国产精品乱普通话在线,久久综合久久美利坚合众国,日韩 亚洲 国产 综合 高清,亚洲精品无码av中文字幕

來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

大型機械及設備|小型機械|汽車配件|工具|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|建筑及裝飾材料|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具|家居裝飾品|土特產品 泰國 SITEM is the most capable company in the field of providing turnkey solution for Data Center, ISP, Telecommunication base station, control room, clean room ,etc. By assuming responsibility for the total project management, SITEM has offer : Precision Air Conditioning System Electrical System UPS DC Power Supply Surge Protection System Battery Strong Room Network and Data Cabling Clean Agent Fire Suppression (FM 200, HFC 227 EA) Water Mist Fire Suppression System Water Leak Detector Telealarm (Environmental Monitoring System) Access Control Raised Floor Kold Lok Construction Work and Interior Decoration Thetsabansongkhor Bangkok www.sitem.co.th chompunuch 6629543270 6625892190 kritsana**[ta]**m.co.th

大型機械及設備|小型機械|車輛|工程機械|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|工藝陶瓷|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|玩具|禮品及贈品|土特產品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 委內瑞拉 WE ARE IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY GOODS AND MATERIAL RAW MINERALS FERROUS AND NO-FERROUS.SECTOR CONSTRUCTION IN VENEZUELA AND SUPPLIERS. ADVISER COMPANIES FOODS MEDICINE HEALTH CONSTRUCTION SECTOR QUIMICO.ESTUDIO OF MARKET IN VENEZUELA.POSIBLES BUSINESSES WITH CHINESE CITIZENS ****.UNIVERSIDAD 100-59 http.//.www.gyl6668.com YI WEN CHAN LAI 58 412 8883680 58 241 5117228 gyldevenezuela**[ta]**l.com 車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|服裝飾物與配件|紡織原料面料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|工藝陶瓷|日用陶瓷|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品 越南 In 2006, LiOA began to invest in manufacturing and trading construction and house-hold electrical equipment and took first success of electrical equipment of LiOA. LiOA also is known overseas, many customers come to Vietnam to set up long relationship. Upto now, LiOA’s products have been expoted to many countries: USA, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, Malaysia, Mianma, … <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/L_2008032622551119.jpg> BADINH HANOI VIETNAM-CZECH WWW.DIENTU.NET 0084988828333 008447344090 008447344090 xiaoqi2412**[ta]**o.com

化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居裝飾品|玩具|節日用品 印度 we are a company from India and want to buy industry products,medicines&health products and gifts. 2/215,Maharaja Aggarsain Commercial Complex,L.S.C.-7,Sector-9,Rohini,Delhi svshil 91-11-27555789 inovativeoverseas**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|車輛|工程機械|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家具|家居用品 冰島 We are a company from ICELAND and looking for Industrial Products and Consumer Goods Rjupnasalir 12,201 Kopavogur ICELAND http://www.famdeco.com Gudmundur Unnarsson 354-554-7253 famdeco**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|服裝飾物與配件|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居用品|禮品及贈品 馬來西亞 We are a company from Malaysia and looking for Industrial Products,Medicines&Health Products,Consumer Goods and Gifts Lots 9240-9243,Sect.64,KTLD Jin.Kwong Lee Bank,Pending 93450 Kuching,G.P.O.Box 3223 93762 Kuching,Sarawak,Malaysia Andrew Lu Zen Kai 082-346188 082-345118 ppehq**[ta]**amyx.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|食品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|家居裝飾品|玻璃工藝品|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗 巴西 Via Marketing was founded in 1996. The company has his headquarters in Porto Alegre, with representative offices in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Montevideo\Uruguay, Bogota\Colombia, Lima\Peru. Operates as Import \ Export Agent. Located in South Brazil, operating in the whole South America. Use to make Market Researches to costumers in order to find the best suppliers abroad. <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/L_20100725085429215.jpg> Av. Julio de Castilhos, 596 Cj. 1004 www.viamarketing.com.br waste recycling equipments Evaldo Silva Junior 555130620555 555130620555 esjjse**[ta]**ail.com

