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Reequipment of starters and alternators manufacture of JSC «BATE»

on the period of 2006-***

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Reequipment of manufacture of starters and alternators

b. Full name:Reequipment of starters and alternators manufacture of JSC «BATE» on the period of 2006-2***

c. Summary description:Purpose of the present project is the technical reequipment of starters manufacture for Minsk motor plant, for «AutoVaz», ZMZ: reduction gear type starter, alternators and their modifications. А2. Progress Status:The enterprise arranges open tenders for equipment delivery and concludes contracts with winners of tenders, effectes building and construction works. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «BATE» is the initiator of the project, General director Anatoly A. Kapsky, tel.: (+375-177) 73-21-69, fax (+375-177) 73-45-51; E-mail:info**[ta]**rter.by; 2) Ministry of Industry: 2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus, Head of departament foreign relations Korchik Dmitrij Aleksandrovich, tel.: (+375-17) 2224769. fax: (+375-17) 224-87***

А4. Project Description:Production reconstruction of starters and alternators, conversion of new types of product with the purpose of increasing of product features and reducing process costs. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:JSC «BATE» main activities are manufacture of starters and alternators to gasoline and diesel engines for automobiles: GAZ, KamAZ, AutoVaz, MAZ, MTZ and others. A6. Environmental impact summary:Enviroment emission is within the limits of admissible norms. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Main risk which influences on the project realization is the increasing of the prices of the raw materials. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5/5

A9. Project’s branch:Mechanical Engineering and Metal-working

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of equipment (Germany, Italy, Canada, China, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Japan) and components: Costs on net working capital forming: Other assets: Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investors funds: Credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Auto and motor enterprises in Russia and Belarus

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

During: 4***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Purpose of the present project is the technical reequipment of starters manufacture for Minsk motor plant: type 7402; for «AutoVaz», ZMZ: reduction gear type starter (type 5111), alternators 3202, 3212 and their modification. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw material, materials, fuel and energy on technological aims: Personnel expenses: Amortization: Others: Total: G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Lyudmila K.Sokolovskaya, deputy director on economics, tel.: (+375 177) 735431. H2. Organisation (address):BATE JSC: 95, Daumana Str., Borisov, Minsk region, 222120, Republic of Belarus. H3. tel.: (+375 177) 735431, fax (+375 177) 734551; E-mail:info**[ta]**rter.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


Technical modernization of the drawing shop and the wire and cable manufacturing shop at JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Technical modernization of the drawing shop and the wire and cable manufacturing shop

b. Full name:Technical modernization of the drawing shop and the wire and cable manufacturing shop at JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod»

c. Summary description:Technical modernization of manufacturing for increasing of production quantities of wires and cables. А2. Progress Status:The preinvestment stage. There have be done preliminary technical and economic researches of the project, the business-plan is developed, the list of main manufacturing equipment is determined. The investor is required. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod» is the project initiator, the borrower is Alexander I. Simonovich, the director. tel.: (+375 1514) 28-6-60, fax: (+375 1514) 28-1-90, E-mail:info**[ta]**oprovod./com, ouk-info**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:The equipment reconstruction and modernization will help us to expand our production quantities

А4a. Project cost (mln USD):2***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The main activity of JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod» is the manufacturing of wires and cables. A6. Environmental impact summary:Does not influence. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment: A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3***

A9. Project’s branch:Machine-building branch, electrotechnical sub-branch

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Acquisition of equipment (Germany, Italy, Czech) 1***

Expenses for net turnover capital 0***

Other expenses: 0***

Total: 2***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own means (depreciation charges): D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:The equipment purchasing needs financing. Joint venture creation is possible. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

The investor means: Сredit 0***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Local market - 21,5%, CIS countries - 75,8 %, Foreign countries- 2,7 %. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Sales profit: 34***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Additional capacities for cable manufacture on the JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod» required additional new equipment. The total cost of necessary equipment is 0.594 million USD. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw materials, fuel and energy for manufacturing 20***

