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Matrix APA (UK) Limited

is aproduct design and procurement partner specialisingin sourcing high quality promotional products, consumer gifts andhealth and beauty products from socially and ethically responsible suppliersin the Far East. They began tradingin 2006. They have created over15,000 bestselling products for retailers such as John Lewis, BBC, British Airways and Oxfam. The company offers amore rigorous approach than a‘box ticking audit approach’ to social/ethical compliance. The company is making aconsiderable contribution to the social dimension of sustainabledevelopment by improving pay and conditions for thousands of workers at its supplier factories. The company is also introducing environmentalmanagement systems into anumber of the factories it works with. akey focus for the company is communicating sustainability to its suppliers.

The company is also involvedin the development of anti-slavery legislation as well asin sharing best practice with othersin the industry.

Premier Moves Ltd(t/a Premier Workplace Services) -Premier Sustain Division

Premier House

1 Ardra Road N9 0BD



Managing Director: Mr Jerry Marks

Press Contact: Ann Beavis

Tel: +44(0)7949 05***

Email: ann.beavis**[ta]**ierworkplaceservices.co.uk


Premier Moves Limited(t/a Premier Workplace Services) is acommercial relocation company which has been trading since 1***

The award relates to its service ‘The Renew Centre’ run by the Premier Sustain Division of the company, set upin 2011. After becomingaware of the large amount of office furniture being sent to landfill, the company responded by developing the Renew Centre which offersa range of services including altering office desks; refurbishing desk screens; repairing and reupholstering office chairs; reconfiguringstorage units; and producing furniture from off-cuts. The service has particularly strong benefitsin relation to the environmental dimension of sustainable development, diverting significant amounts of waste from landfill. The initiative has also yielded social benefits, throughdonations of refurbished furniture, and has helped clients save money. The company shows leadershipin this field and is engaging with many others to raise awareness. This is the first time the company has received this award.in strict confidence 21 April 2016 37the British Land Company PLC

York House

45 Seymour StreetW1H 7LX



Chief Executive: Mr Chris Grigg

Press Contact: Pip Wood

Tel: +44(0)20 7467 ***

Email: Pip.Wood**[ta]**ishland.com


The British Land Company PLC is one of Europe’s leading real estate companies with aUK property portfolio, owned or managed of £19.7billion. It provides retail and mixed use office and residential developments. astated aim is to ‘create Places People Prefer, places wherepeople want to work, shop and live’. The approach of continuous improvement, andin particular its focus on green building, transparentreporting, community and supply chain engagement demonstrate that it is asustainability leader. Environmental activities include energy andwaste reduction, use of recycled and sustainable materials and renewable energy generation. The company looks to leverage its influenceand impact through its supply chainin order to deliver efficient designs, enhance biodiversity, address local community needs, developskills and opportunities, and improve site management. It demonstrates strong internal and external sustainable development leadership,including ahigh level sustainability committee and senior staff have remuneration incentives linked to sustainability performance. This is thefirst time the company has received this award.

The Fairtrade Foundation

Ibex House

42-47 Minories




Chief Executive: Mr Michael Gidney

Press Contact: Susannah Henty, Media and PR Manager

Tel: +44 (0)20 7440 ***

Email: susannah.henty**[ta]**trade.org.uk


The FAIRTRADE Foundation is anon-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on productsin the UK according to internationally agreed standards. The Mark currently appears on awide range of products. The Foundation beganin 1992 and works with farmers,workers and their familiesin 74 developing countries, with more than 1.5 million producers benefitting from sales on FAIRTRADE terms. Its workdemonstrates exemplary performancein promoting ethical business and promoting sustainable development bothin the UK and contributing to sustainable developmentin poorer countries. It is aprevious award winnerin this category, and demonstrates continued innovation and astrategic

approach to further improving its performance. The company demonstrates how its activities make significant positive contributions to all thedimensions of sustainable development. The FAIRTRADE standards require environmentally sound practices. The FAIRTRADE Mark also deliverssignificant social benefits to local producers and workers, and supports empowerment of farmers and workers.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Katherine Welch

108 Kingsmere




Press Contact: Kate Welch

Tel: +44(0)1913 86***

Tel: +44(0)7809 33***

Email: Kate.welch**[ta]**alenterpriseacumen.co.uk


Katherine Welch is aserial social entrepreneur who is now working full timein Social Enterprise Acumen CIC, which she founded in2012, to achieve her vision of creating enterprising communitiesin North East England. The Social Enterprise Acumen CIC modelprovides support to early stage social entrepreneurs, supports existing organisations to be more socially enterprising and, also helpsimprove the ecosystem of supportin the region. Kate is passionate about creating an ecosystemin which social entrepreneurs andsocial enterprises can thrive and, has been supporting social enterprisein many ways for many years, both on avoluntary and paidbasis. She is avolunteer director on anumber of boards and mentors anumber of individuals. Kate was awarded an OBEin 2008 fo rservices to social enterprisein North East England.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Integrated Display Systems Ltd

