国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

29新建年貨物運力達280萬噸的綜合物流配送中心。茂縣光明鎮 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 20000 引進資金 20000 企業自籌 經濟效益 預計可年實現利稅收入1125萬元。前期工作 合作方式 合資或獨資 市場分析及預測 茂縣近年來正在實施“突出五大特色、建好四大聚集地”戰略方針,5大特色即水電、藥業、高載 能、綠色食品、旅游產品;4大聚集地即水電基地、工業集中發展區、高新技術產業區、旅游產 品加工區;目前亟需一個頗具規模、門類繁多的物流集散配送中心。建設條件 茂縣是阿壩州聯系成都、綿陽、德陽等地的交通樞紐地,隨著成-蘭鐵路、川-青鐵路開工建 設,茂縣將逐步融入成都1小時經濟圈。近年來茂縣五大特色產業和四大集聚地規模不斷發展壯 大,可為綜合物流配送中心項目提供充足的貨源。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

29 S/N Industry Cultural tourism Project Contents Construction site Primitive tribe strike experience museum. Guangming Town, Mao County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast In recent years, Mao County is implementing the strategy guideline of “Highlighting Five Major Characteristics and Building Four Major Gathering Places” , five major characteristics are namely hydropower, pharmaceutical industry, high load energy, green food, tourist products; four major gathering places are namely hydropower base, industry concentration development zone, high-tech industrial zone, tourist products processing zone; Now it is pressed for a considerable scale logistics collection and distribution Building Conditions Mao county is a transportation hub place connecting Aba Prefecture with Chengdu, Mianyang, Deyang, etc. With the commencement of construction of Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway, Sichuan-Qingzang Railway, Mao County will be gradually fused into the Chengdu 1 hour economic circle. Total Investment Introduction of capital 20000 20000 Economic Benefits It is predicted that annual profit and tax revenues of RMB 11.25 million can be realized. Pre-phase Work Ways of Cooperation joint venture or sole proprietorship or Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



Comprehensive Logistics Distribution Center of Mao County



Phone Number: 1899042***

Contact: Yang Chengcai

E-mail: 449594274**[ta]**com



Phone Number: 1399042***


30 茂縣鳳儀鎮 新建五星級旅游度假酒店、羌文化產業孵化園 和羌文化動漫影視編創中心。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 120000 引進資金 120000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,經濟效益可觀。前期工作 合作方式 合資或獨資 市場分析及預測 茂縣羌族人口約占全國羌族人口的30%,是全國最大的羌族聚居縣,羌族民風民俗資源豐富;項 目的建設可以撬動茂縣文化產業大聯動,開發出以羌文化延伸附加值高的現代產業鏈,市場前景 廣闊。建設條件 災后重建后,項目建設地水、電、路等基礎設施齊備,可滿足項目建設需求;茂縣是途經“九環 線西線”前往世界自然遺產九寨溝、黃龍的必經之地,過境游客數量巨大。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

30 S/N Industry Cultural Tourism 120000 Total Investment 120000 Planned capital attraction Project Contents Construction site Fengyi Town of Maoxian County 1.Qiang cultural industry incubation park; 2. Qiang cultural cartoon film and television edition and creation center; 3. Five-star tourist resort hotel. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Mao County has the Qiang population about 30% of China's Qing population, is the China' largest Qiang people settlement county and has rich Qiang folk tradition and fold customs resources; The construction of the project can realize big linkage of Mao county cultural industry, develop modern industry chain with high added value extended from Qiang culture. It has broad market prospects. Building Conditions After post-disaster reconstruction, the project construction site has complete infrastructures such as water, electricity, road, which can meet the project construction needs; Mao County is the only way to natural heritages Jiuzhaigou and Yellow Dragon via "Western Line of Nine Loop Line" with huge transit tourist amount. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, both economic benefit and social benefit are considerable. Pre-phase Work Ways of Cooperation joint venture or sole proprietorship or Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***


