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United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Raleigh-Durham 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Kansas City 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Austin 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Madison 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Detroit 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Rhode Island 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Los Angeles 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Denver 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Omaha 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Indianapolis 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Oklahoma 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Connecticut 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Washington D.C. 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Louisville 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Milwaukee 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Northeastern PA 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser - Cleveland 2016

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride fundraiser San Francisco 216

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the Integrative Oncology for Pancreatic Cancer


United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the Immunotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition and World

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day

United States Pancreatic Cancer Action Network www.pancan.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 12.50 Charitable contribution towards the PurpleStride 2016 fundraiser

United States Patient Advocate Foundation www.patientadvocate.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the Eductional Patient Paks

United States Patient Advocate Foundation www.patientadvocate.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the 16th Annual A Promise of Hope Affair fundraiser

United States Patient Advocate Foundation www.patientadvocate.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Charitable contribution towards the Colorectal CareLine (CCL)

United States Patient Advocate Foundation www.patientadvocate.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Health Equity: Community Engagement and


United States Patient Advocate Foundation www.patientadvocate.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 75.00

Charitable contribution towards the Patient Advocate Foundation: Direct Patient


United States Peer Plus Education and Training Advocates www.peerpluscares.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the WALK A DAY IN MY SHOES fundraiser

United States Peer Plus Education and Training Advocates www.peerpluscares.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane fundraiser

United States International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation www.pemphigus.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the IPPF Patient Newsletter

United States International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation www.pemphigus.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the IPPF Printed Materials

United States International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation www.pemphigus.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Patient Education Calls

United States International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation www.pemphigus.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Peer Health Coach Program

United States International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation www.pemphigus.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Patient Conference

United States Pete DeVito Memorial Foundation www.petedevitofoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Pete DeVito Memorial Foundation 6th Annual

Golf Outing & Dinner fundraiser

United States Pink Ribbon Connection www.pinkribbonconnection.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the Stars of Pink Breast Cancer Survivor Luncheon

& Fashion Show fundraiser

United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 iwNHL Coverage for Patients

United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Ask the Experts: Chronic lymphocytic

leukemia (CLL)

United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.00

Charitable contribution towards the ASH 2016 Video News Coverage for Chronic

lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Patients

United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 ASCO News Coverage for Lung Cancer


United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the The Conversation: Topical Issues in Lung


United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Patient Cafe_ for Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

(CLL) Patients

United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.50

Charitable contribution towards the Living Well With Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

(CLL) for Patients, Families and Care Partners

United States Patient Empowerment Network www.powerfulpatients.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 12.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Lung Cancer Town Meeting for Patients

United States

Prescott-Joseph Center for Community

Enhancement, Inc. www.prescottjoseph.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.50

Charitable contribution towards the Breathmobile-Mobile Asthma Clinic

United States Prevent Blindness America www.preventblindness.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 40.00 Charitable contribution towards the Public Health Resource Center

United States Prevent Blindness America www.preventblindness.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00 Charitable contribution towards the Guide Me: AMD Resource App

United States Prevent Blindness America www.preventblindness.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 70.00 Charitable contribution towards the Eye Health Awareness Campaigns

United States Prevent Blindness America www.preventblindness.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 80.00 Charitable contribution towards the Screening and Education Outreach

United States Project Access NOW www.projectaccesnow.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00 Charitable contribution towards the Answer2Cancer suppoer program

United States Project HOPE www.projecthope.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Project HOPE Gala fundraiser

United States Project Sunshine www.projectsunshine.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.50 Charitable contribution towards the Genentech Gives Back Week 2016

United States Project Sunshine www.projectsunshine.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.50 Charitable contribution towards the Genentech Gives Back Week 2016

United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the 9th Annual NYC Run-Walk-Hike for Pulmonary

Fibrosis fundraiser

United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 40.00 Charitable contribution towards the Daughters of Pulmonary Fibrosis program

United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00

Charitable contribution towards the 6th Annual Broadway Belts for Pulmonary

Fibrosis Foundation!

United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00

Charitable contribution towards the Broadway Belts for Pulmonary Fibrosis


United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 100.00

Charitable contribution towards the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Disease

Education Webinar Series

United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 200.00

Charitable contribution towards the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Ambassador


United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation www.pulmonaryfibrosis.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 350.00 Charitable contribution towards Patient Education Materials

United States National Organization for Rare Disorders www.rarediseases.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 15.00 Charitable contribution towards the Rare Impact Awards

United States Global Genes www.rareproject.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Charitable contribution towards the Tribute to Champions of Hope Awards

United States Global Genes www.rareproject.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00 Charitable contribution towards the RARE Patient Advocacy Summit

United States Reel Recovery www.reelrecovery.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.50

Charitable contribution towards the Reel Recovery 2016 Fly Fishing Retreats for

Men with Cancer

United States Research Advocacy Network, Inc. www.researchadvocacy.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00 Charitable contribution towards the Focus on Research Scholar Program 2017

United States Research Advocacy Network, Inc. www.researchadvocacy.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 45.00

Charitable contribution towards the Understanding Molecular Testing Patient

Education Materials - 2017

United States Rio Grande Cancer Foundation www.rgcf.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Cancer Survivor Conference

United States Renal Support Network www.RSNhope.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the Glendale Patient Lifestyle Meeting, Sept. 18,


United States Renal Support Network www.RSNhope.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the Santa Ana Patient Lifestyle Meeting, Aug. 14,


United States Renal Support Network www.RSNhope.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the KidneyTalk

United States Renal Support Network www.RSNhope.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.00 Charitable contribution towards the Live & Give Newsletter

United States Renal Support Network www.RSNhope.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00 Charitable contribution towards the 18 Annual Kidney Teen Prom fundraiser

United States Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails www.sacbreathe.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the Breathe Bike Trek (formerly, Emigrant Trails

Bike Trek)

United States Salute the Ribbon Incorporated www.salutetheribbon.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the "I AM A SURVIVOR" PRE-MOTHER'S DAY


United States Salute the Ribbon Incorporated www.salutetheribbon.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the iThink Pink Miami "Soldiers behind the Mask"

Masquerade Ball

United States Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation www.sandyovarian.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the Sandy Sprint Sea Isle City fundraiser

United States Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation www.sandyovarian.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the 12th Annual Sandy Sprint 5K/10K Run/Walk


United States Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation www.sandyovarian.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the Celebrities Fight Ovarian Cancer fundraiser

United States Scleroderma Foundation, Inc. www.scleroderma.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Voice of the Patient: Leveraging Patient

Advocates in Drug Development and Clinical Trials

United States Scleroderma Foundation, Inc. www.scleroderma.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 National Patient Education Conference

United States Second Chance at Life, Inc. www.secondchanceatlife.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Taste for Life - Celebrating Organ


United States Second Chance at Life, Inc. www.secondchanceatlife.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 SCAL Golf Outing for Organ Donation


United States Second Sense www.second-sense.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the Passionate Focus 2016

United States Foundation For Women's Cancer www.sgo.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 National Race to End Women's Cancer

United States Shanti Project www.shanti.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the Compassion is Universal 2016, 42nd

Anniversary and Annual Benefit

United States

SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian

Cancer www.sharecancersupport.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the SHARE's 40th Anniversary A Second Helping

of Life

United States

SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian

Cancer www.sharecancersupport.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Ovarian Cancer Helpline

United States

SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian

Cancer www.sharecancersupport.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Services

United States

SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian

Cancer www.sharecancersupport.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Ovarian Cancer Support and Education


United States

SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian

Cancer www.sharecancersupport.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

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