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Argon Design Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for their innovationin the verification of video decoders for high definition (HD 4K) video. HD 4K is an ultra

high definition standard that uses four times as many pixels as standard HD videos. Such high definition has created arequirementf or ever higher

compression of video so that it can be transmitted or stored with lower bit rates. Argon Design works with high profile technology companiesin thedesign of video decoders for displaying HD 4K video and has developed atool, Argon Streams, to comprehensively verify such video decoders

against the new standards. Customers using Argon Streams can fully test their video decoder designs before they begin chip manufacture, whichreduces risk, cost and time to market. The innovation provides both direct income from licenses and consultancy fees and is key to the company’s financial growth. The company was foundedin 2009 and this is its first Queen’s Award.

Blok N Mesh UK Limited

3 Driberg Way Braintree





Immediate Parent: Crownlea Hire and Sales Ltd,United Kingdom

Managing Director: Mr Laurence Payne

Press Contact: Clare Perry

Tel: +44(0)1376 33***

Email: cperry**[ta]**nlea.com


Blok N Mesh UK Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for their work with on-ground fencing systems. The company manufactures, delivers,installs, dismantles and relocates acomplete range of steel hoarding, temporary fencing and pedestrian barriers. Their POLMIL security fencing system has been designed to accept avariety of ballasts, incorporates vehicle gates and pedestrian doors, and has installation andtake down advantages. POLMIL can be used flexibly with the ability to be deployed on uneven and sloping ground, and being adaptable to customer needs with differing ballast weights. There is also consideration of the public with safer edges and an aesthetic finish that is lessantagonistic than other security fences. 25 kilometres of POLMIL was used on 28 different sites for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The applicant started tradingin 2002. This is its first Queen’s Award.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 7

Contamac Ltd.

Carlton House

Saffron Walden

CB11 3AU



Managing Director: Mr Robert McGregor

Press Contact: Philipp Polonyi

Tel: +44(0)1799 51***

Email: philipp**[ta]**amac.co.uk


Contamac Ltdhas received aQueen’s Award for Innovation for the development of materials for speciality silicone hydrogel contact lenses.

The silicone-based materials are called Definitive and have been developed to allow silicone hydrogel contact lens manufacturing using lathecutting techniques. Lathe cut contact lenses are usedin the speciality contact lens industry and allow for lenses to be made to measure fo rcomplex corneal shapes. Standard silicone hydrogel materials are too expensive for lathe cutting and require surface treatment that is only economical at large volumes. Contamac Ltdhas developed abreathable silicone hydrogel material that offers more oxygen permeability than traditional hydrogels. Definitive materials do not require coating and can be manufactured appropriately for the 25% of the cont***

lens wearing market that requires speciality lenses. The applicant started tradingin 1991 and has previously won an Award for International Trade (2012).

Darktrace Limited

Broers Building

21 JJ Thomson Avenue




CEO: Ms Nicole Eagan

Press Contact: Alice Goodman

Tel: +44(0)7464 54***

Email: alice.goodman**[ta]**trace.com


A Queen’s Award for Innovation is made to Darktrace Ltd

for their cybersecurity product the Enterprise Immune System. Inspired by thehuman immune system the software learns risks and threats and adapts to deal with them. The machine learning and mathematics behindthe product were developed by specialists from the University of Cambridge. The software works with an understanding of what constitutes

normal and abnormal situations. Emerging behaviours that fall outside anormal pattern are identified and dealt with by the product,there is no need for prior knowledge of the threat’s existence. The company has established 20 offices around the globe and has secured

deals with the world’s leading companies such as BT. Darktrace Ltd

started tradingin 2013 and is the first companyin the world to offersuch asolution.

Epos nowNorwich Business Park3 Whiting Road Norfolk




CEO: Mr Jacyn Heavens

Press Contact: Isabelle Francis

Tel: +44(0)7487 71***

Email: Isabelle.francis**[ta]**now.com


Epos Now receives aQueen’s Award for Innovation for their Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) software. Commonly, EPOS systems are very expensive and highly customised versions are affordable only by large enterprises. Many associated services such as Click & Collect andcustomer loyalty schemes have previously been out of reach to SMEs due to cost. Epos Now started tradingin 2011. The innovation isan affordable and customisable cloud-based EPOS software and hardware solution which enables clients to monitor sales and businessperformance live and remotely. Epos Now is the first UK EPOS company to introduce an AppStore, which allows their customers to downl***

apps developed by the in-house software team. The company also introduced an application program interface which allows customers to addany app they wish, by employing adeveloper to build their custom app.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 8

