Rue Guimard 11/13,
Telephone: 225 + 32 2 39 10
Call:+32 2 225 39 10
Fax: 25 + 32 2 225 39
Call:+32 2 225 39 25
e-mail: permrep.eu[ta]mfaca
E-mail addresses are formed as follows: name.surname[ta]mfaca
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4312;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4343
馬蒂·Maasikas先生 - Ambassador, Permanent Representative
Ms Maili Liivam?e
Assistant to the Permanent Representative
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4303;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4343
Ms Elen Nurme
Assistant to the Deputy Permanent Representative
Camon Foreign and Security Policy
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4318;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4381
Lembit Uibo先生- Ambassador
Representative to the Political and Security Camittee (PSC),
Permanent Representative to the WEU
Ms Emily Muljar
Assistant to the Ambassador
電話+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4312
傳真:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4343
Ms Maili Liivam?e
Assistant to the Permanent Representative
瑪麗女士Linntam -顧問
II - Antici常駐代表委員會協調員
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4312;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4343
Ms Kaie Kork - First Secretary
- Enlargement; Baltic Sea Region Strategy, Northern Dimension; think-thanks
Mr Oleg Dmitrijev - First Secretary
- relations with European Parliament (Coreper II) and institutional affairs; GAG (General Affairs Group)
Ms Ele Raik - Third Secretary
- relations with European Parliament (Coreper I) and institutional affairs; GAG (General Affairs Group)
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4303;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4343
Ms Merili Kriisa - Legal Adviser
EU law; infringement procedures; European Court of Justice; transparency/access to documents; EESC (European Economic and Social Camittee), Camittee of Regions; COHOM
Ms Marika Post - Spokesperson, First Secretary
- Coreper I and II, EU information policy, WPI
Phone 225 + 32 2 39 28
Call:+32 2 225 39 22,
mobile +32 454 98 16 55,
Phone + 32 2225 39 21
Call:+32 2225 43 23;
Fax:+ 32 2225 43 51
Call:+32 2225 43 51
Mr Kristo P?llu - Counsellor
Counsellor (EU personnel policy, Estonian Presence in EU institutions), NEPT, SNE (national experts), Erasmus, DESP, EPSO capetitions, EEAS staffing, JPD.
Camon Foreign and Security Policy
European Security and Defence Policy
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4318;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4381
Mr Lembit Uibo - Ambassador
Representative to the Political and Security Camittee (PSC),
Permanent Representative to the WEU
Ms Emily Muljar- Assistant to the Ambassador
Mr Mikael Laidre - Third Secretary
- Nicolaidis, PSC coordination; CONUN, COSCE
Brigadier General Valeri Saar - Military Representative to the EUMC
Residing at the Estonian mission to NATO,
phone 40 + 32 2 505 95
Call:+32 2 505 95 40
Lieutenant Colonel Peeter K?iv - Deputy Military Representative to the EUMC
phone 225 + 32 2 43 09年
Call:+32 2 225 43 09;
NATO office:32 + 2 505 95 95
Call:+32 2 505 95 95
Lieutenant Colonel Avo Veske - Desk officer to EUMCWG/HTF
phone + 32 2 225 4358
Call:+32 2 505 95 95
Ms Karin Rannu - Counsellor
Mr Jüri Kahn - Counsellor
Mr Marek ühtegi - Second Secretary
- COEST (Georgia,
Ms Siiri K?nigsberg - Counsellor
Mr Lauri Madjak - Second Secretary
Ms Liis Poola - Attache
- CSDP civilian aspect, CIVCA, CONOP, CODUN, COARM
Ms Hestrid Tedder- Counsellor for CSDP
- CSDP military aspects, PMG, EU-NATO Capability Group, EU Satellite Centre, cyber security
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4355;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4351
Ms Maria Orlova - First Secretary
- Trade Policy Camittee (Deputy Member), COTRA (Transatlantic Working Group)
Ms Anne Mardiste - Counsellor
- EFTA (European Free Trade Association), GSP (Generalized System of Preferences), COASI (Asia
Mr Arvo Anton - Attache
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4350;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4351
Ms Julia Antonova - Counsellor for Judicial Affairs
- Judicial co-operation in criminal matters, substantive criminal law, data protection
Ms Kristi V?rk - Counsellor for Judicial Affairs
- civil justice, capany law, intellectual property law, eJustice, horisontal justice issues, better regulation
Mr Kaido Tee - Counsellor for Internal Affairs
- Questions related to visas, migration, frontiers and asylum and co-operation related to the Schengen convention, civil protection, IT-systems and IT-agency, JHA funds
Ms Annika Talmar-Pere - Counsellor for Internal Affairs
- Questions related to fight against terrorism, police cooperation, organised crime, drugs, co-operation related to the Schengen convention, cyber security and cyber crime, IT-systems and IT-agency, JHA funds
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4335;
Fax:+ 32 22 225 4338
