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Zinc Ahead Ltd

was establishedin 2001 and is basedin Oxford. It provides systems to global life sciences companies thatenable improved regulatory compliance. The company has expanded rapidly over the course of the last three years and now hasclientsin over 160 countries worldwide. This expansion is adirect result of an active strategy to leverage existing customerrelationships to identify key decision-makersin global and regional headquarters. An integral component is using their key product’s data to act as areference to clients globally. As aresult export sales have grown by 268% and exports as apercentage of turnover have grown from 34% to 59%.

ADF Milking Limited

1 Camelia Court

Shellbridge Road Slindon Common

BN18 0LT


Immediate Parent: An Udder Company Limited(A Holding Company)

CEO: Mr Angus Buchanan

Contactf or press enquiries: Justine van Guyse

Tel: 01243 814***

Email: justinev**[ta]**ilking.com


an Innovation Award is made to the small company, ADF Milking Limited

for the manufacture of amilking cluster based automaticdipping and flushing system, which has reduced the risk of disease associated with milking cows. The innovative system, part of amilking machine, incorporates teat cups specially designed to prevent cross contamination of bacteria between cows sharingmilking clusters. Within the cups, aprecisely calibrated dose of anti-bacterial dip is applied to vulnerable teats, before beingdisinfected and thoroughly washed with sanitized water. The resulting process is consistent, less stressful to the animals andmore effective than other automated post-milking routines. The innovation, which can be retro-fitted to existing equipment, hasreduced the incidence of cow mastitis, increased parlour efficiency and reduced the costs of maintaining dairy herds.

De La Rue International Limited

Jays Close


RG22 4BS


Employees: ***

Immediate Parent: De La Rue Holdings plc

Managing Director, Currency: Mr Keith Brown

Contactf or press enquiries: Rob Hutchison

Tel: 01256 60***

Email: rob.hutchison**[ta]**elarue.com


De La Rue International Limited

wins an Innovation Award for developing and supplying anovel and more secure banknotestructure termed Optiks™. Traditionally, the main counterfeiting threat came from organised gangs with specialist equipment.with the development of sophisticated, low-cost photocopiers and scanners, anew threat arose from individual counterfeiters. to overcome both threats, the company enhanced its paper-making processes and materials technology to develop newproducts. Incorporating patented security features and processes, the novel banknotes are difficult to copy convincingly, but areresponsive to traditional authentication techniques. Despite high production costs nearly 200 million new notes, particularly of high denominations, incorporating anovel 18mm wide security thread structure, have been put into circulationin numerouscountries during the last five years, thus contributing significantly to the company’s commercial success.

iNet Telecoms Ltd(Voipfone)

2 Cambridge Gardens


TN34 1EH


CEO: Mr Colin Duffy

Contactf or press enquiries: Jo Brooks

Tel: 01273 62***

Tel: 07930 43***

Email: job**[ta]**r.com


an Innovation Award is made to iNet Telecoms Ltd(known as Voipfone)

for developing and selling atelephone service specifically designed for micro-businesses, enterprises with fewer than ten employees. The commercially successful service, using Voice overInternet Protocol (VoIP) to transmit telephone calls over the internet and other networks, responds to challenges related to size,diversity, sensitivity to price, flexibility and instability of very small firms. It incorporates adedicated ‘cloud’ exchange, purposebuiltsoftware and asustainable business model that supports changesin communication products at low prices withoutcompromising service levels. Thus, customers can change numbers of telephone extensions and run them wherever there arenetwork connections on a‘pay for what you need’ basis. They are enabled to grow or down-size without penalty, inconvenience oradditional co***

Fingle Drivean Innovation award is made to Niftylift Ltd

for developing amobile elevated work platform. Having four-wheel drive and ahybriddiesel and battery power supply, the platform incorporates patented safety features. They include atough operator enclosure, asustained voluntary protection system and acrush-prevention device, which stops machine movement automatically if overheadobjects make contact with operators. The platform can support two people to asafe working height of 17 metres with aworkingoutreach of nine metres. The new platform is safer, cheaper, more comfortable and environmentally-friendly and cheaper to operate than alternatives. Its light weight enables deploymentin areas of low floor loadings, thus giving versatility. The innovationhas contributed to the commercial success of the company. It also wins the Queen’s Awardin International Trade.

PrisymID Ltd

Tech House

Oaklands ParkOaklands Business CentreWokingham

RG41 2FD


CEO: Mr Mick Daw

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Mick Daw

Tel: 01189 36***

Email: mickdaw**[ta]**ymid.com


PrisymID Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing alabelling system suitable for medical applications. The medical deviceand pharmaceutical sectors are subject to stringent regulation regarding electronic records and signatures. Vendors of medicaldevices and drugs have to demonstrate compliance, including with respect to labelling. The new, web-based system, whichincorporates purpose-built software with security features, links to customers’ manufacturing facilities ensuring that printed

information (labels and supporting documents) is accurate and secure. One feature is acheck that printing devices to be utilisedhave been validated. The commercially successful innovation has resultedin consistent branding, increased efficiency androbust compliance with regulations. Reduced costs associated with labelling errors have led to significant savings.

