英國布里斯托復合材料研究所(Bristol Composites Institute)成 立于2017年3月,以ACCIS(先進復合材料創新與科學合作)的工作為基礎。它把整個布里斯托爾大學的復合材料活動匯集在一起 ,工程學院與科學和醫學院相連。
我們的愿景是成為世界領先的復合材料研究和教育機構,將尖端 的基礎科學與強大的工業聯系進行開發和技術轉讓。ACCIS 是內 部,國內和國際合作的重點。
主任Michael Wisnom
Recent publications
Professor Michael Wisnom
Wisnom, M. R. 2016. Mechanisms to create
high performance pseudo-ductile composites.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Engineering, 139, 012***
Wisnom, M. R., Czél, G., Swolfs, Y., Jalalvand, M.,
Gorbatikh, L. & Verpoest,
in thin ply carbon/glass unidirectional laminates:
Accurate experimental determination and
prediction. Composites Part A: Applied Science
and Manufacturing, 88, 131-***
Professor Ian Bond
Heath, C. J. C., Bond,
2016. Interlocking electro-bonded laminates.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems ***
Structures, 28, 1524-1***
Luterbacher, R., Coope, T. S., Trask, R. S. &
carbon fibre reinforced polymer stringer runout
configurations. Composites Science and
Technology, 136, 67***
Professor Steve Eichhorn
Wanasekara, N. D. & Eichhorn, S. J. 2***
Injectable Highly Loaded Cellulose Nanocrystal
Fibers and Composites. ACS Macro Letters,
Zhu, C., Richardson, R. M., Potter, K. D.,
Koutsomitopoulou, A. F., Van Duijneveldt,
J. S., Vincent, S. R., Wanasekara, N. D.,
Eichhorn, S. J. & Rahatekar, S. S. 2016. High
Modulus Regenerated Cellulose Fibers Spun
from a Low Molecular Weight Microcrystalline
Cellulose Solution. ACS Sustainable Chemistry &
Engineering, 4, 4545-4***
Professor Stephen Hallett
Nixon-Pearson, O. J., Belnoue, J.-H.,
Ivanov, D. S., Potter, K. D. & Hallett, S. R.
2016. An experimental investigation of the
consolidation behaviour of uncured prepregs
under processing conditions. Journal of
Composite Materials, 51, 1911-1***
Sun, X. C. & Hallett, S. R. 2017. Barely visible
impact damage in scaled composite laminates:
Experiments and numerical simulations.
International Journal of Impact Engineering, ***
Dr Ian Hamerton
Iredale, R. J., Ward, C. & Hamerton, I.
2017. Modern advances in bismaleimide resin
technology: A 21st century perspective on the
chemistry of addition polyimides. Progress in
Polymer Science, 69, 1***
Pozegic, T. R., Anguita, J. V., Hamerton, I.,
Jayawardena, K. D. G. I., Chen, J. S., Stolojan,
V., Ballocchi, P., Walsh, R. & Silva, S. R. P. 2***
Multi-Functional Carbon Fibre Composites using
Carbon Nanotubes as an Alternative to Polymer
Sizing. Scientific Reports, 6, 37***
Dr Dmitry Ivanov
Ariu, G., Hamerton, I. & Ivanov, D. 2***
Positioning and aligning CNTs by external
magnetic field to assist localised epoxy cure.
Open Physics, 14, ***
Turk, M., Hamerton, I. & Ivanov, D. S.
2017. Ductility potential of brittle epoxies:
Thermomechanical behaviour of plasticallydeformed
fully-cured composite resins. Polymer,
120, 43***
Dr Luiz Kawashita
Al-Azzawi, A. S. M., McCrory, J., Kawashita, L. F.,
Featherston, C. A., Pullin, R. & Holford, K. M.
2017. Buckling and postbuckling behaviour
of Glare laminates containing splices and
doublers. Part 1: Instrumented tests.
Composite Structures, 176, 1158-1***
Al-Azzawi, A. S. M., Kawashita, L. F.
