国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

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Foundedin 1992, Quanta Consultancy services, atechnical recruitment agency, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo routstanding growthin overseas sales over three years. The company focuses on delivering specific skills to the life science and renewableenergy industries and concentrates on clients with large scale capital expenditure programmes that require white collar professionals. areview of international strategy led to the development of extra capacity to focus on opportunitiesin German speaking markets and to hiring and traininga multi-lingual team basedin the UK to focus on delivering services to the company’s international clients. The company’s main markets arein Europe but business is developingin the Middle East and India.in the past few years they have undertaken workin atotal of 20 countries.

International sales have increased by 36% over three years and accountf or 70% of total sales.

Squirrels UK Ltd

Preservation House

Airport Way LU2 9LF


Managing Director: Mr David Yolland

Press Contact: Nathan Glover

Tel: +44(0)1708 34***

Email: nglover**[ta]**rrelsstock.com


Squirrels UK Limited

is acompany engagedin the export and distribution of discount food and drink products. The business started in1970 from amarket stallin Walthamstow, selling branded food products at discount prices. It successfully grew and evolved into Squirrels Wholesale, and is now one of the leading distributors of food and drink directly into the discount sector. The company now exports awiderange of ambient food products including confectionery, grocery, biscuits and soft drinks with avision to grow its export sales by 50% peryear over the next 5 years. It is also exports new UK brands, and arange of pickles, biscuits, cakes, tinned fruit and vegetables under its own“Thurstons Fine Foods banner”. Squirrels UK win the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas earnings of 334% over the last three years.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Anglia Print Ltd

Unit 5b

Moor Business ParkEllough Road Beccles

NR34 7TQ


Director: Mr John Popely

Press Contact: John Popely

Tel: +44(0)1502 71***

Email: John**[ta]**iaprint.co.uk


Founded as Anglia Printing Servicesin 1978, Anglia Print is asmall printing company which went Limitedin 2008. The company has madepioneering achievementsin their sector and is actively addressing all potential sustainability impacts within its influence. Powered by 100%

renewable energy with investmentin waterless printing presses, using non Soya vegetable oil based inks and azero waste to landfill policy since 2005 has eliminated the use of hazardous substances and waterin production. Certified carbon neutral, it sources materials fromethically and environmentally certified sources: 95% (by volume) of material purchases are Forest Stewardship Council-certified or recycled. Thecompany supports individuals, businesses and charities within its local area. It helps employees achieve agood work life balance and providesopportunities for skills and career progression. It demonstrates leadership through the promotion of sustainable development to customers,suppliers and more widely to improve the industry’s reputation.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Dorothy Francis

14 West Avenue





Press Contact: Mrs Carol Kearl

Tel: +44(0)1162 22***

Email: c.kearl**[ta]**.coop


Dorothy Francis earns the Lifetime Achievement Award for Enterprise Promotion for over 30 years of supporting social businesses to establishand grow, primarily through her service at the Co-operative and Social Enterprise Agency - known as CASE - where she is the Chief Executive.

CASE is abusiness support organisation specialisingin delivering advice, training and business growth services for co-operatives and socialenterprisesin Leicester, Leicestershire and the East Midlands. Dorothy has assisted CASE to establish more than 600 business start-ups, hasdirectly supported over 200 enterprises to start and develop and has worked with hundreds more to realise and grow their potential. anumber of these businesses have now traded between 20 to 30 years and have grown to provide numerous local jobs and win national and localawards.in addition Dorothy is committed to voluntary working and mentors individuals within her own time as well as promoting diversity and agreater presence of womenin enterprise.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

CommAgility Ltd

Charnwood Building

Holywell ParkAshby Road Loughborough

LE11 3AQ



Managing Director: Mr Edward YoungPress Contact: Nick Daines

Tel: +44(0)7958 53***

Email: nick.daines**[ta]**agility.com


CommAgility Ltd

wins aQueen’s Award for Innovation for its development of awideband, high performance and highly flexible dualchannelradio frequency (RF) module. The innovation is known as the AMC-RF2x2 and has been developed for designers of fourthgeneration (4G) wireless applications. The product allows customers to concentrate on building solutions rather than having to developtheir own RF test cards. This labour saving reduces the overall solution cost and increases the customer’s available market. Customers areable to concentrate on the value-add of their software, thus improving their competitiveness, and use their resources to implement newfeatures. Sales of the product have grown rapidly and it now represents approximately 12% of the company’s turnover. The applicant wasestablishedin 2006 and has previously won aQueen’s Award for International Trade (201***

