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Applied Acoustic Engineering Ltd

manufacture acoustic products that are used to position equipment under the sea, or to survey the uppermost sediment and rock layers of the sea bed. The company is an experienced exporter, operating strategies whichmainly focus on developing anetwork of local technically competent agents. The agent network has been expanded since 2011 to include Germany, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil and Australia.in addition, awareness raising activities such as exhibition and productdemonstrations are used to raise and maintain the company profile. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo routstanding growthin its export earnings of 145%in the last three years.

Cambridge English Language Assessment

1 Hills Road CB1 2EU



Immediate Parent: Cambridge Assessment

Chief Executive: Mr Saul Nassé

Contactf or press enquiries: Stephen McKenna

Tel: 01223 55***

Email: McKenna.S**[ta]**ridgeenglish.org


Establishedin 1913, Cambridge English Language Assessment is adepartment of Cambridge University. The organisationprovides training, testing and certificationin English language by offering Cambridge English qualifications and assessmentmaterials to schools, universities, businesses and governments around the world. It also provides teacher development andeducational consultancy services. The organisation has registered aname change from University of Cambridge local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) under which they won aprevious Queen’s Award for International Tradein 1992. It wins theQueen’s Award for International Trade for growthin overseas earnings of 109% over the last six years. The organisation operatesgloballyin more than 130 countries and collaborates with governments, language schools, professional networks and arange of other organisations.

Cambridge Pixel Ltd

New Cambridge House

Bassingbourn Road Litlington

Royston SG8 0SS


Managing Director: Dr David Johnson

Contactf or press enquiries: Martin Brooke

Tel: 01223 88***

Email: martin**[ta]**ridgepixel.com


Cambridge Pixel Ltd

was formedin 2007 and designs software and hardware technology for radar acquisition, processing anddisplay systems. It operatesin aniche market and has steadily grown its export business by building on successin the UKmarket.

The core business functions of product development, customer support and quality management are provided by fulltimeemployees with overseas representation through anetwork of agents. The company made inroads to the markets by becoming the supplier of choice for radar display systems on new and refurbished Royal Navy ships, aposition that openeddoors for the development of businessin India, South Korea, and North America. It wins the Queen’s Award for internationalCambrionix Ltd

St Johns Innovation Parkhttp://www.**mbrionix.com

Director: Mrs Victoria Tyson

Contactf or press enquiries: Victoria Tyson

Tel: 0122 342 ***

Email: victoria.tyson**[ta]**rionix.com


Cambrionix Ltd

manufacture products that intelligently bulk charge and synchronise electronic devices that use the ***

interface. The company was establishedin 2009. It was first to market with asystem to provide fast charging, physical security and daily security updates to agroup of devices and sells to OEMs (system integrators). The products work with all AppleiDevices (iPads, iPhones and iPods), any Android tablet or smartphone using the USB interface. The company’s overseas saleshave increased year on year and it has recognised that emerging and developing markets are becoming technologically moreadvanced and new business development is targeted at those areas. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo routstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

Credit360 Ltd

Compass House

Chivers Way Histon

CB24 9BZ


Immediate Parent: Credit360 Global Ltd

CEO Product: Mr Richard Kirby

Contactf or press enquiries: Chris Measures

Tel: 01359 25***

Email: chris**[ta]**uresconsulting.com


Credit360 Ltd

produces software to help global companies manage their sustainability, supply chain, and environment, healthand safety information. The company was establishedin 2002 and has achieved substantial growthin overseas business overthe last three years, while also growing its presencein the domestic market. Credit360 has been able to achieve this by partnering with customers, understanding their requirements and offering flexible solutions according to their individual needs.it also shows acommitment to future growth with significant increasein the number of employees and investmentin productdevelopment. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

European SprayDry Technologies LLP

Regal House

South Road Harlow

CM20 2BL


Director of Finance: Mr Christopher Free

Contactf or press enquiries: Gareth Hine

Tel: 07740 17***

Email: garethh**[ta]**y-dryer.com


Foundedin 2007 and locatedin Harlow Essex, European SprayDry Technologies LLP design, manufacture and provide ongoingsupport of industrial-scale spray-drying equipment. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growth inits export earnings of 2375%in the last three years. The company is clearin its route to strategic growth and note that over70% of orders are via referrals or word of mouth. Its marketing strategy is therefore not reliant on extensive generic marketingcampaigns and whilst the company has advertisedin trade magazines and attended trade exhibitions, it has not needed to fo rover five years. The remaining 30% of business is generated through its website, which is continually updated and givespotential clients aclear understanding of the business. European SprayDry actively uses UKTI for support and has previously attended trade missions and comments that they have found the UKTI invaluablein terms of specific market information.