五金|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|箱包|家具|禮品及贈品 摩洛哥 GMT is a limited trading company. Established on 2005, our business is multi-directed into different fields including, furniture,hardware, electronics, paper products and biotechnology products. The stuff of the company leaded by Dr. Abderrahmane AAZAZ has already reached over 80 person amount which 6 managers, 10 operators and over sixty sales representatives covering 60% of moroccan territory. our aim is to be number one in terms of sourcing, and contracting transactions to morocco. 35#. kissariat errahma. hay moulay abdellah. ain chock. N.A abderrahmane AAZAZ 00212-35-399462 00212-35-399462 abaza20**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 英國 WE ARE COMPANY THAT WANTS TO EXPAND INTO A NEW AREA AND WORK WITH OTHER COMPANYS TO MOVE FORWARD. WE H****E WORKED WITH MANY COMPANYS IN THE UK AND NOW WE THINK ITS TIME TO EXPAND ABROAD AND DO A JOINT VENTURE. MAKKAH BUILDING, DICKENS STREET, BRADFORD,WEST YORKSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM gulfraz hussain 44 0 1274221479 44 0 1274221479 rajass**[ta]**ail.co.uk

大型機械及設備|小型機械|五金|車輛|工程機械|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|紡織原料面料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|園林用品|日用陶瓷|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 巴基斯坦 . <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/IC200710121239418158.JPG> C85 KDA Scheme 1 karachi shahid mahmood 92213035686 92214526142 exxons**[ta]**ail.com 車輛|工程機械|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|礦產冶金及有色金屬 孟加拉 I`m Bangladeshi National, Owner of BANGLADESH TRADE LINK, BANGLADESH TRADE LINK is a enlisted Supplier Organization of Bangladesh Defense Ministry i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, Bangladesh Rifles including Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) that provides Security, Telecommunication/Signals, IT and various Type of Electric & Electronics Item. Those Items are purchase from China & Hong Kong. But above-mentioned Items are very much furnished and durable in Korea from China or Hong Kong. So those are very much demandable in our country if Korea in origin especially Security, Telecommunication/Signals Item. That why as an well as Supplier Organization of Bangladesh Defense Ministry, I think to Import from Korea that stated above and the much demandable Items. 14,Shewrapara Kafrul,Mirpur Dhaka Izharul Islam Siddiquee +88 02 8050504 +88 02 8050504 bdtradelink**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|工具|工程機械|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 印度 Pharma equipment manufacturers nizampet road hyderabad andhrapradesh www.polmon.com usharani manne 914023057308 914023055425 usha.manne**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|工具|車輛|工程機械|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|裘革皮羽絨及制品|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|鐘表眼鏡|礦產冶金及有色金屬 厄瓜多爾 Paul Penaherrera +86 021764776989 +593 2 2871388 frapelive**[ta]**o.com 家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|抽紗 墨西哥 WE COMERCIALIZE KNITTED FABRICS. LOOKING FOR A BIG REPRESENTATION OF MAIN PRODUCERS IN CHINA. ACTUALLY WE H****E 10 SUPPLIERS FROM CHINA. WE SELL IN LATINAMERICA ABOUT0 TONS. PER MONTH. PLEASE SEND SAMPLES AND PRICES, IT IS NECESARY TO VISIT YOUR PLANT. ****ENA 128, GRANJAS MEXICO WWW.TELCOTEXTIL.COM.MX SONY COHEN 5510546151 5510546151 sonycohen**[ta]**ail.com 汽車配件|建筑及裝飾材料|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|服裝飾物與配件|紡織原料面料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|礦產冶金及有色金屬 美國 PDM Enterprise is a wholesaler in the U.S.A. market. Major products are disposable vinyl and latex gloves, and disposable paper products such as paper towels, toilet paper, etc. Future markets will include semiconductor testing. 2267 S. Coconino Dr. Berrin Bigott 0014802170296 0014802882087 berrin_bigott**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居裝飾品|園林用品|鐵石制品|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|節日用品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 毛里求斯 We are a company involved in the importation, wholesale and distribution of foodstuff and non foodstuff items through our wholly owned subsidiary companies. We are also suppliers of products to the main supermarkets and hypermarkets OF MAURITIUS. We are also involved in the construction industry and supply construction equipment and tools to companies . 49A, Avenue Hirondelles, Sodnac Sanjay Ramgutty 2302540367 2302488728 dhanush**[ta]**et.mu

