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代表Whole Fan 的化學品生產、Cefic是有組織的6個行業覆蓋:通信、能源、HSE &物流產業政策立法與制度事務、產品管理研究與創新并在行業,照顧個人具體問題相關物質或物質組。
















List of Corporate Members ACOM


3 M http//:www.**.com


AbbVie BV http//:www.**bvie.nl

Akzo Nobel Chemicals http//:www.**zonobel.com


Albemarle http//:www.**bemarle.com


Allnex http//:www.**lnex.com


Arkema http//:www.**kema.fr

Ashland/Hercules http//:www.**hland.com


BASF http//:www.**sf.com


BAYER http//:www.**yer.com


Borealis http//:www.**realisgroup.com


BP http//:www.**.com


Celanese http//:www.**lanese.com


Chemtura http//:www.**emtura.com


Cepsa Quimica http//:www.**psa.com


Chevron Phillips http//:www.**chem.com


Clariant http//:www.**ariant.com


Cristal millennium inorganic chemicals http//:www.**istal.com/

Dow Europe http//:www.**w.com


Dow Corning http//:www.**wcorning.com/

DSM http//:www.**m.nl

E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company http//:www.**pont.com


Eastman Chemical http//:www.**stman.com


Evonik Industries http//:www.**rporate.evonik.com


ExxonMobil Chemical Europe http//:www.**xonmobilchemical.com


FMC Foret http//:www.**c.com


Honeywell http//:www.**neywell.com


Huntsman europe

bvba http//:www.**nstman.com


ICL-IP http//:www.**l-ip.com


Ineos http//:www.**eos.com


Kemira oyj http//:www.**mira.com


Kuraray Europe http//:www.**raray.eu


ACOM List - 2

Lanxess http//:www.**nxess.de

Lubrizol http//:www.**brizol.com


Lucite http//:www.**cite.com


Lyondellbasell Industries http//:www.**sell.com


Mapei http//:www.**pei.it

Merck KgaA http//:www.**rck.de

Mexichem http//:www.**xichemfluor.com


Novartis Pharma AG http//:www.**vartis.com


OMV AG http//:www.**v.com


Oxea http//:www.**ea-chemicals.com/

Perstorp http//:www.**rstorp.com


Procter & Gamble http//:www.**.com


Repsol Quimica S.A. http//:www.**psol.com


Rio Tinto http//:www.**otinto.com


Sabic http//:www.**bic-europe.com


Sandoz GmbH http//:www.**ndoz.com


Sanofi-CHIMIE http//:www.**nofi.com


Shell Chemicals http//:www.**ellchemicals.com


Solvay http//:www.**lvay.com


Styrolution http//:www.**yrolution.com


Styron http//:www.**yron.com


Sumitomo http//:www.**mitomo-chem.co.jp

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries ltd http//:www.**vapharma.com


Total Chimie http//:www.**tal.com


Tvk a company of mol http//:www.**k.hu

Unilever http//:www.**iliver.com


Versalis spa http//:www.**i.com


Wacker Chemie http//:www.**cker.com





List of National Federations


This document contains the list of Federation Members AFEM

and Associated National Federations

Federation Members AFEM


Austria FCIO - Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs http//:www.**io.at


Belgium Essencia http//:www.**senscia.be


Czech Republic

SCHP - Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic http//:www.**hp.cz




PI - Procesindustrien http//:www.**oces.di.dk/Pages/forside.aspx


Finland KT RY - Kemianteollisuus ry http//:www.**emind.fi


France UIC - Union des Industries Chimiques http//:www.**c.fr


Germany VCI - Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.網站www.**emische-industrie.de


Greece HACI - Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries http//:www.**ci.gr


Hungary M****ESZ - Hungarian Chemical Industry Association http//:www.**vesz.hu


AFEM List - 2

Ireland PharmaChemical Ireland http//:www.**ec.ie/ipcmf



FEDERCHIMICA - Federazione Nazionale dell'Industria Chimica http//:www.**derchimica.it


