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50 per cent film savings Single lane film saving from Raque Systems As PPMA reaches its 21st birthday its USA counterpart,PMMI will celebrate 75 years of service to the packaging community and has issued a commemorative logo to mark the occasion.



The Russian market for prepacked foods is now one of the largest worldwide. Sales stood at $51bn in 2006, half the total volume for Central and Eastern Europe. Growth is expected to continue, particularly in the areas of canned, frozen and dairy foods as well as snacks,baby foods and meal replacements.

The food industry accounts for 37 per cent of the market for packaging machines,pharmaceuticals/cosmetics/ hygiene is the next largest consumer with 25 per cent.

In processing the largest single market is meat processing followed by coffee/tea/tobacco,beverage production, bakery and confectionery. German producers sold machines worth Euro776m to the meat sector in 2***

According to figures from the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industries,(ABPI), the worldʼs top 5 pharmaceutical corporations in 2006 were Pfizer (sales £24.2bn), GSK (£19.4bn),Novartis (£16.6bn), Sanofi Aventis (£16.3bn) and Johnson & Johnson (£14.3bn). Annual personal medical usage by value is 2.5 times more in the USA than the UK.

Baker Perkins has also installed an automated production plant at biscuit manufacturers Ad Jaffa to enable the Serbian company to expand its product range.

The line will produce Petit Beurre and savoury crackers as part of Ad Jaffaʼs 20 million investment programme. The company bought a complete system, which provides the ability to make two distinct biscuit styles on one line, as well as capacity for further brand expansion, claims Baker Perkins.

T: +44 (0) 1733 28***

E: bpltd**[ta]**erperkinsgroup.com


Problems associated with traditional methods are low capacity, high energy costs,large capital investment and environmental issues, it says.

The Tixotherm™ system reduces water content by 15 per cent in an Agitated Film Concentrator. Product then passes to a Mixing Crystalliser which increases the dry matter and encourages further lactose crystallisation to create a paste with friable texture. Drying is performed at a high temperature in an Agitated Fluid Bed.

T: +44 (0) 2380 26***

E: info**[ta]**opharma.com


Niro ‘wheys’ up the issues Ingredient supplier Griffith Laboratories has installed two 1300mm diameter Lagarde retorts for pasteurising marinades and sauces. Each unit is equipped with two doors to allow through the wall operation. It uses Stange digital controls to monitor and control each process, says UK representative Holmach.

T: +44 (0) 1780 74***

E: sales**[ta]**mach.co.uk


It allows an increase in surface load, resulting in an extension of the filter cycles.

T: +44 (0) 121 713 ***


PROCESSING BITESinstallation news 14 Calling all pirates, firemen,policemen, doctors and nurses… but only if youʼre the miniature variety! SVIA,represented in the UK by RNA Automation, has teamed up with Tampoprint to make sure the right uniform, or in this case vest, finds the right toy figure at Palymobilʼs factories.

With 15 different kinds of plastic vest in 10 different colours a poor little chap, or chapess, could get confused by being assigned with the wrong vest. SVIAʼs MiniFlex flexible feeder system now ensures the vests are fed automatically to the correct Tampoprint machine.

The feeder system and a combined robot are linked to SVIAʼs vision system for robot guidance. The camera identifies the position and style of the vest and picks directly from the conveyor after vibratory linear feeders have separated the components.

Any components in difficult positions, or lying on top of one another, are recycled to a buffer zone. The system can be taught to recognise new components easily, so if they make a vest for a David Beckham figure do you think it might be golden…?

T: +44 (0) 121 749 ***


Part of the specification, says the company, was the systemʼs need to comply with the Nuclear Spanish Security Council regulations on radiation.

The S Model supplied emits a maximum of 1 microsivert per hour at 0.1 metres from anywhere on the machine cabinet or associated welding, it claims.

The machine detects contaminants in jars, cans,bottles and boxes across the entire range of Alcurnia products.

T: +44 (0) 1788 82***

E: sales.wi.uk**[ta]**rmofisher.com


First fruits Staples UK, the leading supplier of office products, has ordered ten Robopac ROBOT pallet stretchwrappers from Aetna UK.

