NGA最佳實踐中心的環境、能源和交通部門(缺錢)提供信息,研究、政策分析、技術援助和資源開發的州長和員工方面的能源、環境和交通行業。 部門關注幾個問題,包括提高能源效率,提高傳統和替代燃料的使用電力和交通,現代電網發展,擴大能源領域的經濟發展機遇,保護和清理環境,探索創新融資機制,能源和基礎設施和發展交通系統安全、有效的人員和貨物移動。
About the Environment, Energy & Transportation Division
governors and their staff with analysis and information about best practices, tailored technical
assistance, and insights into emerging policy trends across the fields of energy, environmental
protection, and transportation and other infrastructure. The division helps states promote the efficient
use of energy across all sectors, improve the use of traditional and alternative fuels for electricity and
transportation, better protect and clean up the environment, effectively manage their natural
resources, and develop a transportation system that safely and efficiently moves people and goods.
Focus areas include helping states with interest in:
? Expanding and modernizing the electricity power grid, including for cybersecurity
? Examining the need for new utility business models
? Enhancing energy assurance and resiliency
? Improving energy efficiency and renewable energy programs and financing
? Reducing energy use in state buildings and fleets
? Improving the Energy-Water Nexus
? Managing the use of water resources
? Responsibly developing shale energy sources
? Cleaning up and managing radioactive waste through the Federal Facilities Task Force
? Advancing innovative funding and financing methods for transportation and other
? Exploring state transportation solutions involving new technology and techniques
? Expanding the use of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure
The EET Division offers a variety of learning and networking opportunities via intensive technical
assistance projects, meetings, conference calls, and webinars. The ability of states to learn from the
experience of other states and network with their colleagues is a hallmark of those opportunities.
policy exploration and intensive technical assistance on a large-scale policy area.
? Policy Institutes and Workshops: The division hosts an annual policy institute for governors’
energy advisors and other workshops on specific topics to bring governors’ staff together with
subject-matter experts and their peers in the state policymaking community.
? Conference Calls and Webinars: The division routinely hosts conference calls and webinars,
combining the detail and interaction of an in-person workshop with increased convenience for state officials.
NGA staff provide tailored technical assistance to governors’ advisors upon request, using information
about best practices and advice from states and other experts across the country. Assistance can come
in a variety of forms, including brief confidential memos on a specific policy area, comments on draft
legislation or regulations, consultation on a policy development process, or access to outside experts to
The division produces a variety of materials to help evaluate public policy innovations and provide
practical solutions to the most pressing state issues. Documents are focused at the gubernatorial and
executive branch level. The types of documents include:
? Issue Briefs and Papers: The EET Division provides focused documents that provide an
? Reports: The EET Division provides longer research documents that provide a more in-depth
? Expert Consultation: The EET Division has content experts on hand to provide one-on-one
consultations on policy questions upon request.
? Technical Assistance Memos: The EET Division provides tailored policy research memos upon
request that include policy insights and examples of approaches from other states.
Environment, Energy & Transportation Division Contacts
Daniel Lauf
Jessica Rackley
Denise McKeown
NGA最佳實踐中心衛生部門提供信息,研究、政策分析、技術援助和資源開發的州長和員工通過一系列的政策問題。 衛生部門覆蓋問題領域的衛生保健服務和改革,包括支付改革,衛生人力規劃、質量改進、公共健康和行為健康醫療輸送系統中的集成。 其他重點領域包括醫療成本控制、員工和退休人員醫療福利,孕產婦和兒童健康,處方藥物濫用預防和健康保險交換計劃。
About the Health Division
The NGA Center for Best Practices Health Division provides governors and their staff with policy analysis
and information, customized technical assistance, best practices, and insight into emerging health care
issues. The Health Division focuses on helping governors develop policy and support implementation in
six core issue areas: health system transformation; Medicaid and private health insurance; workforce;
public health; data and analytics; and behavioral health and the social determinants of health.
Examples of specific projects underway within the division include:
? Connecting States through a Bipartisan Learning Network on Health Reform
? Transforming State Health Systems to Improve Quality and Efficiency Focused on High-Needs,
High-Cost Population
? Negotiating New, Broad Medicaid Authorities for States
? Addressing Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose Deaths
? Increasing Access to Care in Rural Areas
? Payment and Delivery System Reform
? Integrating Public Health with the Delivery System
? Improving Systems of Care for Maternal and Child Health
? Leveraging Clinical Data to Achieve Better Health, Better Care, and Lower Costs
The Health Division offers a variety of learning and networking opportunities for states, which promote
peer exchange for governors and their staff. Health Division staff facilitate this through:
? Policy Academies: The Health Division convenes state teams for an intensive, 12-month to***
month process that supports in-depth policy exploration and provides technical assistance on
specific health care challenges (for example, reducing cost and improving the outcomes of highneeds,
high-cost patients and better integrating a state’s public health system with its health
care delivery system). States are selected on the basis of a competitive application and benefit
from peer-to-peer-learning and subject matter expertise.
? Experts Roundtables: The Health Division hosts forums on a variety of relevant health care
topics throughout the year. NGA funds governors’ staff to attend the forums, which are an
opportunity for staff to meet their counterparts from other states, discuss common challenges
and promising solutions, and hear from nationally recognized subject matter experts.
? In-State Retreats: The Health Division convenes in-state retreats one to three days in length to
address state-specific issues such as developing a strategic framework for transforming state
health systems and health care workforce planning. At the retreat, key stakeholders meet with
national and regional experts to identify challenges and opportunities within the state, as well
as develop a strategic plan and develop recommendations to meet a state’s needs. The Health
Division also provides in-depth policy analysis and technical assistance as requested by the
? Learning Labs: The Health Division brings small cohorts of states to learn directly from an
innovator state about a successful, evidence-based intervention. Learning Labs also facilitate
adoption and evaluation of the innovative practices among participating states.
? Governors’ Leadership Calls: The Health Division regularly holds webinars for all states on hot
topics within health care.
Health Division staff have decades of experience working in health policy and operations in state
government, federal government, and the private sector. They serve as a resource for governors’ health
advisors by providing tailored technical assistance, advice from or connections to other states, and
access to outside experts to help a governor’s office achieve its goals.
The Health Division develops and maintains a variety of resources on state health care issues, including
a listserv for governors’ health policy advisors, in-depth research documents, and information in
response to ad hoc requests for information from states. Additional resources include:
? Road Maps: The Health Division provides detailed state road maps that guide state leaders in
implementing cutting edge policy solutions based on expert consultation and evidence-based
best practices.
? Issue Briefs: The Health Division prepares short, focused documents that provide analysis of
state policies, issues, or trends, as well as recommendations for the health care policy
? Expert Consultation: The Health Division provides expert consultation on policy topics within its
six core focus areas, as well as connecting state leaders to national experts.
? In-Depth Analysis: The Health Division prepares detailed analyses to respond to specific
technical assistance requests from states.
Health Division Contacts
Chelsea Kelleher
Sally Malone
Caroline Picher
Nicholas Fiore
Katherine Minnes
Leslie Donaldson
Administrative Coordinator ldonasldon**[ta]**.org