国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

9 量子和納米技術研究


納米研究:從納米材料擴展到了納米電子學和納米生物系統 量子和納米技術中心歡迎投資者在研究/產業/學術方面開展合作:

1. Institute for Quantum Computing 量子計算研究所是世界量子信息研究的領頭人。目前,加拿大滑鐵盧地區被稱為“量子谷”。研究領域包括:量子信息理論,量子算法,量子復雜性,量子糾錯和容錯,自旋為基礎的量子信息處理,納電子學基礎量子信息處理,光量子信息處理,量子密碼學。


研究領域包括:a) 量子信息理論

b) 量子算法

c) 量子復雜性

d) 量子糾錯和容錯

e) 基于自旋的量子信息處理

f) 納米電子學為基礎的量子信息處理

g) 光學量子信息處理

h) 量子密碼系統。


2. The Institute for Nanotechnology


a) 納米材料對能源部門

b) 納米電子可印刷電子(IT部門)

c) 納米生物,納米醫學


3.Cryptography & Security -密碼學和安全-與企業和專家在前沿技術的合作交流。

目前,Certicom, BlackBerry, McAfee,NCRWatSec都是滑鐵盧大學的企業合作伙伴。





10 能源研究:低碳轉型,微電網/離網能源系統、智能城市、智能能源網絡

Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) 滑鐵盧大學可持續能源中心的研究人員被世界廣泛認可:90名院系組成的精英隊伍,專門研究從政策到發電的技術挑戰,傳輸,存儲以及有效利用等。該研究中心歡迎投資者,政府和研究人員關注一下合作項目:1.全球低碳能源轉換(包括政策和技術)研究;2.微電網/離網能源系統 (控制,優化,最大化利用可再生能源);3.智能城市、智能能源網絡(先進的通訊信息技術以及各方面的能源)。


a) 發電開發商和運營商

b) 電力電子技術和控制



11 汽車研究:網絡汽車 & 遠程信息處理、綠色推進與動力系統;輕量化和可持續性;軟件和系統;結構性能 Waterloo Centre for Automotive Research (WatCAR) 滑鐵盧大學汽車研究中心是加拿大最大的以大學為背景的汽車研究中心。該中心歡迎以下領域的合作:網絡汽車 & 遠程信息處理、綠色推進與動力系統;輕量化和可持續性;軟件和系統;結構性能 待查 汽車制造業和IT


12 輕軌交通

分承包商,建設施工,設計和資金 滑鐵盧地區2011年批準建設軌道交通項目,預計于2017年完工。組織方歡迎投資人考慮以下合作機會:1.2013年底-2014年初已中標的承包商尋找項目分包商; 2. 總線組件的建設施工合同(大約2-3千萬加元)將于2013年底-2014年初期上報給滑鐵盧軌道交通項目組;3.多模式中心目前在商業案例分析中。歡迎設計、施工和潛在資金伙伴(15千萬)于2015-2018年到位。預算2億加元以上 公共交通,制造業和基礎設施


13 迷你衛星項目 為技術合作伙伴和企業家提供機會,與學術和商業合作伙伴一起開發“智能媒體網絡“集群。項目發展目標是開發兩個超小衛星(納米衛星和微衛星)。


14 稀有機場工業用地 加拿大發展最快的機場(也是加拿大繁忙程度排列第10位的機場),驅車45分鐘到多倫多,有10英畝的與滑鐵盧地區國際機場相鄰的土地,作為特殊的航空維修,服務,制造用途。合作機會包括:在距離多倫多佩爾森國際機場最近區域,能夠處理大型商務飛機的固定基本操作設施。


15  REAL ESTATE 地產項目

1 制造設施 位于滑鐵盧地區劍橋市的Cambridge商業園提供工程和辦公空間。此園區交通便利,從高速24號和8號交匯處的401號公路可進入。它是一個成熟的工業園,周邊有豐田汽車組裝廠。其他附近的公司包括:RIM黑莓手機, NAPA汽車配件,Loblaws超市, Challenger貨運, Sears Canada百貨, Cowan保險和物流公司等。$1.99千萬


2 特殊工業設施項目

現在可以購買的三棟工業辦公樓位于97/401工業園區。在基奇納和劍橋市以西十分鐘,毗鄰兩個豐田汽車組裝廠。目前三棟辦公樓被Bend All汽車公司所租賃(2013-2018年)。$2.05千萬


3 滑鐵盧工業園區項目




a) John Jung, CEO

Canada's Technology Triangle Inc


b) Nikita ZhuChina Lead Coordinator


c) Stephanie Baskerville, Business Development Coordinator

Canada's Technology Triangle Inc






加拿大Allens Fisheries Limited漁業公司希望尋求與中國的包裝材料供應商建立聯系,購買用于漁業生產的涂有michelman涂料的瓦楞紙板(corrugated cardboard with michelman coated)以及涂蠟的瓦楞紙板(waxed corrugated cardboard)。國內有興趣的公司請與該公司聯系。

聯系人:Sean Allen先生




地址:P. O. Bo***

Benoits Cove, NL A0L 1A0 Canada



Agriculture and Food Export Center


Co. Ltd


Joint Venture


Agriculture and Animal Husbandry


Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


With growing demand of Canadian products in China, Canada China Agriculture center has received many emails and phones from importers in China, who intended to purchase Canadian agriculture and food companies. Nowadays, international supermarkets, such as Metro and Carrefour, all debarked in many cities in China. The increasing numbers of international supermarkets opened the mind of Chinese consumers and caused more and more demand of imported products such as soybean and wine. Therefore, investing in a Canadian export company has a large potential to make profit. Besides the economic benefits, the center can play a positive role in economic and increase employment; Ontario government legitimated this program into an immigration li***

項目描述:加拿大中國農業中心一直和國內進口商以及加拿大出口商有著緊密聯系,對進出口事宜十分了解。現尋求投資者合作,建立從大豆、牛肉到葡萄酒等一系列農、畜牧業產品的貿易出口中心。希望對中國市場和銷售渠道有一定了解的、具備一定經濟實力和進出口經驗的投資者與中心聯系。中心會負責收購、包裝、出口以及政府各項支持的相關事宜。China Agriculture Center has involved in close relationships with importers in China and exporters in Canada, and owned fundamental knowledge of the exporting and importing. Now, we are looking forward investors to build an export center which exports various agriculture and stockbreeding products such as soy, beef, wine and etc. If you have comprehensive knowledge about Chinese market and the distribution channels, with abundant capital as well as experience in exporting and importing, please contact us. We will in charge of purchasing, packaging, exporting and government contacting.


