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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

International youth organisation International Federation of Medical Students' Associations IFMSA Netherlands www.ifmsa.org gs**[ta]**sa.org

International youth organisation International Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer and Intersex Youth and Student Organisation IGLYO Belgium www.iglyo.com euan**[ta]**yo.com

International youth organisation International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth MIJARC MIJARC EUR Belgium https://mijarceurope.net/ office-europe**[ta]**arc.info

International network of youth organisations International Platform for Citizen Participation IPCP Bulgaria www.ipcp.eu office.ipcp**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation International Projects' Association INPRO INPRO Poland http://www.goinpro.org office**[ta]**npro.org

International youth organisation International Students Organisation COMPASS ISO COMPAS Ukraine www.youthnet.com.ua hhanna**[ta]**.net

International youth organisation International Union of Socialist Youth IUSY IUSY Austria www.iusy.org iusy**[ta]**y.org

International youth organisation International Young Catholic Students International Movement of Catholic Students JECI MIEC Belgium www.jeci-miec.eu office**[ta]**i-miec.eu

International youth organisation International Young Naturefriends IYNF IYNF Czech Republic www.iynf.org iynf**[ta]**f.org

National youth organisation Interregional youth social movement of support of voluntary initiatives SFERA SFERA Russian Federation www.dobrovolets.ru sfera**[ta]**rovolets.ru

Local youth organisation InterStep InterStep Denmark https://www.facebook.com/pages/InterStep/319402888 annie.vieru**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Investing in Youth InY Spain organization.investinginyouth**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Irish Girl Guides IGG Ireland http://www.irishgirlguides.ie/ support**[ta]**shgirlguides.ie

Local youth organisation Jaunimo Bendradarbiavimo Centras EUROPROJECT JBCE Lithuania http://www.https://www.facebook.com/groups/europroject eurodemcentr**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Jaunimo jaunimui iniciatyva Youth to Youth Lithuania http://www.y2yinitiative.org k.mazetyte**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Jenei Tibor Foundation JTF Hungary http://www.jeneialapitvany.hu titkarsag**[ta]**eialapitvany.hu

Local youth organisation Jeugdzorg Emmaüs Antwerpen JEA Belgium www.emmaus.be tim.de.roeck**[ta]**aus.be

National youth organisation Jeunes Agriculteurs JA France http://www.jeunes-agriculteurs.fr vbrochet**[ta]**nes-agriculteurs.fr

International youth organisation Jeunes Démocrates Européens JDE Belgium http://www.youngdemocrats.eu info**[ta]**ngdemocrats.eu

National youth organisation Jeunes Européens - France JE-F France http://www.jeunes-europeens.org/ secretaire-generale**[ta]**nes-europeens.org

International network of youth organisations JM International JMI Belgium www.jmi.net mail**[ta]**.net

Local youth organisation Jóvenes x México® Jóvenes x México® Spain http://www.jovenespormexico.com giorgianagarneloycalvo**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Jugendbildungsstatte Kurt Loewenstein e V KLH Germany www.kurt-loewenstein.de t.scholz**[ta]**t-loewenstein.de

Local youth organisation JUMP JUMP Serbia http://www.jumporg.com jumporganization**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Kars Urban and Culture Research Association KasKa Turkey info**[ta]**ka.org.tr

Local youth organisation Kharkiv non-governmental association for active youth "Stella" NGO "Stella" Ukraine stella.youthngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Kharkiv Regional Youth Non-Governmental Organisati KR Y NGO YCSI Ukraine mcgi.org.ua info**[ta]**i.org.ua

Local youth organisation Kharkov union activists KhUA Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/aktivistikharkiv/ skhmelnickiy**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation KIDS IN ACTION KIA Greece www.kidsinaction.gr olga**[ta]**sinaction.gr

Local youth organisation Kiteboarding Development Centre NGO KDC NGO Armenia http://www.facebook.com/kiteboarding.am tigrangp**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Klikaktiv - Center for Development of Social Policies Klikaktiv Serbia http://www.facebook.com/klikaktiv/ office**[ta]**kaktiv.org

