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來源:網群國際    瀏覽:



  CITEM(Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions)公司是菲律賓貿工部下屬的半官方機構,負責多數展會的登記和管理工作。CITEM的任務是通過交易會,尤其是展覽、貿易代表團和其他的國內外的宣傳活動,來促進和推廣菲律賓的高質量產品和服務。


  地址:Golden Shell Pavilion , International Trade Center

Roxas Boulevard , 1300 Pasay City

Metro Manila , Philippines




  PACEOS(Philippine Association of Convention / Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers, Inc.)是一個由專業的活動、展覽的組織者和包括會場的所有者、攤位承包人、貨運代理、酒店等在內的所有合作者組成的一個聯合體,是作為菲律賓會展業的權威來提供服務的。該協會提供系統的服務,如旅游和旅游代理,定期的航線和其他的交通運輸部門也都是PACEOS的成員。在加強菲律賓的會展業方面,通過它的會員在各個行業的活動,PACEOS促進了貿易、觀光旅游和繼續教育,它向來自世界各地的展覽者和購買者提供了一個做生意和派會議代表參觀菲律賓教育和技術轉讓的平臺。PACEOS的目標是通過促進和提升在展覽業中的地位、成長和優勢,使菲律賓成為東南亞舉辦會展的重要地點。

Philippine Association of Convention / Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers, Inc. (PACEOS)的聯系方法:

地址:Hall#1 ITC complex Roxas Blvd., cor.

Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Ext.

1300 Pasay City, Philippines

電話:(00632) 834-5247

(00632) 831-2201 Ext. 306

傳真:(00632) 834-5247

郵箱: " target="_blank">apceos[ta]compass.com.ph

網址: www.apceos.com




Executive Director

菲律賓主要展覽中心是馬尼拉世界貿易中心,Word Trade Center Manila(WTC)。

地址:Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Philippines




展覽場地面積:10810 sq.m.











  必須按照商務部規定的程序,經過省級以上主管部門批準方可出國辦展。如不了解菲律賓情況應事先調查,大型展覽要派先遣人員,對擬舉行展會的場館進行考察,做到對交通、供電、場館高度、荷載能力等項要素心中有數。注重在當地媒體多做宣傳,菲律賓華文報紙為《商報》和《世界日報》,英文報紙為The Philippine Star,在主流媒體上進行適當的宣傳有助于提高產品的知名度。及時加強與中國駐菲律賓使館的聯系,如果想了解菲律賓展覽業的規定,可以來信來函咨詢駐菲律賓使館,盡量將問題解決在萌芽狀態。


ALL Trans-Link Network Phils., Imc.

No.3 Sta Agueda Ave., Pascor Drive

NAIA Para?aque, M.M.

Tel #:5514649/51 Fax#:5514652



Official Rep: Ms. Sonia R. Sayaman (Exc. Mgr)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Joey C. Tongson (Gen. Mgr)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service Exhibit: Freight Forwarder

Araneta Center Incorporated

Aurora Tower, Araneta Center, Cubao, Q.C.

Tel #: 9113101 loc. 8313 Fax #: 9115328

Email: aranetacenter[ta]aranetagroup.com


Official Rep.: Ms. Ma. Lorna D. Fabian (Leasing Mgr,)

Alternate Rep: Ms. Aileen Albay (Leasing Asst.)

Membership Classification:Regular

Service: Convention/Exhibition (Venue)

Asian Tigers Lane Moving and Storage

N-4,JY and Sons Cmpd, Veterans Center, Taguig, M.M.

Tel #: 8370932 Fax #: 8384835

Email: logistics[ta]asiantigers-philippines.com

Official Rep.: Ms. May C. Lopez (Logistic Coordinator)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Amy Macaraig (Logistic Coordinator)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Exhibit Freight Forwarder

Bayview Park Hotel Manila

1118 Roxas Blvd., cor UN Ave., Ermita, Manila

Tel #: 5261555 Fax #: 5212674/1285

Email: corp_sales[ta]bayviewparkhotel.com.ph

Official Rep.: Ms. Ana G. Aguila (09189105895)

(Senior Sales Manager)

Alternate Rep: Ms. Marielle Ardiente (Banquet Sales Mgr.)