Netherlands VNCI - Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie http//:www.**ci.nl


Norway Norsk Industri http//:www.**rskindustri.no


Poland PIPC - Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry http//:www.**pc.org.pl



APEQ - Associação Portuguesa das Empresas Químicas http//:www.**equimica.pt


Slovak Republic

ZCHFP - Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak

Republic /Zväz chemického a farmaceutického priemyslu Slovenskej republiky http//:www.**hfp.sk



GZS - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Dimiceva http//:www.**s.si



FEIQUE - Federacion Empresarial de la Industria Quimica Espanola http//:www.**ique.org




IKEM - Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden http//:www.**em.se/


Switzerland Scienceindustries www.**ienceindustries.ch


Turkey TKSD - Turkish Chemical Manufacturers Association http//:www.**sd.org.tr


AFEM List - 3

United Kingdom CIA - Chemical Industries Association http//:www.**a.org.uk


AFEM List - 4

Associated National Federations



Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry/Branshova Kamara na Turgovskite

Drujestva ot Chimicheskata Promishlenost http//:www.**ci2001.com


Croatia UKI - Association of Chemical Industry/Udruzenje Kemijske Industrije


Federation of Estonian Chemical Industries/Eesti Keemiatoostuse Liit http//:www.**emia.ee



The Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry/Latvijas Kimijas

Un Farmacijas Uznemeju Asociacija http//:www.**kifa.lv



Association of Lithuanian Chemical Industry Enterprises/Lietuvos Chemijos

Pramones Imoniu Asociacija http//:www.**emija.lt


Russia Russian Chemists Union http//:www.**schemunion.ru




APDCR - Romanian Chemicals Producers and Distributors Association


Ukraine Ukrainian Chemists Union http//:www.**emunion.org.ua





List of National Federations


This document contains the list of Federation Members AFEM

and Associated National Federations

Federation Members AFEM


Austria FCIO - Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs http//:www.**io.at


Belgium Essencia http//:www.**senscia.be


Czech Republic

SCHP - Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic http//:www.**hp.cz




PI - Procesindustrien http//:www.**oces.di.dk/Pages/forside.aspx


Finland KT RY - Kemianteollisuus ry http//:www.**emind.fi


France UIC - Union des Industries Chimiques http//:www.**c.fr


Germany VCI - Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.網站www.**emische-industrie.de


Greece HACI - Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries http//:www.**ci.gr


Hungary M****ESZ - Hungarian Chemical Industry Association http//:www.**vesz.hu


AFEM List - 2

Ireland PharmaChemical Ireland http//:www.**ec.ie/ipcmf



FEDERCHIMICA - Federazione Nazionale dell'Industria Chimica http//:www.**derchimica.it


Netherlands VNCI - Vereniging van de Nederlandse Chemische Industrie http//:www.**ci.nl


Norway Norsk Industri http//:www.**rskindustri.no


Poland PIPC - Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry http//:www.**pc.org.pl



APEQ - Associação Portuguesa das Empresas Químicas http//:www.**equimica.pt


Slovak Republic

ZCHFP - Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak

Republic /Zväz chemického a farmaceutického priemyslu Slovenskej republiky http//:www.**hfp.sk



GZS - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Dimiceva http//:www.**s.si



FEIQUE - Federacion Empresarial de la Industria Quimica Espanola http//:www.**ique.org




IKEM - Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden http//:www.**em.se/


Switzerland Scienceindustries www.**ienceindustries.ch


Turkey TKSD - Turkish Chemical Manufacturers Association http//:www.**sd.org.tr


AFEM List - 3

United Kingdom CIA - Chemical Industries Association http//:www.**a.org.uk


AFEM List - 4

Associated National Federations



Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry/Branshova Kamara na Turgovskite

Drujestva ot Chimicheskata Promishlenost http//:www.**ci2001.com


Croatia UKI - Association of Chemical Industry/Udruzenje Kemijske Industrije


Federation of Estonian Chemical Industries/Eesti Keemiatoostuse Liit http//:www.**emia.ee



The Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry/Latvijas Kimijas

Un Farmacijas Uznemeju Asociacija http//:www.**kifa.lv



Association of Lithuanian Chemical Industry Enterprises/Lietuvos Chemijos

Pramones Imoniu Asociacija http//:www.**emija.lt


Russia Russian Chemists Union http//:www.**schemunion.ru




APDCR - Romanian Chemicals Producers and Distributors Association


Ukraine Ukrainian Chemists Union http//:www.**emunion.org.ua








List of Associated Companies


Abu Dhabi Polymer Co- Borouge http//:www.**rouge.com


Adeka Corporation http//:www.**k.co.jp

ALG Chemicals http//:www.**gchemicals.com


Aramco Overseas Company B.V. http//:www.**amcooverseas.com


Arez International http//:www.**ezinternational.com


Ascend Performance Material http//:www.**cendmaterials.com


Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation http//:www.**ahi-kasei.co.jp

Axcentive http//:www.**centive.com


Bio-cide International http//:www.**o-cide.com/main.php3

Delamin http//:www.**lamin.com


Equate Petrochemicals Company http//:www.**uate.com


ERCO Worldwide http//:www.**coworldwide.com/

Georgia Pacific http//:www.**.com


Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited http//:www.**l.co.in

Halliburton http//:www.**lliburton.com/

IGM Resins http//:www.**mresins.com/indexigm.htm

Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha http//:www.**kweb.co.jp/eng/index.html

Ishizuka Glass http//:www.**hizuka.co.jp/

Kenya Fluorspar http//:www.**nyafluorspar.com/

Metafrax http//:www.**tafrax.ru

Methanex http//:www.**thanex.com


MWV Specialty Chemicals http//:www.**v.com


Petronas http//:www.**tronas.com.my/

Plazit http//:www.**azit.com


Qatar Petrochemical Company Qapco

Q.S.C. http//:www.**pco.com/

Qenos PTY Ltd http//:www.**nos.com


Safripol http//:www.**fripol.com/

Sallies Ltd http//:www.**llies.co.za/

Samine http//:www.**nagem-ona.com/samine

Samsung Fine Chemicals co.Ltd http//:www.**c.samsung.co.kr/en/main/main.asp

Sharq Eastern Petrochemical Company http//:www.**bic.com/

Sinorgchem Europe BV http//:www.**norgchem.com


Steris Ltd. http//:www.**eris.com/

Tar Alliance n/a

Tasnee Petrochemical Company http//:www.**snee.com


Tayca Corporation http//:www.**yca.co.jp/english/index.html

United Chemical Company http//:www.**c.com.kz/








List of Associated Companies


Abu Dhabi Polymer Co- Borouge http//:www.**rouge.com


Adeka Corporation http//:www.**k.co.jp

ALG Chemicals http//:www.**gchemicals.com


Aramco Overseas Company B.V. http//:www.**amcooverseas.com


Arez International http//:www.**ezinternational.com


Ascend Performance Material http//:www.**cendmaterials.com


Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation http//:www.**ahi-kasei.co.jp

Axcentive http//:www.**centive.com


Bio-cide International http//:www.**o-cide.com/main.php3

Delamin http//:www.**lamin.com


Equate Petrochemicals Company http//:www.**uate.com


ERCO Worldwide http//:www.**coworldwide.com/

Georgia Pacific http//:www.**.com


Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited http//:www.**l.co.in

Halliburton http//:www.**lliburton.com/

IGM Resins http//:www.**mresins.com/indexigm.htm

Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha http//:www.**kweb.co.jp/eng/index.html