Excalibur Screwbolts Ltd

Gate 3

Newhall Nursery Lower Road Hockley SS5 2UF


Employees: 5

Managing Director/Founder: Mr Charles Bickford

Press Contact: John Stevens

Tel: +44(0)1702 20***

Tel: +44(0)1702 20***

Email: john.stevens**[ta]**liburscrewbolts.com


Excalibur Screwbolts Ltd

receives asecond Queen’s Award for Innovation for their product the Excalibur Screwbolt PLUS. Excalibur

operatesin the engineering and construction industries and has developed the Excalibur Screwbolt PLUS to be highly corrosion resistant

anchor and have adesign life of 120 years. To achieve this exceptional longevity the company has used their patented bolt surfacehardening and high corrosion protection technologies. The Excalibur PLUS product is their second to win aQueen’s Award for Innovationwith the original Excalibur Screwbolt being recognisedin 2009. The Excalibur Screwbolt PLUS is currently being usedin challengingapplications on the UK’s highest profile engineering project, Crossrail.

Ground Control Ltd

Kingfisher House

Radford Way Billericay CM12 0EQ



Managing Director: Dr Marcus Watson

Press Contact: Andy Parker

Tel: +44(0)1242 21***

Email: andy.parker**[ta]**integrated.com


A Queens Award for Innovation has been made to Ground Control Ltd

for its Winter Maintenance ICT System, alive reporting services thatallows the company to respond to adverse weather conditionsin their gritting operations. The aim of this project was to create asystem to facilitate the delivery of weather dependent, triggered, gritting services across national and regional contracts and report service updates to customersin real time. The problem revolved around the need to maximise efficiency by allocating work to the most appropriate of hundreds of teams nationally, depending on proximity and equipment availability. Ground Control Ltd(established 1984) developed aWinter Maintenance system that gives the company’s clients full visibility into the works the company carries out, bothin real-time and historically. The company has integrated the Met Office forecasting service into their live reporting application, which allows it to organise immediate response to weather

variation when certain conditions (temperature, snow, etc.) are met.

James and James Fulfilment Ltd

Dales Manor Business ParkGrove Road Sawston

CB22 3TJ



Joint Founder and COO: Mr James Hyde

Press Contact: Terry Nicklin

Tel: +44(0)7923 54***

Email: terry**[ta]**otepr.com


James and James Fulfilment Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for its e-commerce order fulfilment system. Today’s fulfilment systems usedby e-retailers may fall short when it comes to monitoring inventory, or checking the status of an orderin answer to acustomer query.

Stored data is often inaccurate and customer service agents need to spend time calling the warehouse to ask for updates, and this cantake several hours. The real-time, cloud-based innovation allows live integration of the entire supply chain connecting the end user withthe suppliers. This means that warehouse operators work on the same underlying data as clients and customer service agents globally.

Customer service queries can be successfully completed while the customer is on the phone, and reports can be accessed from any webconnectedlocation. Since its inceptionin 2010 by two graduates, James Hyde and James Strachan, the company has grown to apermanent

staff of 15 with aturnover of £2.5 million.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 9

Lintbells Ltd

West Barn

Fairclough Hall Farm

Halls Green






Founder: Mr John Davies

Press Contact: John Howie

Tel: +44(0)1462 79***

Email: john.howie**[ta]**bells.com


Lintbells Ltd

wins aQueen’s Award for Innovation for developing anutritional supplement that addresses joint painin dogs, YUMOVE.

YUMOVE was designed to address the joint cycle needs of aging, sport and working dogs. Previous joint support product contained only glucosamine, Lintbells Ltd

adapted the supplement to contain Omega 3 fatty acids and hyaluronic acid. The market that the company identified was amid-price point but with ahigher specification than the veterinary products on the market. The efficacy of the product issupported by clinical studies conductedin collaboration with the Royal Veterinary College. The company started tradingin 2006 and withthe launch of YUMOVE it has grown from five to 38 staff. This is its first Queen’s Award.

Photocentric Ltd

Cambridge House

Oxney Road Peterborough




Managing Director: Mr Paul Holt

Press Contact: Sally Tipping

Tel: +44(0)1733 349937 ext.***

Email: sally.tipping**[ta]**ocentric.co.uk


Photocentric Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for the development of Imagepac, apatented liquid photopolymerin apouch that makes printingplatemaking faster and easier. Flexography is one of the major forms of industrial printing and is based on the use of stamps made by exposingan image, over alight-reactive gel, to UV light which then solidifies. The traditional process required the manufacturer to create awellin whichthe resin was poured and the image laid above. The pouring of the resin was inaccurate meaning that problems could occur during pouring.