Personnel costs 3***

Amortization 0***

Others: 1***

Total: 26***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: 8***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Victor E. Volchek, the chief technologist. H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod»: 15, Sovetscaya Str., Grodno region, Shchuchin, 231513, Republic of Belarus. H3. Phone: +375 1514 28449 \ a fax: +375 1514 28190 \ E-mail:OUK-info**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


Creation of a new building hoist’s production

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Creation of a new building hoist’s production

b. Full name:Creation of a new building hoist’s production

c. Summary description:Framework development, facilities’ creation and organization of the building hoist’s production. А2. Progress Status:In a state of the building hoist’s framework development. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Petr Mikhailovich Rudnik, Chief manager RUE works "Mogilevliftmash" Phone: (+375 222) 26 15 12, fax: (+375 222) 47 42 06, E-mail:liftmach**[ta]**ftmach.bу 2) Ministry of Industry: 2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus, Head of departament foreign relations Korchik Dmitrij Aleksandrovich, tel.: (+375-17) 2224769, fax: (+375-17) 224-87***

А4. Project Description:The investment project provides for the construction of the engineering building, equipment purchasing and organization of the elevators’ spare parts production. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The works was founded in 1967. The first industrial lot of passenger elevators was produced in 1970. Main activity status of RUE works “Mogilevliftmash” is the production of the elevators for the residential constructions and office blocks, hospitals with load capacity from 400 up to 1000 kg, the production of the fright elevators with load capacity from 100 up to 6000 kg. A6. Environmental impact summary:Do not have a deleterious effect on environment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The most important risk, affecting project realization, is the increase of store prices

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):1/5

A9. Project’s branch:Machine-building

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

The purchase of processing equipment, such as: - automatic electromechanical rolling and bending machine with CNC; - combined coordinate-capstan blanking press with angle snips with CNC; 1.8;***

- CNC machine for cutting rack bar; - manufacturing machine for processing of welded units of mast lifter; 1.2;***

- paint line of bulky details with sintered enamels; - manufacturing machine for processing of basic parts; 0.7;***

- rob technical complex for arc welding.***

Pilot - structural works***

Construction and mounting works***

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investors funds: Сredit***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:State and commercial enterprises, organizations which are executing installation and construction work. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Realization profits 1***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:For the project realization the works has the required production areas, engineering nets and communications. The construction of new buildings is not required. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Material costs 1***

Staff expenses



Total: 1***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Afanasij Ivanovich Prudnikov, deputy production manager H2. Organisation (address):RUE works "Mogilevliftmash", av. Mira, 42, 212030 Mogilev H3. Tel.: +375 222 26 15 12, fax: +375 222 47 42 06, E-mail:liftmach**[ta]**tmach.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


Technical reequipment for the purpose of production of hydraulic units for the dump-trucks «BelAZ»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Production of hydraulic units for the dump-trucks «BelAZ»

b. Full name:Technical reequipment for the purpose of production of hydraulic units for the dump-trucks «BelAZ»

c. Summary description:The purpose of the project is expansion of production cooperation for the manufacturing of hydraulic and pneumatic units for the automobiles «BelAZ». The project envisages starting the production of dry disk brakes of front and rear wheels of the automobiles «BelAZ» with load capacity from 80 to 320 tons for 2007-2010 years. А2. Progress Status:Preliminary technical and economic studies of project are executed by organization, the business- plan is developed, which is examined in the routine order in the Ministry of industry of the Republic of Belarus and the Minsk regional administration of Joint Stock Company «Belarusbank», the technology of production and the list of basic equipment is determined. In 2007 the total project expenditures amounts to 692 mln. rubles, own means - 137 mln. rubles, innovation fund - 555 mln. rubles including. 3 un. lathes with programmed operation of 16GS25FZS1MP, 1 band saw, 5 pcs. of frequency regulators and other equipment was purchased. Within the framework the implementation of program for 2005-2006 years based on documentation of «BelAZ» the production of more than 30 designations of units and components (units of the system of pneumo-hydrocontrol of the drive of undercarriage and braking of dump trucks «BelAZ» was started, the volume of production of which in 2006 amounted to 3,5 billions rub. ( 20,7% of the total production volume ). Within the preparation of production for «BelAZ» about 60 units of equipment began to operate. In 2007 33 positions of units for RUPP «BelAZ» for the sum of 3,9 mlrd. rubles in the selling prices with NDS were produced. Including newly mastered - 5 positions for the sum of 629 mln. rubles. Technological processes are developed, the preparation for production is carried out, the production of the first industrial party of the components of the unit of the boot-tree of brake piston, cover) began. The specific weight of new production in the total volume of commodity produced is 38,2%, the production for RUPP «BelAZ» 18,8% including. The introduction of new energy-saving equipment made it possible to carry out index on the energy-economy in the total minus 31%. In the course of project realization 4 working sites were created and 11 work sites were modernized in 2***

