Abel, Professor Pault p.abel**[ta]**erial.ac.uk
CRUK/06/001: PATCH: Prostate Adenocarcinoma: TransCutaneous
Aboagye, Professor Eric eric.aboagye**[ta]**erial.ac.uk
Development of imaging biomarkers for positron emission tomography Imperial College London 01/12/2013
Acosta, Dr Juan Carlos juan-carlos.acosta**[ta]**m.ed.ac.uk
Characterization of the Senescence Associated Extracellular Matrix (SA-ECM) and its role in cancer progression University of Edinburgh 01/12/2013
Identifcation and functional validation of driver mutations in colorectal cancer Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 01/04/2012
Identifcation and functional validation of driver mutations in colorectal cancer Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 01/09/2012
Chromatin structure in senescent cells and its impact on tumour
CRUK/14/034 ARISTOTLE sample
Ahel (nee Korencic), Dr Dragana dragana.ahel**[ta]**h.ox.ac.uk
SNF2 ATPases in genome stability and cancer University of Oxford 01/09/2013
Ali, Dr Maruf maruf.ali**[ta]**erial.ac.uk
Structural and mechanistic studies of signal activation, transduction across the ER membrane, and propagation of the unfolded protein response and its link with other signalling pathways Imperial College London 01/10/2009
Al-Shamkhani, Professor Aymen aymen**[ta]**on.ac.uk
Altman, Professor Douglas doug.altman**[ta]**.ox.ac.uk
Amos, Professor Amanda amanda.amos**[ta]**ac.uk
Young adults' understandings and experiences of e-cigarettes University of Edinburgh 01/06/2015
CANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Commit***
The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**cer.org.uk.CANCER RESEARCH UK our Funded research Principal Investigator email address Project Title host Institution start date end date Funding scheme Funding Committee
The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**cer.org.uk.Anderson, Professor Kurt Tumour Cell Migration Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute 01/09/2011
Infectious agents in progression from Barrett's Oesophagus to Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma, a nested case control study within the Northern Ireland Barrett’s Register Queen's University Belfast 01/09/2015
Antoniou, Dr Antonis antonis**[ta]**.cam.ac.uk
Development of risk prediction algorithms for breast, ovarian and other cancers University of Cambridge 01/10/2009
Arlt, Professor Wiebke w.arlt**[ta]**m.ac.uk
CRUK/12/018: Efcacy of adjuvant mitotane treatment in prolonging recurrence-free survival in patients with adrenocortical carcinoma at low-intermediate risk of recurrence (ADIUVO) University of Birmingham 01/09/2012
Arnott, Ms Deborah deborah.arnott**[ta]**.org.uk
Local tobacco control - year two report Action on Smoking & Health 01/04/2015
Support for ASH’s full programme of work to eliminate the harm caused by tobacco.This involves working collaboratively to ensure that effective tobacco control remains well funded by Government, prioritised by the public health community, promoted by the media and supported by the general public.Action on Smoking & Health 01/04/2013
Beyond the Tobacco Control Plan for England: Part 2 Using the Tobacco Control Plan for England as a springboard to advocate more ambitious tobacco control measures.Action on Smoking & Health 01/07/2014
Ashcroft, Professor Margaret m.ashcroft**[ta]**schl.cam.ac.uk
Target identifcation and mechanism of action studies prior to lead optimization of novel hypoxia/hypoxia inducible factor signalling
Atack, Professor John J.Atack**[ta]**sex.ac.uk
Identifcation of Phosphatase Specifc Inhibitors of the DNA Damage Repair Enzyme Polynucleotide Kinase 3´ Phosphatase (PNKP) via a Dual Fragment and Virtual Screening Approach University of Sussex 01/07/2014
Atkin, Professor Wendy w.atkin**[ta]**erial.ac.uk
Screening, prevention and diagnosis of colorectal cancer.Supported by the Bobby Moore Fund for CRUK, from May 2014.Imperial College London 01/01/2014