Andy Haycock, operations manager of Staples said, “The ROBOT machines are extremely versatile and need very little space in which to operate. They are ideal for use in loading bays where fixed location wrappers would be impractical, they can also wrap irregular shapes and can be parked out of the way when not in use”.

T: +44 (0) 1234 82***

E: johnm**[ta]**nauk.com


Ten top pallet wrappers F Duerr and Sons, makers of branded and own label jams,marmalade, peanut butter, etc.,has acquired a four head fully automatic Model 1000 filling machine from Riggs Autopack to fill honey as part of a £1million product diversification programme.

The machine is used to fill both glass jars and plastic squeeze, top down containers and is fitted with a customized valve which allows a clean cut off at the end of the fill.

Currently the equipment handles 80 jars or 60 plastic containers a minute.

T: +44 (0) 1282 44***

E: riggs**[ta]**opack.co.uk


The system, says CKF,provides a flexible operation to receive products from 11 designated packaging/storage areas for delivery to four high speed multipacking lines.

The system comprises over 100 specialised conveyors including a variety of swan neck elevators delivering products from ground level up to heights of 6 metres.

T: +44 (0) 1452 42***

E: info**[ta]**.co.uk


Handling Hula Hoop flavoursinstallation news An FP Packaging tray denester has met strict health and safety standards required by Sara Lees new robotic loader system for bottles of Radox.

The customer required the tray denester to have substantial magazine capacity to give longer periods between refills as well as placing the tray magazine at low level to make loading easier.

FPʼs solution was to fit the denester at 90 degrees to the host conveyor to feed two trays per cycle, using a sucker based pick and place system and an extended, pneumatically driven,powerfed magazine. Denesting occurs at approximately 44 trays/min, slightly faster than the line spe***

T: +44 (0) 1483 53***

E: c.guest**[ta]**ezepack.co.uk


The machine has been modified to include a heavy duty SNB modular infeed system to cope with the lateral stresses caused by pushing heavy pack collations off the belt at 90deg to the direction of travel, says YPS. The shrink tunnel has also been fitted with side chains, rather than the more common friction driven system,to prevent the belt stretching over time.

T: +44 (0) 1924 44***

E: enquiries**[ta]**.co.uk


YPS sorts heavy packs Ronseal chose YPS for shrinkwrapperThe first English whisky distillery to be opened for over 100 years called on Guttridge to provide a custom designed conveyor system to carry malt to the grist mill to the new St Georgeʼs Distillery at Roundham, near Thetford in Norfolk.

The distillery is also a visitor centre with café and conference areas, as well as a tasting area. “So Guttridge had very little height to play with.” says James Nelstop of the English Whisky Company.

The company came up with a sophisticated answer to our problem,” he added.

T: +44 (0) 1775 76***

E: sales**[ta]**tridge.co.uk


Guttridge scotches height problem installation news 16 A Guttridge bucket elevator framed by the copper stills used in the whisky distilling process ABB Robotics and AEW Delford have combined to supply Swedish cooked meat producers and processors, The Charkman Group, with an intelligent portion loading system for its existing manual slicing li***

The system must handle 26 pack variations and a large number of product sizes. The new line comprises an AEW Delford Junior Slicer and an IPL robot which incorporates ABBʼs 340 stainless steel Flexpicker.

The trays are then passed to a flow wrapper. The system is supported by ABBʼs Pickmaster software which can accept an additional 5 robot cells for further expansion.

T: +44 (0) 1603 700755 (AEW Delford)

E: norwich**[ta]**delford.com

T: +44 (0) 1908 350300 (ABB Robotics)

E: michelle.heydon**[ta]**abb.com


Meat slicing and picking made easy Adpak has been picked by Hallam Beauty of Bradford to supply four AD600 compact uniblock side feed automatic shrink wrappers for its cosmetic filling lines.

The machines meet Hallamʼs requirements for systems which can be easily wheeled from line to line to improve flexibility, says the company.

The AD600s are built on a monoblock frame with the tunnel close coupled to the sealer to create the compact size, according to Adpak.

T: +44 (0) 1282 60***

E: info**[ta]**ak.co.uk


Shrinking beauty Adpak’s side feed automatic shrink wrappers for Hallam Beautyinstallation news Novosis has installed a Doyen Medipharm transdermal device converting and packing line at its facility in Miesbach,Germany.