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:«Zenit» OM RUE - the project developer, director - Alexander V. Radchenko, , tel./fax: (+375 1771) 39955, 39952; E-mail:zenit**[ta]**it-belomo.com

А4. Project Description:Together with RUPP «BelAZ» the program of the mastery of components and units for the hydraulic brake systems of heavy duty automobiles on 2006 - 2010 years was developed in 2005. In 2008-2010 years the output volume of production for «BelAZ» no less than 6,0, 6,5, and 7,0 billion. rubles accordingly is planned. The business-plan of the investment project provides for the fulfillment of measures for the technical reequippment of production with the financing for the sum total of 4594 mln.rubles, including the own means of enterprise - 1881 mln.rubles, (41,0%). Investment project «Technical reequipment for the purpose of production of the hydraulic units «BelAZ» is included in the projects for the creation of new enterprises and most important productions, new productions in the existing enterprises and the modernizations of productions on the basis of introduction of the new and high technologies, included in the State program of the innovation development of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2010 years, affirmed by the first Deputy Prime-Minister of the Republic of Belarus V. Semashko on 15 March, 2007. It is also included in the Republican program of the innovation development of the Republic of Belarus during the years 2007-2010. The realization of project will make it possible to increase years the production of units for staffing of the dump-trucks «BelAZ» to 7 mlrd.rubles by 2010 annually, to operate 1000 m of the non-usedareas, to create new work sites in the quantity of 20 units., to modernize 39 work sites, to increase quality and reliability of output production, to decrease energy content, and, as a result, to stabilize the financial position of the enterprise. Modernization of the acting production provided by the project requires the purchase of new highly productive equipment in the quantity of 20 units and the modernization of the processing centers in the quantity of 18 units. The urgency of project lies in the fact that production is intended for the «BelAZ» conveyor and expenditures for marketing are reduced considerably. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):3***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:«Zenit» OM RUE was designed and built as the specialized enterprise for the production of cameras with the program of production of 1 mln. 200 thousand pieces per year. Year of foundation - 1973. The specialized power for the production of cameras in the quantity of 720 thousand were created by 1983. By 1990 power for the production of the items of special technology were additionally created. Machining, foundry, stamping equipment, equipment for finishing - in general, specialized and special (automation and semiautomatic lines, aggregate machine tools, etc). Equipment for the fitters work, which occupied more than 40% labor expense - horizontally - the locked conveyor lines, assembly-line automats and semiautomats. Since 1994 subcontracting enterprises in Russia and in the Ukraine considerably reduced the volumes of production of component products of the photographic equipment (objectives, photographic exposure meters, automatic releases, etc), which caused the sharp decrease of the volumes of production of cameras at the enterprise. The solution to start the restructuring of enterprise was accepted for this reason, reorienting it from the assembly-line into the machine assembly. In the period from 1995 until 2007 the enterprise mastered 132 new articles (including in 1997 - 11, in 1998 - 7, in 1999 - 13, in 2000 - 14, in 2001 - 9, in 2002 - 18, in 2003 - 6, in 2004 - 4, 2005 - 14, 2006 - 15, 2007 - 13 ). The enterprise passes from product output with the mass and large-scale production to the production of articles with the series and small-scale production. The nomenclature of the produced articles considerably increases. In 1995-1999 years power for the production of cameras, special production were converted for the production component product of tractor machine building, weight items technology, articles of medical technology and consumer goods. The resolution of Minsk regional executive committee dated September 13, 2000 No.609 registered «Zenit» OM RUE, the identification No. 600102155. The postal address - 222410, Vileyka, Minsk region, Chapaev Str., 26. The enterprise includes 5 self-contained enterprises with the independent balance without the right of legal person. «Zenit» OM RUE is one of the founders of «RRB - bank». «Zenit» OM RUE entering the Belorussian optical-mechanical association (BelOMO), is in the departmental subordination of the Ministry of industry of the Republic of Belarus and is the conversion enterprise. Since 2003 reprofiling production to the manufacturing of new forms of production was actively carried out. The specific weight of new production in the total production volume comprised: 2,3% in 2003; 31,1% in 2006; 38,2% in 2007. In the present moment the enterprise basic efforts are concentrated on the production of components and units of the pneumohydraulic systems of the heavy duty dump-trucks «BelAZ». In 2007 the completion units for the total of 3,9 billions. rubles were produced. In 2008 it is planned to reach the volume of production for RUPP «BelAZ» for the total of 6,0 billions. rubles in the selling prices. At the present moment the development of production is influenced by the technological possibilities: enterprise is equipped in general with the specialized equipment for the production of small parts. The deterioration of the existing equipment comprises more than 83,9%, thermal equipment by 100%. It is necessary to increase the labor productivity and to reduce the energy expenses. A6. Environmental impact summary:The outbursts of withdrawals, harmful substances into the atmosphere and into the water basin did not exceed the maximum permissible standards at the enterprise. The proposed project will not increase negative influence on the environment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The most essential risk, which influences the realization of project is the increase of the prices for the raw material and materials. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5/6

