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Newsletter twice a yearMarch & September Erimus Housing tenants (Middlesbrough and Stockton) News about what has been going on and coming up in the future. General information. Produced from input from staff and tenants Tees Valley Housing Helen Sturdy 4th Floor Centre North East 73 - 75 Albert Road Middlesbrough TS1 2RU



Newsletter Quarterly,1 March,1 June1 September and 1 December Tees Valley Housing tenants (From Newcastle to York) News about what has been going on and coming up in the future. General information. Produced from input from staff and tenants Erimus Housing Helen Sturdy2 Hudson Quay,Windward WayMiddlesbroughTS2 1QG



Forums As appropriate Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Erimus Housing Helen Sturdy2 Hudson Quay,Windward WayMiddlesbroughTS2 ***


Residents Panels As appropriate Erimus Housing Helen Sturdy 2 Hudson QuayWindward Way,Middlesbrough,TS2 1QG



Tenant conferences and events As appropriate Erimus Housing Helen Sturdy,2 Hudson Quay,Windward Way,Middlesbrough,TS2 1QG



Website/ Facebook Facebook contact isterry.robson**[ta]**rickgroup. co.uk

Erimus Housing Helen Sturdy2 Hudson Quay,Windward WayMiddlesbrough,TS2 1QG



Payslip inserts As appropriate Tees Valley Housing Sue Rimington 4th Floor Centre North East 73 - 75 Albert Road Middlesbrough TS1 2RU

sue.rimington**[ta]**rickgroup.co .uk


Facebook As appropriate Erimus and Tees Valley Tenants plus local residents Forthcoming events an general information Input also from residents involvement team Tees Valley Housing Sue Rimington 4th Floor Centre North East 73 - 75 Albert Road Middlesbrough TS1 2RU

sue.rimington**[ta]**rickgroup.co .uk


Website Continuous Tenants,prospective tenants,leaseholders and local residents Information about companieswhat services they offer,what's going on,jobs etc Erimus & Tees Valley Housing Helen Sturdy,2 Hudson Quay,Windward Way,Middlesbrough,TS2 1QG



Staff Newsletter Twice a year Fabrick Group Staff (700) News about what has been going on and coming up in the suture. General info Affinity Sutton Letters/leaflets When required Social Housing Residents Notification of upcoming events Tees Valley Arts Simon Smith

01642 264651 simon.smith**[ta]**svalleyarts.or g.uk


e-newsletter Quarterly Key stakeholderspartnersboard members,artists Outline of current work Tees Valley Arts Simon Smith

01642 26***

simon.smith**[ta]**svalleyarts.or g.uk


Facebook Tees Valley Arts Simon Smith

01642 26***

simon.smith**[ta]**svalleyarts.or g.uk


Website Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Tees Valley Arts Simon Sm***

01642 264651 simon.smith**[ta]**svalleyarts.or g.uk


Email Ongoing Company Key stakeholders,partners,board membersartists Project updates Durham Tees Valley Probation Robin Bonas/Mike Wading***

robin.bonas**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk

mike.wadington**[ta]**.probation .gsi.gov.uk


Team Meeting Monthly Staff within the probation office in Middlesbrough Performance issuescase review information,practice guidance,changes of policyintroduction of work with partner agencies Team meetings provide an opportunity to discuss the issues which impact on the work of the teamprovide an opportunity to share learning from training events and to explore practice issues Durham Tees Valley Probation Robin Bonas/Mike Wadington

robin.bonas**[ta]**.probation.gsi. gov.uk

mike.wadington**[ta]**.probation .gsi.gov.uk


Email As required Staff within the probation office in Middlesbrough Policy guidance,work allocationtraining informationdetails of other agencies which can be utilised with our client group Durham Tees Valley Probation Jill Armstro***

jill.armstrong**[ta]**.probation.gs i.gov.uk


Training events As required Operational staff within the service Specific practice training such as risk assessmentchild protection training,learning from inspections As training issues are identified events are arranged for staff to ensure that relevant practice issues are addressed in a consistent manner Community Education Chris Kemp Community Education Manager Southlands Centre Ormesby Road TS3 OHB



Email and mail As appropriate Staff,tutors employed on sessional part-time time contracts information for staffprofessional updates,info about meetings,training,new developments in provision/ quality monitoring Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Community Education Chris Kemp Community Education Manager Southlands Centre Ormesby Road TS3 ***



Virtual Learning Environment 'MOODLE' Ongoing All staff and learners on courses with Middlesbrough Adult Education Services Updates on courses,awardsresources,opportunities for professional development Includes forums,facility for sending learners text messages to update about classes etc. Moddle (or Teeslearn) is a collaborative partnership between six authorities in the Tees Valley working together to bring online learning to adult learners throughout the region. It has won awards Community Education Chris Kemp Community Education Manager Southlands Centre Ormesby Road TS3 OHB



Prospectus Information about Middlesbrough Adult Education Service,the courses,info on enrolment,strategiespriorities,'vision',and responsibilities and information on quality of provision Community Education Chris Kemp Community Education Manager Southlands Centre Ormesby Road TS3 OHB



Website (www.**es.ac.uk) Community Education Chris Kemp Community Education Manager Southlands Centre Ormesby Road TS3 OHB



Additional courses termly Community Education Chris Kemp Community Education Manager Southlands Centre Ormesby Road TS3 OHB



