国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

夏依 summerseve Ltd

上海總部地址: 上海市南京西路388


郵編: 20***

Tel: 021-6334-***

Fax: 021-6288-***


北京地址: 北京市建國門外大街24


郵編: 10***

Tel: 010-6567-19***

Fax: 021-6515-***


廣州地址: 廣州市東風東路836


郵編: 51***

Tel: 020-8761-***


C-IN2 Ltd

Corporate OfficE s

C-IN2 Industries LLC

30East20th Street6th Floor

New York, NY1***


Fax: 646.274.***

郵箱: info**[ta]**n2.com


輝門 federal-mogul Ltd

General Inquiries

Federal-Mogul Corporation

World Headquarters

26555 Northwestern Highway

Southfield, Michigan***



博格華納 BorgWarner Ltd

Marketing Contacts

Morse TEC morsetec-marketing**[ta]**gwarner.com

Transmission Systems TS Form

TorqTransfer Systems tts-marketing**[ta]**gwarner.com

Thermal Systems thermal-marketing**[ta]**gwarner.com

Turbo Systems turbo-marketing**[ta]**gwarner.com

Emissions Systems emissions-marketing**[ta]**gwarner.com

BERU AG info**[ta]**u.com


Media Contact

Media Contact Erika Nielsen




Investor Relations Contact

Investor Relations Department ir**[ta]**gwarner.com



Retirement Benefits Contact

BorgWarner Retirement Benefits


Chicago, IL60690-2898 877.454.***


特瑞科 TRICO Ltd

To reach Customer Service call

Tel: 800-558-***

(USA only) or262-691-***

Customer Service is available Monday through Fridayfrom 7.30am-5

T0pm, Central time

Customer Service can also be reached fax262-691-2576, or write***

Customer Service

Trico Corporation

1235 Hickory StreetPewaukee, WI 5***


伊頓 eaton Ltd

伊頓中國-投資 Ltd

地址: 上海市長寧區臨虹路2803號郵編: 20***

Tel: 021-5200***

Fax: 021-5200***

郵箱: ChinaWeb**[ta]**on.com


天納克 Tenneco Ltd

中國業務管理天納克汽車工業上海- Ltd

地址: 上海市黃浦區九江路686

寶龍大廈17C-D座郵編: 20***

Tel: 021-2322 ***

Fax: 021-2322 ***


阿文美馳 ArvinMeritor Ltd

ArvinMeritor Headquarters

2135 West Maple Road

Troy, MI8084 USA 1-248-435-***

Fax: 1-248-435-***


德納 Dana Ltd


14 Global Technical Centers

Corporate OfficE s are located in Maumee, Ohio, USA


偉世通 Visteon Ltd

Corporate and the Americas

Jim Fisher

Corporate Communications


Fax: 734-736-***

郵箱: jfishe89**[ta]**teon.com

Asia Pacific News


Annouk Ruffo-Leduc

Asia Pacific Corporate Communications

Tel: 021-6192***

Fax: 021-6145***

郵箱: aruffole**[ta]**teon.com

Europe News


Jonna Christensen

Europe Corporate Communications

Tel: 44-1245-39***

Fax: 44-1245-39***

郵箱: jchris18**[ta]**teon.com


天合汽車集團 TRW Ltd

TRW總部美國密西根州Livonia市郵編: 4***

總機: +l.734.855.***


李爾 Lear Ltd

1Lear APO Regional Headquarter

Lear Corporation (Shanghai) Limited

Rm 1508, Citigroup Tower, No.33 Huayuanshiqiao Rd

Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai200120, China


李爾管理上海- Ltd



郵編: 20***


2-上海李爾汽車系統 Ltd

上海李爾汽車系統 Ltd

是美國李爾投資的全資子公司, 成立于20054, 注冊資本美元375萬元, 研發, 生產, 加工, 組裝車輛用座椅, 內飾系統, 電子電氣系統及其他車輛件系統, 銷售自產產品, 并提供相關

售后服務, 目前為上海通用凱迪拉克轎車提供高質量的配套座椅, 地址: 上海浦東新區金橋開發區



在李爾中國成立的第一家技術中心, 直接隸屬于李爾中國總部, 集研發, 項目開展為主要工作, 成立于2004年底

地址: 上海浦東新區金橋開發區


4-上海李爾汽車內飾件 Ltd

地址: 上海浦東新區上川路289號郵編: 20***


5-南京新迪李爾汽車內飾系統 Ltd

南京新迪李爾汽車內飾系統 Ltd


與美國李爾公司于二OO二年合資成立, 雙方出資比例各占50%, 合資公司從事研究, 開發, 設計, 制造, 加工, 組裝各種車輛座椅, 線束, 內飾件及有關零部件, 銷售自產成品及提供