A9. Project’s branch:Mechanical Engineering and Metal-working

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Initial costs and assembly of equipment [Possible country-suppliers - (Republic of Belarus, Russia, the Ukraine, Austria, the USA)] 2***

Expenditures for the formation of the pure working capital 1***

Other expenditures 0***

Total: 3***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own means: 0***

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Financing of the equipment purchase is necessary. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investor’s funds: Direct foreign investments 2***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The main customer - the initial equipment for RUPP «BelAZ». E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Incomes from production sales 72***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:For realisation of the project the enterprise has free floor spaces, engineering networks and communications, energy sources, a part of necessary equipment. Constructing of new buildings and structures is not required. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw materials, materials, fuel and energy for technological purposes: 22***

Costs for staff: 27***

Amortisation: 4***

Others: 10***

Total: 65***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Profit from sales 6***

Net profit 3***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Tatyana G. Suboch, the chief economist H2. Organisation (address):«Zenit» OM RUE: Republic of Belarus, 222410, Minsk region, Vileyka, Chapaev Str.,26 H3. tel./fax : (+375-1771) 39955, 39952; E-mail:zenit**[ta]**it-belomo.com H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


Reconstruction of a melting site of the foundry shop

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Reconstruction of foundry shop

b. Full name:Reconstruction of a melting site of the foundry shop, including installation and initiation of induction furnaces for melt of pig-iron