Membership Classification : Regular

Service Venue: Hotel

Center for International Trade Expositions & Missions (CITEM)

Golden Shell Pavillion, ITC Complex, Roxas Blvd. cor Sen Gil Puyat Ave, Pasay City, MM

Tel #: 8312201/8323973 Fax #: 8323965/8340177

Email:info[ta]citem.com.ph, publicity[ta]citem.com.ph

Official Rep: Ms. Lourdes B.Ilusorio (DED, Com. & Design)

Alternate Rep: Mr. ronald M. Gonzales (Info Officer III)

Membership Classification: Government Agency

Centrex Corporation

206 MH Del Pilar St., cor Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong City

Tel #: 7266931-35 Fax #: 7226065

Email: centrex[ta]skyinet.net

Official rep: Ms. Ma. Elena P. Satos (Mgr-Exhibits)

Alternate Rep.:Victor Paul P. Veloso (mktg Specialist)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Booth Contractor

Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation, Inc. (CTIF)

3F LDM Bldg., Legaspi St. cor. MJ Cuenco Ave, Cebu City

Tel #: (032) 2533091 Fax #: (032) 2530274 /2548246

Email: ruby[ta]furniturecebu.com


Official Rep.: Mr. Jay Yuvallos (Pres)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Ruby Salutan (Exec. Dir.)

Membership Classification: Affiliate

Service: (PEO)

Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Phils., (CFIP)

Unit H, 9F, Strata 100 Bldg., Emerald Ave.

Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel #: 6312834 Fax #: 6312977

Email: dulcabadillo[ta]cifipnet.com


Official Rep.: Mr. Danny J. Eguia (Fairs & Mktg Head)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Dulca T. Badillo (Mgr.)

Member Classification: Affiliate

Service: (PEO)

CityNeon Phils., Inc.

#7 Main Ave., ACSIE Cmpd. Severina Inds., Subd.

4m 16 SSHW, Pque, MM

Tel #: 7764613 to 20 Fax #: 7764611

Email: cityneon[ta]pacific.net.ph


Official Rep.: Ms. Leni R. Faustino (Direc Sales & Mktg)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. wenchill A. Trovella (Proj. Excutive)

Membership Classification : Regular

Service Booth: Contractor

Coltrans Cargo Phils.

2253 Aurora Bld., Tramo Pasay City

Tel #: 8332251 to 55 Fax #: 8332358/8318173

Email: coltrans[ta]skyinet.net

Official Rep.: Ms. Deedee Ledonio-Mallari-(V-Pres)

Alternate Rep. Ms. Riza Cano (Exhibition Coordinator)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Exhibit Freight Forwarder

Convention and Exhibition Managers International Corp (CONVEX)

Unit 705 Annapolis Wilshire Plaza

11 Annapolis St., Greenhills, San Juan, MM

Tel #: 7264128-30 Fax #: 7244578

Email: convex[ta]tri-isys.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Agnes H. Escalante (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Joela B. Arroyo (FAD Officer)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PCO?PEO

Creatif Foire Pro

Suite 205, 818 Bldg., 169 Sahw Blvd., Pasig City

Tel #: 6721721/23 Fax #: 6721719

Email: antondvm[ta]yahoo.com

Official Rep.: Mr. Antonio V. Magpantay (VP for Operations)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Leah Camacan (Events & Exhibition Mgr)

Membership Classification: Probationary

Service: CEO

European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP)

19F Philippine AXA Life Center, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati

Tel #: 7596680/8451324 Fax #: 7596690/8451395

Email: egarcia[ta]ECCP.com

Official Rep.: Mr. Henry J. Schumacher (Exec. V_Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Elaine G. Gatchalian (Mktg. Service Mgr.)

Membership Classification: Affiliate

Service: Chamber

Fairs & More, Inc.

19F Philippine AXA Life Center, Sen Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City

Tel. #: 7596680/8451324 Fax #: 7596690 / 8451395

Email: egarcia[ta]fairsandmore.com

Official Rep,: Ms. Ellaine G. Gatchalian (V-Pres & COO)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Henry j. Schumacher (Pre. & CEO)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PEO

Global-Link Business Communications Phils.,

Unit 1003 Antel 2000 Corporate Center

121 Valero St., Village, Makati City

Tel #: 7508588 Fax No: 7508585 / 8871305


Officail Rep.: Ms. Jing S. lagandaon (Deputy Managing Director)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Patrick Lawrence Tan (Managing Dir.)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PEO

Hamlin-Ituralde Corp. (TEAMASIA)

Unit 308, Bldg. B. The Plaza Northgate Cyberzone

Filinvest Corp., City Alabang, Muntinlupa

Tel #: 7573500 Fax #: 7573510

Email: mihamlin[ta]teamasia.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Ma. Montserrat Ituralde (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Harold Alvarez (Asst. Director of Sales)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Venue

DANEX Signs, Inc.