Attard, Dr Gerhardt gerhardt.attard**[ta]**.ac.uk
Identifying novel biomarker-driven therapeutic strategies for castration-resistant prostate cancer Institute of Cancer Research 01/08/2012
The above is a list of Cancer Research
CRUK/11/030: The UK-R2W study Subcutaneous Bortezomib, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab versus Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab for initial therapy of Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia: a randomised phase II study.University College
Auner, Dr Holger Targeting the secretory apparatus in multiple myeloma Imperial College London 01/08/2012
Baena, Dr Esther Prostate Oncobiology Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute 01/05/2014
Baena Lopez, Dr Luis alberto.baenalopez**[ta]**h.ox.ac.uk
Subcellular regulation and non-apoptotic function of caspases during proliferation and differentiation of
Baird, Professor Duncan bairddm**[ta]**diff.ac.uk
Examining telomere dysfunction, fusion and the escape from crisis in human cells Cardiff University 01/04/2015
Baird, Dr Richard richard.baird**[ta]**schl.cam.ac.uk
CRUK/12/047: Randomised phase 2 study of afatinib penetration into cerebral metastases for patients undergoing neurosurgical resection, both with and without prior low-dose, targeted radiotherapy (CamBMT1) (jointly funded by The Brain Tumour Charity) University of Cambridge 01/05/2013
Balasubramanian, Professor Shankar sb10031**[ta]**.ac.uk
Structure, function and chemical biology of nucleic acids University of Cambridge 01/10/2010
Balkwill, Professor Frances f.balkwill**[ta]**l.ac.uk
Preclinical combination studies with a CCR4 antagonist and Anti-CTLA4/Anti-PD1 Queen Mary, University of London 01/04/2015
Targeting the peritoneal tumour microenvironment of high-grade serous ovarian cancer Queen Mary, University of London 01/10/2013
Banerji, Dr Udai udai.banerji**[ta]**.ac.uk
Exploratory & preclinical development & CRUKD/12/001: A Cancer Research UK Phase I frst in human trial of novel AGC kinase inhibitor AT13148 given orally to patients with advanced solid tumours Institute of Cancer Research 01/07/2007
Preclinical combination studies with AGC kinase inhibitor AT13148 and Bortezomib.Institute of Cancer Research 01/12/2014
The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**cer.org.uk.CRUKDE/12/013: TAX-TORC A Phase I/II multicentre trial of AZD2014 (dual mTORC1 and mTORC2 inhibitor) combined with weekly paclitaxel in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian, fallopian, or primary peritoneal cancer.Institute of Cancer Research 01/03/2012
Banham, Professor Alison alison.banham**[ta]**ls.ox.ac.uk
Antibodies targeting the tumour vasculature and MHC class I presented
Barford, Professor David dbarford**[ta]**-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Molecular basis for control of cell processes by protein post-translational modifcation Medical Research Council Centre - Cambridge 01/10/2012
Barr, Professor Francis francis.barr**[ta]**ch.ox.ac.uk
Dysregulation of spatial and temporal control mechanisms required for genome maintenance and cell division in human
Bates, Dr Paul Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory The Francis Crick Institute 01/11/2009
Batista, Dr Facundo facundo.batista**[ta]**ck.ac.uk
Lymphocyte Interaction Laboratory The Francis Crick Institute 01/06/2012
Baum, Professor Buzz b.baum**[ta]**.ac.uk
Environmental control of cancer cell division: role of the mitotic
Bayliss, Professor Richard Targeting the unfolded protein response in the production of new treatments for Multiple Myeloma: structural biology support for the design and optimization of IRE1 kinase
Structural and mechanistic insights into the pathways of mitotic regulation University of Leicester 01/03/2012
Beers, Dr Stephen sab**[ta]**on.ac.uk
Combining TLR agonists with ChiLob 7/4 anti-CD40 mAb in neuroblastoma and
Behrens, Dr Axel axel.behrens**[ta]**ck.ac.uk