c. Summary description:The purpose of reconstruction of a melting site of foundry shop: - Introduction of modern technologies of reception of liquid pig-iron in induction furnaces; - Improvement of quality and competitiveness of foundry goods; - Realization of opportunities of performance of foreign orders, including export deliveries; - Improvement of ecological conditions of area by reduction in harmful emissions in an atmosphere; - Creation of conditions and material and technical basis for modernisation of UE «MZAL» [enterprise] foundry manufacture as a whole. А2. Progress Status:Coordinated with UE «BELNIILIT». Technical and economic calculation of efficiency of use of induction mid-frequency furnaces for melting of pig-iron is executed. Documents for carrying out of competition at the choice of the developer of the design-budget documentation are prepared. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) UE «MZAL of a name of P.M. Mascherova» - Enterprise making reconstruction. Visocki Stanislav Ivanovich - General Director. Phone (+375-17) 230-22-10; phone/fax (+375-17) 230-32-51. Gurinovich Victor Nikolaevich - Technical Director/Chief Engineer. Phone (+375-17) 230-12-72. 2) Committee of Architecture and Town-planning Minsk - Sanction of performance of design and exploration work. Kaschirina Tatyana Petrovna - Executive. Phone (+375-17) 200-56-31. 3) Institute «Belpromstroiprojekt» Minsk, Mitin Ghenady Nikolaevich - Possible Executor of the Project. Phone (+375-17) 200-49-11, fax (+375-17) 200-48***

А4. Project Description:The induction melting of pig-iron in difference from cupola provides stable reception of liquid metal of the set temperature and a chemical compound. Application of mid-frequency induction furnaces allows: - operatively change a chemical compound of liquid metal; - adjust temperature during melting; - lower the charge of the electric power due to conducting melt on solid charging of a furnace; - improve structure and quality of melted pig-iron; - receive higher marks of pig-iron GI25, GI30, high-strength pig-iron. The introduced technology is approved in a world practice and its advantages do not cause doubts. It is expedient the stage-by-stage realization of the project: 1 stage. Construction work. Term of performance III quarter 2008. 2 stage. Purchase of the equipment, dismantle existing, performance of building and assembly jobs and a supply of communications. Term of performance IV quarter 2008. 3 stage. Starting-up and adjustment works and delivery of object in operation. Term of performance II quarter 2***

А4a. Project cost (mln USD):0***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Industrial republican unitary enterprise «The Minsk factory of automatic transfer lines of a name of P.M.Masherova» is created on the basis of the Order of Minister of the machine-tool constructing and tool industry of the USSR from 17.04.1954 г. №21. The decision of Minsk City Executive Committee from 27.08.2004г. №1756 registers Industrial republican unitary enterprise «The Minsk factory of automatic transfer lines of a name of P.M.Masherova». A6. Environmental impact summary:Industrial republican unitary enterprise «The Minsk factory of automatic transfer lines of a name of P.M.Masherova» considers ecological safety and protection of an environment as an integral part of the activity. Therefore growing requirements on energy saving and to reduction of emissions of harmful substances are constantly considered. Reduction of emissions will be provided by installation of adaptations for exhaust air and aspiration the equipment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Are not established

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2/2,25

A9. Project’s branch:Mechanical Engineering and Metal-working

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Research and development Еquipment (Russia) 0***

Purchase of the equipment, dismantle existing, performance of building and assembly jobs and a supply of communications 0***

Starting-up and adjustment works and delivery of object in operation 0***

Total 0***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds 0***

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investor funds Credit 0***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:JSC «Belpromstroibank»

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:1. Machine-building industry and private consumer of Republic Belarus, Russia and the far abroad. Volume 1000 tone in a year with the subsequent increase. 2. The price is 1996 US dollars for 1 ton. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

The income of realization 1***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Costs are calculated on elements of expenses. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Materials and accessories 0***

Charges on the personnel 0***

The common costs 0***

Other costs 0***

Total 1***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit 0***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Safronenko Wladimir Iosifovich, Deputy Chief of DM end IS H2. Organisation (address):Industrial republican unitary enterprise «The Minsk factory of automatic transfer lines of a name of P.M.Masherova»: Belarus 220037 Minsk, Dolgobrodskay st., 18. H3. Phone: (+375 17) 2461342; phone/fax: (+375 17) 2303251: E-mail:plant**[ta]**l.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


Organization of assembling production of «Belarus-2103» track-type tractor and its modifications