76 F. Mariano Ave., dela Paz Pasig City

Tel #: 6821398 Tel/Fax: 6821397

Email: danex[ta]info.com.ph, danexhibit[ta]hotmail.com, jc_siasoco[ta]yahoo.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Adelia F. Majaba (President & COO)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Jeanette C. Siasoco (Mktg. Mgr)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service Booth: PEO

DHL Danzas Air and Ocean

Danzas Bldg., Sta. Agueda Ave., Pascor Drive Pque., MM

Tel #: 8520738 Fax #: 8531691


Official Rep.:

Aternate Rep:

Membership Classification: Regular

Service:Exhibit Freight Forwarder

EDSA Shangri-La Hotel

#1 Garden Way, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City

Tel #: 6369053 Fax #: 6311063

Email: esl[ta]shangrila.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Marie R. Apacible (Sales Mgr.)


Membership Clasification: Regular

Service: Venue (Hotel)

Edutech Trade & Services

22 Mecedez St., SCHS, Tayuman, Binangonan, Rizal

Tel #: 6511749 Fax #: 4510946

Email: edutech[ta]mla.nsclub.net

Official Rep.: Ms. Sally Bernardo

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Gloria de Castro

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PEO

Heritage Hotel Manila

Roxas Blvd., cor EDSA Pasay City

Tel # 8548888 ext 7106 Fax: 8548608

Email: nroldan[ta]heritagehotelmanila.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Norielle roldan (Dir of Marketing)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Harold Alvarez (Asst Dir of Sales)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Venue (Hotel)

Jugro Transport International Philippines Corp.

3818 Mascardo St., cor. Pasong Tamo, Makati City

Tel #: 8974254 8955515 Fax #: 8960666/8966478

Email: jugro[ta]jugro.com

Official Rep.: Mr. Ferdinand Roxas (Seafreight Cargo System Manager)

Alternate Rep.:Mr. Ulysses Calubbaquid (marketing & Sales Mgr.)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Freigrht Forwarder

Leverage International (Consultants) Inc.

Suite 84 Legaspi Suites, 178 Salcedo St., Legaspi Vill., Makati City.

Tel #: 8101389 8186828 Fax #: 8101594

Email: lvrge[ta]netasia.net

Official Rep.: Mr. Robert A. Sanchez (Vice Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: MS. Elizabeth M. Cruz (Chief of Staff)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PEO

SM Megatrade Hall

First Asia Realty Dev’t Corp. , SM Megamall Mandaluyong

Tel #: 6331697 / 8001949 Fax #: 6319637

Email: pdd[ta]megatrade.com.ph


Official Rep.: Mr. Dexter Deyto (Asst. Vice Pres.)

Alternte Rep.: Ms. Beth Cruz-Garbo

Membersjip Classification: Regualr

Service: Exhibition (Venue)

Philippine Airlines, Inc., (PAL)

PAL Center, Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati City

Tel #: 8186449 Fax #: 8938261

Email: desi_martin[ta]pal.com.ph


Official Rep.: Ms. Ma. Lourdes Martin (Mgr.-Tours Div.)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Jun Quiane, Jr.

Membership Classification: Allied

Service: Airline

Philippine Congress Organizing Center (PCOC)

2F Physician Tower, UN Ave., Ermita, Manila

Tel #: 5214884 or 92 Fax #: 5221090

Email: ladejesus[ta]manila-online.net


Official Rep.: Ms. Lita Ang de-Jesus (Gen.Mgr.)

Alternate rep.: Mr. Tony Ang (Dir. Operation)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PCO/PEO

Philippine Exhibit and Theme Parks Corp. (PETCO)

Boom na Boom Ground

CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., 1307 Pasay City MM

Tel #: 8329304 Fax #: 8329304

Email: mdmpetco[ta]pworld.net.ph

Official Rep.: Ms. Marissa D. Nallana (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Haydee M. Kwan (V-Pres.)