Leaflets Yearly/ Termly Public Information about Middlesbrough Adult Education Servicethe courses,info on enrolment,strategies,priorities,'vision'and responsibilities and information on quality of provision Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Cleveland Fire Brigade Liz Lawrence 01429 87***



FISH (Intranet) Constant All staff Internal news,events,documents,staff informationbooking systems etc Cleveland Fire Brigade Liz Lawrence 01429 874***



Website Constant Everyone Organisation news,services,eventsstaff,advice,recruitmentcampaigns etc (www.**evelandfire.gov.uk

Cleveland Fire Brigade Liz Lawrence 01429 874***



Staff Newsletter monthly All staff Summary of internal news,achievements,events Cleveland Fire Brigade Liz Lawrence 01429 874***



Communications Forum Meet weekly All staff Internal and relevant external issues/news to organisation Cleveland Fire Brigade Liz Lawrence 01429 874***



Twitter Constant Everyone News,events,safety advice Cleveland Fire Brigade Liz Lawrence 01429 874***



Facebook Constant Everyone News,events,safety advice Middlesbrough Partnership Jo McNally

joanne_mcnally**[ta]**dlesbroug h.gov.uk


Website As appropriate Updates on Middlesbrough Partnership issues,work from partners and local issues. Information is also held on the Middlesbrough Partnership website - including meeting papers. Middlesbrough Partnership Jo McNally

joanne_mcnally**[ta]**dlesbroug h.gov.uk


Email and post Updates on Middlesbrough Partnership issues,work from partners and local issues. Information is also held on the Middlesbrough Partnership website - including meeting papers. Middlesbrough Council Jane H***



Leaflets/ Newsletters Quarterly newsletters General public Community safety messagespositive messages of successful outcomes relating to crimeanti-social behaviour,requests for further info,crime reduction messages Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Sarah Wilson



Telephone Survey Ongoing Focuses on adults Public Confidence survey Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration Service Martin Harvey



Website Varies All local communities General community information Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration Service Martin Har***



Community Festivals Yearly Residents General community information Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration Service Martin Harvey



Training events as and when Community Centre Management Committees/ Community Councils Sharing best practice Middlesbrough Council Community Regeneration Service Martin Harvey



Community letters Varies Residents Local news on community activities and projects West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Sandra Phillips



Internal e-bulletin Quarterly Staff Changes in policies,updates on progress West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Sandra Phillips



Team Meeting Bi-Monthly Staff Organisational updatesboard updatesupcoming eventsgeneral informationpartner updates West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Sandra Phillips



Website Ongoing Everyone Project and organisation update,funding opportunities West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Sandra Phillips



Questionnaire Quarterly West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Members Consultation with WMNT members,project work,new initiatives. Their views,partner updates Partner agencies are welcome to promoteconsultand inform using the residents panel West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Nathan James



Publication Materials Ongoing Young people Young proofed messages to young people in Middlesbrough from Cleveland Police,their rights,crime rates affecting young people. West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Nathan James



Meetings Fortnightly Young people Informationadvice and guidence to young peoplesignposting of services,informations updates around jobs and training. Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust Nathan Ja***



Public Launch Pad Events Quarterly NEET 16-25 year olds Sign up sessions at Launch Pad Events. Providing sign up opportunities,volunteeringtrainingjobseducation and debt and financial advice Just 4 Youth Nathan James



Facebook Ongoing All young people Just 4 Youth project updatesnew projectsindividual support,advice and guidencearound all Just 4 Youth activities including the Youth Employment and Debt Advisory projectand ASDAN Training Updated numerous times during the day North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richardson

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Website Varies Customers and Staff News,regular updates,progress,priorities,changes North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richardson

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Text messaging service Varies Customers and Staff News,regular updates,progress,priorities,changes North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richardson

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Facebook Varies Customers and Staff North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richardson

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Twitter Varies Customers and Staff North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richardson

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Tenants Newsletter Varies Customers and Staff North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richardson

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Tenants Annual Report Annually Customers and Staff Organisation Contact Person Email Publication (the method) Frequency Audience Types of Messages Additional Information North Star Housing Group/ Endeavour Housing Carole Richard***

Carole.richardson**[ta]**eavourha.c o.uk


Email Varies Customers and Staff Newsregular updatesprogresspriorities,changes Beckfield Community Council Marion Milb***



Posters Bi-Monthly Beckfield Community Council Information about meetingsevents Beckfield Community Council Marion Milburn



Email Bi-Monthly Beckfield Community Council Information about meetings,events Middlesbrough Mela Assocation Leanne Littlew***

leanne_littlewood**[ta]**dlesbrough. gov.uk


Press Releases Anually Public Mela Festival events publicity Middlesbrough Mela Assocation Leanne Littlewood

leanne_littlewood**[ta]**dlesbrough. gov.uk


Interviews Middlesbrough Mela Assocation Leanne Littlewood

leanne_littlewood**[ta]**dlesbrough. gov.uk


Posters Middlesbrough Mela Assocation Leanne Littlewood

leanne_littlewood**[ta]**dlesbrough. gov.uk


Word of Mouth Middlesbrough Mela Assocation Leanne Littlewood

leanne_littlewood**[ta]**dlesbrough. gov.uk

Email Varies Public Adv***

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