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Liquid Gas Equipment Ltd(t/a Babcock LGE Process) wins an Innovation Award for their product the Vent Gas Cooler. Babcock LGEprocess was foundedin 1967 and operatesin aspecialist worldwide gas transportation and storage market. The Vent Gas Cooleris used on gas ships transporting liquefied gas, however some of the gases, particularly those derived from shale gas, are difficult to condense to liquid that could lead to storage consequences for safety and efficiency. The Vent Gas Cooler is an adaptation of standardcompression based refrigeration technology that can handle such issues with improved efficiency and cost effectiveness. One of only West of Scotland Science ParkVenture Building Glasgow



CEO and

Founder: Dr Graeme Malcolm OBE

Press Contact: George McIntosh

Tel: +44(0)20 7199 ***

Email: george.mcintosh**[ta]**esevenhills.com


M Squared Lasers Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for development of an automated laser toolkitf or the exploration of new phenomenain quantum and material sciences.in order for quantum scientists to generate accurate results avery pure laser light is required to probematerials and atoms. To address this issue the applicant (foundedin 2006) has designed alaser that has avery pure optical profile overa range of frequencies. The innovation is delivering significant benefits for the scientific research community and enabling strategic UK

scientific and economic developmentsin quantum technologies. This is the applicant’s first Queen’s Award.

Peak Scientific Instruments Ltd

Fountain Crescent

Inchinnan Business ParkRenfrewshire




Immediate Parent: Peak Scientific Holdings Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Robin MacGeachy

Press Contact: Mark Flanagan

Tel: +44(0)7741 26***

Email: mflanagan**[ta]**scientific.com


Peak Scientific Instruments Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for the Peak Protected Complete Service Plan which guarantees an on-siteengineer call-out anywherein the world for their clientsin hospitals, laboratories, oil rigs and at major international sporting events. Theapplicant started tradingin 1997 and manufactures gas generators that are amore convenient alternative to bottled gas supplies. Theintroduction of a72-hour commitment to provide aservice engineer on-site worldwide is designed to overcome potential customers’hesitation to buy the product and encourage them to place their trustin the company.in order to implement this service the applicanthad to overcome issues with availability of parts, language, transport and visas. The service has been successful for the company aspotential customers are more likely to purchase the gas generators and this has led to rising sales and anew revenue stream.

This is the company’s sixth Queen’s Award and they are one of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Procure Wizard Ltd

Bilston Glen Business Centre6 Dryden Road Loanhead

EH20 9LZ



Non-Executive Chairman: Mr Alasdair Cameron

Press Contact: Lynn Jones

Tel: +44(0)844 801***

Email: lynn**[ta]**urewizard.com


Procure Wizard Ltd

receives an Innovation Award for its procurement solution, which enables the hospitality industry to control and manageall elements of the procurement cycle from purchase to pay using both their local and national suppliers. This online platform incorporatesmany features, including: e-ordering, e-invoicing, menu costing, food flash and stock management tools all to help to control purchasing

costs and streamline processes. The company was startedin 2009 out of the founder’s own experience of the challenge of keeping track of orders and operational budgets.in the hospitality industry telephone ordering and manual cross-checking of invoices is the standardprocedure, this is costly and time consuming. The applicant’s platform cuts these time costs and introduces other cost saving featuressuch as price comparisons and reporti***

Vascutek Limited

Newmains Avenue




President & CEO: Mr Paul Holbrook

Press Contact: Natalie Buxton, Weber Shandwick

Tel: +44(0)141 333***

Email: nbuxton**[ta]**rshandwick.com


Vascutek Ltdhas won the Queen’s Award for Innovation for developing adevice used to treat thoracic arch disease. One treatmentoption for adiseased thoracic aortic arch is acomplicated procedure requiring two surgical operations several months apart. This iscalled the elephant trunk procedure and, although this was an improvement on previous surgical techniques, it was still problematic.

Vascutek Ltdhas invented adevice, Thoraflex Hybrid, that enables the patient to be treated with one operation eliminating the needFor asecond traumatic procedure. It does this by resolving several distinct issues associated with this type of surgery including aninnovative method to restore blood flow to the brain more rapidly and to reduce operating time. The key innovation is taking twosurgical procedures and making them into one with aunique device which improves patient survival.

Vegware Ltd

Canalside House

43-45 Polwarth Crescent

EH11 1HS


Employees: ***

Managing Director and

Founder: Mr Joe Frankel

Press Contact: Lucy Frankel

Tel: +44(0)330 223***

Email: comms**[ta]**are.co.uk,lucy.frankel**[ta]**are.co.uk


Vegware Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for abusiness model built around the manufacture of compostable packaging. The applicant,who founded the companyin 2006, bases its business on the manufacture of biodegradable cutlery and plates designed to be recycledtogether with food waste. The business model built around manufacturing, adds value to the industry as it moves towards zero waste.