Local youth organisation Klitschko Foundation KF Ukraine http://www.klitschkofoundation.org/ a.nosenko**[ta]**tschkofund.org

Local youth organisation Klub studenata etnologije i antropologije KSEA Serbia https://www.facebook.com/kseaff?fref=ts kseaff**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Knowledge success change Association KNOWLEDGE Bulgaria www.kscassociation.com ksc_association**[ta]**.bg

Local youth organisation Koinoniki Anaptyxi Neon - Social Youth Development Κ.Α.ΝΕ. Greece http://www.ngokane.org info**[ta]**kane.org

Local youth organisation KOMUNITAS ASSOCIATION KOMUNITAS Romania http://www.asociatia-komunitas.ro komunitas.ro**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation KU Leuven Model United Nations Student Association KULMUN Belgium http://www.kulmun.be info**[ta]**mun.be

Local youth organisation Kultur Arteko Ekintza Berria Nueva Accion Intercultural KAEBNAI Spain http://www.kaebnai.net kaebnaieuropa**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation KURO Hradec Kralove KURO Czech Republic http://www.kuro.cz lukas.valek**[ta]**o.cz

Local youth organisation La Croisée des Cultures LCDC France lcdc.asso**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Laboratoire socio-éducatif des projets d’inclusion Lab-Inclusion France labinclusion.contact**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation laicite pour tous LPT France http://www.laicitepourtous.com r.laicitepourtous**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Language lovers club "Ami" LLC AMI Montenegro http://www.amiclub.wix.com/berane klubamiberane**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation L'Association COEXISTER Asso Coexister France http://www.coexister.fr acoexister**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Le pensé critique Le pensé critique France thi3rno**[ta]**oo.fr

National youth organisation League of Tolerance LOFT Ukraine http://www.facebook.com/loft.cfco/ loft.cfco**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Learning Designers LED Spain hello**[ta]**rni.org

Local youth organisation Les 47 et plus si affinites 47++ France en cours de réalisation iris.mohwinkel**[ta]**nge.fr

National youth organisation Liberal Alternative Institute LAI "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.lai.mk orhan.ceka**[ta]**.mk

Local youth organisation LIBURNETIK Organisation LIBURNETIK Albania http://www.liburnetik.org info**[ta]**urnetik.org

National youth organisation Lietuvos liberalus jaunimas LLJ Lithuania www.laisve.lt vladuksss**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Liga Studenților din Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare Liga AC Romania https://ligaac.ro/ contact**[ta]**aac.ro

Local youth organisation Lithuanian Young Falcon Union department Hepl To Fit LYFU Lithuania http://www.sakaliukai.lt helptofit**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation LITTLE WINNERS LW Romania http://www.littlewinners.eu mes.lumi**[ta]**oo.com

National youth organisation Loesje Armenia LOESJE ARM Armenia www.loesje.org loesje.armenia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Loesje e.V. Loesje e.V. Germany http://www.loesje.org/berlin rola**[ta]**sje.org

Local youth organisation Ludilangues Strasbourg Ludilangue France http://www.ludilangues.com/ info**[ta]**olangue.com

Local youth organisation Lutsk City Union of Nongovernmental organizations "Youth Platform" YP Ukraine http://www.mp.org.ua molod.platforma**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Lviv NGO Youth historical culture and educational Roma society TERNIPE Lviv NGO TERNIPE Ukraine http://www.facebook.com/ternipelviv/ ternipe**[ta]**.net

National youth organisation M. A. Center Germany MACG Germany http://www.ayudh.eu , www.hof-herrenberg.de info**[ta]**dh.eu

Local youth organisation Mahatma Gandhi human Rights Organisation MGHRO Hungary www.gandhi.ini.hu gandhiegyesulet**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Makers For Change M4C France http://www.makersforchange.org/ contact**[ta]**ersforchange.org

Local youth organisation Mandate of Future Youth NGO MօF Youth NGO Armenia mfyouthngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Mariupol Youth Union MYU Ukraine mariupolunion98**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Medgeneracijski center Celje MGC Slovenia http://www.mgc.si info**[ta]**.si

