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Russell IPM Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing amethod of controlling Tuta absoluta, avirulent pest that attacks crops,particularly tomatoes. Having studied the pest’s mating behaviour, the company developed, for its control, anew product, Ferolite,for which UK and European patents have been filed. Following the discovery of synergy between the pest’s sex pheromone and itsattraction to light of aparticular frequency, the company developed adevice, incorporating atimed and specific wavelength of light, along with apheromone lure, this trap ensures the capture of both the male and female of the species and has negligibleeffect on other, beneficial varieties of insect. The innovation has enabled farmers, across Europe, to salvage tomato crops andimprove future crop management. It has also provided significant market opportunities, which the company has exploited.


Managing Director: Mr Neil Summers

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Neil Summers

Tel: 02921 250***

Email: neil.summers**[ta]**ox.com


Managing Director: Dr Shakir Al-Zaidi

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Emma Prestidge

Tel: 01244 281***

Email: emma**[ta]**ellipm.net



Ms. Carmel Gahan

Ross Carberry Ltd.having worked on enterprise promotion programmesin Wales since 1980, often with disadvantaged groups andin underprivilegedareas, Carmel Gahan earns the Lifetime Achievement Award for Enterprise Promotion. She was part of the founding team of thefirst local enterprise agencyin Wales, and went on to set up the ‘Women into New Technologies’ (WINT) project; the first technology programmein Wales for women. Throughout her long career Carmel has been aleading mentor on WDA and Welsh Governmententrepreneurship programmes and now supports businesses through the Welsh Government’s flagship Workforce developmentProgramme. Alongside her paid activities she has also provided substantial voluntary business support. Carmel remains one of thelongest serving and most requested mentorsin the history of the pan-Wales g2e programme, supporting graduate businessstart-ups as well as having the record for the most successful business starts-upsin South West Wales.

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Duncan Foulkes, Public Relations

Consultant / Jacqui Niven, Fix training

Tel: 01686 650***

Tel: 029 2048 ***

Tel: 07766 567***

Email: jacqui.niven**[ta]**raining.co.uk



19 Church StreetCV34 4AB

Basedin Warwick, DCA Design International Ltd

is adesign and development company and wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding achievement over the last three years. The company has been responsible for arange of commercially successful designs including the multi-award winning SoloStar insulin injector pen. Turnover has increased withexports which accountf or 73% and contribute to overall overseas earnings growth of just under 50%. The company has aneffective multi-channel approach to marketing across arange of sectors; the company has established astrong presencein Europeand are experiencing strong demand from the USA. Exhibitions of DCA sector-based services have taken placein Hong-Kong,Germany and France, as well asin the UK. The company are awell-established award winning internationally renowned designhouse.

JCB Backhoe Loader Business Unit

Lakeside worksRocester

ST14 5JP

JCB is amanufacturer of construction and agricultural equipment and was foundedin 1945. The JCB Group has won atotal of 27Awards since 1969. The latest award goes to the Backhoe Loader Business Unit and honours an outstanding increasein exports,with overall growth of 156% since 2008. The Backhoe Loader Business Unit is acompletely self-contained exporting and marketingdivision responsible for identifying, researching and targeting markets. Today’s JCB backhoes are also extremely fuel efficient and thelatest generation 3CX machine is their most efficient backhoe saving the average customer more than £4,000in fu***

Pathway Intermediates Ltd

Unit 1 The Green Industrial Estate Clun

Craven Arms


Pathway Intermediates has been operating since 2001 and manufactures anumber of specialist chemicals, predominantly for theagriculture sector, with arange of powder and liquid lipid-based products. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstandingachievementin the implementation of aconsidered strategy which has resultedin a314% growth of the organisation’s overseasearnings over three years. The company’s strategic approach is to exploit markets chosen for the opportunity presented and thestate of competition. Most of this activity isin the developing markets of the Far East. The company works through its network of distributors and has also set up ajoint venture with apartnerin Korea that will manufacture and hold inventory andin doing so

assist to reduce shipping times. The company profit line shows as positive having paid back alarge R&D investment and set upcosts for anew UK site.