& Featherston, C. A. 2017. Buckling and
postbuckling behaviour of Glare laminates
containing splices and doublers. Part 2:
Numerical modelling. Composite Structures,
176, 1170-1***
Dr Byung Chul Kim
Stodieck, O., Francois, G., Heathcote, D.,
Kim, B. C., Rhead, A., Cleaver, D. & Cooper, J.
2017. Experimental Validation of Tow-Steered
Composite Wings for Aeroelastic Design.
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and
Structural Dynamics, IFASD2017,
Veldenz, L., Di Francesco, M., Atwood, S.,
Giddings, P., Kim, B. C. & Potter, K. 2***
Assessment of Steering Capability of Automated
Dry Fibre Placement through a Quantitative
Methodology. International Symposium on
Automated Composites Manufacturing,
Dr James Kratz
Hubert, P., Centea, T., Grunefelder, L., Nutt, S.,
Kratz, J., Levy, A. 2018. 2.4 Out-of-Autoclave
Prepreg Processing. In:
Zweben, C.H. (eds.), Comprehensive Composite
Materials II. vol. 2, 63-94.
Kratz, J., Low, Y. S. & Fox, B. 2***
Resource-friendly carbon fiber composites:
combining production waste with virgin
feedstock. Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer
& Composites Science, ***
Dr Matthew O’Donnell
O’Donnell, M. P. & Weaver, P. M. 2017. RAPID
analysis of variable stiffness beams and plates:
Legendre polynomial triple-product formulation.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, 112, 86-***
O’Donnell, M. P., Weaver, P. M. & Pirrera, A.
2016. Can tailored non-linearity of hierarchical
structures inform future material development?
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 7, ***
Professor Ivana Partridge
Cui, H., Yasaee, M., Kalwak, G., Pellegrino,
A., Partridge,
& Petrinic, N. 2017. Bridging mechanisms of
through-thickness reinforcement in dynamic
mode I&II delamination. Composites Part A:
Applied Science and Manufacturing, 99, 198-***
Toughen Up! In: Beaumont, P. W. R., Soutis, C.
& Hodzic, A. (eds.) The Structural Integrity of
Carbon Fiber Composites: Fifty Years of Progress
and Achievement of the Science, Development,
and Applications. Cham: Springer International
Dr Alberto Pirrera
Arena, G., Groh, R. M. J., Brinkmeyer, A.,
Theunissen, R., Weaver, P. M. & Pirrera, A.
2017. Adaptive compliant structures for flow
regulation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A:
Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science,
473, 2***
Scott, S., Capuzzi, M., Langston, D.,
Bossanyi, E., McCann, G., Weaver, P. M. &
Pirrera, A. 2017. Effects of aeroelastic tailoring
on performance characteristics of wind turbine
systems. Renewable Energy, 114, 887-***
Professor Kevin Potter
Di Francesco, M., Veldenz, L., Dell’Anno, G.
& Potter, K. 2017. Heater power control for
multi-material, variable speed Automated Fibre
Placement. Composites Part A: Applied Science
and Manufacturing, 101, 408-***
Longana, M. L., Ong, N., Yu, H. & Potter, K. D.
2016. Multiple closed loop recycling of carbon
fibre composites with the HiPerDiF (High
Performance Discontinuous Fibre) method.
Composite Structures, 153, 271-***
Professor Fabrizio Scarpa
Chen, Y., Li, T., Scarpa, F. & Wang, L. 2***
Lattice Metamaterials with Mechanically Tunable
Poisson’s Ratio for Vibration Control. Physical
Review Applied, 7, 024***
Wang, S., Huang, L. J., Geng, L., Scarpa, F.,
Jiao, Y. & Peng, H. X. 2017. Significantly
enhanced creep resistance of low volume fraction
in-situ TiBw/Ti6Al4V composites by architectured
network reinforcements. Scientific Reports***
Dr Mark Schenk
Filipov, E. T., Liu, K., Tachi, T., Schenk, M. &
Paulino, G. H. 2017. Bar and hinge models for
scalable analysis of origami. International Journal
of Solids and Structures, 124, 26***
Dr Valeska Ting
Doan, H. V., Fang, Y.,
Sartbaeva, A., Hintermair, U. & Ting, V. P.