The company has created the Food Waste Network that maps all UK food waste recycling services, offering afree service matchmakingany UK business with its ideal food waste recycling. The third pillar of the offering is Zero Waste Support, which combines in-housewaste management expertise with communications and design services. Vegware Ltd

researches, initiates, supports and promotesrecycling initiatives to help boost recycling rates of all waste streams.in practice this means free bespoke bin signage, waste audits,step-by-step waste action plans, staff training, industry roundtables, and educational outreach.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Alba Bioscience Limited(Trading as Quotient)

Douglas House Pentlands Science ParkBush Loan


Mid Lothian

EH26 0PL



Immediate Parent: Quotient Limited

Jersey Chairman and Chief Executive Office: Mr Paul Cowan

Press Contact: Mr Paul Cowan

Tel: +41(0)79 128***

Email: Paul.Cowan**[ta]**ientbd.com


Establishedin 2007, Alba Bioscience Limited

awholly-owned subsidiary of Quotient Limited

is acommercial stage diagnostics company committed to reducing healthcare costs and improving patient care through the provision of innovative tests for blood grouping and serologicaldisease screening, commonly referred to as transfusion diagnostics. It has focused on key areas of growth and investment including newproduct launches worldwide and expansion of market share, coupled with the continued investmentin its staff and facilities. Over the past fiveyears, Alba’s strategy has been to address key international OEM Customers with high value-added products, and develop its commercial presencein the highly profitable U.S. market. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for its continuous growth over thelast six years with overseas sales growing by 290% and the percentage exported also growing from 57% to 94% of revenues. It has built itsmarket consistently over the last 6 years, whilst making major investmentsin R&D, market development, and manufacturing capability.

Entier Limitedthe Olive House Endeavour Drive

Arnhall Industrial Estate Aberdeen


AB32 6UF


Employees: ***

CEO: Mr Peter Bruce

Press Contact: Colin Henry

Tel: +44(0)1224 35***

Email: colin.henry**[ta]**er-services.com


Entier Ltd.

commenced tradingin 2008 as an independent catering and hotel service provider to the on- and offshore oil and gas industry. Itoperates 35 offshore unitsin 23 countries with registered companiesin Singapore, Houston, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Australia. Thebusiness has manned officesin the UK, Houston and Perth. Sales are mostly to the Americas, Asia-Pacific and West Africa with agrowingpresencein western Australia. The company strap line “the local, global food company” differentiates itself from its competitors. This meanssourcing both produce and staff locally to work with their fully trained Filipino staff. Employee numbersin the UK grew from 136 to 391 inthree years alongside an increasein export to total sales from 16% to 35%. Entier Ltd

wins the Queen’s award for International Trade for itsoutstanding growthin overseas sales of 167% over the last three years.

FAO27 Ltd

Caledonian House

High StreetDingwall


IV15 9RY


Managing Director: Mrs Anne Moseley

Press Contact: Jenny Macpherson

Tel: +44(0)7900 91***

Email: jenny.macpherson**[ta]**formpr.co.uk


Foundedin 2009 as Intersea Food Scotland, the company was rebrandedin 2013 as FAO27 Ltd

after the grid reference for the North Seafishing sector. The company operates from the Highlands of Scotland and has sales representationin France. It acts as the export departmentFor anumber of Scottish seafood family businesses and fishermen that would find it difficult to export directly themselves. Scottish whitefish,salmon and shellfish are sold to retailers, wholesalers, fishmongers, restaurants and independent stores across Europe, with their main marketsbeing France, Italy and Luxembourg. The nature of the business requires the company to consider not only its own core strategy, but also theneeds of its supply partners as fishing, demand and other factors change. During the last three years the company was exclusively exportfocused, doubled its number of employees, and grew sales by almost 170%.forthisoutstanding achievement FAO27 Ltd

wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Flowline Specialists Limited

Barra House

Colpy Way Colpy Road Industrial Estate Oldmeldrum

AB51 0BZ


Chief Executive Officer: Mr Jim Smith

Press Contact: Ian McLaren

Tel: +44(0)1224 45***

Email: ian**[ta]**lieinnes.com


Flowline Specialists Ltd.

establishedin 2001, designs, engineers and manufactures arange of equipment to handle flexible pipes, umbilicalsand cables on and offshore for the global oil and gas, subsea and renewables industries. Originally formed to serve the North Sea industry,it has since created operational basesin Norway, Singapore and Dubai, and also has apresencein the Netherlands. The company hasworkedin 14 countriesin Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, the Far East and Africa. Europe, the largest market, accounting for around half of all exportsin the year to end 31st March 2015. The company has continually investedin major new assets, which has allowed it to undertake significantly larger projects, aiding its growth.in the past six years, overseas sales have grown by 2,600% to represent 55% of total sales, and UK staff numbers have grown from just eight to 55. Flowline Specialists Ltd

wins the Queen’s Award for International Tradein recognition of this outstanding continuous growthin overseas sales.

