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Belgium enterprise directory

Company Name City/Province Country Address P.O.Box Zip Code Phone 1 Fax 1 Mobile Toll Free Contact Position Email Website Product List Classification About us Category Activities Employees Capital Type Brands Annual E. Revenue Year of Establish Total Annual Sales Turnover Legal Form Import Export Market Profile Search Keyword Bank Reference Main Markets Trade Names

Westland Shopping Center Belgium Boulevard Sylvain Dupuis 433; 1070; Bruxelles (Anderlecht) 02 524 00 14 02 527 00 18


Wijnegem Shopping Center Belgium Turnhoutsebaan 5 Box 400; 2110; Wijnegem 03 350 14 44 03 353 81 96

 info[ta]wijnegemshoppingcenter.be Shopping-centres

Woluwe Shopping Center Belgium Rue Saint-Lambert 200; 1200; Bruxelles (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert) 02 771 20 4

5 02 770 04 19


Zilverpand Belgium Zilverpand; 8000; Brugge 050 33 88 39

050 33 34 7

5 zilverpand[ta]online.be Shopping-centres

BOSCH-REPAMINE Belgium Chaussée du Roi Baudouin 263; 7031; Mons (Villers-Saint-Ghislain) 065 66 10 7

5 065 66 11 7

5 Contractors (Materials & equipment for); Scaffolding; Rental - Machines, apparatus & tools (Professional use); Fences; Ironworks; Metal work - Ornamental; Stairs; Ladders; Tools (Electric) Contractors (Materials & equipment for); Scaffolding; Rental - Machines, apparatus & tools (Professional use); Fences; Ironworks; Metal work - Ornamental; Stairs; Ladders; Tools (Electric) Shores and trestles

Franck Belgium Industriestraat 13; 1910; Kampenhout 016 60 88 04; 0475 61 18 69

016 60 98 18

 jan[ta]franck.be Building materials (Rustic) - Recuperation & sale; Contractors - Demolition Building materials (Rustic) - Recuperation & sale; Contractors - Demolition Shores and trestles

Gelders Belgium Leuvensesteenweg 93; 1830; Machelen 02 253 94 10

02 253 92 13

 info[ta]gelders.biz Scaffolding Scaffolding Shores and trestles

MSC NV Belgium Oostrozebekestraat 54; 8770; Ingelmunster 051 31 21 88; 051 33 21 86; 0485 88 70 33

051 30 93 77

 nico.evenepoel[ta]stability.be Shores and trestles

Répamine SA Belgium Rue de la Buissière 9; 7120; Estinnes (Vellereille-le-Sec) 065 58 63 21 065 58 72 84 info[ta]repamine.be Contractors (Materials & equipment for); Scaffolding; Rental - Machines, apparatus & tools (Professional use); Fences; Ironworks; Metal work - Ornamental; Stairs; Ladders; Balustrades; Tools (Electric) Contractors (Materials & equipment for); Scaffolding; Rental - Machines, apparatus & tools (Professional use); Fences; Ironworks; Metal work - Ornamental; Stairs; Ladders; Balustrades; Tools (Electric) Shores and trestles

SNELSCHORING SAMSON Belgium Albert I laan 19A; 8630; Veurne 058 31 22 07

 Shores and trestles

Stabil BVBA Belgium Astridlaan 17; 8760; Meulebeke 051 32 05 97 051 32 05 98

 stabil[ta]stabil.be Shores and trestles

V-Systems BVBA-SPRL Belgium Veldeken 41; 9850; Nevele 09 371 87 08

 09 371 97 20

 v-systems[ta]wanadoo.be Scaffolding Scaffolding Shores and trestles

Wolf-Seco BVBA Belgium Drie Eikenstraat 358; 2650; Edegem 03 448 02 50; 03 449 59 39

03 448 02 40; 03 449 72 13

 Contractors (Materials & equipment for); Scaffolding Contractors (Materials & equipment for); Scaffolding Shores and trestles

Rutten S.A. Belgium Parc Ind des Hauts Sarts 1e 123-125 4040 Herstal 04.264 85 7

5 04.264 85 89

 Executive Board Mr Rutten, Jean; Executive Board Mr Rutten, Léon; Purchasing Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Jean; Purchasing Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Léon; Sales Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Léon; Sales Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Jean; Marketing Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Léon; Marketing Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Jean; Technical Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Léon; Technical Director/Manager Mr Rutten, Jean rutten[ta]skynet.be

www.ruttenhydro.com Whirl sintering services; Wind-powered turbines and windmills Shot Peening Services 6 to 1