Local youth organisation Media Diversity Institute Western Balkans MDI WB Serbia http://www.twitter.com/MDI_Balkans ivana.jelaca**[ta]**ia-diversity.org

Local youth organisation MIGRAFRICA MIGRAFRICA Germany http://www.migrafrica.org info**[ta]**ein-afrika.de

National youth organisation Migrants' Rights Network MRN United Kingdom http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk s.torshkhoev**[ta]**rantsrights.org.uk

Local youth organisation Mine Vaganti NGO MVNGO Italy www.minevaganti.org info**[ta]**evaganti.org

National youth organisation Minority voice MVR Serbia https://www.facebook.com/glas.manjine.3 dr11dragan**[ta]**mail.com

Local youth organisation MIRADOR MIRADOR France http://www.project-mirador.org contact**[ta]**ject-mirador.org

Local youth organisation MITTETULUNDUSÜHINGU “Youth Progress“ Youth Progress Estonia progressestonia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Mladezhki Glas .Voice of the Youth. MG Bulgaria Bulgaria http://www.MG2007.bg mladezhkiglas**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Mladi Romi - Vitez MRV Bosnia and Herzegovina mladi.romi**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Mladi za Razmenu i Razumevanje MRR Serbia www.centrifuga.org info**[ta]**trifuga.org

National youth organisation Mladiinfo Montenegro M!M Montenegro http://www.mladiinfo.me mladiinfomontenegro**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Mladinsko informativno svetovalno središče Slo MISSS Slovenia http://www.misss.si matjaz**[ta]**ss.org

Local youth organisation Model United Nations of The Hague Foundation MUNOTH Netherlands http://www.munoth.org finance**[ta]**oth.org

National youth organisation Modern Youth Network Organisation MGNO Azerbaijan http://www.moderyouth.net mynpu.aze**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Modern Youth Public Union MYPU Azerbaijan modernyouthaze**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation Monde pluriel Monde pluriel France http://www.mondepluriel.org contact**[ta]**depluriel.org

National youth organisation Montenegrin Youth Forum MYF Montenegro http://www.cgomladinskiforum.me cgomladinskiforum**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation MOTUS ADULESCENTI MA Bosnia and Herzegovina https://www.facebook.com/motus.adulescenti m.adulescenti**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Mouth That Roars MTR United Kingdom http://www.mouththatroars.com mouththatroars**[ta]**onnect.com

National youth organisation Mouvement d'Affirmation des Jeunes Lesbiennes Gais Bi et Trans MAG Jeunes LGBT France http://www.mag-paris.fr/ administrateur05**[ta]**-paris.fr

National youth organisation Mouvement Rural de Jeunesse Chrétienne MRJC France www.mrjc.org m.bourgerie**[ta]**c.org

National youth organisation Moviemiento e.V. Moviemiento Germany http://www.moviemiento.org julia**[ta]**iemiento.org

Local youth organisation Muirhouse Youth Development Group MYDG United Kingdom www.mydg.org.uk ali**[ta]**g.org.uk

National youth organisation Multiethnic Resource Center for Civic Education Development MRC Georgia www.mrc.org.ge mrc_f**[ta]**casus.net

International network of youth organisations MV International ENGO ENGOMVI Italy http://www.engomvi.com secretary**[ta]**nternational.info

National youth organisation National Assembly of Youth Organisations of the Republic of Azerbaijan NAYORA NAYORA Azerbaijan www.nayora.az secretariat**[ta]**ora.az

Local youth organisation National association of prestigious academic citizens Skopje NAPAG "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.napag.mk napag**[ta]**ag.mk

Local youth organisation National Institute for Women of Moldova NWIM Republic of Moldova www.niwm.org nwim.equality**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation National LGBT Rights Organization LGL LGL Lithuania http://www.lgl.lt/en/ roberta**[ta]**.lt