HCS Control Systems Ltd

Unit V2

Viewfield Industrial Estate Glenrothes





CEO: Mr Brett Lestrange

Press Contact: Brett Lestrange

Tel: +44(0)7927 48***

Email: brettlestrange**[ta]**sl.com


HCS Control Systems Ltdhas grown the businessin arelatively short space of time by proactively targeting its customers, making themaware of its products and services, modifying them accordingly, and creating alliances where necessary. With overseas earnings doublingand representing more than 60% of overall income, the company wins the Queen’s Award for International Tradeforthisoutstanding performance. Formedin 1998 it supplies high quality electrical and hydraulic equipment to the oil and gas sectors, primarilyin the UK andWest Africa and has now expanded into 25 countries including the United States, Middle East and Asia. Its products and services nowinclude umbilical reelers, hydraulic power units, subsea equipment, spares, manpower, specialist welders and rental equipment. With only aLimitedmarket of 40 companies,

HCS Controls Systems Ltdhas focused on growing its contact list and developing key relationships,prioritising the United States and Norway.

HRH Limited t/a HRH Geology 19 Silverburn Place

Bridge of Don

AB23 8EG



Executive Chairman: Mr David Harrison

Press Contact: Emma Scott

Tel: +44(0)1224 34***

Email: emma.scott**[ta]**eology.com


HRH Limited t/a HRH Geology is workingin one of the hardest hit sectorsin the last couple of years. Formedin 1989, over 60% of thebusiness is well operation, with the provision of geologists and advanced spectrometry. The remainder provides in-house developed software,support, maintenance, training and consultancy. The company wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growth inoverseas salesin atough market. They have focused on production drilling rather than exploration drilling, which is less affected by thedownturnin oil prices and their strategy uses amatrix approach to selling across different geographic regions and product lines so adownturnin one region or one product line does not impact the business as awhole.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Interplex PMP Ltd

Elliot Industrial Estate Arbroath


DD11 2NN



Immediate Parent: INTERPLEX HOLDINGS INC, Singapore

Managing Director: Mr Stephen Barlow

Press Contact: Stephen Barlow

Tel: +44(0)779 964***

Email: stephen.barlow**[ta]**nterplex.com


Interplex PMP Ltd

started tradingin 1968 and is aUK manufacturing success with this Scottish employer bringing investment and local jobs. The company is acontract manufacturer of Mechatronics and other precision stamped, plated and injection moulded components.it supplies the Automotive, Industrial and Telecommunications sectors. It has turned around atrading loss into profit and doubled its salesinto £20M. With 360% growthin overseas sales this company wins the Queens Award for International Trade. Its success founds on strong

local management with export success and new customersin the EU, particularly Eastern Europe. Their customers export many parts thatit suppliesin the UK as part of alarger product. The company refocused the business from offering outsourced processes to Providingcomplete products using its three core manufacturing capabilities of press metal, plating and insert moulding. It competes successfully withlower-cost economies on the back of UK quality products on the back of UK quality products and engineering and design flexibility.

John Ross Jr (Aberdeen) Ltd

78-84 Sinclair Road AB11 9PP



Founding Chairman: Mr Andrew Leigh

Press Contact: Mr Andrew Leigh

Tel: +44(0)1224 87***

Email: andrew**[ta]**rossjr.com


John Ross Jr (Aberdeen) Ltd

was establishedin 1987 and supplies 36 countries with smoked salmon and other smoked fish, smoked meatand fresh fish and meat products, focused particularly on the hotels, restaurants and catering market. The company’s export strategy is basedon exhibiting at major international trade fairs, developing anetwork of distributors and targeting major supermarket chains. Main exportmarkets are currently Greece, Germany, Dubai, Belgium and Italy. Overseas sales have grown by more than 200% over the last six yearscombined with an increasein employees, overall sales and profitability. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuous growthin overseas sales over the last six yea***

Kettle Collective Ltd

90a George StreetEH2 3DF


Design Principal / Director

Founder: Mr Tony Kettle

Press Contact: Colin Bone

Tel: +44(0)7584 031***

Email: c.bone**[ta]**le.co


Kettle Collective Ltd

is an architectural design studio foundedin 2012. The company exports 96% of its sales with 80% of current projects inRussian and the Middle East (particularly Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain).in the past three years the company haswon anumber of awards for its designs overseas. The company’s strategic approach to these diverse markets is to combine the directors’international experience, with 10 different nationalitiesin its employees and the selection of strategic partnersin target markets. Overseas saleshave grown by more than 450% over the last three years with an increasein UK employees, and overall sales. It wins the Queen’s Award fo rIn strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Liquid Gas Equipment Limited,trading as Babcock LGE processEH144AP


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