Inni Ltd

1 Derwent Business CentreClarke StreetDerby Derbyshire



Employees: ***

Co-Founder: Mr James Poyser

Press Contact: Samantha Crowe

Tel: +44(0)7855 94***

Email: sam**[ta]**itbe.co.uk


Inni Ltdhas been given an Innovation Award for developing acloud based accounting system, LiveCash. LiveCash unites anumber of external data sources such as bank account feeds, mileage rates and VAT rates to run all the many thousands of transactions abusinessmay be processing against HMRC’s often changing legislationin just two seconds. It is exhaustivein its calculations and producesa complete financial and tax position with 100% accuracy on demand. Inni Ltd

started tradingin 2007 and provides clients with themeans to quickly access their vital financial information and present itin the clearest possible way. This helps customers to stay on top of upcoming bills and provides the means to investigate the details of income and expenditure. This is only possible if all tax liabilities arecomputed, including PAYE, Corporation Tax and VAT. It is the clear transparency of their financial information to small companies at any time, which is akey innovation.

JCB Power Systems Ltd

1000 Park Avenue


DE65 5BX



Immediate Parent: JCB Excavators Limited

United Kingdom

Director, Engine Programmes: Mr Alan Tolley

Press Contact: Nigel Chell

Tel: +44(0)1889 59***

Email: nigel.chell**[ta]**com


JCB Power Systems wins an Innovation Award for the development of its Ecomax engine family. JCB Power Systems (a division of theconstruction vehicle manufacturer JCB) was establishedin 2004 and specialisesin the development and manufacture of engines and powerunits. New regulations reduced the acceptable levels of engine emissions for many construction, industrial and agricultural machines. JCBPower Systems responded to this by developing anovel combustion system using new technology and sophisticated computer control whichis today rewarded with the Queen’s Award for Innovation. The Ecomax family of engines is unique amongst its competitorsin that the new andinnovative combustion process prevents the creation of emissionsin the first place, rather than eliminating them later using after treatmentsuch as acatalyst or afilter. The engines meet the regulatory standards and are ten percent more fuel efficient than their predecessors.

Since 2010 JCB has saved customers more than one billion litres of fuel through the introduction of more efficient machine operating.

One of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Sublime Sciencethe Sublime Science Lab

Fernleigh Business ParkLE19 4AQ


Director: Mr Marc Wileman

Press Contact: Marc Wileman

Tel: +44(0)116 380***

Email: press**[ta]**imescience.com


Sublime Science wins an Innovation Award for developing educational children’s entertainment. Sublime Science was establishedin 2008and is the result of the founder’s evangelical passion to convince children that science is fun by using science to entertain as well as educate.

The main innovation is the Sublime Science Party that replaces traditional entertainers such as clowns and magicians with fun experimentsmaking sweets, making slime or launching rockets with full participation of the children. So far Sublime Science has delivered its parties to over 380,000 childrenin 6 years. The value added is for those children to become enthusiastic about science so that later on they may decide to go into science or engineering as acareer, or at least have apositive attitude towards science and technology and not think of it as boring orirrelevant. The range has expanded to include school events, the on-line Sublime Science club and books.

Winbro Group Technologies Ltd

Stenson Road Whitwick Business ParkCoalville

LE67 4JP



CEO: Mr Mike Arbon

Press Contact: Richard Baxter

Tel: +44(0)1530 51***

Email: rbaxter**[ta]**rogroup.com


Winbro Group Technologies Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for the development of its HSA5 system. Winbro started tradingin 1992 and isnow arecognised global leader; providing turnkey systems, services and manufactured components for the Aerospace and Industrial Gas Turbine Industries. This application relates to its latest product; the HSA5 (5 Axis, High Speed Laser Ablation) system. It’s the world’s first‘Art - Part’ solution integrating; post processing, ablation and inspection technologies into asingle machine for the manufacture of complexshapesin Turbine components. There is acontinuous drive to increase operating temperatures; the hotter the gas, the more fuel efficientthe engine. The life of components within the hot section is dramatically improved through the deployment of cooling holes. The HSA5 system can machine featuresin high temperature alloys with both metallic and ceramic coatings, giving customers greater manufacturingflexibility, increased capability and reduced cost of ownership.in strict confidence 21 April 2016***

Cheaney Shoes Ltd

69 Rushton Road Desborough


NN14 2RR



Joint Managing Director: Mr Jonathan Church

Press Contact: Jonathan and William Church

Tel: +44(0)1536 76***

Email: jdichurch**[ta]**ney.co.uk


Joseph Cheaney & Sons was foundedin 1886in Desborough, Northamptonshire to manufacture high grade footwear using the Goodyearwelted process.in 2009 Jonathan and William Church undertook amanagement buyout establishing Cheaney Shoes Ltd.

puttingin placea strategy including regaining the brand and image of Cheaney. Key has been to differentiate itself by manufacturing all productionin itsNorthamptonshire factory from start to finish. Today its turnover includes wholesale, six new retail shops, and ecommerce. Agents havebeen appointedin Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Canada and the United States, and distributorsin Japan and Scandinavia. New exportshave also been made to: Qatar, Cameroon, Suriname, Saudi Arabia, Estonia, India, and Bahrain.in 2010 exports were £862k, increasing to £2.63min 2015; an increase of 205% accounting for 38% of the total turnover. The company has reclaimed and rebuilt abrand and winsthe Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas sales over the last six years.