Maurice Road Wallsend

Tyne & Wear

NE28 6BY


Managing Director: Dr Patricia Smith

Press Contact: Dr Patricia Smith

Tel: +44(0)1912 62***

Email: DrPMRSmith**[ta]**com


Integrated Display Systems Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for their clamp release tool usedin automotive manufacture. The company started tradingin 1979 and has won two previous Queen’s Awardsin International Trade (2012, 2014). The innovation uses sensorscommonly foundin mobile phones to track the motion signature of the tool. Closure of the clamp is detected by the specific motion leadingup to release and the characteristic vibration associated with release. The unique signature differentiates between other actions such asknocking the tool against other parts of the engine as it is being positioned. The clamps are usedin the industry to provide seals on fluidtransfer hoses and any clamps left open can lead to fluid loss and consequent expensive warranty claims.

Walker Filtration Limited

Birtley Road Washington

NE38 9DA



Group Managing Director: Mrs Lianne Walker MBE

Press Contact: Gabrielle Mason

Tel: +44(0)191 417***

Email: gabrielle.mason**[ta]**erfiltration.com


Multi-award winning , Walker Filtration Ltd

wins afifth Queens Award - this time for Innovation, after developing aunique range of air/oil

separators for usein oil flooded rotary vane pumps. The need for innovation was identified internationally and Walker Filtration took aboldstep to enter anew sector. With significant investmentin R&D, new product development and rigorous testing programmes progressedstandard filtration to anew market levels. New superior performing technology was developed and extensive field testing convincedcustomers of product reliability.

Walker Filtration Ltd.

establishedin 1983, made anumber of changes to filter components, includingworking with fibre media suppliers to optimise the balance between filtration and performance. Mechanisms to improve oil removal efficiency and increase resistance to the aggressive environments the filters operatein were also developed. Walker Filtration designs, manufacturesand exports awide range of high efficiency filtration and drying solutions for compressed air, gas and vacuum, suitable for awide range of industrial applications.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

GT Culpitt & Sons Ltd t/a Culpitt Ltd & Sugarfayre Ltd

Jubilee Industrial Estate Ashington


NE63 8UQ



Immediate Parent: GT Culpitt & Sons (Holdings)

Managing Director: Mr Tom Wylie

Press Contact: Tom Wylie

Tel: +44(0)1670 81***

Email: tom.wylie**[ta]**itt.com


GT Culpitt and Sons Ltd t/a Culpitt Ltdand Sugarfayre Ltd

is asubstantial local employer with 230 staff and wins the Queen’s Award fo rInternational Trade for outstanding growthin international sales over the last three years. Establishedin 1931, the company is aleadingmanufacturer and supplier of bespoke edible cake decorations to all major bakeries and previously won this awardin 2012. During thethree-year period of the Award, there was almost 40% increasein overseas sales and the company investedin the development of themanufacturing facility to help serve better the US market and to improve efficiency. Staff were also recruited and skills developedin foodtechnology, export administration, technical support and sales to support the export operation. With the European strategy working well adifferent approach was adopted to suit the US market that increased footfallin stores and raised awareness to new distributers. As aresulttheir US market almost quadrupledin the period.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Alpha Biolaboratories Legal Ltd t/a AlphaBiolabs

14 Webster Court

Carina ParkWarrington





Managing Director: Rachel Davenport

Press Contact: Rachel Davenport

Tel: +44(0)8455 05***

Email: rdavenport**[ta]**abiolabs.com


Alpha Biolaboratories International Ltd t/a AlphaBiolabs wins their first Queens Award for Innovation. AlphaBiolabs started tradingin 2012 and is an accredited DNA Paternity, Drug and Alcohol Testing Laboratory, which provides testing to the legal profession,corporations and members of the public. The awarded innovation is anew laboratory process which dramatically reduces the cost andtime of DNA analysis. The key technical advantage of the process is that AlphaBiolabs does not need to extract DNA and can movedirectly to the amplification step. The results can be used as alegally defensible test or atestf or information purposes only. Providingnext-day, legally-submissible DNA testing information ensures that the service can meet strict court deadlines and has contributed to growthin both sales and staff numbers for the company.