Ishizuka Glass http//:www.**hizuka.co.jp/

Kenya Fluorspar http//:www.**nyafluorspar.com/

Metafrax http//:www.**tafrax.ru

Methanex http//:www.**thanex.com


MWV Specialty Chemicals http//:www.**v.com


Petronas http//:www.**tronas.com.my/

Plazit http//:www.**azit.com


Qatar Petrochemical Company Qapco

Q.S.C. http//:www.**pco.com/

Qenos PTY Ltd http//:www.**nos.com


Safripol http//:www.**fripol.com/

Sallies Ltd http//:www.**llies.co.za/

Samine http//:www.**nagem-ona.com/samine

Samsung Fine Chemicals co.Ltd http//:www.**c.samsung.co.kr/en/main/main.asp

Sharq Eastern Petrochemical Company http//:www.**bic.com/

Sinorgchem Europe BV http//:www.**norgchem.com


Steris Ltd. http//:www.**eris.com/

Tar Alliance n/a

Tasnee Petrochemical Company http//:www.**snee.com


Tayca Corporation http//:www.**yca.co.jp/english/index.html

United Chemical Company http//:www.**c.com.kz/

For more information contact | business.development[ta]**ic.be | Emilie Mathys +32.2.676.7***





List of Partners Companies

Partners Companies


Acinor AS http//:www.**inor.no

ACT International http//:www.**t-international.bobako.de/

Agatos Consultancy & Chemicals http//:www.**atos.nl

Ameropa Dündemittel GmbH http//:www.**eropa.com


Beykim http//:www.**ykim.com.tr/

CB&I Nederlands B.V. http//:www.**i.com/


Trade Aglobis AG http//:www.**tchemtrade.ch/flash-home.php

Chemische Fabrik Wocklum Gebr. HertinGmbH &

Co KG http//:www.**cklum.de

CH Robinson Europe BV http//:www.**robinson.com/en/uk/

Clarkson & CO Ltd http//:www.**arkson.com


Club MCAS http//:www.**bctp.com/ctp/default_2.html

Codelco Kupferhandel http//:www.**delco.de/

Dartex Coatings http//:www.**rtexcoatings.com/

Depositos De Comercio Exterior S.A. http//:www.**coexsa.com


Dr. P. Pleisch http//:www.**eischag.ch/

Everkem SRL http//:www.**erkem.it/

Fibran http//:www.**bran.gr

GEORG H. LUH GMBH http//:www.**h.de/

Groupe Rollier ex-Agro finance Internationaln/a

Integra SA http//:www.**tegra-global.com


Interacid Trading http//:www.**teracid-trading.com/

Partners List - 2

Jost S.A. http//:www.**stgroup.com/

KBR Ltd http//:www.**r.com


Linde Engineering http//:www.**nde-engineering.com/

MCW Müller Chemikalien Wertstoffe GmbH http//:www.**eller-chemikalien.de/

Mitsubishi International GmbH http//:www.**tsubishicorp.com


Normpack http//:www.**fi.se/

Novochem http//:www.**vochemgroup.com


Nynas AB http//:www.**nas.com/Default.aspx.epslanguage=

EN Osiris G.I.E. Rousillon http//:www.**ww.osiris-gie.com


Oxbow http//:www.**bow.com


Petrofer http//:www.**trofer.de

Phoenix OPC Trading n/a

Prai Trading & Shipping SpA http//:www.**ai.it/

Quantum Fertilisers Ltd http//:www.**antumfertilisers.com


Radarchim n/a

Shaw Energy & Chemicals Ltd. http//:www.**awgrp.com


Solumatics cvba http//:www.**into.com


Solvadis Commodity Chemicals GmbH http//:www.**lvadis.com/

Sulzer http//:www.**lzer.com/en/desktopdefault.aspx

Technip http//:www.**chnip.com/

Teijin Aramid http//:www.**aron.com/

Tetra Holdings Gmbh http//:www.**trapak.com/

Vink & Co http//:www.**nk-co/de

VTG AG http//:www.**g.de/

Partners List ***

Partners Associations

AAF - Association des Amidonniers et Féculiers

a.i.s.b.l http//:www.**f-eu.org/

British Colour Makers Association http//:www.**ma.org.uk/

CBA - Chemical Business Association http//:www.**emical.org.uk/home.asp

EWPM - European Wood Preservative Manufacturers

Group http//:www.**pm.org/representation.asp

I2a International Antimony Association n/a


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