-China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Certre




Weichatccagr2008, QQ97968***

Tel416 642 ***

Fax905-963-7899 AddressSuite 2, 4th Floor, 10 George Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1C8



Organic Pork Producing Center


Co. Ltd


Joint Venture


Agriculture and Animal Husbandry


Ontario, Canada

建設該項目優勢條件:隨著人民的生活水平提高,中國豬肉的消耗量逐年增長。中國是世界上最大的豬肉生產國和消費國。2012年中國人均豬肉消費86磅,而2002年為70磅。正是由于豬肉供不應求,雙匯集團以47億美金收購了 美國最大的生豬生產商--食品巨頭史密斯菲爾德。隨著收入的逐年增長和對健康的重視,有機豬肉在國內的發展潛力巨大。而加拿大空氣質量好、養殖技術發達,能夠很好的滿足國內有機豬肉的空缺。除了良好的經濟效益之外,該項目還可以促進加拿大經濟增長、增加就業,符合安省農業集體移民項目的要求。

With the increasing live standards, China witnessed a growing number of consumption for pork. China has consumed the largest number of pork in the world. In 2012, the average consumption of pork per person reached 86 pounds, which was the amount of 70 pounds in 2002. Because the supply did not adequate to the demand, SHAUNHUI Group purchased the largest pork producer-Smithfield. The organic pork has a large potential in China with the increasing income and health concern. Canada has high air quality and advanced techniques. Producing pork in Canada could fulfill the gap between high demand and poor quality in organic pork. Besides the economic benefits, the center can play a positive role in economic and increase employment; Ontario government legitimated this program into an immigration list.


Focusing and researching about the pork industry in China as well as Canada, Canada China Agriculture Center has various experiences and comprehensive understanding in the pork industry. Now we are looking forward investors to set up an export pork producing center with the acreage fromx to x Chinese Mu. The farm would implement additive-free and free range modules and produce organic pork. If you are interested in the program, please contact us.

聯系方式:加拿大-中國農業與食品發展研究中心-China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Certre




Weichatccagr2008, QQ97968***

Tel416 642 ***

Fax905-963-7899 AddressSuite 2, 4th Floor, 10 George Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1C8



Rice Cultivation Center


Co. Ltd


Joint Venture


Agriculture and Animal Husbandry


Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


In 1962, scientists in Canada successfully cultivated rice in Canada. The rice industry did not grow rapidly because of the limited number of immigration, which restricted the number of target customer base. With the open immigration policy, Canada becomes the largest immigration country in the world, the immigration including a majority number of Asian, whose staple food is rice. Such change has resulted that Canada has to import a lot of rice from Asia. The earth, weather, and water resources in Canada are suitable to cultivate rice. Therefore, building a rice cultivation center has a promising future in Canada. Except the economic benefits, the center can play a positive role in economic and increase employment; Ontario government legitimated this program into an immigration list.


Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of rice industry, Canada China Agriculture Center has various experiences in the rice industry. Now we are looking forward investors to set up a rice cultivation center with the acreage from 30K to 50K Chinese Mu. The center would implement a pipeline module from cultivating, producing processing to packaging. If you are interested in the program, please contact us.

聯系方式:加拿大-中國農業與食品發展研究中心-China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Certre




Weichatccagr2008, QQ97968***

Tel416 642 ***

Fax905-963-7899 AddressSuite 2, 4th Floor, 10 George Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1C8



Forage Grass Cultivation Center


Co. Ltd


Joint Venture


Agriculture and Animal Husbandry


Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


Forage grass is the main fodder for livestock /poultry and fish, with economic benefits and high quality. Forage grass is important for herbivorous animal. Cultivating forage grass could solve the problem of lacking protein foodstuffs to feed livestock and poultry. The live quality has been dramatically increasing in China for recent years, and so does the demand for high quality beef, mutton, fish and milk. Because of the pollution, desertification, and degeneration of grassland and the out of date technology, the production of forage grass cannot fulfill the demand of high quality forage for livestock and poultry. However, the forage grass in Canada contains the highest volume of protein all around the world and has been exported to the U.S., Japan, Korea, Middle East and etc. Therefore, the high demand in China and the high quality brought a promising future for forage grass industry in Canada. The program could benefit from the increasing demand of forage grass. Moreover, because this program can play a positive

role in economic and increase employment, Ontario government legitimated the program into an immigration list.


Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the forage grass industry, Canada China Agriculture Center is the membership of Canada Forage and Grassland Association, and joined numerous important meetings. Now we are looking forward investors to set up a cultivation center of forage grass with the acreage from 50K to 100K Chinese Mu. The center would implement a pipeline module from cultivating, producing and processing to exporting. If you are interested in the program, please contact us.

聯系方式:加拿大-中國農業與食品發展研究中心-China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Certre




Weichatccagr2008, QQ97968***

Tel416 642 ***

Fax905-963-7899 AddressSuite 2, 4th Floor, 10 George Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1C8


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