Aqua Fabrications Ltd

Belmont House

Garnett Place






Managing Director: Lynda Smith

Press Contact: Stuart Smith

Tel: +44(0)169 55***

Email: stuart**[ta]**fab.co.uk


Aqua Fabrications Ltd

receive an innovation award for their innovationin rail drainage systems. The Derby glass reinforced plastic produce replaces aprevious product manufacturedin concrete. The product is amodular ring construction to line acatch pit, which ispart of the drainage system on the railway. The new material and design reduce the weight of the component from 74kg to 16kg. Thisweight reduction has asignificant effect on reducing the risk of injuries due to manual handling when the product is being installed. Thereis also the benefit of reducing the time and staffing requirementf or installation. Additional benefits have been the increased efficienciesin manufacture, improved performance and reduced damagein transit and handling. The company was establishedin 1988 and theinnovation has contributed to its growth over the last two years.

Communications Plus Ltd t/a O2 Comms House

167a Ormskirk Road Rainford


WA11 8HR


Employees: ***

Managing Director: Mr Steve Roberts

Press Contact: Rachael Parry-Jones

Tel: +44(0)1744 41***

Email: rachael.parry-jones**[ta]**splusltd.com


Communications Plus Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for developing asales process, ENERGISE, an eight stage framework that drives allactivity within the business. Communications Plus Ltd

operates as an O2 sales franchise that was establishedin 2006 and has grown to 16 store outlets today. The framework was developed to address customer dissatisfaction with existing selling techniques and approaches.

Communications Plus Ltd

realised that 60% of people coming into astore are relatively clear about what they want but need some furtheradvice and reassurance. ENERGISE focuses on this to ensure asale is made. The ENERGISE framework allows Communications Plus Ltd

to compete with online sales and to ensure their customers are receiving value for money.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

G and B North West Ltd

Giants Hall Farm

Willow Road Beech Hill


Greater Manchester




Managing Director: Mr Roger Gill

Press Contact: Belinda Harris-Grave

Tel: +44(0)1942 51***

Email: belinda**[ta]**bnw.co.uk


G and B North West Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for its Glass Reinforced Polyester(GRP) roofing system, Cure It. The company translated technology foundin mould making and boat building and adapted it into ahigh performance GRP roofing system. Cure Itreplaces the traditional bitumen systems and can be installed by any competent tradesperson with minimal training. Cure It breaks

down the components of aroof into user-friendly parts of complimentary sizes that allow complexityin acompact form. For the industry it provides versatile roofing options and removes the need for hot works liability insurance required for bitumen roofs. The applicant(establishedin 1984) has also innovated its business model by streamlining communications between departments, reviewing the entire product cycle and expanding an after sales support team.

Home Instead Senior careWalnut Tree Business CentreWalnut Tree Farm

Lower Stretton




Founder and CEO: Mr Trevor Brocklebank

Press Contact: Michelle Begley

Tel: +44(0)1925 73***

Email: michelle.begley**[ta]**instead.co.uk


Home Instead Senior Care wins an Innovation Award for introducing anew privately-funded home-based social care model to the ***

This addresses agrowing demand from an increasing elderly population at atime when aspects of Local Authority funded care arereported as inadequate. Home Instead Senior Care is afranchise operation focusing on care of the elderly and is privately funded by therecipients of care. The innovative aspect is the type of care given, which includes the social well-being of the person. To enable this, theminimum visit is one hour, normally with the same care giver, who is chosen for the client based on shared interests. The service includeslight housework, accompanying clients to social activities and medical appointments. This differentiates the service from care providedby Local Authorities where pressure of funding has led to short visits focussed on specific tasks. The applicant started tradingin 2***

This is its first Queen’s Award.

Inciner8 Limited

Canning Road Industrial Estate Southport




Immediate Parent: Inciner8 Holdings Limited,Chairman and

Founder: Mr Vincent Ferguson

Press Contact: Tony Dodson

Tel: +44(0)1704 88***

Email: tony**[ta]**ner8.com


Inciner8 Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for its containerised incinerator with awaste to energy capability. Inciner8 Ltd(established in2003) has adapted its standard container-based incinerator to use the waste energy produced to provide heat and hot waterin campsformedin response to natural disasters, disease outbreaks or conflict. To capture and convert waste to heat the incinerators use atwostage process to burn waste efficiently and then captures part of the energy with aheat exchanger. This can then be used to heat water.in camps with large numbers of people livingin close proximity, sanitation and hygiene is akey issue and hot water is ahigh priority. Thecompany identified that fuel is arare resource and waste management an issuein these camps and adapted their technology to meetthese needs. One of only six double winners for the Queen’s Awards this year.in strict confidence 21 April 2016**

Mettler Toledo Safeline Limited

Montford StreetSalford

M50 2XD



Immediate Parent: Mettler Toledo Group, Switzerland

Managing Director: Mr Alan Purvis

Press Contact: Jonathan Richards

Tel: +44(0)161 875***

Email: jonathan.richards**[ta]**om


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