax: 617-278-***

Email: pdevlin**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine

Residencies: Georgetown University Medical Center,Surgery;

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Radiation Oncology

Fellowship: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer

Center, Brachytherapy

Board Certification: Radiation Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Brachytherapy for all sites, Image-guided

brachytherapy, Brachytherapy training,Cutaneous oncology

Andrea K. Ng, MD, MPH

Title: Institute Physician

Academic Title: Professor of Radiation Oncology,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Radiation Oncology

Tel: 617-732-***

Fax: 617-732-***

Email: ang**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: Harvard Medical School

Residency: Harvard Joint Center for Radiation

Therapy, Radiation Oncology

Board Certification: Radiation Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Lymphoma, Stem cell transplantation,Hodgkin disease, Skin neoplasmsEarly Drug Development Center

To make an appointment,call

Tel: 877-332-***


The Early Drug Development Center (EDDC) specializes in conducting clinical trials that evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs for cancer

treatment. In this program, specialists who are researching exciting new ways to kill tumors or halt their growth conduct small, carefully designed

studies of experimental drugs that are in early phases of development. These trials include Phase 1 dose escalation studies, as well as studies

confirming proof-of-mechanism of novel agents and preliminary efficacy studies in patient populations with tumors harboring specific genetic

alterations. Such experimental treatments provide patients with the most innovative treatments emanating from cutting-edge scientific research.

New Patient Appointment

Tel: 617-632-***

Fax: 617-582-***

Leadership - Early Drug Development Center

Geoffrey Shapiro, MD, PhD, Director

Treatment Team

Medical Oncology

Nicole G. Chau, MD

James M. Cleary, MD, PhD

Khanh T. Do, MD

Aparna Mani, MD, PhD

Geoffrey Shapiro, MD, PhD

Sara M. Tolaney, MD, MPHEarly Drug Development Center - Medical Oncology

To make an appointment,call

Tel: 877-332-***


Nicole G. Chau, MD

Title: Physician

Academic Title: Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-*** (Head and Neck)

617-632-*** (Early Drug Development Center)

Fax: 617-632-*** (Head and Neck)

617-632-*** (Early Drug Development Center)

Email: nicole_chau**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: University of Toronto

Residency: University of Toronto, Internal Medicine

Fellowships: Princess Margaret Hospital, Drug


University of Toronto, Medical


Board Certifications: Internal Medicine

Medical Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Head and neck cancer, Novel therapies

James M. Cleary, MD, PhD

Title: Physician

Academic Title: Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-***

Fax: 617-632-***

Email: jcleary**[ta]**ners.org

Medical School: Albert Einstein Medical School

Residency: Massachusetts General Hospital,Internal Medicine

Fellowship: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Medical


Board Certifications: Internal Medicine

Medical Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Gastrointestinal malignancies, Phase 1

clinical trials

Khanh T. Do, MD

Title: Physician

Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard

Medical School

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-***

Fax: 617-632-***

Email: khanh_do**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: George Washington University School of Medicine

Residency: George Washington University Medical

Center, Internal Medicine

Fellowships: National Cancer Institute;

National Institutes of Health

Board Certifications: Internal Medicine

Medical Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Developmental therapeutics, Phase 1

clinical trials, Solid tumorsEarly Drug Development Center - Medical Oncology

To make an appointment,call

Tel: 877-332-***


Aparna Mani, MD, PhD

Title: Physician

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-***

Email: aparna_mani**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: Georgetown Medical School

Residency: Massachusetts General Hospital,Internal Medicine

Fellowship: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Hematology/Oncology

Board Certification: Internal Medicine

Area of Expertise: Novel therapies

Geoffrey Shapiro, MD, PhD

Title: Director, Early Drug Development

Center; Clinical Director, Center for

DNA Damage and Repair; Institute


Academic Title: Associate Professor of Medicine,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-***

Fax: 617-632-***

Email: geoffrey_shapiro**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: Weill Medical College of Cornell


Residencies: Beth Israel Hospital, Chief Medical


Beth Israel Hospital, Internal Medicine

Fellowship: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Medical


Board Certification: Medical Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Developmental therapeutics, Phase 1

clinical trials, Solid tumors

Sara M. Tolaney, MD, MPH

Title: Associate Director, Clinical Research,Breast Oncology, Susan F. Smith Center

for Women's Cancers; Senior Physician

Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard

Medical School

Discipline: Medical Oncology

Tel: 617-632-***

Fax: 617-632-***

Email: sara_tolaney**[ta]**.harvard.edu

Medical School: University of California, San Francisco of Medicine

Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Internal Medicine

Fellowship: Dana-Farber/Partners CancerCare,Hematology & Oncology

Board Certifications: Hematology

Internal Medicine

Medical Oncology

Area of Expertise: Breast oncologyEndocrine Cancer

To make an appointment,call

Tel: 877-332-***


The Endocrine Cancer Treatment Center offers evaluation and therapy for patients with benign or malignant tumors of the thyroid, parathyroid, or

adrenal glands. Research and treatment is provided through a multidisciplinary team of clinicians specializing in surgical oncology, endocrinology,radiation oncology, pathology, social work, psychology, and genetic counseling. Team members collaborate regularly to develop a treatment plan

that offers patients the best possible outcomes.

New Patient Appointment

Tel: 617-732-***

Fax: 617-732-***

Leadership - Endocrine Cancer

Ellen Marqusee, MD, Medical Director

Erik K. Alexander, MD, Co-Director

Jochen H. Lorch, MD, MS, Co-Director

Francis Moore, Jr., MD, Co-Director

Treatment Team


Erik K. Alexander, MD

P. Reed Larsen, MD

Ellen Marqusee, MD

Medical Oncology

Jochen H. Lorch, MD, MS


Justine Barletta, MD

Surgical Oncology

Nancy L. Cho, MD

Atul Gawande, MD, MPH

Francis Moore, Jr., MD

Daniel Ruan, MDEndocrine Cancer - Endocrinology

To make an appointment,call

Tel: 877-332-***


Erik K. Alexander, MD

Title: Director of Medical Student Education,Brigham and Women's Hospital; Chief,Thyroid Section, Brigham and Women's

Hospital; Co-Director, Endocrine

Cancer Treatment Center

Academic Title: Associate Professor of Medicine,Harvard Medical School

Discipline: Endocrinology

Tel: 617-732-***

Fax: 617-264-***

Email: ekalexander**[ta]**ners.org

Medical School: Northwestern University Medical

Residency: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Internal Medicine

Fellowship: Brigham and Women's Hospital,Endocrinology/Thyroid Disorders

Board Certifications: Internal Medicine

Endocrinology & Metabolism

Areas of Expertise: Thyroid cancer, Thyroid disorders,General endocrinology

P. Reed Larsen, MD

Title: Head, Thyroid Section, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and

Hypertension, Brigham and Women's


Academic Title: Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical

Discipline: Endocrinology

Tel: 617-732-***

Fax: 617-264-***

Email: plarsen**[ta]**ners.org

Medical School: Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

Residencies: Cincinnati General Hospital, Internal Medicine;

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center,Internal Medicine

Fellowships: National Institutes of Health,Endocrinology;

University of Cincinnati, Endocrinology

Board Certification: Internal Medicine

Area of Expertise: Thyroid diseases

Ellen Marqusee, MD

Title: Medical Director, Endocrine Tumors


Academic Title: Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical

Discipline: Endocrinology

Tel: 617-525-***

Fax: 617-731-***

Email: emarqusee**[ta]**ners.org

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