5 Manufacturers

Artilabo NV Belgium Paardenstraat 12 9070 Destelbergen 99

 Executive Board Mr Vangele, Francis; Purchasing Director/Manager Mr Vangele, Francis; Sales Director/Manager Mr Vangele, Francis; Marketing Director/Manager Mr Vangele, Francis info[ta]artilabo.be

www.artilabo.be Shrink tubing Shrink Tubing 1 to 2 Sales and distribution

A & B Slotenservice BVBA Belgium Dorp 79; 2820; Bonheiden 015 51 76 82; 0475 28 30 69

015 61 71 60; 015 51 71 60

 anb.slotenservice[ta]skynet.be Fireproof & armoured doors; Safes; Doors; Locks & keys Fireproof & armoured doors; Safes; Doors; Locks & keys Shutters

A A A Michaels NV Belgium Turnhoutsebaan 194; 2970; Schilde 03 385 83 9

5 03 385 52 7

5 info[ta]aaamichael.com Doors - Sliding & overhead type; Door & gate openers (Automatic); Insect screens; Solar protection - Inside; Solar protection - Outside; Ornamental shutters Doors - Sliding & overhead type; Door & gate openers (Automatic); Insect screens; Solar protection - Inside; Solar protection - Outside; Ornamental shutters Shutters

A ALPHA VOLETS Belgium Boulevard Louis Schmidt 119-3; 1040; Bruxelles (Etterbeek) 02 743 82 02


A. Barmas SPRL Belgium Rue des Marais 67; 6200; Châtelet (Bouffioulx) 0497 57 41 42 071 56 24 22 claude.charlier[ta]tisuni.be Doors - Sliding & overhead type; Windows Doors - Sliding & overhead type; Windows Shutters

A. Haneveer Belgium Wiekenweg 15; 2387; Baarle-Hertog 014 69 91 76

 Windows; Carpenters; Solar protection - Outside Windows; Carpenters; Solar protection - Outside Shutters

A. Rousseau sprl (Ets) Belgium Quai Gloesener 5; 4020; Liège 1 (Liège 2) 04 343 43 4

5 04 343 43 4

5 Shutters

A.C. 2010 SPRL Belgium Rue de Velaine 171; 5060; Sambreville (Tamines)

 071 77 42 15; 082 61 34 06

082 61 34 06

 Windows Windows Shutters

A.C. Libouton SPRL Belgium Rue Victor Sténuit 8A; 1342; Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (Limelette) 010 41 59 33

010 41 46 32 aclibouton[ta]swing.be Wall cupboards; Windows; Carpenters; Solar protection - Outside; Fireproof & armoured doors Wall cupboards; Windows; Carpenters; Solar protection - Outside; Fireproof & armoured doors Shutters

A.D.E. Belgium Rue Jean Vercheval 46; 4040; Herstal 04 248 12 49; 0475 28 08 33

04 240 14 53

 Repair services; Locks & keys Repair services; Locks & keys Shutters



 Belgium RUE DE L' ESPLANADE 54; 4141; BANNEUX 43608144 leruth.m[ta]skynet.be Types d'Articles: Jogging, Gymnastique, Basket, Football.. Produits & Services: Trophées, Médailles.. Vêtements & Accessoires: Vêtements de Sport, Parapluies, Vêtements Publicitaires. Catégorie de Produit: Vêtements. Timbres, monnaies and trophées. Vêtements, chaussures and accessoires Articles de camping and de sport

A. Duyvejonck-Belaen Belgium Meensesteenweg 233; 8800; Roeselare 051 27 28 29

 Data processing - Computers; Safes; Office machines - Mainten. & Repair; Data processing - Software; Dictating machines; Office machines - Retail & rental; Documents destruction machines; Data processing - Personal computers; Data processing - Computer rental; Office fixtures; Cash Registers; Telephone installations; Copy machines & supplies Data processing - Computers; Safes; Office machines - Mainten. & Repair; Data processing - Software; Dictating machines; Office machines - Retail & rental; Documents destruction machines; Data processing - Personal computers; Data processing - Computer rental; Office fixtures; Cash Registers; Telephone installations; Copy machines & supplies Time recorders

Amano Electronics Europe NV Belgium Westerring 2; 3600; Genk 089 32 87 41 089 30 69 47

 marketing[ta]amano.be; nbrysse[ta]amano.be

http://www.amano.be Parkinggarages - Installation & Access.; Access-control (Systems for) Parkinggarages - Installation & Access.; Access-control (Systems for) Time recorders

Argina Belgium Nieuwe Molenstraat 200; 9100; Sint-Niklaas 03 766 27 27 03 766 37 89

 Gas detection; Access-control (Systems for); Fire detection materials - Installation Gas detection; Access-control (Systems for); Fire detection materials - Installation Time recorders

