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CANUK PresidentFEIFEI ZHANG 張非非(會長) *Feifei.zhang[ta]**neseactuary.org Feifei Zhang is Financial Risk Director of Aviva UK since August 2010. Prior to that he was Head of Insurance and Inflation Risk in Deutsche Bank and trustee to Abby Life Staff Pension Scheme. Before joining Deutsche Feifei held various actuarial positions in Watson Wyatt and Standard Life. Feifei holds an MSc degree in International Accounting and Finance from LSE and qualified as FFA in 2005. He currently lives in London with a 4-year daughter. 張非非先生現任英杰華(英國)( Aviva UK) 公司金融風險總監,主要負責英杰華英國壽險和產險兩家公司的市場風險,信用風險和流動風險的日常管理,是英杰華(英國)公司風險管理高級領導小組的主要成員。 英杰華是英國最大,世界第六的綜合性保險公司,也是財富500強企業,主要業務包括壽險,產險和資產管理,分支機構涵蓋歐洲,北美和亞太地區。在中國,英杰華和中糧集團合資的中英人壽在40多個城市設有營業網點,穩居外資保險的第一梯隊。 在加入英杰華之前,張非非是德意志銀行保險及通脹風險主任,并擔任阿比人壽企業年金信托人。此前,他在標準人壽和華信惠悅咨詢公司從事精算工作多年,在資產負債管理,金融風險管理,資本內部模型和金融衍生工具方面擁有豐富的經驗。 張非非畢業于上海財經大學國際金融專業,此后于2001年取得倫敦經濟學院國際會計和金融碩士學位,2005年獲得英國精算師協會精算師資格。他多次在歐洲及中國的精算研討會上發表演講,是2009年英國精算師協會年金工作小組《年金管理的發展探討》一文的主要作者(負責償付能力II 一章)。 CANUK Advisory board ChairmanYANPING LIU 劉延平(總顧問) *Yan.liu[ta]**neseactuary.org Dr Yan Liu is a qualified Actuary and works for RBS Insurance as Head of Actuarial Solvency II Reserving. He started his insurance career in 1992 after three years of postdoctoral research at Oxford University. He has held a number of roles from Chief Statistician, Actuarial Manager, Senior Actuarial Manager to Head of Corporate Actuarial in a number of areas within general insurance including pricing, monitoring, reserving and capital modelling. He has a PhD from Sheffield University and a BEng with a Distinguished Graduate gold medal from Xian Jiaotong University. He founded London China Golf. 劉延平博士、英國精算師:英國蘇格蘭皇家銀行保險公司(RBS Insurance)償付能力II精算總監和英國華人金融協會ACFPU首席顧問。劉延平博士是中國實行開放之后首位在英國獲得精算師資質的中國大陸學者。西安交通大學優秀畢業生(金牌)。英國設菲爾德大學博士。后在牛津大學做博士后研究。之后進入英國金融業。歷任數據分析員、總統計師、統計經理、精算經理、精算師、高級精算經理和精算部總監。曾任中英科技貿易協會金融部主任。倫敦高爾夫發起人。自2003年以來,曾多次代表英國精算屆去京滬高校講授非壽險精算理論和實踐,輔導中國精算學生應試英國精算考試。曾主持或參與了定價、準備金、資本金充足率建模和報告、并購(M&A)、現金流分析、資本分析、資產和債務的匹配、投資戰略、風險控制、企劃預報和監控、宏觀結構與過程建設、團隊與精算組織建設、償付能力II 技術準備金的實施等工作。 CANUK Vice-PresidentJI YAO *Ji.yao[ta]**neseactuary.org Dr. Ji Yao is a Pricing Manager at Royal Bank of Scotland Insurance in the UK. Since he graduated with a PhD in mathematics and statistics in 2005, he mainly practices in general insurance and is specialized in pricing and related software. He qualified as a Fellow of Institute of Actuaries in 2008. He has also participated in various research projects, including reserving and Solvency II, and is a frequent speaker at international actuarial conferences. He has contributed to the Core Reading of new exam subjects and is an assistant examiner of the Actuarial Profession. 姚佶博士,英國精算師,特許企業風險分析師,現任蘇格蘭皇家銀行保險公司(RBS Insurance)定價及核保部門經理。姚佶從事產險精算工作多年,在定價及相關模型軟件方面有豐富的經驗。曾多次在國際精算研討會上發表演講,并參與多個精算工作小組的科研活動。現任英國精算師協會考試助理考官,并參與英國精算考試教材編寫及審閱工作。 CANUK General SecretaryHAIJING WANG *Haijing.wang[ta]**neseactuary.org Haijing moved back to Beijing early 2013, joining sunshine life as a senior manager. Prior to that, she was a Solvency II actuary at Metlife and an Actuarial Manager at Ernst & Young's London office. Haijing started her career at Aviva UK in 2005 after graduating from University of York and holds a MSc in Finance and Invesment. Haijing qualified as an FIA in 2009 and specialised in solvency, ALM and risk management for the life insurers. 