Investment Project of Qiang Cultural Industry Park



E-mail: 449594274**[ta]**com




Phone Number: 0837-723***

Contact:Yuan Yin



31 松潘縣青云鄉 新建廠房24000平方米,購置安裝相關配套設施設備;全力打造集辦公、研發、廣告、電商、物流、咨詢為一體的產業孵化平臺。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 松潘縣中盈農業產業化投資有限公司 楊英能 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 201312 民營 60 總負債 產負債率 總資產 3億元-5億元 總投資 7800 引進資金 3900 企業自籌 3900 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計年銷售收入可達1600萬元,年利潤600萬元,投資回收期8-10年。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 獨資或合資 市場分析及預測 產業孵化中心建成后,將成為阿壩州功能最完善、最有吸引力的農畜產品加工基地;園區的服務 品位和檔次將極大提升,將吸引更多企業入駐,為園區發展注入更多新鮮血液。項目建成后,我 州的農畜資源將盡快形成商品進入市場,可幫助入園企業快速形成規模,迅速壯大。建設條件 項目建設地緊靠成蘭鐵路和213國道,交通、通信設施完備,供水、供電能力充足;該項目規 劃、設計、環評、三通一平等前期工作全部完成,已具備開工條件。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

31 S/N Industry Modern Service Industry 7800 Total Investment Planned capital attraction 3900 Project Contents Construction site Qingyun Village, Songpan County It is planned to newly build 24000 m2 plant; purchase equipment and facilities; build an industry incubation platform integrated with office, R&D, advertisement, E-business, logistics and consultation. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast After the industry incubation center is completed, it will become Aba Prefecture's most full-featured and most attractive agricultural and animal products processing base; The park's service grade and level will be greatly improved, which will attract more enterprise to settle down to inject more fresh blood into the development of park. After the project is completed, our prefecture's agricultural and animal resources will form commodities as far as possible to enter the market, and it can help the enterprises entering the park rapidly form scale and grow rapidly. Building Conditions The project construction site is adjacent to Chengdu-Lanzhou railway and national highway No, 213 with complete communication and transportation facilities and enough water supply and power supply abilities. Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual sales revenue of RMB 16 million and annual profit of RMB 6 million can be reached and investment payoff period will be 8-10 years. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship or joint venture Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself 3900 Unit: RMB 10***


Industry Incubation Center Project of Songpan, Zhongying






Phone Number: 0837-773***


32 現代服務業 九寨溝縣 新建小型航空旅游觀光機場,購置或租賃航空器材等。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 20000 引進資金 20000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目全部建成后,預計可實現年產值5000萬元,年利潤2000萬元,投資回收期10年。前期工作 合作方式 獨資 市場分析及預測 隨著旅游消費市場逐步向多元化發展,傳統的觀光型旅游將逐步被觀光、休閑、度假等復合型旅 游模式替代,滿足游客休閑、度假等旅游消費方式,已成為九寨溝打造國際旅游目的地的現實需 要。通用航空觀光旅游不僅是一種便捷的交通方式,更是重要的旅游觀光體驗項目。該項目依托 九寨溝全域旅游的發展模式,通過豐富多彩的航空旅游體驗項目,將成為九寨溝今后旅游轉型升 級的重要方式,具有較大的發展空間和市場前景。建設條件 九寨溝及周邊旅游資源豐富,2013年全縣接待游客476萬人次,可為項目建設提供充足的客源。建設工期 3 建設性質 新建

32 S/N Industry Modern Service Industry Project Contents Construction site Primitive tribe strike experience museum. Jiuzhaigou County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast With gradual diversified development of tourism consumption market, traditional sightseeing type tourism will be gradually replaced by the compound type tourism pattern of sightseeing, leisure, vacation, etc. To meeting the tourists’ tourist consumption patterns of leisure, vacation, etc. has become the practical needs of Jiuzhaigou to build an international tourist destination. The project will rely on Jiuzhaigou’ s tourism development patterns and will become an important pattern for Jiuzhaigou’ s tourism transformation and upgrading in the future through colorful aviation tourism experience projects. The project has relatively large development space and market prospects. Building Conditions There are abundant tourism resources in Jiuzhaigou and its surroundings. In 2013, the whole county receipted the tourists of 4.76 million person-times, which can provide adequate customer source for project construction. Total Investment Introduction of capital 20000 20000 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual output value of RMB 50 million and annual profit of RMB 20 million can be realized and the investment payoff period will be 10 years. Pre-phase Work Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