Greenray Capital Ltd

Horizon House

Runcorn Road Lincoln





Immediate Parent: Greenray Energy Solutions Ltd

CEO: Mr Iain Lister

Press Contact: Clare Trendell

Tel: +44(0)1522 50***

Email: clare.trendell**[ta]**nray.com


Greenray Capital Limited

is an all round successful business, capitalising on its personnel, skill base, and ability to operatein challengingmarkets. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for its outstanding growthin international sales. Establishedin 2011, thecompany has built the business development strategy with an existing client base by moving into new sectors and it was executed throughstrong leadership and direction using local partners. Workingin challenging territories, that might put off other companies, Greenray Capital Limited

was able to provide repair, maintenance and engineering services solutions for gas and steam turbines and rotating equipment used to generate energy for power, oil and gas and waste-to-energy clients. During the three-year award period, the company was able to workprofitably with steady growthin overall sales and even greater growthin overseas earnings. This was achieved by putting investment intodeveloping relationships, developing people and developing skillsin market, whilst still maintaining control.

H.K Wentworth Ltd

Ashby ParkCoalfield Way Ashby de la Zouch

LE65 1JR



Managing Director: Mr Ron Jakeman

Press Contact: Mrs Julia Vorley

Tel: +44(0)1530 41***

Email: julia.vorley**[ta]**co.uk


HK Wentworth Ltd

is originally afamily owned business dating back to 1941, with the newer trading company startingin 1989. It has grown recently by focusing on new markets such as China, Germany, France, India and South Korea. Overall growth has risen by almost 50% during the three-year period of the Award and the percentage of sales exported is very strong at around 60%. Based on this the company wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade. Three divisions specialisein chemicals for the electronics and electrical industries, high-performance cleaning products for Itequipment and chemicals for the European rail industry. With local competitionin most markets, HK Wentworth Ltd

focused on problem solvingand developing innovative technical products with bespoke formulations for individual customers and applications. Forthcoming legislation and thechallenges that brings meant that product development was used as an opportunity to become market leader with technically superior products.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Dove Valley ParkImmediate Parent: J C Bamford Excavators,Managing Director, JCB Powertrain: Mr Malcolm Sandford

Press Contact: Mr. Nigel Chell

JCB Power Systems wins an International Trade Award for the development of its Ecomax engine family (ranging from 75hp to 174hp).

Derbyshire-based JCB Power Systems (a division of the construction equipment manufacturer JCB) was establishedin 2004 andspecialisesin the development and manufacture of combustion engines for off-highway machines. From 2012 new regulationsin Europeand North America reduced the acceptable levels of engine emissions for many construction, industrial and agricultural machines.

JCB Power Systems responded to this by developing anovel combustion system using new technology and sophisticated computercontrol which is rewarded with the Queen’s Award. The Ecomax family of engines is unique amongst its competitorsin that the new andsuch as acatalyst or afilter. The engines meet the regulatory standards and are 10% more fuel efficient than their predecessors. One of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.


Private Road 7

Colwick Industrial Estate Nottinghamshire




Managing Director and Owner: Mr Paul Venners

Press Contact: James Hawley

Tel: +44(0)7717 43***

Email: james.hawley**[ta]**.co.uk



was establishedin 1953, with amanagement buyoutin 2010. The company designs and manufactures Laboratory, Forensic andPathology equipment. astrong combination of niche technical expertise, innovative design and engineering has enabled the company to successfully export internationally, further to their well-established foundationsin the UK. The company targets markets through anetwork of specialist distributors, supported by an export focused Business Development Manager and apresence at international trade shows andexhibitions. Currently they export Worldwide, with their strongest marketsin 2015/16 being Russia, Canada, Australia, Ghana, Germany,Netherlands and Hong Kong. Overseas sales have grown by 60% over the last three years with the percentage of sales exported increasingover the period to 26% of total sales. LEEC Ltd

continues to increase its product portfolio while actively expanding into new markets. It wins theQueen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin overseas sales over the last three years.

Red Arch Manufacturing Ltd

March House

Long March

Daventry NN11 4NR


Director: Mr Mike Theaker

Press Contact: Mike Theaker

Tel: +44(0)7721 67***

Email: m.theaker**[ta]**rcheng.co.uk


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