Pureprint Group Ltd

Beacon House


Bellbrook Industrial Estate Uckfield

TN22 1PL


Immediate Parent: East Sussex Press Ltd

Chief Executive and Joint Owner: Mr Mark Handford

Contactf or press enquiries: Richard Owers

Tel: 07711 68***

Email: rowers**[ta]**print.com


A Sustainable Development Award is made to Pureprint Group Ltd

for showing that sustainable printing is affordable and fo rpromoting sustainable practices within and beyond the printing industry. Since winning aQueen’s Awardin 2008, the company has continually improved internal environmental management, extended its approach to responsible supply chain managementand, through continued service development, encouraged and advised customers on reducing carbon footprints. It expandedits carbon off-setting scheme, involved staffin management processes through its employee sustainability idea-sharing schemeand, through investingin staff throughout recession, achieved impressive commercial performances at home and abroad.it encouraged and, through sharing knowledge, helped suppliers to improve, many having introduced in-house carbonoff-setting schemes. The company is an impressive example to others, inside and outside the sector, of commitment to embedding sustainability.

Mr Michael Herdthe Sussex Innovation CentreUniversity of Sussex

Science Park Square



Contactf or press enquiries: Rob Read

Tel: 01273 67***

Email: R.K.Read**[ta]**ex.ac.uk


Mike Herd is the Executive Director of The Sussex Innovation Centre (SInC) abusiness incubation company attached to theUniversity of Sussex. Mike has worked for over 15 years to create and run SInC as aself-sustaining business which now works to support University spin-out companies and other local organisations with advice, support and seed funding to help to buildbusinesses. Mike has also extended the range of the centre to cover the local county. Through this organisation he has nurturedover 230 businesses and now there are currently 60 high tech, high growth companiesin residence, with an additional 40receiving guidance and support as virtual members. His enterprise promotion activities extend more widely with his involvementas aboard member of UK Business Incubation Ltd(UKBI).

Mr Ian Smith

Vice PrincipalSurbiton High School for Girls

13 Surbiton Crescent

Kingston Upon Thames


Contactf or press enquiries: Alex Kearney, Marketing Director

Tel: 020 8546 ***

Email: alex.kearney**[ta]**itonhigh.com


Ian Smith is Vice Principal at Surbiton High School and has been asuccessful teacher of business and enterprise for 20 years,whilst carrying out arange of voluntary activities for Young Enterprise (YE) and other organisations. He has been an exceptionalvolunteer ambassador and aLink Teacher for YE for over 20 yearsin different schools, Chair of YE Regional Board and YETrusteein Berkshire and Surrey. Ian has supported over 600 Year 12 pupils across nearly 50 YE companies and has initiatedprojects with Entrepreneursin Action, ‘21st Century Skills for 21st Century Business’ and ‘From Classroom to Boardroom’.

Through his work he has encouraged the creation of social entrepreneurship projects called ‘Akenkan’ and ‘Morsbags’ incollaborations with Free the Children UK.

Mr John Vernon

Business Advisor

Oxfordshire Business Enterprises

Bodicote House

White Post Road Banbury OX15 4AA

Contactf or press enquiries: John Vernon

Tel: 01993 85***

Email: jta.management**[ta]**in.net


John Vernon has earned aQueen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion for his workin supporting new and small businesses.

John has been activein mentoring and assisting pre-start and start-up businesses for the last 14 years and has contributed thebreadth and depth of his extensive previous management experience to younger and growing enterprises. He has been avoluntary advisor with Oxfordshire Business Enterprises (OBE) for eight years during which time he has worked with some 500clients, mainly start-ups, but also some more mature SME businesses.in addition to his advisory role, John has also becomesubstantially involvedin the management of OBE, joining the Board of Directors as Advisor Representative to the Board. Hespends up to three days per week on this activity, provided on avoluntary basis.

Auger Torque Europe Limited

Shipton Downs Farm


GL54 4DX


Managing Director: Mr Alister Rayner

Contactf or press enquiries: Alistair Brydon

Tel: 01451 86***

Email: alistair.brydon**[ta]**rtorque.com


First time Queen’s Award winner Auger Torque Europe Limited

started tradingin 1998. The company specialisesin earth drill,trenching and related attachments for construction equipment. It has grown its export sales by 135% over the last three years.

Operating via distributors and dealers, the company invest heavilyin trade shows as well as dealing directly with original equipment manufacturers (OEM). Augur Torque Europe Ltdoffers rapid manufacture along with holding ready to ship stock to meet customer demand and immediate delivery requirements. Investment is put into new product developmentf or OEMs andthe market generally. New markets openedin the last three years include South Africa, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Egypt,Romania and Belarus.