Stem cells and cancer The Francis Crick Institute 01/11/2012
Beral, Professor Dame Valerie pa.valerie.beral**[ta]**.ox.ac.uk
Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford University of Oxford 01/04/2014
The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**cer.org.uk.Beresford, Dr Mark mark.beresford**[ta]**.net CRUK/13/029: FURVA A randomised double blind placebo controlled phase II study of fulvestrant with or without the addition of vandetanib as treatment for patients with metastatic breast cancer resistant to aromatase inhibitor therapy (AZ/NCRN) Velindre NHS Trust 01/10/2014
Berteletti-Kemp, Mrs Florence florence.berteletti**[ta]**kefreepartnership.eu Smoke Free Partnership 2014-2016 Smoke Free Partnership 01/05/2014
Biankin, Professor Andrew Advancing Genotype Guided Stratifed Therapy for Pancreatic
Bienz, Dr Mariann mb2**[ta]**-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Developing potential therapeutic targets in the Wnt signalling pathway Medical Research Council Centre - Cambridge 01/01/2013
Billingham, Professor Lucinda l.j.billingham**[ta]**m.ac.uk
Stratifed medicine: methods for evaluating predictive biomarkers for treatment of cancer University of Birmingham 01/06/2014
Birch, Dr Rebecca r.j.birch**[ta]**ds.ac.uk
Understanding age inequalities and inequities in cancer diagnosis, treatment and outcomes in brain, colorectal and ovarian tumours, sarcoma and
Bishop, Professor Tim d.t.bishop**[ta]**ds.ac.uk
Genetic Epidemiology of
Genetic epidemiology of melanoma susceptibility and survival University of Leeds 01/12/2014
Bliss, Professor Judith judith.bliss**[ta]**.ac.uk
CRUK/12/034: Rucaparib Window of Opportunity study in patients with primary triple negative or BRCA1/2 related breast cancer (
CRUKE/12/052: Cancer of the OvaRy Abiraterone triaL (CORAL) Institute of Cancer Research 01/12/2013
The above is a list of Cancer Research UK’s active publishable awards as of 30 September 2015.For any further enquiries please contact researcher.comments**[ta]**cer.org.uk.CRUK/06/003: IMPORT LOW Institute of Cancer Research 01/04/2006
CRUK/07/015: POETIC: Trial of Perioperative Endocrine Therapy - Individualising Care Institute of Cancer Research 01/09/2007
CRUK/11/034: MA32: A Phase III Randomised Trial of Metformin versus Placebo on Recurrence and Survival in Early Stage Breast Cancer Institute of Cancer Research 01/02/2012
CRUK/13/010:UNIRAD Randomised double-blind phase III trial evaluating the safety and beneft of adding everolimus to adjuvant HT in women with poor prognosis ER+ and HER2- primary breast cancer who remain free of disease after receiving at least 1 year of adjuvant HT (supported by Stand Up To Cancer Institute of Cancer Research 01/02/2014
IMPORT HIGH: Randomised trial testing dose escalated intensity modulated radiotherapy for women treated by breast conservation surgery and appropriate systemic therapy for early breast cancer.Institute of Cancer Research 01/08/2012
Blow, Professor J.Julian j.j.blow**[ta]**dee.ac.uk
Preparing the genome for replication: exploring the consequences of origin licensing and exploiting its
Bohndiek, Dr Sarah seb53**[ta]**.ac.uk
Molecular imaging of redox processes in
QQR Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute 01/01/2015
Bonnet, Dr Dominique dominique.bonnet**[ta]**ck.ac.uk
Mechanisms Regulating Human Normal and Leukaemic Stem Cells.The Francis Crick Institute 01/06/2012
Boulton, Dr Simon DNA Damage Response Laboratory The Francis Crick Institute 01/11/2010
Bourke, Dr Liam l.bourke**[ta]**.ac.uk
CRUK/13/071: Exercise training as a novel primary therapy for men with localised prostate cancer: the PANTERA trial (Prostate cAncer Novel ThERApy) Shefeld Hallam University 01/01/2015
Brain, Dr Kate brainke**[ta]**diff.ac.uk
Development and pilot evaluation of the Tenovus health check: a targeted cancer awareness intervention for people from deprived communities Cardiff University 01/10/2014