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Establishedin 2002, Rinicom develops and manufactures COFDM wireless IP mesh communication systems aimed at firstresponders and professional security services. Basedin Lancaster, the business provides robust and reliable integratedcommunication systems using the latest technologies that provide flexible platforms for robust video, voice and datatransmissionin hostile environments. Over the last three years, Rinicom has delivered consistent financial performance, growingoverseas sales by over 31% per year, by expanding rapidly throughout Europe, Asia and South America. This outstanding growthhas been fuelled by its dedication to innovation and adaptation, combined with afocused sales and marketing strategy, strongcustomer support and commitment to developing leading-edge technologies. Collaborative research with leading UK universitieshelps keep Rinicom at the forefront of robust communications systems design.

Stirling Lloyd Polychem Limited

Union Bank

King StreetWA16 6EF


Immediate Parent: Stirling Lloyd PLC

Managing Director: Mr David Lloyd

Contactf or press enquiries: Andrew Crosbie

Tel: 07947 99***

Email: andrewcrsb**[ta]**l.com


Stirling Lloyd Polychem Limited

was formedin 1970 and specialisesin high performance waterproofing and surfacing materialsFor the civil engineering, construction and highway maintenance markets. afirst time Queen’s Award winner, this experiencedexporter’s growth continues to be dominated by export sales that have grown by 98% over the last three years and now accountFor over 60% of its total sales. Stirling Lloyd work with local partners and quality-driven authorised contractors, togetherproviding outstanding on-site and after-sales service. Stirling Lloyd has officesin the Middle East and USA and supplies highquality UK manufactured materials to over 50 countriesin all parts of the globe.


Ashburton Road West

M17 1RU



Immediate Parent: Modular Stock Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Anthony Moore

Contactf or press enquiries: Julian Greenhalgh

Tel: 0161 872***

Email: julian.greenhalgh**[ta]**at.com


The TENMAT business took its namein 1986 when it emerged from alarger group. Manchester-based, it designs andmanufactures advanced composite materials for critical engineering applications and passive fire protection. The company operatesin aniche market and has invested resources to identify and overcome significant barriers to entry particularlyin areasthat require rigorous customer approvals and long-term testing programs. The company is acurrent holder of aQueen’s AwardFor Innovation and its continuing technical excellence provides afirm platform for exporting success. TENMAT has researched itsmarkets and clients and has an established web-based marketing strategy and awell-developed overseas network. The company has adiverse spread of overseas markets and currently exports to 55 different countries, with the USA being of particularsignificance. Exports represent 75% of turnover, achieving 50% growth over three years.

Totalpost Services Plc

1 Skelgillside





Chairman and

Managing Director: Mr David Hymers MBE

Contactf or press enquiries: Kate Simpson

Tel: 07785 46***

Email: kate**[ta]**lpost.com


Establishedin 2002, Totalpost Services Plc manufactures mailroom equipment and consumables (manufactures ink cartridges)and imports and redistributes x-ray threat detection equipment. This first time Queen’s Award winner has grown its exports by 82% over the last three years. Totalpost Services makes sales to 38 countries. The majority of its sales are throughout Europewith astrong presence alsoin the US.in four years, athird of the European market share has been obtained and it now hasplans to open an officein Paris. Totalpost invests heavilyin R&D and has an R&D hub at its manufacturing base as it constantly strives to develop new cartridge models as akey element of the company strate***

Triveritas Limited

Bank Barn

How Mill




Managing Director: Mr Julian Braidwood

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Julian Braidwood

Tel: 0845 123***

Email: julian.braidwood**[ta]**eritas.com


Establishedin 2000, Triveritas Limitedprovides consultancy and clinical trials to develop new veterinary vaccines and medicines to improve animal welfare. The company is afirst time Queen’s Award winner with overseas sales having risen 219%in the lastthree years. Lead times to obtain new business are longforthisniche specialised business but, once won, the re-order rate is95%. Operating with colleaguesin Germany, France, USA and Poland, the company currently exports to 23 countries, of whichthe USA has 46% of its overseas sales. As aresult of arobust approach to market development, new territories enteredin thelast three years include India, Netherlands, Hungary, Switzerland, Australia, Japan and Bulgaria.

Ms Claire Dove MBE, DL

Blackburne House GroupBlackburne Place

L8 7PE

Contactf or press enquiries: Lisa Mairah

Tel: 0151 709***

Email: lisamairah**[ta]**kburnehouse.co.uk


Claire Dove earns the Lifetime Achievement Award for Enterprise Promotion following along historyin running and promotingsocial enterprise both locallyin Liverpool, regionally and nationally as chair of SEUK. Claire was awarded an MBEin 1993 fo rher workin setting up the Women’s Technology and Training Centre, an education facilityin Liverpool to help single mothers andthose from the black community to develop their potential. Since then she has developed the training centre into the socialenterprise Blackburne House, which she has grown into one of the most successful women’s support organisations and socialenterprisesin the UK. From its inception with 30 training places it now provides 1000+ places annually and employs 70 staffplus anumber of volunteers. Blackburne House is rated ‘excellent’ by OFSTED and also achieved Beacon status.