General Aviation Tour and Sightseeing Project

E-mail: 489087740**[ta]**com

33 工業 新建年產10000噸微細鋁粉生產廠。汶川縣漩口鎮 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 18000 引進資金 18000 企業自籌 經濟效益 按年產10000噸微細鋁粉計算,預計年銷售收入可達35000萬元,稅金可達3700萬,利潤可達 4200萬元。投資回收期為3-5年。前期工作 合作方式 獨資 市場分析及預測 微細球形鋁粉是一種新開發的高科技產品,廣泛適用于高檔汽車、裝飾材料用金屬漆、電子產品 用導電漿料、高級耐火材料等方面,市場需求量大,市場前景廣闊。建設條件 漩口工業園區水、電力供應充足,價格相對低廉,各類基礎設施齊備。漩口工業園區內博賽集團 阿壩鋁廠原鋁產能逐年擴大,可就近取材,交通運輸便利,原料供應充足。建設工期 3 建設性質 新建

33 S/N Industry Industry Project Contents Construction site It is planned to newly build 10000 tons per year fine aluminum powder production plant project. Xuankou Wenchuan County Town, Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Fine spherical aluminum powder is a newly-developed high-tech product, which is widely applied to the aspects such as top grade automobile, metallic paint for decoration materials use, electrocondution slurry for electronic products use and high grade refractory. It has large market demands and broad market prospects. Building Conditions Xuankou industrial park has enough water and power supply with relatively low price and complete various infrastructures. In the Xuankou industrial park, virgin aluminum production capacity of Aba Aluminum Plant of Bosai Group expands year by year, materials can be drawn locally, transportation is convenient and raw materials supply is adequate. Total Investment Introduction of capital 18000 18000 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual sales revenue of RMB 12 million and annual profit of RMB 2 million can be realized, and the investment payoff period will be 3-5 years. Pre-phase Work Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship Construction period Three years Type of Construction Newly built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



10000 Tons Per Year Fine Aluminum Powder



E-mail: wcxhzj**[ta]**.com

Phone Number: 0837-625***

Contact: Zou Nan

E-mail: wcxhzj**[ta]**.com


Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship , joint venture 34 S/N Industry Industry Project Contents Construction site It is planned to construct 50000 tons per year sodium formate project by utilizing calcium carbide furnace tail gas; purchase and install gas storage tank, gas compressor, deoxidization reactor, decarburization tower, synthesis reactor, evaporimeter, automatic centrifuge, turning kiln dryer, automatic packaging line and other auxiliary equipment Taian Concentration Zone of Mao County Industrial Park Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Sodium formate is extensively used, which is an important chemical raw material in chemical industry production. Domestic and international supply and demand markets are abnormally active, especially the production process that slathers oxalic acid instead of phosphoric acid in pharmaceutical chemicals makes the oxalic acid demand increase sharply, plus the United States has no oxalic acid manufactures, oxalic acid is mostly imported from China, the quantity demanded by Japan, Europe etc. also increases, thus sodium formate has optimistic market prospects. In recent years, our country’s sodium formate industry develops faster, the sodium formate output increased to 490000 tons by 2011, and the quantity demanded exceeded 550000 tons. In addition, in our country, the total production quantity of down-stream products formic acid and oxalic acid of sodium formate cannot meet the domestic demand yet, meanwhile our country also is a big country to produce sodium hydrosulfite, annual consumption of sodium formate is about 60% of the total output. Therefore, the domestic sodium formate market has very good prospects. It is predicted that within the next 5 years the demand will still be kept at an annual average growth rate of about 15%, plus annual average international market demand exceeds 200000 tons, thus the sodium formate market has relatively broad development space. Building Conditions It is planned to use the carbon monoxide (CO) tail gas generated when calcium carbide is produced by Yuefa Chemical Co., Ltd. in Taian Industrial Concentration Zone to produce sodium formate400 m3 CO tail gas will be generated for production of 1 tons of calcium carbide, using the reaction between calcium carbide furnace tail gas and NaOH to produce sodium formate can make cyclic utilization for calcium carbide furnace tail gas and reduce pollution emission, and also can improve the added value of products and promote Mao County’s industry development level. The CO generated by Yuefa Chemical Co., Ltd. can meet the needs for production of 50000 tons of sodium formate; meanwhile, there are many enterprises to produce the raw materials such as caustic soda in Sichuan, therefore, the raw materials demanded by the project are in abundant supply and have relatively low costs. Total Investment Introduction of capital 5000 5000 Economic Benefits It is predicted that total sales revenue will be RMB 150 million, total production cost will be RMB 102.844 million, selling profit will be RMB 47.156 million, sales tax and extra charges will be RMB 23.649 million and after-tax profits will be RMB 16 million. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Construction period One year Type of Construction Newly built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself


序號 34 工業 公司名稱 法定代表人 項目單位現狀 經濟性質 工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 5000 總投資 引進資金 5000 企業自籌 經濟效益 預計總銷售收入15000萬元,總的生產成本10284.4萬元,銷售利潤4715.6萬元,銷售稅金及附 2364.9萬元,稅后利潤1600萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 獨資、合資 建設工期 1 建設性質 新建 建設地點 利用電石爐尾氣建設年產5萬噸甲酸鈉項目。購置安裝氣體 存儲罐、氣體壓縮機、除氧反應器、脫碳塔、合成反應器、蒸發器、自動離心機、轉窯干燥器、自動包裝線以及其它輔 助設備等。茂縣工業園區 太安集中區 項目內容 甲酸鈉用途廣泛,是化工生產中重要的化工原料。國內國際供求市場異常活躍,特別是在醫藥化工 中大量改用草酸替代磷酸的生產工藝,使得草酸需求量激增,加上美國無草酸生產廠家,大多從中 國進口,日本、歐洲等國需求量也在增長,甲酸鈉的市場前景樂觀。近年來,我國甲酸鈉產業發展 較快,到2011年產量達49萬噸,需求量則超過了55萬噸。此外,我國甲酸鈉的下游產品甲酸及草 酸的生產總量不能滿足國內需要,同時我國也是保險粉生產大國,每年消耗甲酸鈉大約為總產量的60%左右,因此,國內甲酸鈉市場前景非常看好。預計未來五年內,需求量仍將保持年均15% 右的增長速度,再加上年均超過20萬噸的國際市場需求量,甲酸鈉的市場發展空間較為廣闊。市場分析及預測 本項目擬利用太安工業集中區內的躍發化工有限公司生產電石時產生的一氧化碳(CO)尾氣生產 甲酸鈉。每生產1噸電石,將產生400立方米的一氧化碳(CO)尾氣,利用電石爐尾氣和燒堿 NaOH)反應生產甲酸鈉,即可對電石爐尾氣加以循環利用,減少污染排放物,還可以提高產品附 加值,提升茂縣產業發展層次。躍發化工有限公司產生的一氧化碳,可滿足5萬噸甲酸鈉生產的需 要;同時四川省境內生產燒堿等原料的企業眾多,因此,項目所需原料供應充足,且成本相對低廉。建設條件 Unit: RMB 10***


50000 Tons per Year Sodium Formate Project





Phone Number: 0837-741***


Contact: Yang Bocheng



新建集旅游紀念品研發、加工、銷售為一體的旅游紀念品生產基地。松潘縣青云鄉 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 松潘縣中盈農業產業化投資有限公司 楊英能 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 201312 民營 60 總負債 產負債率 總資產 3億元-5億元 總投資 7000 引進資金 3500 企業自籌 3500 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年銷售收入1200萬元,年利潤200萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 獨資或合資 市場分析及預測 隨著生活水平的提高,人們對能反映旅游景點風情,既有收藏價值,又有觀賞價值和實用價值的旅游紀念品需求量逐年增加。本項目可依托松潘藏、羌、回、漢等多民族融合、聚居的獨特文化及九寨、黃龍瑰麗的自然風光,對獨具特色的旅游紀念品進行系列開發。松潘位于九寨溝國際旅游區,游客接待量大,旅游紀念品加工市場前景廣闊。建設條件 項目規劃、設計、環評、三通一平等前期工作全部完成,已具備開工條件。成熟的旅游市場可為本項目提供充足的市場。建設工期 1 建設性質 新建