An integrated quality control system detects and rejects splice, empty packs or misplaced products. Another feature is a customised process for minimising ladder waste.

T: +44 (0) 1953 60***

E: Kathrin.gerbe**[ta]**enmedipharm.co.uk


The machine has enabled faster mixing, says Ytron, and ensured homogenous characteristics, even when iron and zinc oxides are in the formulation.

In particular there is minimal air intake, resulting in much shorter waiting times.

This is due to the mixerʼs ability to deliver dry ingredients directly to the mixer head where it achieves instant wetting and absorption, the company claims.

The new Ytron mixer has helped significantly towards maintaining quality standards”, said Jason Tilley,Tablet Manufacturing Manager, Lanes Health. “Its mixing is more efficient than the previous process which in turn has boosted our output capability,” he added.

T: +44 (0) 1494 79***


German production of packaging and food processing machines topped Euro9.4bn in 2006, an increase of 7.2 per cent. Fifty per cent of this turnover is accounted for by packaging and beverage machines. Its share of international trade stood at 27 per cent in the sector overall, but a breakdown reveals its share of the global market for packaging machines and meat processing machines topped 30 per cent. Italy is the second largest exporter of machines with a 21 per cent share. Both Germany and Italy export 80 per cent of their production. While German national consumption continues to increase modestly in Italy national consumption is in decline.

Spread across all 19 halls at the Trade Fair Centre in Dusseldorf,interpack has been described as providing an encyclopaedia of packaging and processing.

For 2008 Messe Dusseldorf has noted a trend to larger stands and an influx of first time exhibitors. There is no shortage of statistics about interpack and while 2008 is set to break all previous records it is worth reminding ourselves of the scale of this truly international event. The 2005 show hosted 177,000 visitors, 55 per cent were overseas attendees coming from 106 countries.

The UK was second in the league table of foreign visitors with 7 per cent of the total, only the Netherlands sent more visitors.

Overall the average length of visit was 2.2 days. Industry sectors represented included 15 per cent from food and luxury items, 5 per cent from confectionery, 8 per cent from pharmaceutical and 7 per cent from chemical industries. Sixty five per cent came to see packaging or confectionery machines and 44 per cent were interested in the latest materials technologies.

Surprisingly 48 per cent of attendees were visiting interpack for the first time and overall 63 per cent came from Europe (51 per cent from the old EU), while 17 per cent came from Asia. There were 2,654 exhibitors of which 910 were German.

Todayʼs packing machines must allow the economical,flexible and hygienic production of a wide variety of packaging for diverse markets. Major trends include convenience,protection, product safety, cost efficiency and traceability. And,at the same time, all packaging and processing machinery and containers must provide environmental sustainability,storability, better dosage, easy open and reclose. Machines finely tuned to meet these demands will be much in evidence.

Two first time features at interpack 2008 will be the INNOVATIONPARC and a new Awards scheme called the iF Awards. The latter has a category open to machine companies and will focus on ergonomics, safety and design quality. Presentations will be made on 24 April.



A further 27 PPMA UK manufacturers will be exhibiting around the interpack halls. Plus it is important to remember that most of the PPMAʼs overseas manufacturing members will virtually fill the machinery halls.

PPMA experts will be on hand to offer visitors advice on all matters to do with processing and packaging machinery.

The PPMAʼs hospitality area will be the place to be for meeting up after a busy day at the show.

One of the strongest and most active industrial trade associations in the UK the PPMA is dedicated to serving the business needs of its member companies. Its services cover publishing, including Machinery Update, The Processing and Packaging Machinery Directory and PPMA News, and the PPMA website featuring a machinery finder service and links to all the associationʼs activities. These include international services,and its office in China; technical updates; seminars and conferences; regulatory issues; and the PPMA Show.

The PPMAʼs objective is to give the latest information on equipment and machinery systems to processors and packers everywhere.

It is also an active member of the Engineering and Machinery Alliance, a group of trade associations committed to engaging with government to reduce the burden of inappropriate or disproportionate regulation on the industry.

T: +44 (0) 208 773 ***

E: administration**[ta]**a.co.uk


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