HiBreeds International Ltd

The Grange

62 Spixworth Road NR6 7NF


Immediate Parent: Norfolk Nest Egg Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Nicholas Chandler

Contactf or press enquiries: Nicholas Chandler

Tel: 01603 482444/48***

Email: nick**[ta]**hing-eggs.com


Foundedin 1998, HiBreeds International Ltd

is ahatching egg exporter for the UK poultry industry, acting as intermediary fo rUK farmers and international clients. The company is owned by Norfolk Nest Egg Ltdand is also a2011 Queen’s Award winnerFor International Trade. HiBreeds International has exported 100% of its product since its establishment and currently hasannual exports of 70 million hatching eggs per year, through close and valued partnerships with Saudi Arabian Airlines andmajor UK poultry breeders. The business model has great potential for further global expansion and particularlyin thedeveloping world. The Middle East is amajor export market and is cultivated through direct meetings, trade shows andreputation. The company is amember of the British Chamber of Commerce and the Arab British Chamber of Commerce. Itwins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 478%in the last three years.

Magnus Marine Ltd

Hethel Engineering CentreChapman Way NR14 8FB


Director: Mr Matthew Scales

Contactf or press enquiries: Stephen Scales

Tel: 07714 67***

Email: sjs**[ta]**usmarine.com


Establishedin 2003, Magnus Marine Ltdhas manufactured their marine shore power converters and energy storage systemsin-house since 2008. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last threeyears. The company’s overseas sales, numbers employed, and profitability have all doubled during the last three years, withexport sales also increasing as apercentage of total sales. With astrategy focused around customer relationships and highquality product, the company brought all manufacturing back in-housein 2008, thus enhancing quality control and enablingbetter control over product development, the latter being key to entering the USA market.

Medisafe UK Ltd

Unit 3, Twyford Road Bishop’s Stortford

CM23 3LJ


CEO: Mr Lawrence Dawson

Contactf or press enquiries: Chris Anderson

Tel: 01279 71***

Email: canderson**[ta]**safeinternational.com


Medisafe UK Ltd

designs and manufactures specialized products for decontaminating complex surgical instruments. There areboth capital equipment products and consumable/disposable products amongst the range. The business was foundedin 1990and is UK owned with US and German subsidiaries supplying the market through anetwork of over 60 international distributors.

Offering unique products that address new hi-tech surgical techniques through carefully chosen distribution channels has beenthe key to success. Medisafe drives its suppliers to meet the demands of hospitals around the world and employs staff with key language and communication skills to achieve this by delivering continuous education and training via informative presentations.

Building aglobal reputation by working with key opinion leadersin foreign markets, Medisafe is able to show strong andconsistent sales growth internationallyin business and arobust strategy. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade fo rgrowthin overseas earnings of 204% over the last six years.

Porvair Filtration Group Ltd

7 Regis Place

North Lynn Industrial Estate King’s Lynn

PE30 2JN



Immediate Parent: Porvair plc

Chairman: Mr Ben Stocks

Contactf or press enquiries: Julia Triffitt

Tel: 01553 76***

Email: jtriffitt**[ta]**air.com


Porvair Filtration Group Ltd

is afiltration and environmental technology specialist. It is owned by Porvair plc. The company hasa clear all-encompassing vision and various trading strategies targeted, and used, to achieve product and export growth acrossall of its markets. It identifies specific target growth areas, such as Bioscience, Aerospace, Energy and Industrial, and haspresented aclear formula for routes to marketf or each, investingin new products and diversity to both develop existing marketsand clients, and to satisfy new client demands. It is clear that the increasein turnover and exports is due to asuccessfulimplementation of strategy and currently top export markets are the USA, Korea and Germany. It wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

Premier Exports London Ltd

Unit 29A

Greenhill Crescent

Watford Business ParkWD18 8YB


Director: Mr Bala Venkata Raju Bhogadi

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Abhishek Biyani

Tel: 01923 25***

Email: Abhishek**[ta]**ierexports.co.uk


Premier Exports London Ltd.

began tradingin 2010 and specialisesin the export of fast moving consumer goods, including itsown brand of ‘Divine and Rifle’. The company researches it markets, carefully selecting those with long term potential, usinglocal agents and distributorsin the first instance to develop brand presence and market knowledge. Trade shows and missionsare important to the growth of the overseas markets and key markets are the Middle East and Africa. However, Premier alsoexport to around 24 countries that include China and the USA. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstandingPumptronics Ltd

Folgate Road North Walsham

NR28 0AJ


Immediate Parent: Premier Pump and Tank Company Ltd

Director: Mr Andrew Olive

Contactf or press enquiries: Andrew Olive

Tel: 01692 50***

Email: andrew**[ta]**tronics.co.uk


Foundedin 1997 and locatedin North Walsham, Norfolk, Pumptronics Ltdsupply fuel dispensing equipmentf or use on retailservice stations and commercial fuel bunkering depots. The company is owned by Premier Pump and Tank Company Ltd.