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Organization of assembling production of «Belarus-2103» track-type tractor and its modifications

b. Full name:Organization of assembling production of «Belarus-2103» track-type tractor and its modifications

c. Summary description:Organization of Minsk Tractor Works track-type tractor assembling production provides for capacities creation to produce «Belarus-2103» track-type tractor and its modifications. This will require investments for acquisition of effective equipment and introduction of new advanced technologies. This investment project provides for the following directions of production: 1) production of «Belarus-2103» tractor original details and units; 2) track-type tractors assembly and testing; 3) colouring of details, units and tractor ready-assembled. А2. Progress Status:The business plan of investment project has been worked out. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Open joint-stock company «Mozyr machinery production works», 17 Portovaya st., 247760, c.Mozyr, fax: +375 2351 69516, tel.: +375 2351 69430, Republic of Belarus E-mail:oaommzplan**[ta]**l.ru. Director of OJSC «MMPW» - A.P. Borodko; 2) PA «MTW»: 29, Dolgobrodskaya str., Minsk, 220009, Republic of Belarus, tel.: (+375-17) 238-61-71; I.V. Emeljanovich, Technical Director, telefax: (+375-17) 230-21-11; E-mail:sales**[ta]**ctors.com.by; www.tractors.com.by; 3) Ministry of Industry: 2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus, Head of departament foreign relations Korchik Dmitrij Aleksandrovich, tel.: (+375-17) 2224769. fax: (+375-17) 224-87***

А4. Project Description:Organization of Minsk Tractor Works track-type tractor assembling production provides for capacities creation to produce «Belarus-2103» track-type tractor and its modifications. This will require investments for acquisition of effective equipment and introduction of new advanced technologies. This investment project provides for the following directions of production: 1) production of «Belarus-2103» tractor original details and units; 2) track-type tractors assembly and testing; 3) colouring of details, units and tractor ready-assembled. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The project objective is to execute the instruction of the government of the Republic of Belarus concerning saturation of domestic market with high-technology import-substituting machinery and to promote these goods to the foreign markets. A6. Environmental impact summary:Business plan implementation supposes the use of the funds portion to perform actions intended to reduce the influence of harmful occupational factors on environment through the organization of production process on the base of new and high technologies. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Not

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5***

A9. Project’s branch:Agricultural engineering industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Building and assembly works***

Equipment acquisition and installation, including transfer costs

Other pre-investment and investment outlay***

Total investment outlay including

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own sources of investment for project (monetary funds for account of enterprise activities)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Credit caused by own means shortness to the extent of 22.8 mln USD. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Bank Credit

State participation

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:1) internal market (Republic of Belarus); 2) CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other countries); 3) far-abroad countries (if provided with engine that meets Tier-3 requirements and certificates of conformity with requirements and directives of the countries). During the period of project realization it is planned to increase production and sales of «Belarus -2103» tractors from 50 units in 2009 to 5 000 units in 2***

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Tractors sales revenue (inclusive of VAT) over the period of the project implementation 1 7***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Ordinary manufacturing costs associated with complete cycle of production and sales of goods. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Material expenses 14***

Salaries expense

Fringe benefit expenses

Capital consumption

Other costs***

Total costs for goods production and sales over the period of the project implementation 15***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net income over the period of the project implementation, including: 1***

Net earnings 1***


H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Head of the Department of Technical and Economic Substantiation of Investments of RUE «MTW» - S.M. Glebko, tel. (+375 - 172304416); head of the Department of Independent Economic Analysis and Planning of RUE «MTW» - O. V. Ignatova, tel. (+375 - 172308503) H2. Organisation (address):RUE «Minsk Tractor Works», Republic of Belarus, 220009, Minsk, 29 Dolgobrodskaya st. H3. Tel: (+375 17) 2306842; Fax: (+375 17) 2302111; Е-mail: sales**[ta]**ctors.com.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


Technical re-equipment of RUPE «BELAZ» and RUPE «BELAZ» subsidiary in Mogilev for 2008-2012 years