Bizibit NV Belgium Grevenhof; 1840; Londerzeel 052 31 83 18

 052 31 83 11 info[ta]bizibit.be

http://www.bizibit.be Data processing - Software; Data processing - Consultants; Access-control (Systems for); Automatic identification & registration systems Data processing - Software; Data processing - Consultants; Access-control (Systems for); Automatic identification & registration systems Time recorders

BPT Belgium Place des Bienfaiteurs 7; 1030; Bruxelles (Schaerbeek) 02 240 64 64; 02 240 64 70

02 240 64 79; 02 240 64 50

 commercial[ta]teintelecom.be Door operating equipment & videophones; Data communications; Voice technology - Products & systems; Networks; Telecommunication systems Door operating equipment & videophones; Data communications; Voice technology - Products & systems; Networks; Telecommunication systems Time recorders

Brain + Belgium Interleuvenlaan 62A; 3001; Leuven (Heverlee) 016 39 48 22 016 39 48 21 info[ta]brainplus.be Data processing - Software Data processing - Software Time recorders

CAPTOR NV Belgium Pontbeek 55; 1731; Asse (Zellik) 02 481 64 00

02 481 64 39


http://www.captor.be Access-control (Systems for) Access-control (Systems for) Time recorders

Ceye Belgium BVBA Belgium Schranslaan 20; 1980; Zemst (Eppegem) 015 61 72 74 015 61 72 7

5 sales[ta]ceye.be Access-control (Systems for) Access-control (Systems for) Time recorders

Championchip Belgium Entre Village 8; 6592; Momignies (Monceau-Imbrechies) 060 51 31 6

5 060 51 31 82

 Time recorders

CID ELECTRONIC SPRL Belgium Rue Joseph Marvel 45; 5032; Gembloux-sur-Orneau (Corroy-le-Château) 081 63 38 56

 cidelectronic[ta]yucom.be Time recorders

COSMO TIME & SECURITY SYSTEMS ACME Belgium Chaussée de Louvain 467; 1030; Bruxelles (Schaerbeek) 02 733 13 03

02 733 13 2

5 sales[ta]cosmotime.be

http://www.cosmotime.be Clocks - Industrial; Access-control (Systems for); Score-boards & luminous displays; Automatic identification & registration systems Clocks - Industrial; Access-control (Systems for); Score-boards & luminous displays; Automatic identification & registration systems Time recorders

Cosmo Time Systems NV Belgium Chaussée de Louvain 467; 1030; Bruxelles (Schaerbeek) 02 733 13 03

02 733 13 2

5 sales[ta]cosmotime.be

http://www.cosmotime.be Clocks - Industrial; Access-control (Systems for); Score-boards & luminous displays; Automatic identification & registration systems Clocks - Industrial; Access-control (Systems for); Score-boards & luminous displays; Automatic identification & registration systems Time recorders

Cursor Systems NV Belgium Zandvoortstraat 10; 2800; Mechelen 015 27 39 8

5 015 27 39 86

 sales[ta]cursor-systems.be Time recorders

Darivan Kantoorbedrijf bvba BVBA Belgium Kortrijkstraat 144; 9700; Oudenaarde 055 31 80 10

055 31 80 19

 darivan[ta]planetinternet.be Direct mail - Lettershops & mailing; Copy machines & supplies Direct mail - Lettershops & mailing; Copy machines & supplies Time recorders

DC Soft BVBA Belgium Langestraat 22; 8580; Avelgem 056 64 49 83; 056 64 95 3

5 056 64 49 83

 Data processing - Software; Data processing - Computers Data processing - Software; Data processing - Computers Time recorders

De Tijd Bedrijfsuurwerken Belgium Stoktsedriesen 6; 2300; Turnhout 014 42 77 13

 Time recorders

Desed-Sesam Systems CV Belgium Blijkheerstraat 62; 1755; Gooik (Oetingen) 054 56 83 04 054 56 83 03

 info[ta]sesamsystems.com Access-control (Systems for) Access-control (Systems for) Time recorders

Dot-Sys NV Belgium Varkensmarkt 1; 2850; Boom 03 844 35 23

03 844 35 24 info[ta]dotsys.be Time recorders

E.D.C. Gent Belgium Alfons Braeckmanlaan 245; 9040; Gent (Sint-Amandsberg) 09 228 23 11 09 229 18 18

 edcsigns[ta]pi.be Score-boards & luminous displays; Signs - Illuminated Score-boards & luminous displays; Signs - Illuminated Time recorders

Electromatic St-Niklaas NV Belgium Entrepotstraat 33; 9100; Sint-Niklaas 03 777 59 66; 03 780 97 80

03 777 21 48

 sales[ta]electromatic.be Access-control (Systems for); Automatic identification & registration systems Access-control (Systems for); Automatic identification & registration systems Time recorders


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