售后服務, 南汽集團是江蘇省汽車產業支柱, 是中國重要的汽車研發, 生產, 銷售, 服務基地, 擁有南京依維柯, 南京菲亞特, 躍進股份, 無錫車身四大汽車平臺, 羅孚項目即將上馬, 6-上海松江李爾汽車地毯聲學元件Ltd

地址: 上海松江倉橋工業區玉樹路279號郵編: 20***



地址: 北京順義區



地址: 廣州花都


9-上海李爾汽車零件 Ltd.部性質.獨資


成立2007年在建, 地址: 閔行區莘莊工業園北區黎安西路1588號莘天工業園內1

廠房內地址: cwu**[ta]**r.com


江森自控 Johnson Ltd

Shanghai-Automotive Metal Components-Yantai

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Production Plant7 Yanfeng Road

Shangzhuang Industrial Park

Fushan DistrictYantai, Shandong China


Beijing Johnson Controls Automotive Components Co

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Production Plant1Linhe South Road

Linhe Industry Development Zone

Shunyi DistrictBeijing, China


Johnson Controls Automotive Interior Mgmt (China)

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Satellite Off***

A16th23th20th Floor

Far East International Plaza

319 Xianxia Road

Shanghai, China


Johnson Controls Automotive Interior Trading China

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Satellite Off***

A16th23th20th Floor

Far East International Plaza

319 Xianxia Road

Shanghai, China


Johnson Controls Electronics Co., Ltd

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Production Plant1268 East Kangqiao RD

Shanghai, China


Johnson Controls (Wuhu) Automotive Interiors Co

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Production Plant9 Huaihai Road

Wuhu Economic & Technological Development Area

Wuhu, Anhui China


Shanghai-Automotive Metal Components-Wuhu

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Production PlantHuaihai Road

Wuhu, Anhui China


Shanghai-Automotive Metal Components-Wuhan

業務部門.Automotive Experience

地點類別.Production PlantShidong StreetWuchangDistrictWuhan, Hubei China


Johnson Controls Xian Branch

業務部門.Building Efficiency


Beijing Johnson Controls Co Ltd-Xian O Room301, ZhiJian Building#26 Ke Ji Road, Hi-Tech DevelopmentDist, Xian City China8629823***

Fax: 8629823***


Johnson Controls Inc

業務部門.Power Solutions

業務范圍l.Battery Line


29th Floor, Far East International Plaza

319 Xianxia Road


Tel: 021-2307***

Fax: 021-6235***


CIMCO Refrigeration-China

業務部門.Building Efficiency

業務范圍l.Frick Factors


2503 Eagle Run Plaza

26 Xiao Yun Rd.Chaoyand DistrictBeijing, Other100016China

Tel: 0108458***

Fax: 0108458***

郵箱: rcloutier**[ta]**co.com.cn

Johnson Controls-Fice-Beijing

業務部門.Building Efficiency


3/F, Building A, B FUHUA Mansion, No.8 Chaoyangmen ST, Dong Cheng DistrictBeijing100027China

Tel: 010-5928***

Fax: 010-5928***


Johnson Controls-Fice-Changchun/BJJC

業務部門.Building Efficiency


Unit1215-121612/F, Changchun Everbright Tower B

No.2677 Jie Fang Road

Changchun, Jilin Province130061China

Tel: 0431-8840***

Fax: 0431-8840***

Johnson Controls-YORK (China) Commercial Co., Lt

業務部門.Building Efficiency


Rm.12B-04, Heiwado OfficE Building, No.88 Middle Huangxing Road, Changsha410005 China

Tel: 0731-442***

Fax: 0731-444 ***


Johnson Controls-FICE-Suzhou

業務部門.Building Efficiency


Unit.708 Feng Chen Hai Yue Plaza, No.20Guanghua Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province213003China

Tel: 021-6276***

Fax: 021-6277***


Johnson Controls-YORK (China)

Commercial Co., Lt業務部門.Building Efficiency

地點類別.Industrial/Commercial Room2101-***

Shangding International Building

No.27 South People Road

Chengdu 610041China

Tel: 028-8652 ***

Fax: 028-8652 ***


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