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Technical re-equipment of RUPE «BELAZ»

b. Full name:Technical re-equipment of RUPE «BELAZ» and RUPE «BELAZ» subsidiary in Mogilev for 2008-2012 years. c. Summary description:The main purpose of the project related to the Technical re-equipment of RUPE «BELAZ» and its subsidiary in Mogilev is the development of the productive capacities, using flexible technologies based on application of CNC equipment at all the technological updating of the production: blanking operations, welding, machining and thermal processing, as well as construction-and-assembly jobs, aimed at expanding of the present working area. А2. Progress Status:RUPE «BELAZ» has defined main directions of the technical re-equipment; according to them objectives and purchase projects are being developed with their subsequent tendering at the official website of the Ministry of Industry «Tenders». Technical services are planning distribution and assembling of the equipment, giving orders for the design of foundation, floors, power supply, water-supply and drainage, gas supply and ventilation etc. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:RUPE «BELAZ» is the initiator of the project; borrower is the Director General Peter Aleksandrovich Parkhomchyk, tel. (+375-1775) 3-26-36, fax: (+375-1775) 7-01-37, First Deputy Director General on Technical Issues - Chief Engineer Domotenko F.A., tel.: (+375-1775) 7-06-41, Deputy Director General on Economical Affaires - Dostanko V.A., tel.: (+375-1775) 7-37-13, First Deputy Chief Engineer - Chief Production Manager V.V. Rudy, (+375-1775) 7-93***

А4. Project Description:The aim of the present project is modernization and technical re-equipment of the enterprise in order to develop the existing production capacities related to the production of quarry dump trucks and other specialized equipment in production volume, planned for the production in 2012, as well as creating of the capacities for the production of new products (dump trucks with payload capacity of 90 tonne, 170 tonne, 320 tonne) in order to reinforce position of RUPE «BELAZ» in world market, to increase the value of the enterprise’s assets, to increase income level of the enterprise labor collectives. According to the calendar schedule of the project’s implementation, the application of the investments is planned for 2008-2012, repayment of the long-term credit facilities is planned for 2009-2014. Equipment and technologies, planned for purchasing according to the re-equipment project, are not only to provide necessary productive capacities, but also to increase the manufacturing efficiency: increase of labor productivity, power- and material-saving, improvement of product quality. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):1***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:RUPE «BELAZ» is an enterprise specialized in manufacturing of quarry dump trucks with heavy and super-heavy payload from 30 to 320 tonne payload capacity, as well as specialized technological vehicles, aircraft tugs, loaders, bulldozers, consumer goods.

A6. Environmental impact summary:Emissions into the environment within the limits of the pollution standards. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The most essential risks, influencing the fulfillment of the project is the increase of prices for raw materials, purchased components, appreciation of the rate of Euro, dollar to the national currency. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):7/***

A9. Project’s branch:Mechanical Engineering and Metal-working

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment purchase costs [possible source natures of the equipment: (the Republic of Belarus, EU, Japan etc.)] 1***

Construction and erection works: Design work: Total: 1***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds (profit, capital allowances): D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit: D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:JSC «Belpromstrojbank»

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The main users of RUPE «BELAZ» products are enterprises of mining industry, road building sector, heavy metallurgy of the Russian Federation, countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and foreign countries - export share is 95%; in Belarus main users are the enterprises of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Sales revenues: 6***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Costs are calculated by costs components

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw-materials: 1***

Purchased Components: 3***

Fuel-energy resources: Personnel expenses: Capital allowances: Other expenses: Taxes: Total: 5***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net Revenue: Capital allowances: Total: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Deputy Director General on Economical Affairs V.A.Dostanko, tel.: (+375-1775) 7-37-13, Manager of Economic Planning Administration A.I. Dmitriev, tel.: (+375-1775) 3-34-67. H2. Organisation (address):RUPE «Belarusian Autoworks», 222160, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk reg., Zhodino, 40 Let Oktiabria str. H3. Tel.:(+375-1775)3-27-82, 3-26-23, 3-37-37, 7-01-37, Fax: (+375-1775) 7-01-37, E-mail:office**[ta]**az.minsk.by, www.belaz.minsk.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


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