35 S/N Industry Industry Project Contents Construction site Qingyun Village, Songpan County It is planned to newly build a tourist souvenir production base integrated to R&D, processing and sales of tourist souvenir. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast With the improvement of living standards, people’s demands for the tourist souvenirs which have collection value, ornamental value and practical value increase by years. The project can make series development of the tourist souvenirs with unique features based on the unique cultures of Songpan Tibetan, Qiang, Hui, Han, etc. multi-national fusion and gathering and Jiuzhai and Yellow Dragon’ s beautiful natural scenery. Songpan is located at Jiuzhaigou international tourist area with large tourist reception capacity and domestic market potential, where tourist souvenirs can be directly sold to foreign countries. Thus the project has broad market prospects. Building Conditions The preliminary woks such as project planning, design, environment assessment and three supplies and one leveling have been completed. The project has already had the conditions for starting construction. Matured tourist market can provide adequate market for the project. Total Investment Introduction of capital 3500 7000 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual sales revenue of RMB 12 million and annual profit of RMB 2 million can be realized, and the investment payoff period will be 3-5 years. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship or joint venture Construction period One year Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself 3500 Unit: RMB 10***



Tourist Souvenir Processing Project




Phone Number: 0837-723***

Contact: Yuan Yin



新建生物提取sod、凝血酶、免疫血清壯骨粉、瑪咖素研發、提取生產線、加工廠房等;購置安裝相關配套設施設備。松潘縣青云鄉 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 松潘縣中盈農業產業化投資有限公司 楊英能 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 民營 60 201312 總負債 產負債率 總資產 3億元-5億元 總投資 4700 引進資金 2350 企業自籌 2350 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計年銷售收入可達4000萬元,年利潤可達800-1000萬元,投資回收期為3-5年。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 獨資或合資 市場分析及預測 超氧化物歧化酶簡稱SOD,是一種源于生命體的活性物質,能消除生物體在新陳代謝過程中產生 的有害物質,是現代化妝品和保健品的原材料之一。凝血酶廣泛用于小血管、消化道及外傷止血 等。免疫血清壯骨粉是一種保健類的補鈣產物。該項目重點依托當地盛產的牦牛血、牦牛骨、羊 胎盤、貝母、蟲草等進行生物提取和深加工,市場需求量大,產品附加值高,利潤十分可觀。建設條件 該項目規劃、設計、環評、三通一平等前期工作全部完成,已具備開工條件。松潘縣境內有機場,數條國、省道貫穿全縣,成蘭鐵路松潘段已正式開工建設,交通極其便利,原材料供應充足。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

36 S/N Industry Industry Project Contents Construction site Qingyun Village, Songpan County It is planned to newly build research and development, extraction production line and processing plant of biological extracts sod, thrombin, immune sera bone powders and maca; purchase and install relevant supporting facilities and equipment. Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a kind of active substances derived from living organism which can remove the harmful substances produced by the living body in the process of metabolism, and is one of the raw materials of modern cosmetics and health products. Thrombin is widely applied to stopping small vessel bleeding, digestive tract bleeding, traumatic bleeding, etc. Immune serum bone power is a kind of health-type calcium supplement product. The project mainly carry out biological extraction and deep processing based on fritillary, worm grass, yak blood, yak bone, sheep placenta, etc. which are produced locally. It has very large market demands, high product added value and very considerable profits. Building Conditions The preliminary woks such as project planning, design, environment assessment and three supplies and one leveling have been completed. The project has already had the conditions for starting construction. Songpan has an airport and several national and provincial highways running through the whole county, construction of Songpan section of Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway has been formally started. It has very convenient transportation and enough raw materials supply. Total Investment Introduction of capital 4700 2350 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual sales revenue of RMB 12 million and annual profit of RMB 2 million can be realized, and the investment payoff period will be 3-5 years. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship or joint venture Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly Built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself 2350 Unit: RMB 10***




Phone Number: 0837-723***

Contact: Yuan Yin




1、對廠區進行改擴建;2、對現有生產工藝及生產線進行技改擴能。九寨溝縣漳扎鎮 項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 九寨溝縣國有資產管理經營公司 楊代友 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 縣屬國有 12 總負債 產負債率 總資產 2680 總投資 10000 引進資金 10000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年產值2億元,年利潤0.1億元,投資回收期為10年左右。前期工作 合作方式 獨資、合資、合作 市場分析及預測 九寨溝飲用天然礦泉水水源位于九寨溝縣漳扎鎮火地壩,是天然出露型巖溶上升泉,日開采水量 1879立方米,年開采能力為71萬立方米;因地處原生態的環境中,水質清澈透明,口感純 正,經省地質工程勘察院鑒定,該礦泉水鍶含量為1.167毫克/升,達到《飲用天然礦泉水》國家標 準的界限指標。該項目依托九寨溝品牌效益,具有極佳的市場潛力。建設條件 融資企業各類手續齊備,擁有土地、廠房和設備等固定資產;各類基礎設施完備。建設工期 2 建設性質 改擴建