FOR enterprise PROMOTION

Lady Cunningham

Enterprise Development Coach

Ways into Successful Enterprise

Allerdale Borough Council

Allerdale House

New Bridge Road Workington

CA14 3YJ

Contactf or press enquiries: Harry Dyke, CEO,Tel: 01900 70***

Email: harry.dyke**[ta]**rdale.gov.uk


Lady Cunningham is employed as an Enterprise Development Coach on aproject called Ways Into Successful Enterprise (WISE)

that worksin West Cumbria. The area suffers extensively from rural and social deprivation, with high levels of worklessness andchild poverty. She has been involvedin activities that support and mentor disadvantaged individuals and groups to set up orcontinuein business, to enter employment and/or to become self-employed and she has worked with, and mentored on aoneto-onebasis, over 300 other potential start-ups. She has promoted enterprise by conceiving and co-ordinating high profile eventscelebrating the successful new business start-ups across West Cumbria. Anne also works with Young Enterprise and organises

events with colleges and schools.

Alfred Cheyne Engineering Limited

Towie Barclay worksTurriff

AB53 8EN



CEO: Mr Alfred George Cheyne

Contactf or press enquiries: Diana Muriel

Tel: 01888 51***

Email: diana.muriel**[ta]**winches.co.uk


Startedin 1996, Alfred Cheyne Engineering is astated global leaderin the design, manufacture and hire of winches, marinedeck machinery and provides associated hire personnel for the offshore oil and gas marine and renewable energy industries.growth has been achieved through investmentin plant and facilities, R&D investment focused on product and partsstandardisation, coupled with the introduction of new products which are designed to increase market share bothin themanufacturing and hire units of the business. awide range of new markets and customers have been exploited and majorcontractsin three new territories have been won over the last three years. Alfred Cheyne Engineering has avision to be thefirst engineering manufacturing facilityin Scotland to be powered by renewable wind energy.

HotDocs Limited

14 South Charlotte StreetEH2 4AX


Managing Director: Mr Russell Shepherd

Contactf or press enquiries: Lois Ferguson

Tel: 07938 54***

Email: Lois.Ferguson**[ta]**ocs.co.uk


Establishedin 1996, Edinburgh-based HotDocs Ltdhas developed document automation software, asoftware toolkitf or creatingwork-flow and intelligent templates. Overseas sales have grown by 166% over the last three years which has seen exports risefrom 47% of overall sales to 65%. HotDocs is now usedin 42 countries throughout the world with the USA, UK, Australia,Canada, Singapore and South Africa being the largest users. HotDocs engagesin direct sales as well as channel distributionthrough agrowing list of value added resellers and system integrators which sell, support and service HotDocs technologi***

HotDocs also distributes its products through 3rd-party OEM relationships. HotDocs wins aQueen’s Award for its solid overseassales performance, underpinned by acomprehensive strategy and acommitment to product development.

Bridge of Don Industrial Estate

Managing Director: Mr David Harrison

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr David Harrison

Tel: 01224 34***

Email: david.harrison**[ta]**eology.com



was formedin 1989 and provides operational geology technology and services, specialisingin software, consultingand advanced gas analysis. Overseas sales have risen steadily and impressively and the company currently exports 62% of itstotal sales. HRH, afirst time Queen’s Award winner, undertakes sound market analysis, marketing, innovation and exploitation of intellectual property to increase business performance. Its markets are widely spread and market penetrationin their fieldis high. Regional offices are used to open up routes to facilitate partnering and develop markets, and the company has anintegrated sales strategy which is linked to Intellectual Property development. These activities are used to open up marketsand sustain them effective***

Keltic Seafare (Scotland) Ltd

Unit 6 Strathpeffer Road Industrial Estate Highland

IV15 9SP


Director: Mr Laurence Watkins

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Laurence Watkins

Tel: 01349 87***

Email: laurence**[ta]**icseafare.com


Establishedin 1992, Keltic Seafare (Scotland) Ltd

supplies premium quality Scottish shellfish (live hand dived scallops, creel

caught langoustine, lobster, and crab). The company operatein aniche market and has supplied some of Europe’s premiumrestaurants. Export sales have increased by 1,633% over the last six years. The company aims to take agreater share of theEuropean premium shellfish market and its growth strategy is built on exceptional product quality, first class personal serviceand fairness and consideration for the local fishing industry. This is avery customer-focused businessin which both company and product reputation are essential. France and Spain were identified as its most promising markets and personal

introductions led to placing its products with prestigious restaurantsin both countries.