Membership Classification: Regualr

Service: PCO/PEO

Philippine International Convention Center (PICC)

CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., 1307 Pasay City MM

Tel #: 5516296 / 5517320 loc 7749 Fax #: 5516372

Email: mktgdiv.[ta]picc.gov.ph


Official Rep.: Ms. Jet W. Cabuslay (Mktg & Events Mgr.)

Aternate Rep.:

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Venue (Center)

Sapphire Cargo Movers, Inc.

Logistic Facility Center

Multinational Village, Para?aque City

Tel #: 8229411-20 Fax #: 8238571 / 8238611

Email: scmiphil[ta]pworld.net.ph


Official Rep.: Mr. Nestor Levanza (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. jun Mallari (Exh. Mgr.)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Exhibit Freight Forwarder

Trade Information Marketing & Exhibitions, Inc. (TIME)

Suite 324 Secretariat Bldg., PICC< CCP Complex

Roxas Blvd. Pasay City

Tel #: 8340085-86 Fax #: 8313828

Email: time[ta]skyinet.net

Official Rep.:Mr. Nestor S. Lavenza (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Annie B. PAnganiban (Trade Promotion Director)

Membership Calssifiaction: Regular

Service: PEO

Traders Hotel Manila (managed by Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts)

3001 Roxa Blvd., pasay City

Tel #: 5237011 Fax #: 5223985

Email: jopylopez[ta]shangri-la.com

Officila Rep.: Ms. Jopy G. Lopez (Direc of Sales & Mktg.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Janice B. Cabrera (Dir. Of Sales Dev.)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service :Venue (hotels)

Waterfront Cebu City Hotel

Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City

Tel.#: (63-32) 2326888 / 8481075

Manila Office Tel. #: 6870888

Fax #: (63-32) 2326880 / 6373896-97


Official Rep.:

Alternate Rep.:

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Venue (hotels)

Primetrade Asia, Inc.

5F Accelerando Bldg., 395 Sen Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City

Tel # 8960682 Fax #: 8960695

Email: tsc[ta]primetradeasia.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Ma. Irene B. Lloren (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Ma. Cristina S. Capistrano (V-Pres)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PCO/PEO

Premier Events Plus Group, Inc.

39 C. Esteban Abada St.

Loyola Heights, Q.C.

Tel #: 9297963 / 9297993 Fax #: 4364898

Email: info[ta]PEPGroup.com

Official Rep.: Mr. J.M. Antonio Pascual (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Randy Manaloto (VP-Finance)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PCO/PEO

RTF Tradenet International

105 Nimbus St., Moonwalk Village, Las Pi?as City

Tel #: 8031021 Fax #: 8055611

Email: tradenet8[ta]yahoo.com

Official Rep.: Mr. Renato t. Ferrer (Gen. Mgr.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Ma. Rocelyn Ferrer (Marketing Head)

Membership Classification: Probationary

Service: PEO

STAMM Interntional Inc.

Stamm House, 3407 Gen. Lim St., Bangkal, Makati City

Tel #: 8435521-24 Fax #: 8877804 / 8453115

Email: stamm[ta]stamm.com.ph

Official Rep.: Ms. Mabelle Bagtas (Sales & Mktg. Mgr.)

Alternate Rep.: Mr. Urs hebeisen ( Managing Dir.)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: Exh. Freight Forwarders

Strategic Planners Network, inc.

47 Marathon St., Q.C.

Tel #: 3727925 Fax #: 3733020

Email: strategicnet[ta]pacific.net.ph

Official Rep.: Atty. Avelina V> Estrada (Pres.)

Alternate Rep.:

Service: PCO/PEO

The Westin Philippine Plaza

CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City

Tel #: 5515555 Fax #: 8326923

Email: bscenter[ta]westinmanila.com,



Official Rep.:Ms. Sunshine Robles (Dir. Of Sales)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Charisse Santos (Sale Mgr. Cnvt.)

Membership Classificatrion: Regular

Service: Venue (hotel)

World Exhibition & Conventions, Inc. (WORLDEXCO)

1202 Sunset View Towers, 2230 Roxas Blvd., Pasay City

Tel #: 8918638 / 8347408 Fax #: 834-0608

Email: wdx[ta]info.com.ph, lzromero[ta]worldexco.com

Official Rep.: Ms. Lynn Z> Romero (pres.)

Alternate Rep.: Ms. Kate Pineda (Mktg. Mgr.)

Membership Classification: Regular

Service: PCO/PEO

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