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗|礦產冶金及有色金屬 越南 Agriculture - Industry - Marine Survey & Inspection Corporation (AIM Control) in Viet Nam and Worldwide. AIM Control is an independent inspection company acting globally and providing a complete range of inspection, quality goods control and consulting service to trade and industry as well as governmental buying organizations. ACTIVITIES: Certification Inspection & Survey, Superintendence Quality Goods Control Inspection & Pre-shipment Inspection & Laboratory Services Ship Agent Testing & Analysis Technical Consultancy Diving and Underwater Works Training Thank you & Best Regards. Dr Capt Nguyen Te Nhan General Director AIM Control Tel : + (848) 8327204 Fax : + (848) 8328393 Mobile : + (849) 03915612 (0903615612) E-mail : aimdcontrol**[ta]**vn; aimcontrol**[ta]**a.net.vn; aimcontrol**[ta]**ail.com; dr_john20052001**[ta]**o.com <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/IC200709042054514281.GIF> 45, Street 03, Ward 04, District 03, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam http://www.ship.gr/aim.htm Dr. Capt. Nguyen Te Nhan 848-8327204 848-8328393 aimcontrol**[ta]**vn

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家具|鐵石制品 美國 We are a U.S based company initially focused on providing services for small industries suppliers network between continental U.S. and Europe. We have so extended our network to many other countries and would like to reach out to as many Chinese Suppliers as possible into our existing network. 8692 Night Watch Ct. www.maitianjin.com Lana Yang 703-220-0993 703-560-2882 lana.yang**[ta]**o.com

工具|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|鐘表眼鏡|玩具 美國 7305 East CedarPlace Mike Landie 303-718-8119 303-364-3030 greatexchangellc**[ta]**com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品||園林用品|鐵石制品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 巴基斯坦 217 ADAMJEE ROAD RAWALPINDI 217 ADAMJEE ROAD RAWALPINDI 92-51-5563240 92-51-5563240 jascom**[ta]**ultant.com

五金|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|服裝飾物與配件|紡織原料面料|食品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品 埃及 we were larg company since 1983had establised in cairo we have many branch in egypt and in middeleast we trade in many products 24azet slama naser city cairo ahmed hares 00202740667 00202740667 ethadco1983**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|男女裝|內衣|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|食品|化工產品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具|箱包|鐘表眼鏡|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品 印度 Pkt.B-8,Plot No.46&47,Sector 5,Rohini,New Delhi scrub sponge vijay kumar soni 911127057404 911127550227 vijaysoni8**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗|礦產冶金及有色金屬 香港特別行政區 A USA Global trading company for importing products from China selling worldwide Room 813,8/F, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road www.elite-inc-ltd.com James Valentino (+852)3007-6237 (+852)3007-8243 Elite_inc_ltd**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|工程機械|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|礦產冶金及有色金屬 敘利亞 Damascus- P.O BOX 30994 ABDULLAH KENTAR 00963-11-2233292 00963-11-2239558 akentar**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|電子電氣產品|建筑及裝飾材料|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料 敘利亞 we are company for 11 year we do general trade we are since our company do all kind of machine in the meddeleast companies syria damascus ossma 0096393225222 0096311 2321402 ritcocn**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|工程機械|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品 印度尼西亞 We are mainly import many kinds of Adult and children toothbrush for Indonesia market. We wish to have any establish toothbrush manufacturer may contact us, so as to further our details discussion. Jakarta-Indonesia Ms. NINI +62-21-55956143 +62-21-5550937 kozak2929**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|五金|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|服裝飾物與配件|紡織原料面料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具||家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|禮品及贈品|節日用品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 厄瓜多爾 Sellos Viteri has been in the ecuadorian publicity,signs billboard, leds signs, for 10 years.also we are working with les for ilumination and channel letters. Rubber stams, selfinking stamps,pre-inked stamps,laser engraving service and productos,router engraving and cutting.metal,wood and publicity products. <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/IC200704111107139985.JPG> Gonzalez Suarez 1222 y Coru Antonio Viteri 593.2.6001446 593.2.2272717 sellosviteri**[ta]**o.es