Although trading for some 18 years, the company has only recently entered the export market, which, it acknowledges, neededa completely different strategy from its domestic activities. Domestic sales are created by distributors, but overseas sales areachieved by agents, many of whom look for exclusivity, an approach that the company resists. It is clear that there has beengreat effort put into learning about the idiosyncrasies of exporting, and the company has applied amethodological approach. Itwins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growthin its export earnings of 272%in the last three yea***

Quixant Plc

Aisle Barn

100 High StreetBalsham

CB21 4EP


Chief Executive: Mr Nick Jarmany

Contactf or press enquiries: Jon Jayal

Tel: 01223 89***

Email: jon.jayal**[ta]**ant.com


Quixant Plc began tradingin 2005 and designs and manufactures advanced computer platforms, designed to drive gaming

machines. The company demonstrates an excellent knowledge of its markets and its strategy is focused on building powerful

relationships with customers and industry partners, facilitated through opening subsidiariesin specified territories, e.g. USA.

Overall, 100% of manufacturing is donein Taiwan (due to the fact that Taiwan is at the forefront of high-tech manufacturing

expertise) whilst the design, R&D and IPR is 100% ownedin the UK. The company’s primary markets currently are Australasia,North America and Europe. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the lastRega Research Ltd

6 Coopers Way Temple Farm Industrial Estate Southend-on-Sea




Owner/Shareholder: Mr Roy Gandy

Contactf or press enquiries: Roy Gandy

Tel: 01621 74***

Email: phil**[ta]**.co.uk


Rega Research Ltd

began tradingin 1973 and design and manufacture domestic high fidelity sound systems. Rega is anexperienced exporter and remains an independent company. The company invest heavilyin R&D to which it attributes,in part,to its success. As the Rega brand has grown within the industry, the company has taken aselective approach to its distributors to reflect the high value and quality of its products, with hosted visits to the UK being encouraged. Europe accounts for thelargest share of overseas salesin 2014 at 41%, with North America next at 19%. The company demonstrates an intimate

knowledge of its markets and its utilisation of this for strategic sales development, with new markets now including Chile, Peruand Ireland. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

Seafast Logistics Ltd

2-4 York Road Felixstowe

IP11 7SS


Immediate Parent: Seafast Holdings Ltd

Managing Director & Shareholder: Mr David J Halliday

Contactf or press enquiries: David J Halliday

Tel: 01394 69***

Email: DHalliday**[ta]**ast.com


Foundedin 2008 and locatedin Felixstowe, Suffolk, Seafast Logistics Ltd

provide Worldwide Shipping and Air-Freight solutions,individually designed to meet customer requirements and basedin challenging locations. The company has based its strategyon its Unique Selling Point that it handles and provides ashipping service to intentionally problematic areas of the world.

Originally based upon UK military requirements, the company has used their expertise to develop various ‘difficult’ areasthroughout the globe and to satisfy the requirements of several big-name producers. Seafast Logistics note that, due to thenature of its destinations, advertising has been and is intended to remain low key. New business is gained predominantly fromsatisfied clients and word-of-mouth recommendations. It wins the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstandingSepura Plc

Radio House

St Andrews Road CB4 1GR



Chief Executive Officer: Mr Gordon Watling

Contactf or press enquiries: Rosanna Norman

Tel: 01223 87***

Email: rosanna.norman**[ta]**ra.com


Sepura Plc has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding growth of overseas sales over the last three years.

Establishedin 2002, Sepura is aglobal leaderin the design, manufacture and supply of digital radios, systems and applicationsdeveloped specifically for business and mission critical communications. With aglobal customer base of over 1 million users in114 countries - and expanding rapidly - Sepura is served by anetwork of regional partners and has achieved market leadershipin over 30 countries. The company’s progress is fuelled by abusiness plan which has included three strategic acquisitionsin thelast two years: 3T, the Austrian supplier of TETRA infrastructurein late 2012; Portalify, the Helsinki-based applications

developer,in 2013; and Fylde Micro Ltd.

the UK-based radio trunking solutions company,in early 2014, specifically adding afurther dimension to Sepura’s DMR portfolio.

Anglian Water Services Ltd

Lancaster House

Lancaster Way Ermine Business ParkHuntingdon

PE29 6YJ


Employees: ***

Immediate Parent: Anglian Water Services

Overseas Holdings Ltd

Chief Executive Officer: Mr Peter Simpson

Contactf or press enquiries: Ciaran Nelson

Tel: 07802 80***

Email: cNelson2**[ta]**ianwater.co.uk


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