Photocentric Ltd(establishedin 2002) developed the Imagepac, abag containing exactly the right amount of resin which was sealed and wouldremain so until the resin had photoreacted with the negative image. This innovation meant that the process became less messy, costs werereduced and the stamp clarity improved.

Plasticell Limited

Stevenage BioScience Catalyst

Gunnels Wood Road SG1 2FX


CEO: Mr Dennis Saw

Press Contact: Tristan Jervis

Tel: +44(0)20 3735 ***

Email: t.jervis**[ta]**cto.com


Plasticell Limited

wins aQueen’s Award for Innovation for developing asystem, Combicult, that is able to test and select the best methods of differentiating stem cellsin record time. Stem cells are valuable toolsin the next generation of therapeutic approaches but discovering efficientways (called “protocols”) to turn stem cells into target cell types (e.g. heart cells, nerve cells) is extremely difficult, time consuming and resourceintensive. The applicant’s innovation enables the simultaneous testing of up to 100,000 different protocols. To achieve this stem cells are grown onmicrometre-scale beads, that can be subjected to different growing conditions. The beads themselves are tracked so that the researcher knowsexactly what conditions the cells have been through. This innovation allows researchers to test alarge number of new protocolsin parallel anddiscover the most efficient way of differentiating the cells for their needs. Plasticell Limitedhas beenin operation since 2002 and the success of Combicult means that the company has enjoyed rapid growth.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Rodtech UK Ltd

Unit 11 Hingham


http://www.**dtechuk.com orhttp://www.rodtech.co.uk

Employees: 9sales Director: Mr Anthony Russell

Press Contact: Anthony Russell

Tel: +44(0)1953 85***

Email: tony.russell**[ta]**ech.co.uk


Rodtech UK Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for its novel chimney cleaning rods and brushes. This is aproduct innovation which involvedthe reinvention of the chimney sweep brush something that had not changed for 100 years. The company was foundedin 2010 with theunderstanding that chimney sweeping was hard physical work and required arange of brush heads to accommodate different chimney widths. The applicant developed abrush head with significantly fewer but overly long bristles, which were powered and could clean afluebetter, more easily and with less damage to the flue than traditional methods. Rodtech UK Ltdhas put considerable effort into making apowered chimney sweep brush, sourcing the correct rod configuration and joining elements alongside the development of the brush head to arrive at an internationally recognised product which has changed the industry.

Specialised Imaging Limited


Silk Mill Industrial Estate Brook StreetTring HP23 5EF


Managing Director: Mr Wai Chan

Press Contact: Wai Chan

Tel: +44(0)7900 69***

Email: wai**[ta]**ialised-imaging.com


Specialised Imaging Limited

wins an Innovation Award for developing Kirana, an ultra-high-speed camera aimed at research markets. Thecompany started tradingin 2004 and this is its second Queen’s Award for Innovation. Kirana was designed to overcome the biggest shortcoming of its class of high-speed video cameras which is that the speed of these cameras is Limitedby the rate at which images can be transferred fromthe image sensor to memory. At frame rates greater than afew thousand pictures per second, the size of the image must be reduced because of the bottleneckin the data transfer rate. To create asolution to this bottleneck, the applicant developed anovel sensor that captures high resolutionimages at high speed and can store these images so that they could be transferred to memory at amore modest speed. The product offers anumber of benefits for customers and positioned the company as global market leaderin this sector.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 11 Andusia Recovered Fuels Limitedthe Townhouse

114-116 Fore StreetSG14 1AJ


Director: Mr Stephen Burton

Press Contact: Steve Burton

Tel: +44(0)7710 59***

Email: steve**[ta]**sia.co.uk


Andusia Recovered Fuels Limited

started tradingin 2012 to take advantage of an opportunityin the waste market to export Refuse DerivedFuel (RDF) to European energy plants. RDF not exported would predominately be destined for UK landfills. Andusia offers afull and flexiblesupply chain solution for the collection and delivery of RDF from producersin the UK to energy recovery plantsin Europe and Scandinavia,who then generate combined heat and power (CHP) for local communities and industrial plants. By 2014 Andusia had become the third largestexporter of RDFin the UK and for the first 5 months of 2015, Andusia was the largest exporterin the sector with amarket share of 10.***

Almost 100% of all sales are for export and overseas sales have grownin these three years from £2.6m to £16.9m, an overall growth of 545%.

The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales.

Base London Limited

4-6 Buckingham Court

Rectory Lane


IG10 2QZ



Managing Director: Mr John Knighton

Press Contact: Khabi Mirza, Fabric PR

Tel: +44(0)20 3326 ***

Email: khabi.mirza**[ta]**icpr.com


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