工具|男女裝|食品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料 古巴 swell.co.ltd swell 86-020-31631589 86-020-85545954 fogang1**[ta]**l.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|裘革皮羽絨及制品|家用紡織品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品 沙特阿拉伯 our company deals with the building materials products, electric and IT products,household electrical appliance, furniture, Furs, leather , down and related products and agencies. farther more we can share to establish any other business at Saudi Arabia. POBOX 225450 Riyadh 11324 (saudi arabia) shafaqian.com Ali M.M. Alshamrani 966505404105 96612096998 shamam02**[ta]**o.com

自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|食品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居裝飾品|鐵石制品|家居用品|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品 巴基斯坦 Centre Point Building Defence phase 1 KARIM (92-21)03002332643 (92-21)2224421 kariimhamid**[ta]**o.com

自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|服裝飾物與配件|紡織原料面料|食品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居裝飾品|家具|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|禮品及贈品 美國 Hi I am in the import business and looking for mens clothing, also looking for jade products as well as medicine products and equipment. I have been to the fair in 2004 and am now going to return. I have been in business for 12 years and have been pruchasing product from another company in Hawaii and now decided to get involved with the direct manufacturers. I have 56 workers and do a good business and predict that this year and coming years, my business will triple. I am franchising medical home care business and need products to sellto my franchises as a good price.17 makiki st. #1606 eddie r. akiona 001-808-330-2108 001-808-597-5889 eddieakiona**[ta]**com