37 S/N Industry Industry Project Contents Construction site It is planned to newly build a tourist souvenir production base integrated to R&D, processing and sales of tourist souvenir. Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhaigou County Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast Jiuzhaigou drinking natural mineral water source is located at Huodiba, Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhaigou County, which is a natural outcropped karst rising spring with daily water exploitation quantity of 1879 cubic meters and annual exploitation capacity of 710000 cubic meters; Because it is located in the original ecological environment, it has clear and transparent water quality and pure taste. The mineral water contains strontium of 1.167 mg/l via the provincial geological engineering investigation institute’s appraisal, which meet the limit index of national standard “Drinking Natural Mineral Water”. The project has great market potential based on Jiuzhaigou brand benefit. Building Conditions Financing companies have complete various kinds of formalities and own the fixed assets such as land, plant and equipment;All kinds of infrastructures are complete. Total Investment Introduction of capital 10000 10000 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, it is predicted that annual sales revenue of RMB 12 million and annual profit of RMB 2 million can be realized, and the investment payoff period will be 3-5 years. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Reconstruction and expansion Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***



Mineral Water Improvement Project




Phone Number:1351843***

Contact:Yang Daiyou



38 工業 成阿工業園 新建年產2000萬只高性能鋰離子電池生產線,辦公樓、科研 樓及附屬用房。項目單位現狀 公司名稱 法定代表人 經濟性質 職工人數 設立時間 總負債 產負債率 總資產 總投資 20000 引進資金 20000 企業自籌 經濟效益 項目建成后,預計可實現年利潤1500萬元。前期工作 項目前期規劃基本完成 合作方式 合作 市場分析及預測 高性能鋰離子電池可為通訊、航空、醫療、機動車輛、影視等提供動力保障,屬現代化高科技外 向型產品,它正以驚人的速度逐步取代鎳鉻和鎳氫電池。從中國和全球市場來看,鋰離子電池的市場需求非常龐大。建設條件 項目擬建地成阿工業園區地處成都市金堂縣,交通便捷,物流發達,入園企業可享受國家支援災 后重建、支持藏區發展等優惠政策。阿壩州鋰礦資源豐富,利用技術優勢進行深加工,將大大提 高鋰產業的資源價值,實現利益最大化。建設工期 2 建設性質 新建

38 S/N Industry Industry Project Contents Construction site It is planned to construct 20MTPA high-performance lithium ion battery production line, office building, scientific research building and accessory occupancy. Chengdu-Aba Industrial Park Status Quo of Project Unit Name of company Legal representativ e Market Analysis and Forecast High-performance lithium ion battery can provide power guarantee for communication, aviation, medical treatment, motor vehicles, film and television and so on, which belongs to modernized high-tech extravert type product. It is replacing nickel-chromium and nickel-metal hydride batteries gradually at an alarming rate, and is becoming the main power of consumer electronic products. From the points of China and global market, lithium ion battery has very large market potential. Building Conditions The project construction site Chengdu-Aba Industrial Park is situated in Jintang County, Chengdu City with convenient transportation, developed logistics and adequate water, electricity and gas energy sources. The enterprises entering the park can enjoy the national preferential policies such as supporting post-disaster reconstruction and supporting Tibetan areas development. Aba Prefecture has abundant lithium mineral resources. Making use of technological advantages to carry out deep processing will greatly improve the resource value of lithium industry and realize profit maximization. Total Investment Introduction of capital 20000 20000 Economic Benefits After the project is completed, is will realized the profit of RMB 15 million and the tax payment of RMB 8 million. Pre-phase Work The preliminary planning of project has been basically completed. Ways of Cooperation cooperation Construction period Two Years Type of Construction Newly built Time of Establishement Economic nature N e umber of mployees Total assets Total liabilities As set-liability ratio Raised by the enterprise itself Unit: RMB 10***






Phone Number: 028-8491***









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