KP Technology Ltd

12 Burn StreetWick




CEO and Director: Professor Iain Baikie

Contactf or press enquiries: Professor Iain Baikie

Tel: 01955 60***

Email: iain**[ta]**chnology.ltd.uk


Basedin Caithness, KP Technology Ltd

was establishedin 2000. The company designs and manufactures Atmospheric-Pressure

Photoemission Spectroscopy Systems (APPS) and Scanning Kelvin Probe Systems for Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering. It has worked hard to achieve rising international sales from those countries that continue to innovatein researchand development of commercial products and thus seek to adopt innovative measurement equipment. The company values

customer contact and has travelled over 40,000 miles to attend technical exhibitsin Boston, San Francisco, Berlin, Nashville,Nice, Strasbourg, Tampa, Edinburgh and Londonin 18 months. Sales passed £1m as aresult of asustained marketingcampaign. The company has achieved overseas earnings growth over the last three years of 114%.

ModuSpec Engineering UK Ltd

Denburn House

25 Union Terrace

AB10 1NN


Immediate Parent: ModuSpec Engineering International

BV-Snr Vice President (Europe, Africa, Russia):Ms Margaret Mulcahy

Contactf or press enquiries: Kathrin Blaha

Tel: 00 31 118 56 3***

Email: kathrin.blaha**[ta]**rg


Establishedin 1989, Aberdeen-based ModuSpec Engineering UK Ltd

is amarket leading company providing awide range of innovative services to ensure operational integrity of drilling assets for the oil and gas sector, often workingin hostileenvironments. ModuSpec Engineering has adopted athree-pronged approach encompassing managing relationships, effectivepartnerships and first class service. It has achieved significant salesin the Netherlands, Norway and the US and increasinglyin South Korea. High demand for new build drilling rigs, partly due to oil demand and the age of units currentlyin operation,has seen asharp increase within ModuSpec UK’s region for technical training delivered from the ModuSpec Training Academy.

The company achieved overseas earnings growth of 144% over the last three years.

Petroleum Experts Limited

Petex House

10 Logie Mill



Immediate Parent: Petex Management Company Limited

Director: Mr Abdelhamid Guedroudj

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Abdelhamid Guedroudj

Tel: 0131 474***

Email: directors**[ta]**x.com


Establishedin 1990, Petroleum Experts Limited

is basedin Edinburgh and designs petroleum-engineering software programsused to model and manage oil and gas fields. The company has established areputation for innovation and expertise. Investingheavilyin research and development, Petroleum Experts is proactivein setting the technical direction with an open standard thatallows the client to choose the best technology for each component of its field management system, creating alarger overallmarket and more opportunity. North America and Europe remain the company’s largest markets but significant progress hasbeen madein penetrating all the major oil-producing regions opening up five new markets including Iraq, Nigeria and Columbiain the last year. Sales increased each year and overseas sales growth was 126% for the six year period.

Sarkar Defence Solutions Ltd

15 Edison StreetHillington ParkG52 4JW


Managing Director: Mr Samrat Sarkar

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Samrat Sarkar

Tel: 07989 69***

Email: sam**[ta]**ardefence.com


Sarkar Defence Solutions Ltd.

basedin Glasgow, was establishedin 2006. Its principal products include Body Armour, Ballistic

Vests, Helmets and Tactical Clothing. The company’s entire routes to market are funnelled through e-mail (99%). Heavy investment has been madein internet/website tools and displaying productsin defence exhibitions around the world. This hasyielded overseas earnings growth of 474% over the last three years. 90% of Sarkar customers are repeat customers which istestament to the emphasis it places on customer service and after sales support. From ahumble startin abedroom six yearsago, importing products for resale, Sarkar now manufactures all of its productsin the UK and trades on the quality of its ite***

Speymalt Whisky Distributors Ltd t/a Gordon & MacPhail

George House

Boroughbriggs Road Elgin

Moray IV30 1JF



Managing Director: Mr Michael Urquhart

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Michael Urquhart

Tel: 01343 55***

Email: michaelu**[ta]**onandmacphail.com


Speymalt Whisky Distributors Ltd t/a Gordon & MacPhail was establishedin 1895 and has along tradition of distilling, bottling,and trading Scotch Whisky. acurrent International Trade Award holder, the company has increased its overseas sales by 92%over the last three years. The company aims to increase export turnover for Gordon & MacPhail and Benromach whiskies to £10 million by 2016-17. It built on its 2009 Queen’s Award by refreshing its branding and updating the packaging of all Gordon & MacPhail whiskies. The company’s main export markets are Taiwan, France, Germany, USA, and Japan and five new marketshave been establishedin the last three yearsin China, Vietnam, South Africa, Turkey and Kazakhstan, with new orders pendingFor Brazil, South Korea and the UAE.

The Innis & Gunn Brewing Company Ltd

6 Randolph Crescent



Immediate Parent: Innis & Gunn Holdings Ltd

Chief Executive and Principal Shareholder: Mr Dougal Sharp

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Dougal Sharp

Tel: 07802 75***

Email: Dougal.Sharp**[ta]**sandgunn.com


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