五金|工程機械|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|鐵石制品|編織及藤鐵工藝品 文萊 We are established locally in Brunei for 50 years. Our business include properties, building material, general trading, and import distribution. Currently We are diversifying into new products and new business. As such we welcome any potential products for sale in Brunei. PO Box 56 BSB BS8670 David Lim 673-875-2369 673-233-8169 kianhin**[ta]**et.bn 摩托車|五金|車輛|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|家居裝飾品|家具 巴基斯坦 Octagons is one of the largest source of your needs, founded in 1998. It specializes in exporting and importing of many items specially electronics, recycling materials, scraps and general items. The company occupies two main locations one is our head quarter also called a display warehouse the other is our storage facility based on 5000 square ft in total. Octagon’s primary focus is to provide the best performing, highest quality products. Especially the IT products like new, used and refurbished computers with providing the highest level of customer’s support also .we have formed an experienced team with the spirit of quickness and reliability. Our wharehouse maintains our technical audit and refurbishing department also. All auditing, and refurbishing activities are handled by professionally trained workers. Octagons’s import products include new and used computers, flat panel lcd, Crt monitors, Casings, speakers, keyboards, bulk purchase of hard drives, optical’s and motherboards specially for refurbishing, we also deal with large quantity of scrap like copper, aluminum, iron and specially the computer scrap, our export only based on the Pakistani markets products like food, furniture, clothing and sports goods etc. By strictly in compliance with all the standards, the products have been exporting to USA and European countries. Under the tenet of Keeping Faith and Basing on Quality, we have been striving for excellent on all of our products and services to our valuable customers at home and abroad. Let’s join our hands to serve the humanity and make things better shaikhmomin100**[ta]**o.com shaikhmomin**[ta]**gons.biz <img style=float:right src=../../images/logo/L_2009081323514724.jpg> shop no f-83,regal,trade square saddar,karachi. www.octagons.biz shaikhmomin 9221-2779394 9221-2744547 shaikhmomin100**[ta]**o.com 照明產品|男女裝|紡織原料面料|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料||箱包 印度尼西亞 We are wholesaler/distributor of garment/shoes/luggage, and also operate our own retail outlets through out Indonesia. Have been importing from China Since 1997 till now, open a rep office in Guangzhou, for sourcing purpose only. Thank you Jl.Taman Cung No.11 REGULATOR,CYLINDER Iwan Basari (021)6385-0271 (021)6385-0424 iwanbasari**[ta]**o.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|家用紡織品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具|家居裝飾品|家具|鐵石制品|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|礦產冶金及有色金屬 沙特阿拉伯 1- Al-ITAHAD MODERN LAUNDRYS. 2- AL- SULTAN CONTRACTING. 3- SAUDI CRUSHERS. 4- AL-SULTAN STEELS. 5- AL-SULTAN TRANSPORTS. 6- SAUDI CARS MAINTENANCE CENTER. 7- AL-SULTAN MARBLES. 8- AL-SULTAN WOODEN DOORS. 9- AL-SULTAN DECORATION. 10- AL-SULTAN KITCHENS. AL-HASA ABDULMOHSEN 00966505916442 0096635887551 ALSULTAN.GROUP**[ta]**O.COM 裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|辦公文具||工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|餐廚用具|禮品及贈品|節日用品 美國 1713 W, Malvern Ave No: 6 Matthew H. Pour 001+(714)615-5375 001+(714)680-4267 Topkala**[ta]**com

自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|建筑及裝飾材料|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|鐘表眼鏡|礦產冶金及有色金屬 墨西哥 Trading Company started operations in 2001 in Mexico, now we have an office in USA We deal with all type of industrial goods as finished goods and components to be assembled in Mexico for the domestic market or to be exported to other countries We also specialize in the autoparts bussines, specifically in auto electric spare parts. Circunvalacion Sur 264 45070 Carlos E Flores 333 6310789 333 6310789 FloresTrade**[ta]**.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗|礦產冶金及有色金屬 香港特別行政區 8095, 8/F, East Office Tower, City Square, Jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. www.picapita.com Patrick Yeung (86-755) 2216 0616 (86-755) 2216 0854 pyeung1969**[ta]**ail.com

大型機械及設備|小型機械|自行車|摩托車|汽車配件|五金|工具|車輛|工程機械|家用電器|電子消費品|電子電氣產品|計算機及通訊產品|照明產品|建筑及裝飾材料|衛浴設備|男女裝|童裝|內衣|運動服及休閑服|裘革皮羽絨及制品|服裝飾物與配件|家用紡織品|紡織原料面料|地毯及掛毯|食品|化工產品|醫藥及保健品|醫療器械、耗材、敷料|體育及旅游休閑用品|辦公文具||箱包|工藝陶瓷|家居裝飾品|家具|鐘表眼鏡|園林用品|鐵石制品|日用陶瓷|家居用品|個人護理用具|浴室用品|編織及藤鐵工藝品|餐廚用具|玩具|禮品及贈品|節日用品|土特產品|抽紗|礦產冶金及有色金屬 美國 zippay is a large international company , establish in washingion U.S.A. ,also build up branch in HongKong and China Mainland ,now we are looking for business partner all kinds of areas . please connect us as soon as possible. washington stanley 1-786-8756314 1-786-8756314 yes.surewin**[ta]**ail.com

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