Managing Director: Mr Robert Woolston

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Jane Phillips

Tel: 01926 499***

Email: medical**[ta]**design.com


Immediate Parent: JCB Service Limited

Managing Director: Mr Stephen Carrington

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Nigel Chell

Tel: 01889 593***


Immediate Parent: Dreamspan Ltd

Director: Mr David Garnett

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Edward Youngman

Tel: 01743 761***

Email: edward**[ta]**way-intermediates.com


Unit 7/8 Lovett Road Hampton Lovett Trading Estate Winsted Limited

incorporatedin 1984, part of Winsted Corp. USA, designs, manufactures, sells and installs specialist controlroom furniture which includes consoles, monitor walls, workstations and digital desks. It wins the Award for the first time for itsoutstanding achievementin export growth showing good growthin overseas sales year on year and an overall growth of 82%since 2008. The success is due,in part, to asales strategy that looks to increase profile exposure of the company to generate newmarkets and to consolidate existing markets. The company uses anetwork of distributors, as required, and backs this with an aftersalesand support service. New marketsin Russia, India and the Middle East have been entered.

Immediate Parent: Winsted Corporation - USA

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Claire Brown

Tel: 01905 770***



Baxi Heating UK Ltd

Brooks House

Coventry Road CV34 4LLan Innovation Award is made to Baxi Heating UK Ltd

for developing Baxi Ecogen, adomestic boiler, which generates electricity whilst providing central heating and hot water. The unit, designed for the domestic market and gas-fuelled, runs quietly withlittle vibration, is of similar size to standard domestic boilers and has an efficiency of over 90%. It uses excess thermal energy to generate electricity whenever there is demand for heating and has approval for the feed-in tariff to the national grid. thuscustomers benefit, not only from self-generated energy within their homes, but also from further savings on energy bills. They alsoexperience high levels of comfort derived from the sophisticated control systems incorporated into the innovation.

Grainger and Worrall Limited

Bay 1-6,Building 7 Stanmore Industrial Estate Bridgnorth

WV15 5HP

Grainger and Worrall Limited

wins an Innovation Award for introducing processes for the design, manufacture and verification of engine part castings for motorsport. The processes include the application of computerised tomography, computer-aided designand virtual simulation to understand facets of casting, such as materials flow, cooling rates and alloy compositions. They utilise CTscanning, to measure within small tolerances and to identify defects, and in-house tooling, made from bespoke, synthetic materials.

The result has been the consistent development of high-quality castings and, consequently, the manufacture of light, strong andpowerful engines that rarely fail. The innovations have contributed much to ensuring that most Formula-One engine suppliersmanufacture their enginesin the UK.

Rapiscan Systems Ltd

Prospect Way Victoria Business ParkStoke on Trent

ST8 7PLan Innovation Award is made to Rapiscan Systems Ltd

for developing the Eagle Radiation Detector. The device detects gamma andneutron radiation emitted from containerised or vehicle-borne cargo. It distinguishes between special materials usedin nuclearweapons, medical radiation sources and naturally occurring radio-active materials. It senses such radiation and automatically generates alarms when materials of particular intensity or significance are detected. The new device, which eliminates thedependence on the increasingly scarce element, helium He-3, of previous detectors, enables combining gamma-neutron radiation

detection with X-ray imaging, thus providing simultaneous, comprehensive surveillance. The compactness of the device facilitatescovert surveillance and detection of illicit radio-active materials without those carrying such materials knowing that they are beingmonitored. The innovation has contributed to the business success of the company.


