Key Projects for Foreign Investment and Cooperation in
I. Advanced Manufacturing 01. Project of High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry 02. Project 1 of Key Auto Parts 03. Project 2 of Key Auto Parts 04. Project of New Material Manufacturing Industry 05. Project of High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry at Oujiang Estuary 06. Project of New Energy and New Material Industry at Oujiang Estuary 二、現代農業招商引資項目
II. Modern Agriculture 07. Binhai Modern Farm in Rui’an 08. Binhai Leisure Agriculture Sightseeing Park in Binhai New Area 09. Gaoli Modern Metropolis Agricultural Park in Xiaojiang 三、現代商貿招商引資項目
III. Modern Business 10. ‘Niushan International’ Urban Complex 11. Kangle Fashion Park 12. Phase II of Jingshan Commercial Plaza 13. Damen Port Logistics Park 14. E-commerce City at Southern Zhuangyuan 15. Warehouse Logistics Project 16. E-commerce Industrial Park at Oujiang Estuary 17. Fashionable Home Furnishing Mall at Oujiang Estuary 18. Outlets Commercial Plaza at Oujiang Estuary 19. Science and Technology Innovation Park at Oujiang Estuary 20. Headquarter Economy Park at Oujiang Estuary 21. Logistics & Warehousing Garden of Burgeoning Industrial Park in Binhai New Area 22. Modern Communication and Transportation Logistics Park at Liubai New Town 23. Port Logistics Park at Yueqing Bay 24. Logistics Center at Western Longgang Town 四、健康養老招商引資項目
IV. Healthcare and Endowment 25. Hospital of Lucheng Light Industry Park 26. Social Welfare Center at the Centre of Longwan 27. High-end Integrated Pension Project at Oujiang Estuary 28. Mayu Resort Endowment Center 29. New Project of Binhai Hospital in Binhai New Area 30. Phase II of the People’s Hospital of Cangnan County 31. Endowment Center at Longgang New Town 32. Juyu Shazhou Wellness and Endowment Project 五、旅游經濟招商引資項目
V. Tourism Economy 33. Longwan Baishui Holiday Ho*** 34. Shizi’ao Wellness and Recuperating
招商項目編號:01 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:先進制造 溫州經濟技術開發區 高端裝備制造產業項目 2、招商項目概況:選址溫州經濟技術開發區金海園區D-14h地塊。地處萬噸級碼頭、龍灣國際機場和甬臺溫鐵路及環溫高速復線等海陸空交通樞紐中心。儲備用地,可推出招拍掛。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:溫州經濟技術開發區于1992年經國務院批準成立,區域總面積達263平方公里。該項目擬用地86畝,建設期2.5年,要求固定資產投資達到300萬元/畝,項目達產后每畝產值達到1000萬元以上,每畝稅收40萬元以上。4、投資項目概算:總投資3億元,固定資產投資2.6億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:投產后銷售收入達到8.6億元,稅收3450萬元。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:溫州經開區商務局 招商引資聯系人:陳海鷗 鄭長華 招商引資電話:0577-8690*** 招商引資電話:0577-8699*** 招商引資傳真:0577-8690*** 招商引資郵箱:30082375**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:溫州經開區濱海園區明珠路管委會辦公樓1222室
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Advanced Manufacturing, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Project of High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry 2. Project Abstract:The D-14h parcel at Jinhai Park of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone was selected, which is located at the 104-ton dock as well as the three-dimensional transportation hub (covering Longwan International Airport, Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway and double track high speed railway surrounding Wenzhou). As a reserved land, it is available for bid, auction and listing. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, having its establishment approved by the State Council in 1992, covers a total area of 263 square kilometers. This project intends to use 86 mu of lands with construction period of 2.5 years. The fixed asset investment required shall reach 3 million Yuan per mu. After this project reaches its designed capacity, the output value per mu shall be 10 million Yuan or more and the tax revenue per mu shall be 400,000 Yuan or more. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 300 million Yuan, among which the fixed asset investment occupies 260 million Yuan. 5. Ways of Cooperation:Sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:The sales revenue shall reach 860 million Yuan after it goes into production, and the tax revenue 34.5 million Yuan. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Bureau of Commerce of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone Contacts:Chen Hai’ou, Zheng Changhua Telephone:0577-8690*** Telephone:0577-8699*** Fax:0577-8690*** E-mail:30082375**[ta]**com Address:Room 1222, Office Building of Management Committee, Mingzhu Road, Binhai Park, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone
招商項目編號:02 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:先進制造 溫州經濟技術開發區 汽車關鍵零部件產業項目1 2、招商項目概況:選址溫州經濟技術開發區金海園區D-22-7地塊。地處萬噸級碼頭、龍灣國際機場和甬臺溫鐵路及環溫高速復線等海陸空交通樞紐中心。儲備用地,可推出招拍掛。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:溫州經濟技術開發區于1992年經國務院批準成立,區域總面積達263平方公里。該項目擬用地30畝,建設期2年,要求固定資產投資達到300萬元/畝,項目達產后每畝產值達到1000萬元以上,每畝稅收40萬元以上。4、投資項目概算:總投資1.2億元,固定資產投資9000萬元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:投產后銷售收入達到3億元,稅收1200萬元。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:溫州經開區商務局 招商引資聯系人:陳海鷗 鄭長華 招商引資電話:0577-8690*** 招商引資電話:0577-8699*** 招商引資傳真:0577-8690*** 招商引資郵箱:30082375**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:溫州經開區濱海園區明珠路管委會辦公樓1222室
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Advanced Manufacturing, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Project 01 of Key Auto Parts 2. Project Abstract:The D-22-7 parcel at Jinhai Park of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone was selected, which is located at the 104-ton dock as well as the three-dimensional transportation hub (covering Longwan International Airport, Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway and double track high speed railway surrounding Wenzhou). As a reserved land, it is available for bid, auction and listing. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, having its establishment approved by the State Council in 1992, covers a total area of 263 square kilometers. This project intends to use 30 mu of lands with construction period of 2 years. The fixed asset investment required shall reach 3 million Yuan per mu. After this project reaches its designed capacity, the output value per mu shall be 10 million Yuan or more and the tax revenue per mu shall be 400,000 Yuan or more. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 120 million Yuan, among which the fixed asset investment occupies 90 million Yuan. 5. Ways of Cooperation:Sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:The sales revenue shall reach 300 million Yuan after it goes into production, and the tax revenue 12 million Yuan. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Bureau of Commerce of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone Contacts:Chen Hai’ou, Zheng Changhua Telephone:0577-8690*** Telephone:0577-8699*** Fax:0577-8690*** E-mail:30082375**[ta]**com Address:Room 1222, Office Building of Management Committee, Mingzhu Road, Binhai Park, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone
招商項目編號:03 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱 先進制造 溫州經濟技術開發區 汽車關鍵零部件產業項目2 2、招商項目概況:選址溫州經濟技術開發區金海園區D-21d-3地塊。地處萬噸級碼頭、龍灣國際機場和甬臺溫鐵路及環溫高速復線等海陸空交通樞紐中心。儲備用地,可推出招拍掛。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:溫州經濟技術開發區于1992年經國務院批準成立,區域總面積達263平方公里。該項目擬用地49畝,建設期2年,要求固定資產投資達到300萬元/畝,項目達產后每畝產值達到1000萬元以上,每畝稅收40萬元以上。4、投資項目概算:總投資1.8億元,固定資產投資1.5億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:投產后銷售收入達到5億元,稅收2000萬元。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:溫州經開區商務局 招商引資聯系人:陳海鷗 鄭長華 招商引資電話:0577-8690*** 招商引資電話:0577-8699*** 招商引資傳真:0577-8690*** 招商引資郵箱:30082375**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:溫州經開區濱海園區明珠路管委會辦公樓1222室
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Advanced Manufacturing, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Project 02 of Key Auto Parts 2. Project Abstract:The D-21d-3 parcel at Jinhai Park of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone was selected, which is located at the 104-ton dock as well as the three-dimensional transportation hub (covering Longwan International Airport, Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway and double track high speed railway surrounding Wenzhou). As a reserved land, it is available for bid, auction and listing. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, having its establishment approved by the State Council in 1992, covers a total area of 263 square kilometers. This project intends to use 49 mu of lands with construction period lasting 2 years. The fixed asset investment required shall reach 3 million Yuan per mu. After this project reaches its designed capacity, the output value per mu shall be 10 million Yuan or more and the tax revenue per mu shall be 400,000 Yuan or more. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 180 million Yuan, among which the fixed asset investment occupies 150 million Yuan. 5. Ways of Cooperation:Sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:The sales revenue shall reach 500 million Yuan after it goes into production, and the tax revenue 20 million Yuan. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Bureau of Commerce of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone Contacts:Chen Hai’ou, Zheng Changhua Telephone:0577-8690*** Telephone:0577-8699*** Fax:0577-8690*** E-mail:30082375**[ta]**com Address:Room 1222, Office Building of Management Committee, Mingzhu Road, Binhai Park, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone
招商項目編號:04 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:先進制造 溫州經濟技術開發區 新材料制造業項目 2、招商項目概況:選址溫州經濟技術開發區金海園區D-17b-2地塊。地處萬噸級碼頭、龍灣國際機場和甬臺溫鐵路及環溫高速復線等海陸空交通樞紐中心。儲備用地,可推出招拍掛。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:溫州經濟技術開發區于1992年經國務院批準成立,區域總面積達263平方公里。該項目擬用地60畝,建設期2.5年,要求固定資產投資達到300萬元/畝,項目達產后每畝產值達到1000萬元以上,每畝稅收40萬元以上。4、投資項目概算:總投資2.3億元,固定資產投資1.8億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:投產后銷售收入達到6億元,稅收2400萬元。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:溫州經開區商務局 招商引資聯系人:陳海鷗 鄭長華 招商引資電話:0577-8690*** 招商引資電話:0577-8699*** 招商引資傳真:0577-8690*** 招商引資郵箱:30082375**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:溫州經開區濱海園區明珠路管委會辦公樓1222室
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Advanced Manufacturing, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Project of New Material Manufacturing Industry 2. Project Abstract:The D-17b-2 parcel at Jinhai Park of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone was selected, which is located at the 104-ton dock as well as the three-dimensional transportation hub (covering Longwan International Airport, Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway and double track high speed railway surrounding Wenzhou). As a reserved land, it is available for bid, auction and listing. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, having its establishment approved by the State Council in 1992, covers a total area of 263 square kilometers. This project intends to use 60 mu of lands with construction period lasting 2.5 years. The fixed asset investment required shall reach 3 million Yuan per mu. After this project reaches its designed capacity, the output value per mu shall be 10 million Yuan or more and the tax revenue per mu shall be 400,000 Yuan or more. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 230 million Yuan, among which the fixed asset investment occupies 180 million Yuan. 5. Ways of Cooperation:Sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:The sales revenue shall reach 600 million Yuan after it goes into production, and the tax revenue 24 million Yuan. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Bureau of Commerce of Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone Contacts:Chen Hai’ou, Zheng Changhua Telephone:0577-8690*** Telephone:0577-8699*** Fax:0577-8690*** E-mail:30082375**[ta]**com Address:Room 1222, Office Building of Management Committee, Mingzhu Road, Binhai Park, Wenzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone
招商項目編號:05 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:先進制造 甌江口產業集聚區 甌江口高端裝備制造項目 2、招商項目概況:選址甌江口產業集聚區一期,主要建設研發化驗中心、生產車間、倉儲基地、綜合辦公樓等。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:擬用地80畝,目前土地指標已落實,已完成“三通一平”基礎設施建設。4、投資項目總額:2億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:預計投資回報率15%,投資回收期6年。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:溫州甌江口產業集聚區招商局 招商引資聯系人:金燕、戈劍峰 招商引資電話:0577-55875*** 招商引資傳真:0577-5587*** 招商引資郵箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引資地址:溫州甌江口產業集聚區便民服務中心4樓423室。
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Advanced Manufacturing, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Project of High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry at Oujiang Estuary 2. Project Abstract:Phase I of Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster was selected to construct R&D laboratory center, manufacturing shop, warehousing base, comprehensive office building and etc. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:This project intends to use 80 mu of lands. At present, the land index has been implemented, and the construction of “three supplies and one leveling” infrastructure has been fundamentally completed. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 200 million Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of Cooperation:Sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:It is expected that the ROI shall be 15% with ROI period as 6 years. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Wenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster Contacts:Jin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone:0577-5587*** Fax:0577-5587*** E-mail:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com Address:Room 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou
招商項目編號:06 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:先進制造 甌江口產業集聚區 甌江口新能源、新材料產業項目 2、招商項目概況:選址甌江口產業集聚區一期,主要建設研發化驗中心、生產車間、倉儲基地、綜合辦公樓等。重點發展與太陽能、地熱能、風能、海洋能、生物質能和核聚變能及新型金屬、新型建材、新型陶瓷、電子信息、儲能材料等領域相關的系列產業。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:擬用地60畝,目前土地指標已落實,已完成“三通一平”基礎設施建設。4、投資項目總額:2億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:預計投資回報率25%,投資回收期6年。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:溫州甌江口產業集聚區招商局 招商引資聯系人:金燕、戈劍峰 招商引資電話:0577-5587*** 招商引資傳真:0577-5587*** 招商引資郵箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引資地址:溫州甌江口產業集聚區便民服務中心4樓423室。
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Advanced Manufacturing, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Project of New Energy and New Material Industry at Oujiang Estuary 2. Project Abstract:Phase I of Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster was selected to construct R&D laboratory center, manufacturing shop, warehousing base, comprehensive office building and etc. Development priorities are given to industries in such fields as solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, ocean energy, biomass energy, nuclear fusion energy, new metals, new building materials, new ceramics, electronic information and energy storage materials. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:This project intends to use 60 mu of lands. At present, the land index has been implemented, and the construction of “three supplies and one leveling” infrastructure has been fundamentally completed. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 200 million Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of Cooperation:Sole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:It is expected that the ROI shall be 25% with ROI period as 6 years. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Wenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster Contacts:Jin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone:0577-5587*** Fax:0577-5587*** E-mail:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com Address:Room 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou
招商項目編號:07 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:現代農業 瑞安市 瑞安濱海現代農莊 2、招商項目概況:選址甌飛起步區。項目所在區塊已完成控制性詳細規劃和城市設計,周邊配套已完成圍埝一期、丁緯一路(聽潮路)路基、濱海公園吹砂造型和局部綠化建設。項目部分用地已通過填海驗收,可辦理相關供地手續。3、招商項目規模、建設條件與招商引資優勢:用地面積約1100畝。項目以現代農業科技為依靠,引進先進的管理模式和生產設施,發展以花卉、苗圃、有機蔬菜等主題板塊,融體驗、休閑、娛樂、旅游于一體的現代農莊。4、投資項目概算:總投資1億元。5、投資項目合作方式:出租 6、需外方投資構成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:系農業開發、休閑觀光、農事體驗相結合的項目,配套設施相對完善,經營收入來源為住宿、餐飲、娛樂、購物、交通等。二、投資機構聯系方式: 項目招商機構:瑞安甌飛辦公室 招商引資聯系人:謝茜茜 招商引資電話:0577-6681*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6681*** 招商引資地址:瑞安市濱江大道368號氣象防汛大樓16樓
Project No*** Ⅰ. Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and Name:Modern Agriculture, Rui’an City, Binhai Modern Farm in Rui’an 2. Project Abstract:Oufei Staring Area was selected. The block where this project is located has performed regulatory detailed planning and urban design, while the peripheral supporting has completed the Phase I of reclamation dam, roadbed of First Dingwei Road (Tingchao Road), grit blasting of Binhai Garden and construction of local greening. Some lands for this project have passed the acceptance of land reclamation, and are available to go through relevant formalities for land supply. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and Advantages:This project intends to use 1100 mu of lands. Based on the modern agricultural science and technology, this project is dedicated to introducing advanced management mode and production facilities, developing those plates themed by flowers, nursery and organic vegetable, and creating a modern farm integrating experience, leisure, entertainment and tourism. 4. Budgetary Estimate:The total investment shall be 100 million Yuan. 5. Ways of Cooperation:Leasing 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment:25% at least 7. Benefit Analysis:This project manages to combine agricultural development, leisure sightseeing and farming experience, and have supporting facilities relatively perfect. The operating income comes from accommodation, catering, entertainment, shopping and transportation. Ⅱ. Project Contact Contact Department:Rui’an Oufei Office Contacts:Xie Qianqian Telephone:0577-6681*** Fax:0577-6681*** Address:Floor 16, Weather and Flood Prevention Building, No. 368 Binjiang Avenue, Rui’an City