National youth organisation National Youth Council from Moldova NYCMoldova Republic of Moldova http://www.cntm.md cntm.corespondenta**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation National Youth Council of Hungary NYC Hungary Hungary http://www.ifjusagitanacs.hu titkar**[ta]**usagitanacs.hu

National youth organisation National Youth Council of Ireland NationalYCIreland Ireland www.youth.ie anne**[ta]**i.ie

National youth organisation National Youth Council of Macedonia NYCM "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.nms.org.mk/ info**[ta]**.org.mk

National youth organisation National Youth Council of Serbia KOMS Serbia www.koms.rs office**[ta]**s.rs

National youth organisation National Youth Council of Ukraine NYCUkraine Ukraine http://www.nycukraine.org/ NYCUkr**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation New Epoch Center ER Albania http://www.epokaere.org epokaere-yp**[ta]**ri.com

Local youth organisation NGO "Center for Youth Dobropilskiy DOBRO" NGO "CYD DOBRO" Ukraine http://www.dobro.at.ua oros.vladimir**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation NGO "European Integration" EI NGO Armenia www.europeanintegration.am info**[ta]**opeanintegration.am

Local youth organisation NGO “ART FOR PEACE” AFP NGO Armenia http://www.afpint.jimdo.com artforpeace12**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation NGO «Luhansk regional youth organization «Start» NGO «LRYO «Start» Ukraine http://www.startuem.lg.ua/ hrightsonline**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation NGO «Youth Initiative» «YI» Belarus http://www.otlas-org.salto-youth.net/6075 youth.initiative.by**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation NGO CIVIS PLUS CIVISplus Greece http://www.civisplus.gr/ youth**[ta]**isplus.gr

National youth organisation NGO LIBERO LIBERO Serbia www.libero.org.rs libero.serbia**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation NGO ON TIME ON TIME Ukraine http://www.nachasi.com yulia.vasyliv**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation NGO Young Roma MRHN Montenegro http://www.mladiromi.me/eng/ mladi.romi**[ta]**om.me

International youth organisation NISI MASA NISI MASA France www.nisimasa.com europe**[ta]**imasa.com

Local youth organisation No Border Young NBY Italy http://www.noborderonlus.org/ noborderonlus**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Non governmental organization Youth Association ‘Youth Leaders of Ukraine’ Youth Leaders of Ukr Ukraine http://www.leaders.org.ua/ youngleader.ua**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Non-Governmental Organization "Parallel 50" NGO Parallel 50 Ukraine parallel50.ngo**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Nongovernmental organization KHAM-Delcevo NGO KHAM "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" http://www.khamdelcevo.org.mk romina_mkd**[ta]**oo.com

International network of youth organisations Nordic Youth Association - Nordisk Samorganisation for Ungdomsarbejde NSU Finland www.nsunet.org info**[ta]**net.org

Local youth organisation Novisi Elkartea- Solidarity Novisi Spain novisielkartea**[ta]**oo.es

Local youth organisation Nyitott Kör Egyesület - Open Circle Association NYKE Hungary http://www.nyitottkor.hu nyitottkor**[ta]**tottkor.hu

Local youth organisation O.A.Z.A. Odrziva Alternativa Zajednici O.A.Z.A. Croatia http://www.oazainfo.hr ured.oaza**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Observatory for Children's Rights Observator Albania http://www.observator.org.al info**[ta]**ervator.org.al

Local youth organisation Odisej Odisej Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.odisej.info odisej.org**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Office for Initiatives Promotion OIP Belarus http://www.ngo-oip.by ngo.oip**[ta]**il.com

Local youth organisation Officina Immaginata OI Italy officinaimmaginata**[ta]**il.com

International youth organisation oikos International oikos Switzerland http://www.oikos-international.org/ levan.pangani**[ta]**os-international.org

National youth organisation Olde Vechte Foundation for Education Development and Training OLDE VECHTE Netherlands www.oldevechte.com info.oldevechte**[ta]**il.com

National youth organisation OMLADINSKI CENTAR EUNI OCEUNI Serbia oc.euni**[ta]**oo.com

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