Call:+32 22 225 4338
Mr Martin P?der - Head of Finance Section
- ECOFIN; EU financial framework; Financial Councellor′s Working Party; Statistics; EIB; ESM; EFSF
- - - - - -EU budget and budget review; 歐盟基金和區域政策,EEA(歐洲經濟區)和挪威金融機制;區域委員會;審計法院;奧拉夫
Mr Toomas Vapper - Counsellor for Financial Policy
- Financial services, state aid, accounting, auditing, public procurement, organisation of gambling
Ms Elo Madiste-Counsellor for Taxation
- Taxation
Ms Svetlana Raudonen - Counsellor for Customs
- Customs
Ms Kadri Martin-Juhkam - Counsellor of Economic and Banking Affairs, Representative of the Bank of Estonia Monetary Policy; Issues related to the European Central Bank and Banking Union; Financial Stability
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4303;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4343
Mr Clyde KULL - Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative
Ms Elen Nurme
Assistant to the Deputy Permanent Representative
Ms Katrin Juhandi-Counsellor
- Mertens, Coreper I coordination, European semester
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4342;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4341
Mr Peeter Seestrand - Director of Division
- Spokesperson for the Special Camitee of Agriculture (SCA)
Ms Svetlana Jankovenko - Counsellor for Agricultural Affairs
- Veterinary, phytosanitary and food safety
Ms Liina Grünberg - Counsellor for Agricultural Affairs
- Agricultural trade, camon market organisations, rural policy
Mr Tarvo J?rve - Counsellor for Agriculture and Fisheries
- Phytosanitary issues, GM food and feed, fisheries structural policy, trade and markets, aquaculture
Mr Herki Tuus - Counsellor for Fisheries
- Management of fisheries resources, fisheries negotiations with third countries, NAFO (North-West atlantic Fisheries Organisation), NEAFC (North-East Fisheries Camission), Fisheries Control Agency
電話+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4342
傳真:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4341
Mr Risto J?gi - Counsellor for Economic Affairs
- Capetitiveness, internal market, industrial and innovation policy, small and medium sized enterprises; better regulation, consumer protection (excl health protection and contract law), capetition policy (excl state aid); tourism; technical harmonisation (machinery, EMC: electormagnetic capatibility, measuring instruments, standardisation, New Approach); space policy
Mr Ando M?ldre - Counsellor for Energetics
- Energetics
Counsellor for Economic Affairs and Transport
- Land transport, technical harmonisation (motor vehicles), transport networks and intermodal questions; development and financing of infrastructures
Mr Raigo Iling - Counsellor for Transport
- General transport issues, maritime affairs, aviation, inland waterways, networks, intermodalism, GALILEO
Mr Silver Tammik - Senior Counsellor for Economic Affairs
- Telecamunication and information society; postal services; services in the internal market, mutual recognition in non-harmonised areas (free movement of goods); trade questions; export credits
Mr Luukas Kristjan Ilves - Counsellor for Digital Affairs
Information society; Digital Agenda; Cyber security, ITprojects; eGovernment
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4342 Fax+ 32 2 225 4341
Mr Rauno Reinberg - Counsellor
- Nature protection, waste management,
Mr Aare Sirendi - Counsellor for Environmental Affairs and Atomic Questions
- Ambient air, water, climate change, industrial pollution, chemicals, atomic questions
Phone + 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4335;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4338
Ms Kristi Suur - Counsellor for Labour Affairs
- Labour law, occupational health and safety, employment, European Social Fund, free movement of persons
Ms Linda Sassian - Counsellor for Social Affairs
- Social policy, co-ordination of social security schemes, free movement of persons, open method of coordination, gender equality, equal treatment
Ms Tairi T?ht-Counsellor for Health Affairs
- Health issues: health policy, public health, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, dangerous substances
Phone+32 2 225 4335;
Fax:+ 32 225 225
Call:+32 2 225 4338
Ms Eike Eller - Counsellor for Cultural Affairs
- Cultural relations, cultural heritage, audiovisual policy, sport
Ms Helina K?rner - Counsellor for Educational and Youth Affairs
- Education, youth and language policy, recognition of professional qualifications, ERASMUS+ programme, European Schools
Ms Ene Kadastik - Counsellor for Scientific Affairs
- Research, Horizon 2020 (The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation)
Phone 225 + 32 2 39 10
Call:+32 2 225 39 10; Fax: 25 + 32 2 225 39
Call:+32 2 225 39 25
Ms Malle Ling - Head of Administration
Mr Meelis Aas - Security and Management Specialist
Ms Sigrid Haage - Head of the Secretariat
Ms Terje Pall - Archivist
電話+ 32 2 281 4335
Call:+32 2 235 43 35;mobiil:+ 49 32 998 1238;fak235 + 32 2 43 36