2017. Controlled Formation of Hierarchical
Metal-Organic Frameworks Using CO2
Solvent Systems. ACS Sustainable Chemistry &
Engineering, 5, 7887-7***
Edler, K. J., Bowen, C. R., Mintova, S. &
Burrows, A. D. 2015. Gas sensing using porous
materials for automotive applications. Chemical
Society Reviews, 44, 4290-4***
Dr Carwyn Ward
Blok, L. G., Kratz, J., Lukaszewicz, D.,
Hesse, S., Ward, C. & Kassapoglou, C. 2***
Improvement of the in-plane crushing response
of CFRP sandwich panels by through-thickness
reinforcements. Composite Structures, 161, 15***
Hartley, J. W., Kratz, J., Ward, C. &
and loop length on the crushing behaviour of
tufted sandwich specimens. Composites Part B:
Engineering, 112, 49***
Professor Paul Weaver
Kordolemis, A. & Weaver, P. M. 2***
Geometric-material analogy for multiscale
modelling of twisted plates. International Journal
of Solids and Structures, 110, 24***
Wu, Z., Raju, G. & Weaver, P. M. 2***
Optimization of Postbuckling Behaviour of
Variable Thickness Composite Panels with
Variable Angle Tows: Towards “Buckle-Free”
Design Concept. International Journal of Solids
and Structures.
先進的復合材料提供了獨特的機會來創造具有附加功能的結構材 料,例如用于感測,自修復以及結合新型纖維和納米材料的新材 料結構。
基礎實驗研究提供了物理和力學行為的理解,為分析方法預測性 能提供了基礎,以及設計和制造最佳結構的工具。
電話:氣工程,數值 建模和優化等傳統學科的整合成為高性能的智能結構。
材料微觀結構和加工特性的知識使得能夠開發用于制造復合部件 的增強和新穎的方法。
我們想向您介紹參與創新與科學先進復合材料博士培訓中心的主 要人員。
CDT主任與管理委員會合作開展運營職責。該委員會包括研究和教 學協調員,項目經理,專職CDT講師,CDT經理,研究生學生管理 員和當選學生代表。
我們的學生都是來自各個學科(如航空航天工程,生物化學,化 學,土木工程,材料科學,數學,機械工程,物理學和紡織工程)的學術天才畢業生。學生團體分成10至16名學生。
我們的表現,質量和戰略方向每年都會通過外部咨詢委員會的會 議進行審查,外部咨詢委員會由外部學者和行業合作伙伴等主要 利益相 我們的咨詢委員會為CDT和我們的學生的持續發展作出了 寶貴的貢獻。
項目主管來自ACCIS內部以及大學內的其他合作部門,以及來自其 他大學和我們工業合作伙伴的合作者。
+44(0)117 33 1***
布里斯托爾BS8 1TR
Michael Wisnom教授 ACCIS主任; 航空航天結構教授
+44(0)117 33 1***
Paul Weaver教授 輕量結構教授
+44(0)117 33 1***
Ian Bond教授 女王工程學院院長; 航天工程教授
+44(0)117 33 1***
Ian Hamerton博士 聚合物和復合材料閱讀器
+44(0)117 33 1***
Ian Farrow博士 飛機結構設計高級講師
+44(0)117 33 1***
德米特里•伊萬諾夫博士 復合材料制造講師
+44(0)117 33 1***
Alberto Pirrera博士 復合結構講師
+44(0)117 33 1***
Valeska Ting博士 智能納米材料閱讀器
+44(0)117 33 1***
Sarah Hallworth女士 CDT經理
Kathinka Watts夫人 研究生管理員(CDT)
+44(0)117 33 1***
凱蒂•德魯里太太 ACCIS項目經理
+44(0)117 33 1***