王海晶(秘書長)于2013年夏天回到北京,加入陽光壽險,擔任高級經理。在此之前,王海晶服務于美國大都會保險公司歐洲區,作為歐洲償付能力二號全歐執行中心小組成員。加入大都會之前,王海晶任職于安永歐洲區精算部倫敦分部任經理,高級精算顧問。王海晶畢業于英國約克大學,金融與投資專業,碩士學位。2005年畢業后加入英杰華(英國)保險公司開始精算工作,有著5年的資產負債管理經驗。王海晶于2009年獲得英國注冊精算師資格。 CANUK Media OfficerXIE WAN *Xie.wan[ta]**neseactuary.org Xie is a MSc Actuarial Management student at Cass Business School. She was graduated from Durham University in BSc Mathematics in2010 and has worked as a Life Actuarial Advisor at KPMG LLP for 2.5 years prior to her study at Cass. 萬勰在卡斯商學院學習精算管理研究生課程。在此之前,她于2010年在英國杜倫大學取得了數學學士學位,并在畢業后于畢馬威英國(KPMG LLP)的精算咨詢部門從事人壽保險精算咨詢工作,為期兩年半。 CANUK Internal RelationXIAXIN YANG *Susan.yang[ta]**neseactuary.org Xiaxin started as a graduate with Cardif Pinnacle (a BNP Paribas subsidiary) and moved to KPMG in August 2010. During her time at Pinnacle, she worked on reserving and capital modelling for its personal line business, and since joining KPMG, she has got more exposure on SII and London Market commercial line business. She has almost 4 years experience now in General Insurance.CANUK Treasury/SponsorshipYAN MENG *Maggie.meng[ta]**neseactuary.org Maggie Meng is currently an Actuarial Pricing Manager in Aviva GI (UK) London office since May 2012. Before joining Aviva, she was an Actuarial Analyst in RSA Insurance PLC. She held various roles in RSA and mainly specialised in GI personal line pricing, commercial line pricing and reserving. Prior to that, she graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Mathematics and Statistics in 2006. 孟燕現任英杰華(英國)( Aviva UK) 公司精算定價經理。在這之前,在英國RSA保險集團任精算分析師,從事產險精算工作多年,專長于個人保險定價,商業保險定價及準備金。她于2006年畢業英國牛津大學數學統計專業。 CANUK EventsATONG MU *Atong.mu[ta]**neseactuary.org Atong is an Economics & Mathematics graduate from London School of Economics (LSE). He was the vice-president of the Chinese Student and Scholars Association (CSSA) in 2007 at LSE. Atong worked at the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) before joining Direct Line Group as a pricing analyst in 2011, and he is currently an actuarial student at the Professional Institution. 慕阿童畢業于倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)數學與經濟系,在校期間他曾擔任中國學生學者聯合會LSE分部的2007屆副主席。慕阿童現在就職于Direct Line Group從事保險定價工作,并曾在國際會計準則委員會(IASB)工作過。他已于2011年起開始參加精算師資格考試。CANUK ITQIWENWU  *William.wu[ta]**neseactuary.org Qiwen (William) is a qualified actuary and works in the risk analytic team within XL Group since early 2012. Before XL he worked primarily in reserving in Aspen. William graduate from Imperial College London having obtained a MSci in Mathematics, he then took the MSc Actuarial Science course in Cass Business School in 2008.  CANUK Regional Contact BeijingHAIJING WANG, ZIQI ZHU *Haijing.wang[ta]**neseactuary.org Haijing moved back to Beijing early 2013, joining sunshine life as a senior manager. Prior to that, she was a Solvency II actuary at Metlife and an Actuarial Manager at Ernst & Young's London office. Haijing started her career at Aviva UK in 2005 after graduating from University of York and holds a MSc in Finance and Invesment. Haijing qualified as an FIA in 2009 and specialised in solvency, ALM and risk management for the life insurers. 