Employees: ***

Immediate Parent: Baxi Limited

Managing Director, Residential Boilers: Mr Andrew Keating

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Jocelynne Rowan

Tel: 01926 838***

Email: jocelynne.rowan**[ta]**hermea.com



Immediate Parent: Grainger Holdings LimitedDirector: Mr Edward Grainger

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr Edward Grainger

Tel: 01746 768***

Email: egrainger**[ta]**st.co.uk


Immediate Parent: Rapiscan Systems UK Ltd

Vice President Cargo and Integrated Security Systems:Mr Khoren Keusseyan

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr Peter Shackleton

Tel: 01276 486***

Email: rapiscan**[ta]**t.co.uk


Square Box Systems Ltd

29 Waterloo Place

Warwick StreetLeamington Spa

CV32 5LA

Square Box Systems has won an Innovation Award for CatDV, its media asset management and workflow software for usein videopost-production. With the move to all-digital tapeless workflow, editors and producers have found themselves struggling to managethe mass of media produced, needing quick access to archived materials including video clips, audio files, and still images. CatDVprovides the tools to log, store, catalogue, search and quickly retrieve these assets. apowerful database, capable of integratingwith many file formats and editing applications, lies at the heart of the product. Extensive data from multimedia files can bestored, with thumbnail images and annotations, along with reduced resolution proxy clips for use off line. Using across-platform


open-standards policy to allow working across different operating systems and storage devices, it integrates with the leading edit

software packages using standard data interchange formats to transfer edit information.


Managing Director: Mr Rolf Howarth

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mel Noonan

Tel: 01525 756***

Email: stylusmediamel**[ta]**l.com



Unit 3 Bar Lane Roecliffe

YO51 9NR Ardent Ltdhave operated since 1993 and specialisein the design, installation and maintenance of bespoke vehicle and mobileplant fire suppression systems. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin export performance shownthrough overall overseas earnings growth measured at 146%. Overseas sales as apercentage of turnover is recorded at 65%,which exceeds the market average. This success is,in part, related to the company sales and support strategy based around

customer service and reputation.

Ashtree Glass Limited

Brownroyd StreetBD8 9AF

Ashtree Glass Limited

was establishedin 1977 and is concerned with the design and manufacture of commercial vehicle rearview mirrors, providing these to medium volume producers of vehicles such as buses, trucks, agricultural machinery, constructionequipment and fork trucks. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin export sales growth, achieving an86% growthin overseas earnings. Ashtree Glass maintains acompetitive edge by cutting its own mirror glasses, instead of buyingthemin as most of its competitors do. As aniche manufacturer, Ashtree operates astrategy that concentrates on its strengths,which are supplying competitively priced high quality products and flexibilityin designing and manufacturing what the customerrequires,in order to open new markets and consolidate others.


ATB Morley Ltd

Ruskin StreetStanningley LS28 6QA

Establishedin 2000, ATB Morley Ltd.

part of the ATB Antriebstechnik AG group, Austria, designs and manufactures high voltageelectric motors certified as flameproof for underground coal mining applications. It wins the Award for asecond first time for itsoutstanding achievementin its export activity. The company has extended its previous outstanding performance over the last threeyears and has continued to grow the business activity and to increase the amount of product it exports. New markets have beenintroduced including China and India.



Managing Director: Mr Neil Crowther

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Neil Crowther

Tel: 08701 625***

Email: neil.crowther**[ta]**nt-uk.com



Immediate Parent: ATB Antriebstechnik AG - Austria

Managing Director: Mr Ian Lomax

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Sharon Jandu

Tel: 0113 216 ***

Email: sharon**[ta]**alpr.co.uk


Managing Director: Mr Alan Roper

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Alan Roper

Tel: 01274 546***

Email: alan**[ta]**reeglass.co.uk


Boxford Ltd

Dewsbury Road HX5 9BG

Operating since 1983, Boxford Ltd

manufactures arange of educational computer controlled and manual machine tools. Thisequipment is supplied to schools and colleges worldwide. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementfollowing significant growthin exports recorded as 610% overall over the three year period. Boxford has seen asubstantially increased market share as aresult of increasing its international presence and acontrolled expansion of its distributor networkwhich has contributed to its current position of trading with 33 different overseas countries. Its primary export markets are Europe,the Middle East, Africa and South America.


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