BMT Defence Services Ltd

210 Lower Bristol Road BA2 3DQ


Immediate Parent: BMT Group Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Muir Macdonald

Contactf or press enquiries: Johanna Probert,Tel: 01225 47***

Email: jprobert**[ta]**sl.co.uk


BMT Defence Services Ltd

was formedin 1989 and is awholly owned subsidiary of BMT Group Ltd.

The company traditionally provides naval ship design and consulting engineering support to the UK Royal Navy and international customers. afirst-time Award winner, the company is benefitting from along term international sales strategy first establishedin 2006 that hasdelivered an increasein overseas sales of almost 600% over the last three years. The strategy, focused on Navies of both alliedand emerging countries, has led to substantial new business winsin Turkey and South Korea within the first two to three years.

Language and cultural awareness training have been key componentsin forging these new relationships, demonstrating acommitment to establishing long term international business, planned to develop into further countries.

Coombe Castle International Ltd

Edinburgh Way Corsham

SN13 9XN


Managing Director: Mr Glyn Woolley

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Glyn Woolley

Tel: 01225 81***

Email: glyn**[ta]**becastle.com


Establishedin 1980, Coombe Castle International Ltd

is basedin Corsham, Wiltshire. The company is an exporter of cheese,cream and butter worldwide and amanufacturer of clotted cream. Coombe Castle has been both innovativein its products,developing sticky toffee pudding flavour cheese and other unique flavours, and good at utilising the image of the UK internationally. The company invested heavilyin 2011 and this has paid dividends through the capture of new markets enteringeight new onesin the last three years - India, Russia, Australia, Denmark, South Korea, China (Shanghai), Taiwan and Spain. inJapan and Hong Kong Coombe Castle has 35% of the table cheese market and 50% of the imported Clotted Cream market.

Denis Wick Products Ltd

Unit 1***

Dawkins Road BH15 4JY


Managing Director: Mr Denis Wick

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Denis Wick

Tel: 01202 66***

Email: denis**[ta]**swick.co.uk


Denis Wick Products Ltd.

basedin Poolein Dorset, was establishedin 1978. It manufactures high quality musical instrument

accessories for brass instruments and has established itself as one of the leading makers of mouthpieces, mutes and otheraccessories for brass players. Denis Wick sells products to over 47 different countries around the world. Its brand is well-knownand respected amongst brass players.in the US, it achieves approximately 5% of total sales of mouthpieces and around 15% of the mute market. These figures are higher for Europe where it dominates the mute market. New markets enteredin theperiod are China and Taiwan. Denis Wick has emphatically demonstrated good ability to cope with the difficulties of foreignlanguage adaptation where translation of musical terms is acomplicated conce***

Espiner Medical Ltd

Unit 3 Yeobank

Kenn Road Clevedon

BS21 6TH


Managing Director: Mr James Howard

Contactf or press enquiries: David Hickey

Tel: 01275 87***

Email: dhickey**[ta]**nermedical.com


Establishedin 1994 by Mr Harry Espiner and Mr James Howard, Espiner Medical Ltd

manufactures tissue retrieval systems fo rusein laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery. afirst time Queen’s Award winner, the company has increased its overseas sales turnoverby 1,517% over the last six years. The company is currently targeting highly regulated new markets such as Brazil, China andJapan. It has recently doubled its manufacturing floor spacein anticipation of the increasein orders within the next two years.

Its main export markets are Germany, Spain, Austria, Canada and Australia. The USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand andPoland have been identified as potential growth markets, with authorisation been granted to export directly into the USA. As wellas locating, training and developing adistributor network, it also works directly with surgeons and other medical professionals to identify new product requirements.

Jo Bird & Co Ltd

Factory Lane

Bason Bridge




Managing Director: Mr Guy Atkins

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Guy Atkins

Tel: 01278 78***

Email: guy.atkins**[ta]**rd.co.uk


Establishedin 1986, Jo Bird & Co Ltd

manufactures specialist cabinets to protect fire safety and lifesaving equipment. This firsttime Queen’s Award winner has grown its overseas sales by 141% over the last three years. The company has undergone afundamental review of all aspects of its operation, including product design and manufacturing processes.in doing so, Itidentified new markets and new segments and exceeded its own sales targets.in addition, it has targeted specific markets andre-designed products based on ‘fitf or market” and customer feedback. Following its re-positioning, the company sell into anumber of markets with Italy (32%) and Singapore (16%) accounting for the majority of sales. The company has most recently achieved salesin two new markets, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Metryx Ltd

1240 Aztec West

Almondsbury BS32 4SH


CEO: Dr Adrian Kiermasz

Contactf or press enquiries: Dr Adrian Kiermasz

Tel: 01454 22***

Email: adrian.kiermasz**[ta]**yx.net


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