王海晶(秘書長)于2013年夏天回到北京,加入陽光壽險,擔任高級經理。在此之前,王海晶服務于美國大都會保險公司歐洲區,作為歐洲償付能力二號全歐執行中心小組成員。加入大都會之前,王海晶任職于安永歐洲區精算部倫敦分部任經理,高級精算顧問。王海晶畢業于英國約克大學,金融與投資專業,碩士學位。2005年畢業后加入英杰華(英國)保險公司開始精算工作,有著5年的資產負債管理經驗。王海晶于2009年獲得英國注冊精算師資格。*Ziqi.zhu[ta]**neseactuary.org Ziqi Zhu is a Life Actuarial Manager at Ernst & Young's European Actuarial Services. Prior to joining Ernst & Young in 2010, Ziqi was the New Business Actuary at Skandia UK, Old Mutual. Ziqi qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 2010 with prize from the Worshipful Company of Actuaries for achieving the highest mark in the fellowship exam. 朱子奇先生(北京地區聯絡人)現任艾森哲(Accenture)中國公司保險風險管理事業總監,常駐北京。朱子奇于2011年從安永歐洲精算服務部(倫敦)調至北京,以加強安永歐洲和安永遠東區之間的協調合作和知識交流。加入安永之前,朱子奇曾就職于耆衛(Old Mutual)集團斯堪的亞(Skandia)人壽(英國),擔任新業務精算經理。朱子奇先生在下述領域擁有豐富的實踐與咨詢服務經驗:壽險公司的財務報告與績效分析,風險管理、精算估價與收購兼并以及產品開發與定價。 朱子奇于20104月以全球最高分通過最后一門考試(SA2)成為英國精算協會正式會員,并由此獲得The Worshipful Company of Actuaries頒發的獎勵。 CANUK Regional Contact ShanghaiYUTIAN CHEN *Tony.chen[ta]**neseactuary.org Yutian (Tony) is a Life Actuarial Consultant at Towers Watson London office since July 2010 by internal transfer. Before joining Towers Watson Hong Kong office in 2007, he held various actuarial/marketing positions in Taiping Life and CITIC-Prudential Life in China. Yutian holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from Zhongshan University in China and qualified as a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 2006. 陳雨田先生(上海地區聯絡人)現任韜睿惠悅(Towers Watson)上海分公司的精算顧問。陳雨田于20071月加入韜睿惠悅香港分公司,并于20107月調至倫敦分公司, 2013年5月調回上海分公司。陳雨田參與了在英國、中國、香港及東南亞的多個咨詢項目. 加入韜睿惠悅之前,陳雨田曾在太平人壽保險有限公司(中國上海)和信誠人壽保險有限公司(中國廣州)的產品市場部和精算部工作多年。陳雨田2001年畢業于廣州中山大學金融系,獲經濟學學士學位;2006年獲得北美精算協會正式會員資格(Fellow of the Society of Actuaries)。 CANUK Regional Contact Hong KongYU PEI *Yu.pei[ta]**neseactuary.org Yu is currently Senior Investment Manager of Fosun International based in Hong Kong. He is fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and Institut des Actuaries (IA Qualifié). Prior to that he worked in France, Sweden and the UK for many years. He is also the founder and leader of the Sino-French Actuarial Association (AASF) in France.CANUK Regional Contact EdinbourghWEIHE QIN, LIN CONG *Edinburgh.CANUK[ta]**neseactuary.org Weihe Qin graduated from Heriot-Watt University with MSc in Actuarial Science in 2011. He is working as Senior Actuarial Analyst in With-Profit team after working on various positions across Capital Management/Modelling since he started working for Lloyds Banking Group after graduation. He is studying towards the fellowship of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.  Lin Cong graduated from Master of Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MMORSE) at Warwick University in 2011. After the experience of an actuarial internship in Standard Life in the penultimate year, she joined the graduate scheme as a trainee actuary in Standard Life straight after graduation. She is still in her first rotational placement in the calculations development team looking after the calculations of all the products on various platforms and systems. susan.yang[ta]**neseactuary.org


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